Gentle Baby Girl by GoatRavisher

I arrange for a concubine while on an extended business trip in Eastern Europe I handed the man a thick envelope of money. At this level it would have been rude to count it but it was a lot of money, a price we had agreed upon. “Very good sir. At this price she can


Fantasy Ch. 01 by steve_dench,steve_dench

I imagine I am not alone in having fantasies, mine usually involve my wife of twenty years being exposed to other men. Often in my fantasies she is unaware that someone can see her, sometimes she is willingly being exposed by being topless on a beach, other times she is exposed because it is at … Read more


A Full Service Maid or Two Ch. 02? by whiterabbit0117,whiterabbit0117

A Full Service Maid or 2 ch 2 Note: Chapter 2 makes more sense if you have read Chapter 1 All of my other three series have had plot hitches that I’m working out after recovering from the worst illness (non-covid thankfully) in twenty years. Look for chapters from: The Penthouse, Susan Finds a Dom, … Read more