Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

Sarah groaned as she turned over in bed. Dan’s snoring was waking her up. She closed her eyes again and revelled in the warmth of Dan’s body next to hers. His arm was draped over her, holding her closely. Protecting her. Not wanting to let her go. She loved the way his naked body felt


Toxic Attraction Ch. 11

An adult stories – Toxic Attraction Ch. 11 by DonSilver,DonSilver Dan groaned as he rolled over and reached for his phone from the nightstand. Blinking his eyes, he tried to focus on the time displayed on the screen. He felt Sarah’s warmth as she stirred next to him. Looking up at the familiar ceiling above … Read more


Toxic Attraction Ch. 10

An adult stories – Toxic Attraction Ch. 10 by DonSilver,DonSilver It felt like it had been hours since the impromptu Saturday morning company meeting ended. Dan just sat there in his apartment kitchen, dazed, staring at the black computer screen. It had long since powered down due to inactivity. No matter how many times Dan … Read more


Toxic Attraction Ch. 05

An adult stories – Toxic Attraction Ch. 05 by DonSilver,DonSilver Taking time to just sit and relax was something that Sarah tried to schedule for herself as often as possible. Having completed all the chores and errands the previous day, Sarah now had the luxury to enjoy a quiet afternoon by herself and read the … Read more