Cougar House Ep. 063: Dark Chocolate by SZENSEI

“There’s our man!” Waitress Nikki N’Dolla heard her near twin sister Kwikki as she peered out the front window of Hilltop restaurant. Outside parking was their white boy stud crush Cabot Ross. Getting out of his car he seemed… different. Swagger even! More confident in his demeanor and stride! Nikki joining her sister in the


Sadie Outlaw Ep. 023: COPPERHEAD ROAD by SZENSEI

“Damn it’s hot today and it’s only first light.” Sadie Outlaw wasted her water trying to cool her flesh. Those nanites injected into her bloodstream and literally expanding to every pore of her body were supposed to have air conditioning units in them weren’t they. Her thoughts on that had her smirking. Short lived once


Starting from Scratch Ep. 151: FOLLOW the LITER by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

Fanning herself after her interlude with Roger Dundee on the floor of his classroom, Piper Cherry returned to her cubicle office to relax a bit. Kicking off her yellow pumps she sat in her swivel chair rubbing her feet together and deciding now might be a good time to sort through student files to learn … Read more


Midnight Ch. 16: TRIbAL by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

(This series is a collaboration with my good friend Sanchez. His ideas, I ran with it. We will see how it evolves. He has a sound concept, and characters, I’m primarily piecing it all together and seeing how it plays out. We hope you enjoy our efforts.) ____________________________________________________________ MIDNIGHT Chapter 16: TRIbAL “Santee Rez in … Read more


Starting from Scratch Ep. 138: HEARTY BOYS by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

“They love me, they love me not, they love me… of course they love me, I’m sexy as heck.” Dakota McKellen found herself in the girl’s restroom checking out all of the tiny hearts she had let boys in her science class draw on her. In awe that she allowed it, let alone encouraged it … Read more


Starting from Scratch Ep. 141: MOTHERFUCKERS by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

“KNOX? How did you get inside my house?” “What good is locking your downstairs doors if your pervert son leaves his balcony door open?” Knox Hardecker smirked at Kelly Herbert as she stood naked in her doorway. Having just walked in from the most incredible experience she had ever had with Mace Belmont. Thinking herself … Read more


Midnight Ep. 042: TOMahawk by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

(This series is a collaboration with my good friend Sanchez. His ideas, I ran with it. We will see how it evolves. He has a sound concept, and characters, I’m primarily piecing it all together and seeing how it plays out. We hope you enjoy our efforts.) _____________________________________________________ MIDNIGHT Ep. 42: TOMahawk _______________________________ Lillian Dawn … Read more


Starting from Scratch Ep. 158: WHIRLWIND roMAnCE by SZENSEI

Starting from Scratch Ep. 158: WHIRLWIND roMAnCE by SZENSEI.., “Right on time.” Roman Crandell pulled up to the St. Mary’s church parking lot to meet an awaiting Josie McKellen. Ordinarily this was her night to teach classes at the local community college, but plans had changed. Promising Josie that he would keep his word at … Read more


Starting from Scratch Ep. 156: HIGH ON THE HOG by SZENSEI

Starting from Scratch Ep. 156: HIGH ON THE HOG by SZENSEI.., On her way in dropping the three boys Zach, Steve, and Joe off at home Piper found it interesting. Topless since leaving school they had behaved and called her cool as hell, but in all reality, Piper Cherry was being ignorant. Free spirit sure, … Read more


Midnight Ch. 22: REIgN by SZENSEI

Midnight Ch. 22: REIgN by SZENSEI.., (This series is a collaboration with my good friend Sanchez. His ideas, I ran with it. We will see how it evolves. He has a sound concept, and characters, I’m primarily piecing it all together and seeing how it plays out. We hope you enjoy our efforts.) _______________________________________________________________ MIDNIGHT … Read more