Dawn’s Weekend of Torment Part 1 by Big Diaz

As soon as he had her inside the door, the rules changed. We stopped in the entrance, where Dave released the lock holding Dawn’s wrist cuffs behind her. “Down on your knees, whore.” Dawn quickly complied. He continued, “From now on you will not walk a single step in this house without my specific permission. You will crawl like the animal you are.”

With that, he pulled on the leash again. She almost fell forward onto her hands, quickly crawling behind him. I heard some sniffles, which let me know she was crying. This was really humiliating for her. Now she had been reduced even further.

Dave had an interesting idea. He noticed that whores like Dawn often believe they have a right to being treated as an equal when it comes to lots of things, but especially sex. They want to be turned on, to have foreplay, to be shown how wonderful they are. I knew that Dawn thought that way. So Dave decided to take all that away from her, in a pretty brutal manner.

He led her on the leash down the hall to the stairs, then down into the basement. It was really fun watching Dawn crawl. Her DDs swung freely underneath her, while the chain between her ankles jingled. I loved the sight of her moving with Dave, completely in his power. She had some trouble negotiating the stairs, but eventually, with some encouragement of jerks on her neck by the leash and collar, she got to the bottom.

Dave led her over to one corner, where he had a double bed set up. No sheets, just the mattress. I had glanced around the basement when we came in earlier, and was pretty impressed – and just a little startled – with the things Dave had there. The bed was the simplest, but I agreed it was going to be effective in the process of breaking Dawn.

That was the idea here. Dave wanted to break her. He wanted to turn Dawn into a total whore, who would take any pain, do anything he wanted, and who would utterly humiliate herself because it amused a man for her to do so. She was here because I told him once I didn’t think he could break her. After all, remember she cursed at me when we gang raped her all the way to the end. We would see.

When he got to the bed, Dave told Dawn to stand up. When she did, he turned her around and backed her up to the side. When the back of her legs hit the mattress, he pushed her shoulders until she sat down. He grabbed her ankles, and swung them up and around until she was laying in the middle. We both quickly took her arms and pulled them out above her head, toward the corners. Dave had prepared chains on the corners, and the locks snapped into the rings on Dawn’s wrist cuffs, locking her in place.

It only took a moment to unlock the hobble chain between her ankles, and then pull her legs to the same corners to second chains. That meant Dawn’s legs were fully spread and up above her, heels towards the ceiling. Her tits were laying out, pouting for attention. Dave pulled the gag out of her mouth. There wasn’t any need for it anymore, and we wanted to hear her screams.

Dawn started mewling quietly, obviously in pain. It had to hurt to have her legs abruptly pulled up over her head without an opportunity to stretch them, especially after being confined for several hours. She also was scared. She didn’t know what was happening to her.

What was happening was Dave was about to rape her without any warning, while at the same time beginning her torture. He pulled off his clothes, quickly but silently. While he was doing that, I did what Dave had asked me to do. I picked up a set of clover clamps and squeezed them open. Being careful not to let the chain between them touch her, I set them around her nipples, just off her skin so she had no idea what was coming.

Dave was ready to go. He stood at the end of the bed. At his signal, I let the clamps go, allowing them to slam shut on Dawn’s erect nipples. Within just a moment, Dave fell on top of her and forced his cock into her cunt.

Dawn screamed out in incredible pain. Dave was hurting her exactly the way he likes to – by inflicting pain on a woman in her most sensitive places. Dawn was screaming like she was being gutted, at the same time she was shaking her tits back and forth, in a futile effort to dislodge the clamps. Dave bent his head down and with a flip of his hand, slung the chain between them over his head so it lay against the back of his neck. As soon as it was in place, he lifted himself up off Dawn, pulling her DDs up off her chest into painful cones.

Dave was also really pounding her cunt. Every thrust was ripping into her. Dawn was now begging for him to stop. “Please! Please stop!” She continued screaming, with a piercing tone every time he hit her.

Going so hard and fast, Dave didn’t last long. He didn’t care. This rape wasn’t about him, really. It was all about hurting Dawn. I wasn’t surprised when he finished after a few moments, then climbed off her. The clover clamps stayed on her tits, though. Dave had decided that Dawn was going to suffer some kind of pain continuously throughout the weekend. This was just the start.

Dawn lay there, bound to the bed. She had stopped screaming, and now was crying into her blindfold. I had wondered why Dave had left her without her sight. I realized now what the reason was. He didn’t want her to see who it was that had raped her. That kept it impersonal; it was just pain and humiliation.

We decided to give her a few minutes before we moved Dawn on to the next torture. Dave had a really intricate plan for the weekend, and he didn’t want to rush it. We sat quietly and listened to her cry.

After about 15 minutes, it seemed to us that Dawn had calmed herself. It was time to go on to the next step in tonight’s opening act. Remember, we had 2 more days to go. We had set things up already. Dave had decided to capitalize on several things he had seen Dawn take before. He put on a purple robe and moved across the room and got ready for her, while I went over to the bed to release Dawn from her chains.

When Dave signaled he was ready, I released the chains holding Dawn’s arms and legs in place. Pulling her by the leash, I got her off the bed and onto the floor. I was amused to see that she didn’t try to stand up. She got on her hands and knees while I re-locked the hobble chain between Dawn’s ankles. Her tits, still locked in the grip of the clover clamps, hung beneath her, with the clamps chain touching the ground below her. Her face showed the pain she was feeling.

Dawn was, unknowingly, facing Dave, sitting in a chair across the room. The situation was much like the night a few weeks before when she had been gang raped in my apartment, with Dave and Dawn in similar positions. I got her to see it herself by standing behind her and pulling off her blindfold.

The chair Dave was in was a straight-backed wooden one, with a strong resemblance to a throne, even to the point of sitting up on a three-step dais Dave had built above the floor. That was precisely the intent. From her position on the floor, Dawn had to look up at him, reinforcing her inferior position.

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