Club Fatale Pt. 7 by nightscribe | Violence

“Evan, this is Dr. Paige.”

I took her hand. “Doctor. What can I do for you or you for me?”

“I am employed by the Commodore,” she said, “to run a very special facility for the Club Fatale: a breeding facility. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Well, before the Commodore left, he instructed us, in the event of a gestation, to show this facility to you and enlighten you to our ultimate plans.”

“You’re talking about Athena.”

“Yes,” Paige said. “My security cameras caught you outside the facility yesterday. I believed that you saw something. Now it is confirmed.”

“I just want to know how a girl gets six months pregnant in a couple of days.”

Paige stepped up to me, close; breasts nearly touching. It was only then that I realized how attractive she was.

“Then come with me and I’ll show you.”

“Before you say yes, Evan,” Emmanuelle said, “I have to caution you that what you will see and be asked to do is like nothing you have ever experienced.”

I didn’t hesitate. “Let’s go.”

Emmanuelle dropped us off.

“You’re not coming?” I asked her.

“No,” she said and shuttered. “This place makes me uneasy, Evan. Good luck.” And she roared away from the building.

“Do I need it?” I asked to myself.

“This way, Mr. Anderson,” Paige said.

The Doctor led me quickly into the building complex. As we entered, I spotted two members of the Coast Patrol. I had never seen them close up. Always they lurked in the background, usually on watercraft beyond the surf. But here they were out here in force.

I watched Paige’s ass wiggle before me.

“You’re not like the others, are you?” I asked.

“Not a slave, you mean?” Paige asked playfully. “No. I’m a free woman who has an arrangement with the Commodore. I perform the experiments he desires and he pays my exorbitant fee.”

“Too bad,” I said. “You’d fit in well as a Femme. Most of them could use a little more backbone.”

She opened the next door for me. As I passed her, our eyes met. She held them for a moment, but then looked away.

We then entered into something called Secure Room One. SR1 was protected by biometric locks and electronic doors, guarded by the Coast Patrol night and day and monitored by security cameras around the clock. Doctor Paige led me into a computerized laboratory where several lab technicians where hard at work running computer models on what looked like human DNA typing.

“The entire facility that you are standing in is dedicated to the production of what the Commodore has dubbed ‘Dolls.’”

Several computer models showed young gorgeous women in a 3d simulated perspective.

“They’re genetically engineered, aren’t they?”

“Not at this time,” Paige said, “I simply don’t have the budget necessary to perform next generation genetic engineering on human beings. But Dolls are the next best thing. Taken and bred from the finest of Femmes, they are stronger, more beautiful, more pliant and more economical than the current Femme. They will revolutionize the Club Fatale and set it apart from its rivals.”

“Rivals? There are others who provide the same service as the Club Fatale? Now, how is it that I’ve never heard of this?”

“I’m afraid that I don’t know much about them,” Paige said. “My position is technical. I solve very specific biological challenges.”

“Such as?”

We proceeded into SR2, where I observed the lifecycle of the Dolls from birth through adolescence and into adulthood.

“When I was employed at a biotech firm,” Paige continued, “I discovered that a revolutionary derivative of the Human Growth Hormone could be used to accelerate the human ageing process. At first, I tried to reverse engineer a youth agent: one that I hoped would destroy the ageing process altogether. I failed. But the original formula still has its uses. I call it HGA: Human Growth Accelerant. With it, I can accelerate a Femme to full maturation in just a little over one hundred and twenty days.”

“You mean that you can make a person in four months?”

“Essentially, yes. Given a suitable mother. The only problem is that, in such large quantities, the HGA permanently alters the metabolism of the subject.”

“They keep getting older,” I said.

“Yes, at a reduced rate, but yes,” she said quietly. “I’m still looking for a way to counteract the effect completely.”

“As the girls age, they are exposed to a simplistic form of mind programming. Specifically, computer assisted learning. It programs them with the skills necessary to operate in society, or at least one as primitive as the Club Fatale society.”


“Yes, Mr. Anderson,” she said. “A primitive society that consists of little more than: eat, drink, fuck, replicate and get snuffed. While I can understand the primitive urges that these desires are based upon, it is, nonetheless, primitive.”

“You’re oversimplifying, doctor,” I retorted. “There is nothing simplistic or primitive about the emotion bond between a master and slave or the intricate games of social dominance that they play. Nothing is more complicated than the look in a woman’s eyes when she knows that she is about to give you her life. There is a desire there to give you the best time you’ve ever had, even though she won’t be around to know about it. I can assure you, it is a very complex intellectual and spiritual process.”

Paige looked at me. “You speak with passion, Mr. Anderson. I admire passion in a man. Perhaps I misjudged some things about you.”

“Call me Evan, Doctor,” I said.

“Susan…” she murmured.

“So why did you really bring me here, Susan?”

“Stage three,” she said. “Replication. It’s the most difficult part: a part that I need your assistance with.”

“My assistance?”

“A man’s assistance,” she said. “And you are a man… aren’t you?”

“Lead on, then.” And I followed her.

“Athena is nearing the end of her birthing cycle. It is a very costly process to the mother, growing a child in just four days. And the birth itself is even more dangerous. Someone must provide assistance during this delicate time.”

“I’ll do anything to help,” I said.

We stopped in front of a one-way glass window into a maternity room. Athena was there. I stared at the once beautiful girl. She was emaciated and gaunt, but somehow still had a luster about her, like nothing I had ever seen. She was like a shiny penny with grime overtop, but she was still half the woman she had been.

“My god,” I said.

“The fetus has leeched the nutrients from her body,” Paige said. “Her body weight is dangerously low. Medicine is the only thing keeping her going, now. But she needs more than just that.”

“What does she need?”

“Adrenaline and endorphins released during the sexual act,” Paige said. “I need you to fuck her like you’ve never fucked before. Can you do that?”

I nodded.

“Then stay here while I prepare things,” she said.

I watched her ass sway off.

There were several more rooms connected to the hallway and I found myself wondering who was in them. Unable to contain my curiosity, I walked down the hallway and looked in the windows.

Behind the first few, I saw stunningly beautiful girls. Each seemed to be undergoing examinations or tests. A brunette. A redhead. Another blonde. All were beautiful like Athena: pure and untouched.

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