Demonology by Drusilla

Amanda was not in shape. She was curvaceous and had maybe a little more meat on her bones then she was happy with, but she was not an athlete, so it never surprised her that the man would catch up to her if he attempted.

He attempted.

Turning over on to her back to try to wiggle her way free, she was forced to look up at the man, if you could call him that. He was tall and huge. Arms as big around as her leg, legs as big around as, well her.

“You’re not one of them.” He growled from the far side of the stream.

Amanda blinked.

‘Was that a good thing or a bad thing?’ she wondered.

Taking a step toward her, she noticed he did not have feet, but hooves.

‘Like a demon.’

Following his leg up from hoof to head, she took in his form and realized he had been bred for one thing, wrath. She began shaking as she closed her eyes and lay back awaiting the death that was surely to come. Maybe it wouldn’t be death, maybe torture. This can’t be real, these things simply don’t exist. It’s the move, the wine, stress from work, and stress from her parents… She was having a mental breakdown. Opening her eyes slowly, she was alone in the night. Looking around only the fireflies in the distance provided any movement in the darkness. Sitting up slowly she looked completely around before standing up. The sudden fear she was about to die made her body want to pee. Breaking free and rushing into her house, she locked up the door and ran upstairs to her room locking it behind her as well. Running to the bathroom she peed but felt sick to her stomach too. Still shaking over what had happened, tired from the move and wine and still a little worked up. Amanda decided to take a quick shower then call it a night.


Amanda moved slowly the following morning. Head hurting a little and her body sore she laid on her bed, refusing to get up. She had been so shaken up the night before that she had neglected to make her bed. Instead she was still naked, wrapped in the damp towel she had used when she got out of her shower. It was a warm enough night that she wasn’t cold, but she still was unnerved.

Rolling over she pulled a comforter on top of her naked body and began to think of the beast that she had seen. Real or not he was exquisitely handsome and clearly powerfully built. She wondered what it would be like to be taken by such a creature. Unconsciously her hand found its way between her legs, her middle finger rubbing her neglected clit frantically. Thinking of the creature pinning her there on the banks of the stream and having his way with her, excited Amanda more than she admitted. Inserting a finger in her pussy, she began using her thumb to continue its attack on her clit but it wasn’t enough. Shoving a second and a third finger inside her only serve to frustrate the woman. She needed more.

Looking around she spotted her toy boy and opened it. Grabbing her favorite dildo and a bottle of lube, she attacked her pussy with gusto. With the thrusting not doing it for her, she flipped over and mounted a pillow. Bouncing on the dildo, using the pillow to help it give some, Amanda began tweaking her nipples and thinking about the beast. Would he be a gentle lover or an animal? She began to think of the beast pinning her to the ground, her helpless to get away though she tried. Screaming for help, trying to fight him off of her, to no avail. Ripping away the thin cotton shorts with his claws he split her legs wide, positioning himself between them. One of her legs over his shoulder, the other pressed to the ground and him in between.

Pummeling her with his huge cock, Amanda envisioned the beast pushing harder and deeper into her. Fucking her body so hard and so fast that it caused her multiple orgasms. Something she had never had. Amanda’s body began to tense, the sensation was growing more intense. In her mind’s eye she saw the beast thrust one final time before he came hard inside of her. She desperately tried to get him to continue. Pulling out spilled what seemed like gallons of his cum out of her. Amanda collapsed in the bed. She was unable to orgasm on her own. Pouting, she threw her dildo across the room and curled up for a nap again.
Finally around noon she sat up. Hunger getting the better of her. Vowing it had been the wine and being over taxed, Amanda began to dismiss the events of the previous evening. She got up, got dressed and began getting some work done.

At dusk, she decided to get some cheese and crackers and salami. She had a handful of things in the house but had not yet done the big shopping trip to the store yet. She would have to go the following day. Opening a soda (and considering pouring out the rest of the wine from the night before) Amanda began to munch as she continued to tackle the unending task of unpacking.

Hours went by when she heard the howl she heard from the night before, but it was different. It was strangled somehow. A wave of mixed emotions flooded her brain. Joy that she was not crazy and that it really happened, fear that it really happened and maybe she was crazy and curiosity as to what that thing was she saw on the bank of the stream.

The second howl was clearly a howl of pain and even the distance to her house from the source could not diminish the anguish that the voice felt. Amanda stood slowly, wiping her hands on her denim shorts. Walking slowly outside, she looked in the direction of the neighbor’s property. Another howl and it broke Amanda’s heart. Steeling herself, she began to walk once more to the stream in the fading light.
Moving more quickly this time in the underbrush, she found that from her vantage point, she could see the beast had been chained by the neck, his hands shackled and all the chains leading to a huge cement plug in the ground. What caught Amanda’s eyes was that he was injured. Looking around, she could not see anyone around, listening as best she could, she could only hear the water and this poor creature howling. Looking around, Amanda found a branch she could swing herself across the water with.

‘Like the monkey bars when I was a kid.’ She thought, he had been very good at them.

Landing easily on the far bank of the stream, she paused, listening for anything out of the ordinary. When she was convinced she was alone, she stepped out of the trees.

The beast started when she emerged, keeping his yellow eyes on her as she moved. Amanda watched him carefully too. Looking at him she saw he was rest on his right elbow and his left side had been sliced deeply. A pool of blood had been growing around his body and he looked weakened. Looking around Amanda tried to find something she could use to help him. Looking over the chains quickly she saw they were held by one lock. Looking back at the beast she weighed her options. An injured animal was always more deadly but the hurt look in his eyes made her mind up for her.

“The key?” She whispered.

The beast looked slowly over at a table that was a good 100 yards away. Pressing his lips together, he attempted to muffle his cries of pain. Amanda stood and quickly but quietly moved to the table. Overed in beer cans and discarded oyster shells, she found a book and a key sitting together. Taking the key, she made her way to the lock at the cement plug. She looked up at the beast as she began to fumble with the lock. He watched her carefully. Amanda was pretty sure this was not a smart thing to do but she felt that she had no choice. She could not let any creature be made to suffer as he is clearly suffering.

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