Family Business, Mom’s Orgasm

An adult stories – Family Business, Mom’s Orgasm by HeyAll,HeyAll ~~~ The Son ~~~My inbox is filled with spam, four messages from unknown senders with weird subject lines. It’s 7:43 a.m. and my roommate has already left for class and I’m alone in the dorm. Marking spam is super easy, but the subject lines catch … Read more

The Emperor's Concubine by Ajars

Introduction: Had fun with this one. Enjoy. , The guards want me, the Emperor owns me. Women dislike me, the Queen despises me. Little does she know I don’t want her rancid husband. Little does she know I’m planning his death. Everyday, since I was a girl, I am bathed in honey milk, fucked until … Read more

A Strange Affair

An adult stories – A Strange Affair by TomWill191,TomWill191 The Party She stood in front of the mirror smoothing down the front of her skirt with her hands. “Do you think it’ll be alright to wear this?” she called out to her husband. He wandered in from the other room and leaned against the door, … Read more