It Started On Skull Island – Chapter 2 by Preverted1

It Started On Skull Island – Chapter 2 by Preverted1

Four friends become stranded on Skull Island. . . and fight for their lives. , It Started On Skull Island – Chapter 2

“Jeff! Over here! Someone’s gone through the bush here . . . and it looks fresh!”

All four teens froze as the words floated through the air. They knew they were in trouble but had no idea how many of the hoods were chasing them. All they knew was that one of them, Jeff Hansen, was reputed to be a rapist. Unfortunately, there had never been enough evidence to convict the son of a rich industrialist, and his victim claimed to be too afraid to testify. As a result, he had gone free, his reputation causing many females to fear for their safety.

“Denise,” Brian hissed, “find your clothes in this bundle, then put ‘em on!” Turning to his best friend Ted, he commented,”Shit, I never thought I’d ever say that to a naked woman!” Ted fought to suppress the chuckle bubbling up inside him. Passing another bundle of clothing to Marsha, he gave her essentially the same command. While the two girls donned their clothing, Brian and Ted did the same. As soon as they were dressed again, Brian motioned the other three to follow him. Walking slowly and as carefully as they could, the foursome made their way to a point furthest from the landed speedboat. Brian carefully surveyed the beach, which was illuminated by the light of the craft, but couldn’t see their pursuers.

“Look, I’ve got an idea” Brian suggested. “If we can keep those pricks from figuring out who we are, and how many of us they’re chasing, we’ll have the upper hand. Maybe if we split up, one of us can lead them to the far side of the island while the rest of us commandeer that boat. Once we have that, we can pick up the decoy and get the hell out of here.”

“Yeah, that might work!” Ted agreed. “I know this island inside out and backwards, so I’ll act as decoy. You guys get that boat. There’s a point on the south-east tip that’s deep enough to get almost right to the beach. I’ll meet you there, okay?”

“Not without me, you won’t?” Denise put in. “If those bastards catch up with you, you’ll need someone to bail your ass out, and that would be me.”

Silently, they all agreed, with Ted and Denise heading for the centre of the island, while Brian and Marsha studied the terrain between them and the boat. It would be a lot easier to plot a strategy if they knew how many pursuers they were up against. But that was a luxury they didn’t have.

Ted reached out his hand for Denise, and she clasped it tightly, as he led her through the brush. Stalking as quietly as they could, the two desperados made good time to the island’s centre, then started to make enough noise that the gang of goons would hear them. Ted was counting on their pursuers to hear the racket and head that way to investigate. He also knew that there was a high cliff just south of where they were. Leading them to the cliff would be easy. Getting them to step over the edge, though, could prove difficult. The fall would slow them down, at the least, and there was a possibility of a broken leg or two, but the distance wasn’t great enough to be fatal, and there was sufficient growth at the bottom to cushion a fall.

“Make noise, Denise!” Ted whispered. “Stomp on some branches, but don’t say a word. I want to lure them without identifying who or what we are. Let’s just make them curious. As soon as we hear them coming, we’ll shoot along the cliff’s edge. There’s a way to get down about a quarter mile from here, if I remember.”

Denise moved about thirty feet away from her boyfriend, then began to stomp on loose underbrush, breaking twigs and rustling leaves. Whether the thugs would take the bait remained to be seen, although she failed to understand how anyone could miss all that noise. Her efforts were rewarded with shouts from the pursuing gang.

“Hey! Over there! Something’s moving in the bush! Let’s go!”

Ted recognized the voice as that of Jeff Hansen, and the blood ran cold in his veins. He had no idea whether or not Jeff’s reputation was real or imaginary, but the thought of Denise becoming his next victim sent chills up and down his spine.

The thunder of men running in the bush grew louder, and closer. Denise was about to run from the scene of her destructive stomping, and Ted could feel his heart pounding as the adrenalin pumped into his system. Just as she turned to flee, a powerful beam of light caught Denise’s shape, and three heavyset men burst from behind the light’s source, grabbing and capturing the young teen. Despite all her struggling, they had her tightly in their grip.

“Hey Jeff! Come see what we found! You’re gonna like this!” one of the captors yelled. “We got us a young tightie to play with! I get dibs on her!”

Jeff burst out from the underbrush and into the light cast by the lanterns, an evil grin on his lips.

“Yeah, this should be fun!” Hansen crowed. “I ain’t had me a tight piece of ass since that Lucy bitch, and my cock is just itching for a young cunt! Get her clothes off, and spread her on the ground, you mental morons! I’m gonna have me a real good fuck!”

Denise gasped in horror, understanding what was about to happen, but praying she was mistaken. Hands grabbed at her shirt, ripping it off in one movement, then began pulling on her pants. Squirm and fight as she might, the two men holding her had too tight a grip for her to escape. Tears began to run down her cheeks, and the sight of Jeff Hansen with his pants down and his hard cock protruding from his groin like a deadly lance elicited a scream of terror from her lips.

Ted hid in the bush, waiting for just the right moment to make his move. He’d have only one chance to do anything effective before the gang of rapists pinned him down. He felt certain they’d probably do him a lot of damage. There was a good possibility that he wouldn’t survive their beatings, but if it gave Denise a chance to escape, it would be worth the risk.

Now, four hands grabbed at Denise’s arms and legs, forcing her down on the ground, face up, and pinned her there. Two more hands attached themselves to one leg while one pair held her shoulders, and they forced her legs as far apart as possible. She screamed at the pain, her hip joints throbbing in protest as they rotated as far as human anatomy would allow. In the light, she saw Jeff slowly striding towards her, his eyes locked on her defenceless pussy that was illuminated in the beam of light for all to see. Jeff’s evil facial expression of lustful conquest elicited another scream of terror from her, and the sound almost seemed to feed his desires to conquer this young teen with his invading cock. He kneeled down between her legs, grabbing his massive prick in one hand, and began rubbing the head up and down Denise’s slit. Once more she screamed in horror at his touch, understanding fully now that Jeff had all intentions of forcing himself deep inside her, whether she wanted him to or not. Denise was on the verge of passing out from fright, and she welcomed the blackness of unconsciousness. Before it could claim her for its own, there was a dark shape that flew across her vision, it’s mass colliding with her assailant.

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