Daniel & Eric (Part Two) by i_sucked_your_dad

Daniel & Eric (Part Two) by i_sucked_your_dad

Dive into the tantalizing continuation of "Daniel & Eric (Part Two)" by i_sucked_your_dad. This erotic sex story explores forbidden desires and passionate encounters that will leave you breathless. Join Daniel and Eric as their steamy affair unfolds in unexpected ways. Perfect for fans of sultry storytelling and intense romance. Don't miss out—read now!<br/>

Okay, so I wrote part one to this about two years ago, and after a sudden burst of inspiration and free time I decided to write part two. If you haven’t read the first part then I suggest reading it, although it’s not entirely necessary! I apologise for the vERY long delay, but I’ve been recovering from an illness that has left me pretty unsatisfied with everything, and I’ve also had a lot of work to do.

I hope you all like it, I apologise in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors. , It had been over ten months since mine and Eric’s first sexual encounter, and over the small stretch of time I had lost count of how many more we had. Being seen as his mate had gained me a substantial amount of reputation among the people in The Den, especially the older ones, and the Elders Council had granted me my release under the condition I stay with Eric.

It was a deal I was comfortable with, and Eric and I had taken full advantage of being able to go outside again.

A bonfire was to be held in the grounds of the building during the winter, in celebration of a Norse God, probably long forgotten by humans. Impervious to the cold and frosty weather, a mass of us sat on the ground near the fire, close to the lake that had long since frosted over.

There was music playing and the smell of spiced apple in the air, a scent that brought about the kind of excitement that only Christmas seems to bring.

Eric and I had chosen our seats under a leaning oak tree, away from the main crowd but still close enough to hear the crackle of the fire and feel its heat on our faces. He leaned back and rested on his elbows, his lean body outstretched.

He had chosen the tight leather trousers for a reason; his artful grin and wandering hands conveyed his ulterior motives about choosing a spot away from the mass of people.

“I love these things,” he said, staring into the fire, an abstracted look on his face.

“Have you been to many of them?” I asked, it was still apparent to me that I knew very little about Eric’s past.

He shrugged. “A few.

More so during the roaring twenties,” his lips curved into a smile, as he seemed to remember something. “Now that was a hell of a decade – you should have been there.”

His hand closest to me began to rub at my thigh.

I leaned into him and rested my head against his shoulder. “I missed the invitation.”

Eric smirked and pressed his lips to mine.

Even after the time I had spent with him it was hard not to be taken aback by the sensation of his tongue against mine, the way it elicited guttural moans from deep within his chest and set a hungry look in his eyes.

“Guess what I want,” his whispered in my ear, his voice so playful and seductive it raised the hairs on my arms.

I raised a questioning eyebrow.

Eric’s hand moved to stroke my crotch, his fingers wrapping around the outline of my shaft under my jeans.

“Your big dick, as far in as it will go,” he whispered.

I blushed and chided him, aware of the public setting.

He erupted with laughter and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Poor baby, you’re so easy to embarrass.”

His hand didn’t move from my crotch and the thought of fucking Eric in front of everyone, as humiliating as it might be, made it swell into an erection.

Eric, noticing this, pulled me onto his lap where I felt his gradually growing member press against my backside.

I leaned against his chest, the smoothness of his leather pants and the firm hardness of his torso only exacerbated the blood flow to my already throbbing dick.

“Hard already?” he chuckled, “You should have told me getting fucked in front of all these people was such a turn on for you, I would have done it a lot more often.”

I moaned, almost cumming there and then.

From the distance I saw a figure moving towards our direction, a girl, perhaps no older than seventeen.

The thought of getting caught grounded me and I was able to regain some control.

Though Eric continued his onslaught of smut. “…just the thought of it makes me hard – humiliating you in front of everyone. Do you have any idea how badly I want to bury myself inside you right now?”

My breath quivered and my nails dug into Eric’s thigh.

The girl was moving closer and I began to wonder if anyone else but me could see her.

Eric seemed almost oblivious.

“…would you like that?”

She was wearing a pinafore and low cut white blouse that accentuated her breasts.

“…if I made you cum right now?”

I nodded, unable to speak.

The young girl was still advancing, her hair was black and put up into pigtails.

“Unbuckle your belt.” Eric’s voice was cool and stern, the kind of tone that only excited me further.

The girl stopped two feet away from us and crouched down, exposing her naked pussy.

I diverted my eyes, uncomfortable with the situation. She was human, I could smell that much, and the marks along her neck and breasts told me she belonged to someone.

“Mia, come closer,” Eric said, holding his free hand out to her.

The girl crawled towards us on her hands and knees, her eyes downcast.

“Who is she?” I whispered in his ear, increasingly perplexed.

Eric ran his hand through the girl’s hair in an endearing manner, almost like a human stroking a cat.

“She’s my human,” he responded.

I was unsure of how to react; I was unaware of the notion of Eric having a human – having anyone but me – and there was a pang of jealously in my chest, followed by one of resentment towards the girl. She was human and petty.

I wanted to crush her throat with my hands.

She was also small and timid-looking, and the bite marks on her body were fresh – plenty of them too.

“How do I not know about her?” I frowned, turning my head to look him in the eyes.

His expression was that of chagrin, and he flashed me an apologetic smile. “I never got round to telling you. She’s just a human, Daniel.


The girl’s vacant expression worried me; I doubted she spoke English.

“How old is she?” I questioned.

Eric shrugged, “Old enough. I’ve had her for a few years though – about five or six.” His hand slid down my jeans to free my erection, which immediately caught the attention of the girl.

She wrapped her small hands around it, much to my surprise, and leaned down to take it in her mouth.

I was startled by her actions, and jumped back with an attempt to free myself from her grasp. Eric held me firmly in place whilst simultaneously sliding his pants down.

“You’ll enjoy it, I promise,” he laughed.

“No,” I said, my stomach churning. “Eric no, get her to stop – I don’t want this.”

I began to push her away, but the sensation of her warm wet tongue on the underside of my throbbing cock stopped me.

“Make her stop,” I pleaded with Eric, hoping his willpower was stronger than mine.

He lifted me up and placed his erection at the entrance of my ass before slowly lowering me onto it. I cried out in pain, attracting the attention of those stood around the bonfire.

Eric chuckled, amused, “Look at them watching you.”

The girl tightened her lips around my shaft and protruded her tongue to caress my balls.


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