Lost Empire 1 by pars001


Sighing, Derrick knew he had to have E’s and 0999’s help. Though he wasn’t sure how she’d take it, he decided it might be for the best. The problem was how to breach the subject?
Starting carefully Derrick brought it out, “E, I’ve been going over the battles for the 800 years you were active for the empire. It seems the strategy was brilliant but…”
Here E sighed again, “but you noticed minor discrepancies that brought about the destruction of my brothers and sisters.” Shocked Derrick could only nod, “Your name sake had also noticed them, it seems it started about the time the grandson of the Emperor that had created us took the throne.”


Still shocked Derrick asked, “but why was he so distrusting?”
“It seems, that your name sake also noticed what you have. Though he could never act out on it, as it appeared the traitors were receiving orders from the Emperor, and all subsequent Emperors starting with the same grandson as before mentioned. It was also why your name sake was never in the right position in every battle. E sadly said.
“My god!” Whispered Derrick, “fiercely loyal for centuries, only to the Emperors and their crews. Still all of them didn’t trust any of you. One would have thought that they knew you wouldn’t turn on them.”


The hologram sadly shook her head, “your name sake truly was a great warrior. It was an extremely sad day when he ceased to function.”
Derrick hung his head, he’d read the letters his great, great grandfather had written. The man had been filled with such passion for the empire, such hope, only to be betrayed by the very man he had sworn to follow.
Derrick sat there in silence, thinking over everything he’d learned. An hour later, he was still there when a small chiming sound started breaking his chain of thought.
“Alright E,” Derrick stated, “that’s a new one on me, what exactly is that?” Derrick pointed to an indicator on the control panel.


Again, E was silent for a few moments before she answered, “It is an alert I set up, to notify us when 0999’s cerebral activity reached a point that showed he was of a more ‘conscious’ state.”
“Good, I am going to need yours and his help, if I am going to pull off what I have planned,” Derrick stated more to his self than to E.
They both watched as the mental activity of the other A.I. increased, then just as suddenly it drew even then stabilized.
“Now commencing bio-active scans, all readings within tolerances, growth now at 40%, 0999 ship systems beginning to power up, reading 90% cerebral activity. Hello 0999, are you functioning? Do you need any further assistance?” E asked.


Low and slow at first, then a little clearer, they heard a male voice coming from the speaker. “At present I am only at 45% I have interrupted growth cycle until you evacuate me from bay 1. Preparing for open space.”
“Affirmative, opening bay doors now, do you have capability to move? Is there further assistance required?” E asked.
“Negative 0101, are we the only ones?” the male voice asked.
“Yes,” replied E, “I am afraid so, my primary command found your life capsule, though I am not sure how.”
“I wish to thank him, may I know your name that it is registered within my memory?” the male voice asked
Stepping forward Derrick spoke, “Derrick, Derrick O’Toma.”
“Derrick? O’Toma? The hero of the Corton battle? And the Gleeton expanse?” the male voice said, impressed.
“No, that was my great, great grandfather,” Derrick answered.


Derrick had been watching the more ship like shape, silently moving out of the large door.
“0101? How long has it been? We were the last 3, I remember 0099 exploding, then nothing until a few moments ago.” The male voice asked.
For a moment Derrick thought E wasn’t going to answer, then she spoke up, “It has been 200 years, almost to the day that you two were destroyed, I have longed for the company of my brothers and sisters. I have had no crew for 150 years. Much has changed 0999, much.”
E proceeded to outline the last 200 years of history, everything that she’d recorded and a few things she picked up on the now open channels that Derrick was allowing her to hear.
“How long til complete regrowth of all your systems and equipment 0999?” Derrick asked as soon as the other ship had cleared the hanger.
“At present, I should have full engine capability within 5 days, internal systems within 6, I am at present only 50% released from the brain box, though this will improve soon. Under sub code 001 article 10, I am to respond to my primary command, if I no longer possess such, then I am to follow the nearest and highest ranking primary command.
I await your orders primary Derrick,” the male voice responded.


“At present 0999, stay as close to 0101 as you can, until such time as you have a better capability to protect and camouflage.” Derrick ordered.
“Affirmative, primary Derrick,” the voice answered.
“0999, call me Derrick until such time as there are more primaries,” Derrick said.
The com went silent for longer than Derrick thought it should, a moment later the voice answered, “I apologize Derrick, without my full capacity, remembering and recording take a little longer than I am used to. I am only now at 53.5%, though being out of the bay has helped to increase my growth. I find that I do have minimal propulsion capability but not much.”
“Good,” Derrick replied, “it will help if things come to a fight.” Though Derrick was hoping it didn’t, some of the species the ships had beaten had required all 1000 ships and they had almost lost a few that time.


For the next 5 days they waited. 0999 was starting to take shape, looking more and more like E everyday. It appeared that almost all of the A.I.’s memories were intact, though 1% had been lost when the brain box had been damaged. The fact that it was supposed to be indestructible wasn’t lost on Derrick, going to his salvage ship, Derrick re-examined the readings he’d taken when he’d first found it. Going over them for several hours he finally came to the conclusion that someone had tried to pry the case open, it appeared they had used something of the same metal which was why the case had been damaged. Leaving his ship he was headed to the command room when a different set of alarms went off. These were the same as the ones he knew, an attack was brewing, damn it! 0999 wasn’t up to full capacity yet.


Calling E, Derrick was quickly back in the command center. “E, I need a status report,” Derrick said as soon as he appeared.
“It appears to be a race that hasn’t been seen in almost 1000 years, as I remember they have a strong appetite for humanoid flesh.” E reported. “Though the last time we went against them it was the first battle we were ever in. We have improved our systems a thousand fold since, but all scans indicate that their tech hasn’t improved much since the last time we met. Though they are only a small fleet, our chances at the present time are only 25% in favor of victory.”
“Suggestions?” Derrick asked.
“Protective cover until such time as 0999 is 100% or tomorrow 1:20pm ship time,” E replied.
“Thank you E, suggestions taken under advisement and E, never tell me the odds, they’re usually wrong,” Derrick replied.
“I have to say,” E restated, “you are very much like him.”
“Thank you, I take that as a compliment,” Derrick answered pulling up everything they had on the alien invaders.

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