Naked Day – part 18 Bacchanalia Act 2 by NCfan

“uuh, ok?”

Then she leaned in close, apparently for a kiss, but she whispered, “But first, accept my apology for the plane. I truly am sorry.” Greg could only nod.

“Honored guests, God Bacchus. It is time for the Goddess to breed with a mortal. I’ve chosen the youngest of you. May his seed be the quickest and the strongest.”

Cindy raised her hand and a chair was brought to the middle. The guests made a circle as she directed Greg to sit. Cindy then circled and circled, running her hands over the young man’s face, his neck, his chest. Returning to face Greg, she put one leg up on the chair giving Greg a good look at the treasure he was about to receive. The 18 year old’s cock now glistened with precum as its decent length pointed to the stars. Cindy took hold of his cock and lowered herself to it. She rubbed it all along her pussy. Leaning her head on Greg’s shoulder, she whispered, “Relax, control yourself, touch my body as you wish, I’ll do the work.” And then she lowered herself onto him. Greg let out a loud gasp. Not only was he getting laid, he was fucking a goddess. Girls of this quality wouldn’t look at him on campus. The went for jocks or upper classmen. Breaking from his thoughts, Greg listened to Cindy’s words and began caressing her body. Of course spending extra time on the tits bouncing before his eyes. And bounce they did, with every up and down movement by Cindy on his cock. She might have been the goddess but he’d died and gone to heaven. Sensing that this was becoming routine for the audience, Cindy announced, “The Goddess of Love, finds this mortal to be worthy. But a Goddess needs more. This is Bacchanalia. Come with me mortal.”

Cindy got up from Greg, who looked disappointed for a moment. She took him by the hand to a table. The crowd quickly moved with them to see what was next. Cindy bent over the table and demanded, “Mortal young man. Take the Goddess as yours. Finish me properly.” From the back someone shouted, “If he won’t I will.”

But Greg, no longer a virgin, stepped up behind Cindy and quickly found the spot. In one push his glistening cock was balls deep. Cindy gasped and grabbed the table for support. Those in front of her got a spectacular view of her swaying tits, her hair falling around her face, her mouth open and now groaning, moaning, yelling. Either Greg was doing a great job or this was one hell of a performance. The kid rode her for a couple minutes then shouted himself, tensed and filled the first and best pussy of his life. Cindy collapsed forward onto the table taking a moment to gather herself. Then standing and facing Greg, she kissed him and said, “You were very very good. I’ve only come better with my husband.” It was a generous apology.

Cindy walked away, Greg’s cum running down her leg. Angel approached her and asked if she needed a break, while cleaning her nephew’s cum from her leg and up to her leaking pussy.

Deep breath, then, “No, I have one more performance.”

Over where Nikki and I watched Peter was beside himself. “This, this is incredible. What a show. People will talk of it for years.”

What does she have planned next?”

“We don’t know. Each moment is a surprise to us.” Then Nikki turned to me. “How has you cock not fallen off with that girl fucking you every night?”

“Well sometimes we make love, nice and slow. But she is one of a kind.”

We turned to look as Cindy climbed on the table in the middle of her audience. She already had their attention. She turned to be sure she faced everyone and let them all see her. “I came to you as a mortal sacrifice. I gave to you my most private parts, sliding her hands over her mound, slightly separating her lips to give one more look at her still wet pussy. I gave you my assets, as she held one breast in each hand, pinching her nipples. I gave you my oral skills, opening her mouth, licking her lips, then smiling. But there was one forbidden area. She turned, letting all see and waiting as they realized what she meant. Cindy now bent forward to give a better view of her tight little ass. I came to you as a mortal. Not a virgin, with that she gave a little shrug. Laughs from her admirers. Now I am a Goddess. I’m still no virgin. And she looked right at Greg who was proudly standing with the others. But even a Goddess has her secrets. There is one place where I am virgin. Where no man, or God has gone.”

Nikki looked at me with raised eyebrow. I looked back and smiled. “Let it go. Didn’t Peter say, anything for the performance?”

“But this wouldn’t be the Bacchanalia with out excess of all kinds. The Goddess will give her virgin ass to one man tonight.”

Placing a hand on each ass cheek, she again gave everyone a look at the prize. “Before our guests and the God Bacchus, one man will have the honor of taking a Goddess. But who will it be? How to decide? The Goddess knows. The Goddess chooses to help mortals while honoring Bacchus. The man who donates the largest amount, to a charity chosen by Bacchus. The man who hands the largest check to our host will have the freedom to deflower the Goddess. Now I will recline on my throne as I choose to watch the next interlude.”

“Tim, Nikki do you know what this means.?

“That Nikki and I are about to fuck in front of thirty people?”

“No no. There must be seven, eight multi-millionaires in this room. To be the first to fuck such a body in the ass? These bastards will pay tens of thousands, maybe more if I get them bidding.

Now here’s what we’ll do. I’ll announce your performance then move to the wine table. Take your time and I’ll get them bidding against each other. This is genius. I looked at Nikki’s mostly nude body.

“Take your time he says. Maybe I should have gotten a quick blowjob along the way. I feel ready to bust already.”

“I could ask Angel to suck you off quick, but then could you get it up again in time?”

“Can’t risk it. I’ll take one for the team.”

“I have an idea. Come inside with me while Peter starts his speech.”

I followed Nikki to their bedroom. Somewhere in here we have some cock rings we got as gag gifts. They’re too tight for Peter, but should work for you.”

“Cock ring?”

“Yes it goes around the base of your cock and keeps you hard, but not cumming. Then we release it when ready.”

“OK then.”

Nikki showed me how it worked then we walked out to watch from behind the gauzy curtain. It was interesting to me that Cindy wanted to watch me perform with my sister. Fair is fair, I’d just watched her fuck about 6 guys, blow some number more than that, give an orgasm to a 53 year old ad company owner. And she was selling her ass to this highest bidder. Peter was working the room. Men were asking if Cindy’s ass really was virgin. Also looking for hints at what the winning bid might be. Helen Bernsten approached Peter.

“Peter, you’ve out done yourself. Where did you find that girl? Don’t tell George, but I haven’t had an orgasm like that in decades. Did you hire her? What did she cost?”

“No Helen. She’s only been out here a few days. She’s not a pro. She’s Nikki’s sister in law. Actually a nice young lady. She won’t be doing this again. Except for her lucky husband.”


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