Darkness Inside by Lilith04

“Why don’t you try to be less weird and show us some emotion? These guys will show you how to feel pleasure just before you die. You should be grateful.” Said the driver superficially cutting my skin, enough to make me feel some blood running down my neck.
“It would be great, cause she’s completely dry down here.” Said the tall one laughing.

But it was useless. They could do whatever they like and I wouldn’t react. I just wanted to die with some dignity.

“Hey, cut this for me, she isn’t going to struggle anyway.” The tall one said pointing to the rope on my ankles. Soon as the driver cut it, he lifted one of my legs and they both groped my little entrance, hurtfully spreading my skin to reach my red fragile flower. And with the bulky one sucking and nibbling at my poor nipples, I was being completely used by those men. And worst, I knew it was only the beginning. I always thought my first time would be painful, but not even in my worst nightmares I thought of something like that.

But the darkness around me acted again.

“God damn it!” Nick squealed behind them, like he had seen something absolutely terrifying just behind the cross on which I was hanging.

The other three reacted the same. I never saw such a fright in my entire life. Two of them fell on their backs while trying to run. In no time I could hear only their screams through the cemetery and amidst its trees.

So I was there, freezing to death, naked in the middle of a cemetery, my slender body hanging there, just waiting for the next one who wants to abuse me or kill me, just waiting for the terrible thing that scared four grown men like they were merely children, until I heard footsteps by my side…

It was a guy. Not too tall, not too robust, just a slender and handsome guy with a modern bright brown hair and wearing a casual white shirt with gray jeans.

“Christine… Finally we met.” He said in a melodious voice.

I certainly was delirious. Maybe the weather had frozen the blood in my brain.

“I was thinking about how much time it would last for you to get ready for me. It was hard to endure your despicable brother for all those years while waiting for you.” He said calmly, taking off the fabric of my mouth and putting his hands in his pockets, standing right in front of me.

“M-My brother?” I managed to say even my throat closing and my body shivering so hard that I was surprised I was still conscious.

“You are having a bad time, aren’t you? Here, let me try to help you.” He said while approaching and hugging me. He was absurdly warm, which made me gasp in relief instantly. His torso was tightly stuck to mine, while his arms were around my waist, one hand rubbing my back. “Yes, your brother. The bastard tried to sell you to me, asking if I could bring your mother back to life. Stupid brat.”

He said this, his mouth just a few inches from my face, and I could smell his breath, it was sweet, like mint and honey. It took a moment for me to figure out what I had really heard.

“Sell me to you?… My brother? What?” I was completely lost.
“Yes. Your brother. He wanted your mother back, so he tried to trade you for her. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t know that you already belonged to me. So he put himself in some huge difficulties.” He explained slowly and patiently.
“W-Who are you!?” I asked completely perplexed.

“I’m an old friend of your family. All of them had a little fetish for black magic and pacts, including your mother.” He answered. As I simply stared at him in shock he continued. “Your mother knew she couldn’t made it when she got pregnant with you. It was really a shame. She had the same charm that you have. Being tiny and not calling any attention instantly, but once you noticed her… It was almost impossible not to fall for her. That’s why I made a deal with her. I would help with bringing you to life, as it was almost sure you would have the same fate as your mother, and you should be mine. Knowing me, she accepted. And here we are.”

Weirdly it made completely sense in my head. I didn’t have reason to believe him, but something inside me told me it was true. But I wasn’t able to speak yet.

“I know your life was hard. And I know that, inside you, you want to die. Now that you know the true, do you still feel that way?” He asked.

My head was a complete and absurd mess. My brother trying to sell me to something… I was sure was not good. My mother using pacts and black magic… Probably my father knew it. Probably he thought she killed herself to bring me to life. The empty hole in my chest just turned bigger and I had no other choice then nod to him. I had no other choice then say that I no longer wanted to live.

“The deathwish is the most respectable thing for me, so, if you wanna die, I’ll help you. But I want to try something before we take any precipitative action.” He said unwrapping me from his warm hold, making me shiver hard again, and kneeling in front of me, where he spread my legs a little and put them up on his shoulders, positioning his face just in front of my entrance and lifting me a little, easing the pain I was feeling in my arms and shoulders.

Different from anything I’ve ever experienced, his first movement made something switch inside me. He touched an unexpected part of me with his warm and soft tongue which made a wave travel through all my body and be expelled as a loud moan. The first moan of my entire life. And so he continued, licking me with his warm mouth and making my small body tremble with a powerful feeling. I could feel him entering me as far as he could with his tongue, exploring my virgin insides, making me bend forward in that sweet agony.

I could feel something growing stronger inside me, something ready to blow, and I never felt better in my entire life.
“P… Please, don’t s.. Don’t stop… Make me… M-Make me blow…” I tried to beg between furious gasps and he answered, moving even further and faster. That something that was growing inside me simply overflowed in a trembling explosion that beamed through all my senses. And for the first time since I was a child, I cried.

He stood and crossed my legs around him, lifting my limp and shivering body, then kissed me. I could taste what would probably be my own flavour mixed with his saliva and that sweet scent. Then, slowly, he directed something hard and pulsating to my tiny virgin entrance. With my eyes fixed in his confident glare I felt myself spreading for him. First a stinging pain that I tried to ignore, but he intervened.
“Don’t. I demand you to let yourself go.” He said while reaching further inside me, and I obeyed, letting a hurtful moaning escape through my lips and something like a immense weight in my chest simply disappeared, while he started moving inside me. “Yes, that’s it my beloved Christine.”

His arms around me kept me warm and held me still while he moved in and out of me, making me melt around him. It lasted for ages, and for no time at all. I was in some kind of trance, feeling completely free in his arms, expressing even the most inner sensations in passionate moans I didn’t even knew I was able to manifest. Feeling myself struggling to avoid his intrusion, but then trying insistently to hold him inside me. I just laced my arms around his neck and let myself be his.

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