Demonology by Drusilla

With a twist and a click, the beast was free. Standing slowly, the beast looked at Amanda. Unsure of what to do now, Amanda nodded her head back towards the stream and began making her way that direction. If he followed her she would figure something out, if not, then it was no big deal. Still she couldn’t figure out how to get him across without them both getting wet. As she stood trying to figure out what to do, she heard noise behind her. The beast jumped gracefully across the ravine and turned a looked back at her. The noise behind her continued to grow louder. The neighbors were home!

Looking back to the beast she jumped on to the tree branch. From here she was concealed from the majority of the neighbor’s yard. If they got to the cement plug, she would be spotted. Swinging her way across the deep gully she froze when she heard voices.

“What the fuck…? How the hell did he get out?”


“It sure the hell wasn’t me!”

Amanda looked back and began swing her legs harder to get herself across. Jumping on the far side of the bank, Amanda felt a stabbing pain in her ankle but was able to get through the deep brush of the trees on her side of the water just in time.

“Think he crossed the stream?”

“Nah, he can’t, everyone knows demons can’t cross running water.”

Amanda smiled to the beast as they sat quietly waiting for the people to move on before they made a break for the house.

“Then he is here somewhere. We may need the dogs.”

Amanda looked at the beast with fear in her eyes. She had no idea if this thing ate babies, but she was concerned none the less. After what seemed like an eternity, they both crawled to their feet and began making their silent way to her house. Sitting him on the front porch carefully, she looked at the injured thing and was at a loss.

“What can I do to help?” She asked.

He looked up at her and weighed her words carefully.


Amanda stood up tall. Not the answer she was thinking.

“I don’t have any.”

He stared into her eyes and narrowed his eyes. Amanda’s eyes widened, slowly walking forward she smiled nervously.

“Just don’t kill me please.”

Placing his hand on the back of her neck he pulled her close to him gently. His touch was hot, on fire scalding kind of hot but it woke up something dormant in her body as well. That familiar twinge between her legs was strong and it took all her will power not to drop to her knees and discover what demon dick tasted like.

He let his hand on her neck fall to her waist as she stepped closer to him and took her right arm up. Bracing herself, she bit her own lip and he bit into her arm. The pain was different than the one in her ankle but it was there none the less. Stopping he looked up at her. Looking back at him she noticed a glint in his eyes. She felt his hand on her back tighten just as he bit into her breast causing her to cry out. He drank deeply causing Amanda’s head to begin to swim.

“Hey…” she mumbled before everything went black.


A great pounding woke Amanda up. It was still dark outside and she was groggy. Making her way down stairs, she remembered she was now living in the country and whoever was banging on her door was trespassing by at least one acre. Taking the shotgun from the hall closet, she pumped it once and the knocking stopped.

“What?!” She screamed.

“We’re from next door, can we talk with you?” She heard muffled.

“Talk.” She screamed back.

“Can you open the door?”

“Can you come back at a decent hour? This early in the morning my aim is a little off.”

“Our…dog ran off and we wanted to look around your property.”

Amanda knew they were looking for the beast and wondered where he was. Taking a deep breath she wondered what the best course would be.

“You have one hour on the property after which I start shooting.”

“Thank you.” Said the male voice, out of habit then actual thanks.

Footsteps off the porch and silence. Amanda began shutting the blinds not wanting to see these people again and not wanting them to see her. When she was certain that they could not see in and the house was locked up tight, she rested the shotgun back in the hallway closet. Trudging slowly back up the stairs, she was startled seeing the beast in her bed, propped up and looking at her.

“Why are you doing this?”

She ran her hand through her hair, not sure of the answer herself.

“They were hurting you. That’s never okay.”

“How do you know I didn’t deserve it?”

“I don’t.” She stammered.

“Would it be different if I told you that I kill? Rip bodies asunder?”

Amanda felt very foolish all of a sudden. Her gun put away and a strange…. Demon in her bed.
“I… No. It wouldn’t. I would hope that you would consider…not… killing in the future. No time like the present for a fresh start.” She tried to say cheerfully but it came out broken and desperate sounding.
The beast chuckled before leveling his gaze at her.

“You gave me your blood, willingly to save me.”

Amanda’s eyes flickered to his wound, which was covered by the sheets. Instead she walked to his side of the bed and looked at him more closely. His skin had a red hue to it with slightly darker looking stripes across his body. They reminded her of a tiger or a zebra’s stripes. Looking at his face, she could see horns on his head, small satyr like horns that were more nubs resting in his black hair.


His yellow eyes followed her gaze as he drank in her own visage.

“I thank you for it.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’d like to someday repay your kindness.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.”

She smiled. He didn’t. Hers faded.

“Your ankle is injured. I could taste it in the blood.”

“It may be twisted. It’s tender, but not bad.” She said applying a little weight to it. Looking up into his eyes, she sighed. “Do you need more blood?”

“Yes, but I won’t drink as much this time.”

She nodded as she sat down on the side of the bed offering her left arm this time. The pain was sharp again, but it was over before she realized it. She didn’t feel much different and certainly no more woozy.

“Thank you.” He breathed, licking his lips.

“Amanda. My names Amanda.”

“Thank you Amanda.”

“Are you a vampire?” She asked looking at the bite on her arm.

“No, I’m a demon. I thought that the horns would have given me away.”

“It was the hooves.” She replied as another set of bangs began again at her door. “Not again.”

Standing Amanda closed her robe over her tee shirt and yoga pants and padded softly to her door. Without thinking she opened the door.

“Yes?” She asked not bothering to mask her annoyance.

The man standing before her was devastatingly handsome. Too handsome. Short brown hair, golden skin, white smile and a strong jaw was what fist caught Amanda’s attention.

“I wanted to let you know we couldn’t find out dog. I’m sorry for having bothered…” The man stopped mid-sentence.

Amanda leaned up against the door frame.

“Thank you, but I really do need to get to sleep I am very very tired.”

The man began to sniff the air. Amanda noticed this and stood up.

“I haven’t showered yet on account of that whole lack of sleep thing.”

The man smiled at her and lunged at her. Amanda screamed as he put her into a sleeper hold, her air supply dangerously closed to be cut off.

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