The Counselor by Luscious Lips

“Okay, that’s enough about your grades,” Virna Finch, said while placing Betsy King’s file down on her desk, “so, now let’s discuss your personal life.” “Ma’am?” Betsy asked her guidance counselor. “You know, dear, about your relationships with boys.” “Uh, I’m not sure exactly what you mean……,” the red face senior replied nervously. “Just what

Love at first sight…. For one by Loverbr

Love at first sight… . For one by Loverbr This story contains themes that may be offensive to some, please do not read if you do not like the themes listed above! Also I am aware that this story probably contains typos and grammar errors, Thank you. , Luke lived in a small town in … Read more

Neighbour asks a special favour by Tom_Thumb

A literotic sexstories: Neighbour asks a special favour by Tom_Thumb , Tom’s opposite neighbour Susie introduces herself and asks him a special favour- one that he is more than happy to help with. It was another sweltering hot day as it had been for a few weeks, a Saturday afternoon and I’d been out tanning … Read more