Plantation Lullabies by afroerotik

Plantation Lullabies by afroerotik <br/> What would make a person spend $20,000 on a week-long session with a pro-domme? Believe it or not, Mistress Emmanuelle, the Black Dominatrix who arrogantly charged the exorbitant fee, was booked solid for eight months in advance with her popularity growing by word of mouth alone. Charles Trenton was intrigued … Read more


House slave on the Hopkins Plantation #4 by johncrinshaw1

A literotic sexstories: House slave on the Hopkins Plantation #4 by johncrinshaw1 , he reaches out lighting fast and grabs the closest and darkest slave by her wrist, pulls her onto his lap and begins to roughly maul her little breasts like a rabid beast. Her face says it all, and the debauchery begins. The … Read more