Demonology by Drusilla

“If you want her, demon, you know where to find her.” He cried out.

The man tightened his grip and once again everything went dark.


She heard the chains before she felt them. Looking around, she had been chained in the same fashion as she had found the beast the night before. Looking around a fresh bonfire was being built. It was late afternoon and the headache she was nursing caused her to suspect that something else may have been making her sleep throughout the day. The fact that she was still chained up and not rescued caused her to wonder if the beast was still at her house or if he was already gone. Lowering her head back to the ground, she couldn’t help but wonder how she got to this point and closed her eyes.

“But I want her, now!”

Amanda fought the urge to open her eyes and instead listened to the exchange pretending to be asleep.

“She’s not for you. She’s for the other demon.”

“You think this is smart? So soon? We aren’t at full strength.”

“It’ll be fine. We just need to contain our energy for the ritual, so keep it in your pants, Sam.”

‘Other demon?’ Amanda wondered then began remembering what she had seen her first night in the house. ‘They had summoned the beast! That makes so much more sense now!’

Hours later they unchained her neck and dragged her to a picnic bench tying her hands using rope to the table and laying her down on it. A man began fumbling with her yoga pants, trying to remove them when she suddenly kicked him hard in the chest. He reacted by punching her across the face. Amanda saw stars and her eyes immediately welled up. She had never been hit before. The man yanked her pants and thong off her roughly. Then whipped out a knife and cut away her shirt and sports bra that she slept in. Now, total nude, Amanda was at her lowest. Face aching, ankle still sore and now humiliated she had very little fight in her left.

People began showing up and was interested in the offering. They poked and prodded her body and made comments to some of the others. Chatting casually it wasn’t until dusk that they began to get serious. Circling the fire, the group of people began to chant softly. Amanda tried to figure out what to do, but kept expecting death instead. This fatalistic stance caused her to miss the man that had attacked her appearing at her side. He suddenly was there, making her jump. He smiled at her, rubbing his hand up and down her leg.

“Soon, you will be a great gift to a very power demon.”

Turning, the man threw something on the bonfire that began to smoke. The chanting continued, but people stepped closer to the fire to inhale deeply. Amanda could smell it wasn’t pot but there was something about it that wasn’t right. Amanda felt her body relax and she started to feel good. Spreading her legs open she writhed on the picnic table and waited for something to enter her. She needed to be filled.

The man clapped his hands and the clothing began to fall away. People started groping and exploring each other’s bodies before one man bent over a blond and shoved himself in her deeply. Her moans were loud and infectious. Soon more groans were filling the air. The sound was driving Amanda nuts. The man with the smile stood next to her, his hand resting lightly on her thigh, just watching the people fuck.

The contact with her skin was further driving her passions hotter. She could feel her pussy swell to an uncomfortable state, the warm breezes caressed her clit causing a soft tingling in her body. She needed release.

Her stomach suddenly dropped. Amanda was alarmed but couldn’t understand why. Looking up at the man with the smile he was staring at something below the table and out of her site. An animalist howl filled the air from her feet. Another demon was entering the world and she was to be his offering.

In a flash, Amanda’s beast appeared out of nowhere and slashed at the ropes tying her down. Biting into his wrist he held it to Amanda’s face.

“Drink, now!” He urged.

Amanda looked away but tried to wrap her legs around the beast. Flipping around on her stomach Amanda tried to wiggle her ass against the beast to encourage him to take her. Instead he thrusted his wrist into her mouth. Unprepared, she took two swallows of his blood into her throat. Wrapping his arms around her, they jumped into a rift that had been opened for the other demon.

…to be continued.

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