Darkness Inside by Lilith04

“And it’ll not stop us from doing you!” The tall one said stroking my right thigh over my jeans, what incited the other two to do the same, the bulkier one shoved his hand between my legs while the guy behind me, with his arm still around my neck, cupped my right breast.

In no time the fact I had this cold blood turned from a blessing to a curse, since they were all groping me, being the first ones to touch my body in a sexual way, and I wasn’t able to express hatred, disgust, anything…

“Guys, cut that out. Just put the bitch in the bag, we are almost near the cemetery.” The driver said and I gasped. Maybe they’re not just raping me, maybe they’re going to kill me.
“Damn, you’re boring. Can we at least take her clothes off?” He bulkier one asked.
“Whatever, since you don’t do anything else back there and put her in the bag before we arrive.” He answered.
“Heh, now, that will be interesting” Said the tall one smirking at the others while pulling out a knife.
“C’mon! Cut her open! I wanna see if she’ll keep this quiet while we check her whole body!” Said the bulkier one in an extremely excited voice, while the guy behind me just passed his other arm around my neck wrapping me tight against him, like he was trying to comfort me for what was coming.

But I kept quiet. I didn’t said one word, did a noise or cried a tear while they slashed my jacket and my jeans, ripped my t-shirt and then cheered at each other while carefully cut off my bra.

“Fuck, so she did have boobs behind all those clothes… Look at those red buttons, aren’t they lovely?” The tall one said while holding my entire breast in his hand and playing with my nipple with his thumb, while the guy behind me, whose pants had swollen in my back, couldn’t hold himself and cupped my other breast. “They’re so underdeveloped… But I’d love to suck on them…” He said.

And while they two were weirdly delighting on those two tiny mounds I’m used to calling my breasts, the bulky one subtly hooked his fingers on the edges of my panties and slowly pulled them down while glaring at me, then ripped off. He saw my eyes moisten and grinned, just before brushing the thin small line of red pubic hair he discovered right above my most intimate part. He looked astonished while caressing my pubis…
“Damn… Is it me or this is the hottest lolita I’ve ever seen?” He said looking at the other two.
The taller’s look seemed so frankly surprised as the bulky one was, and I would bet the guy behind me looked just the same, by the way he slowly stroked my little breast.

“Who’d know that beneath that bratty look and all that stupid clothes was such a cute girl!” The bulkier one said, still caressing the surroundings of my crotch, which I was sure he didn’t explored further because my legs were shut tight, helped by the knot in my ankles.
“Jordan, we can’t do that to this girl, let’s just take her home and have turns with her!” The guy behind me said to the driver.
“Shut up you moron! Don’t say my name! We are in this for vengeance, we are not rapists! Fuck, am I surrounded by idiots??” He yelled.
“But she isn’t even fighting back!” He argued. And I felt my passiveness working again.
“I said to shut the fuck up! She’s going to that cross and that’s it! What you do to her after is not of my concern.”

And then they stood quietly for a moment, like they were thinking of their options, but soon the tall one spoke.

“He’s right.” He took what left of my panties, making a small ball of white fabric and reached my mouth. “Open it.” He said. For a moment I thought about struggle, about calling him names… But I just opened my mouth and he shoved it in, gagging me. Then he smiled and gave two soft slaps in my face.

Few minutes passed until the van stopped. My heart was racing and my mouth was dry. I was completely sure he was going to kill me. I tried to figure out what my brother could have done to make this guy want to kill me in revenge, but I couldn’t think of anything. They carried me out, it was way colder than in the van, which intensified my trembling. I could hear the noise of the cemetery trees blowing in the wind as, a couple minutes later, they put me on the cold ground.

So I heard them talking and doing something away from me, while I tried to fumble, looking for a way to open the bag, but it was useless. In no time they were back and one guy opened the bag. I gust of wind hit me and I almost curled myself trying to keep my warmth, but the bulky one lifted me and threw me over his shoulder, his hand stroking my butt while he headed back to the others.

“Hey, look at this.” He said while pointing out something to the others, making them whistle in agreement. With me hanging in his shoulder, my head towards his back, they had a clean shot at the most secret place of me. I felt completely ashamed just by thinking about those guys, people who know me – in this little town everybody knows each other – seeing all my body, seeing me like I never had shown myself to anybody…
“Hang her there.” The driver ordered.
“Ok, but she is naked and it’s too cold here. We can’t take too long to call the cops saying she is here.” The bulky one said while taking me in his arms and carefully fixing the knotted rope in my wrists at the top edge of a big cross, my feet hanging two feet from the ground. And they all surrounded me.
“And how we are supposed to play with her this way? In this winter, twenty minutes and she’ll freeze to death. Then the fun is over.” Said the tall one.
“C’mon, we were already talking about raping this girl, now you’re talking about murder… We can’t let her suffer that way.” Said the guy who was behind me, his voice now sounding extremely familiar.

“You three do whatever you want to her now, she’s not gonna make it and you have nothing to do with it.” The driver said while pulling out a big knife.

My heart was breaking it’s way through my rib cage, while two of them almost jumped in surprise the tall one simply came near to me and hugged me, kissing my neck and sliding his hand down my torso, heading to my waist, or lower, while I struggled as best I could, with my shoulders and wrists aching. Until he was pushed by the bulky one.

“Stop that! We are not going to kill this girl, she doesn’t deserve that!” He said.
“So you wanted to rape her, but don’t want to kill her!?” Said the tall one trying to get near me again.
“That’s way different! We can’t kill her! This was supposed to be a prank!” And I figured who he was, a guy from school, two years older. His name was Nick.
“Idiot, you told her my name at the van, we can’t let her go and it is your fault. Now, if you’re going to do something, do it already, because she’ll not resist this weather any longer and I want to have the pleasure of finishing this freak.” Said the driver, menacingly approaching me. “And if you don’t want a part of it, just leave, or you’ll get yourself in trouble.”

So Nick backed off a little and the remaining trio came closer, surrounding my thin body hanging in that big stone cross in the middle of that tenebrous cemetery.
I was shivering and having a hard time breathing while I felt the tall one’s hand reaching my crotch and roughly rubbing his hand between my legs. It was too much for me. I didn’t make any sound, but I couldn’t stand something been harshly rubbed against the sensitive skin of my little pussy without squirming myself. He just continued while the bulky one was groping my breasts and the driver put his knife to my neck.

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