It Started On Skull Island – Chapter 2 by Preverted1

Ted had aimed for Jeff’s upper body, determined to drive him away from poor Denise at all costs. His aim was true, but his weight wasn’t quite as effective as he’d hoped. Wrapping his arms around Jeff’s neck as he sailed through the air, he successfully toppled the would-be rapist over Denise’s thigh, pushing Jeff’s head down sideways, and slamming it against the hard earth. But his trajectory was too high, and he continued to fly through the air another four feet. Just enough that he couldn’t get to Jeff to keep the man from recovering his balance. Rolling onto his feet, Ted launched himself for another attack, flying through the air as he aimed for Jeff’s upper body.

Halfway between take-off and impact, Ted felt something hard strike him square in the gut, driving the breath out of his lungs. He collapsed on the ground, mere inches from his target, only to feel that same object pound between the base of his neck and his shoulder blades. Blackness enveloped him as he passed out from the pain. His last conscious thoughts were of his Denise, still held prisoner by three of Jeff’s goons. He prayed that his actions had persuaded the lusting man that the attack on his intended victim had been foiled. The darkness claimed Ted before he could ascertain the success or failure of his defensive tackle.

“Hold onto that little bastard!” Jeff screamed. “When I’m finished with her, I’m gonna do his fucking ass until he fucking bleeds to death!” Hands grabbed Ted’s limp form, and dragged him to the edge of the circle of light. Realizing that her rescue had been defeated, Denise screamed as loud and as long as her lungs would permit, the shear terror of this ordeal washing over her, and almost convincing her that these were the last moments of her young life.

Down on the beach, Brian and Marsha heard Denise’s screams of terror, as they abandoned their objective of Jeff’s speedboat. The sun had set, and the remaining light was barely bright enough to see the rough outline of the bush they had just navigated. Heading in the general direction of the loud protest they’d heard, both teens broke into a run. Neither one had any idea of how they’d rescue Denise, or whether Ted was still in any shape to be of assistance. All Brian could think of was to get to Denise as fast as he could, and do whatever was possible to rescue her. Silence and stealth were the last things from his mind as he crashed through the scrub and undergrowth. The noise advertised his approach like the whistle of a train.

Marsha had a more rational mind than Brian. She realized that she might be Denise’s last hope for rescue. She was also aware that, if she failed, there was a high probability that her fate would parallel Denise’s. Whatever had happened to elicit those screams of terror, it was also waiting for her. As a result, she held back enough to carefully follow Brian’s progress through the underbrush while allowing her time to observe the situation and formulate some kind of plan. As they approached the area where the terrorizing noises had come from, she was aware of the light cast from the lanterns. The understanding flooded her mind that those lights could afford her clear observation, and also hide her form in their shadows. That would be her biggest advantage.

Brian burst out of the bush and into the arena of Denise’s rape, the vision of her pinned prone on the ground, and Ted’s lifeless form mere feet way, the only details he took note. Without a strategy, he charged towards Jeff’s menacing form kneeling between Denise’s spread thighs. His forward momentum was instantly halted by that same blunt object as it connected with his upper stomach. The quick exhausting of his lungs, accompanied by the pain of ribs cracking, sent bursts of light to cloud his vision. Stunned by the blow, Brian collapsed in a heap of writhing flesh as he hit the ground several feet short of his intended target.

“Jesus Christ!” Hansen yelled at no one in particular. “How many of these stupid sons-of-bitches are there? I’m getting fucking sick of all these interruptions, dammit! If there’s one more attack like that before I fuck the ass off this little tightie, someone’s gonna lose their cock and balls! Get this asshole outta here! I’ll deal with him later, but first . . . ”

With that said, Jeff began to stroke his now semi-hard prick in an effort to return it to its previous state of erection. All the excitement had drained the blood from his engorged cock, leaving him sufficiently soft to prevent penetration of the young pussy that he so desired. Returning to the assault, Jeff began to rub the tip of his cock up and down Denise’s slit, trying vainly to lubricate himself for his attack on her cunt. Just as he attained sufficient hardness to push himself inside her, there was a loud thwack, and the light that had illuminated the scene shone straight up into the sky, instead of on the site of his lustful attack.

Jeff’s aim for Denise’s entrance was off by an inch, but it was enough to deflect his cock away from her opening, and into the juncture between her vulva and her thigh. She felt the stabbing pain as Jeff’s cock drove into her leg joint, then felt his crushing weight on her as he collapsed on top of her, the pain in his groin advertised by the screams in her ear. Jeff had thrust himself towards her with all his strength, and had missed. The resulting contact with the dry skin of her leg had driven his erect phallus back into his groin, resulting in excruciating pain, and an immediate loss of his erection. In the ensuing confusion, she managed to extricate one arm, and immediately used it to pound her attacker’s head mercilessly. As she flailed in panic, she was dimly aware of another thwack from the edge of the circle. Whoever had struck the lamp holder had claimed another victim. Barely understanding that she was on the verge of rescue, Denise continued to squirm and struggle towards freedom, and escape.

Ted slowly regained consciousness. His first realizations were of the sounds of someone being struck resoundingly, and a body landing right beside him. The smell of body odour indicated that it wasn’t anyone he knew. Shaking his head to clear his vision, he became quickly aware that Denise was still struggling to extricate herself from Jeff’s hulking weight. Leaping to his feet in an attempt to save her, the dizziness almost pushed him back into that black pit of unconsciousness. If it hadn’t been for his determination to find Denise, that unconsciousness would probably have won the battle. Diving for where he thought Jeff’s body should be, he flew through the air, missing his intended target completely. Jeff was still sprawled horizontally on top of Denise. The realization that he’d executed another failed attack swept through Ted’s mind, micro-seconds before he felt his shoulder slam into something warm and stubble-covered. The mass moved under his weight and momentum, rendering that unmistakable sound of breaking bone. Ted had no idea of who he’d hit, but the prickling sensations on his shoulder told him it definitely wasn’t Denise; not unless she had started shaving recently.

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