Dawn’s Weekend of Torment Part 1 by Big Diaz

Dave took it all in. “Just as pretty as I remember, whore. I love the rack. You have one of the best I have ever seen. I see your bruises healed well too. Good. That means more fun later. Now turn around and face your boyfriend.”

She did. As soon as that happened, Dave took her arms and pulled them behind her. Moving quickly, he snapped the handcuffs on her wrists, pinning her arms in place.

Dawn started to go off. “Hey! Asshole! Let me…” Her complaint silenced when Dave wrapped his hand around her neck. He told her quietly, “That will be enough out of you, whore. Just stand there quietly and do what I tell you.”

I looked her right in the eye and asked her, “Dawn, do you know why we are doing this?” She shook her head but didn’t try to speak. I supplied her the answer. “Its because you are a big titted slut. This is what happens to girls with big tits like yours who like to get fucked. Sooner or later, we show you what you are and what you deserve for having such massive tits. Now shut up and take it.”

With that, Dave released her neck. He quickly produced a leather, padded blindfold and pulled it over her eyes, cutting off her view. Digging into the black bag, Dave came up with a pretty cute little item. It was a leather strap with a rubber penis head, at least 2 inches across and 3 inches long, that buckled behind her head as a gag. Pushing the rubber cock into her lips, he said, “Open.” Dawn dutifully opened her mouth and accepted the cock head, after which Dave promptly buckled the strap tightly behind her head, forcing it deep into her mouth and cutting off her last chance to protest.

It was time to get Dawn out of sight. This was too big a risk. If someone happened by, this could get ugly. With that, Dave put his hands under her arms and picked her up, while I grabbed her legs. In a moment, we had Dawn laying facedown in the trunk, while she squealed into the gag.

I knew Dave didn’t really like steel handcuffs. He had told me once that they were loud, unforgiving, and caused the whore to focus on the wrong parts of her body. Pain from the wrists is not humiliating – pain from the tits is. So, I wasn’t surprised when he produced 2 sets of wide banded steel cuffs with leather padding inside.

One set quickly went on each ankle. Dave bent her legs back at the knee, then wrapped each cuff in place, locking it with a small padlock. Once they both were on her, he locked the two cuffs together with another, larger, brass padlock. Also in its hasp was a 2 foot length of chain, which he laid on Dawn’s back.

Next, he put a pair of identical cuffs on her wrists, just above the handcuffs. The other end of the chain went into the hasp of the center lock again, forcing Dawn into a hogtie. Removing the handcuffs, Dave looked down at the whore laying nude in the trunk. She had stopped struggling, and now could be heard crying quietly into the blindfold and gag. With that, we were ready to move on. I couldn’t resist saying, “Have a nice ride, whore.” The slam of the trunk over Dawn’s head was eerily final.

Dave and I hopped in his car and got moving. No sense sitting here any longer. It really blew my mind what was happening here, considering Dawn knew me, but didn’t even know Dave’s name. Yet she had allowed herself to be chained nude in the trunk of his car. What can you say about a woman like that?

Dave lives not too far from me, but he wanted to go to his hunting cabin. I knew he had used it before for this sort of thing, and had a good bunch of stuff that he needed for the weekend stored there. Since that was about a 2-hour drive, it gave Dawn a lot of time to work herself into a panic. It also meant we were going to be driving mostly on country roads, where there aren’t any stoplights. That meant we didn’t have to with other cars or people around us and have somebody notice the car rocking oddly or hear crying from the trunk.

There was a lot of crying from the trunk. We could hear her bawling for at least an hour as we drove. I have to admit, I wondered what Dawn was thinking. Did she think she was going to die? She certainly knew she was going to fuck. She knew Dave was going to torture her. The only question was how he would do it. The horrors she produced in her own head definitely added to her humiliation.

While we were driving, Dave talked to me about what he had planned for Dawn this weekend. Some of them actually shocked me. But this was his deal, so I didn’t tell him no. The trip was a quiet one, especially once the crying in the trunk finally quit.

By this time, we were out in the middle of nowhere. I had never been out here before. Dave slowed down, then turned off onto a gravel road. He had to stop almost immediately at a gate, which he got out and opened, then closed and locked behind the car. We did not want to be disturbed by unannounced visitors. It was at least another 2 miles up the dirt road before the old farm house came into sight.

Dave pulled around back where he parked. We got out of the car and went inside. He wanted make sure everything was set before we got Dawn out of the trunk. It made sense, that way there wouldn’t be any embarrassing accidents. This weekend needed to go perfect.

It took us about half an hour to get the power on, the heat on, and prepare a few special things for Dawn. When all of that was done, it was time to go collect the whore, our toy for the weekend.

Dave and I walked out to the car, where he popped the trunk. Dawn was laying on her side. I could see she was shaking with fear and a little bit of cold. It was only about 60 degrees, which probably was a little uncomfortable for her. After all, she was nude.

Dave released the hogtie chain from her wrists, then released the lock between her ankles. He used the chain again as a hobble chain, allowing only a short stride, so she couldn’t run away. Not that she could do that blindfolded, but it certainly enforced her humiliation. Dave then dug back in the bag, still in the trunk, and came up with another steel band with a leather lining, this one a bit bigger than those on Dawn’s wrists and ankles. I realized it was a collar, which he promptly fitted around her neck. He clipped another chain to a ring on the front of the collar. It made me wish that Dawn could see herself leashed like an animal. I suspected that she would eventually.

Chained as she was, there was no way Dawn was getting out of the trunk by herself. So, I got her legs and he got her arms, and we pulled her out to stand her on her heels. She was unsteady, both from being unable to see, as well as the effects of her pretty rough ride. She looked awesome, standing there in the night air. She was blindfolded, gagged, handcuffed, shackled, collared, leashed, and nude. It was obvious from her posture that the whore was completely cowed.

Dave remained short with her: “Follow me, whore.” He pulled on the leash, indicating where she was to go. There was a concreted walk that went up to the door, so she didn’t have footing problems. The couple steps up apparently were obvious to her when the leash went up. Having her wearing the hobble chain made the steps interesting for her to climb. I followed.

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