New Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 6 – Capture! by lad91 – Violence

New Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 6 – Capture! by lad91

Harry and Hermione are captured by the Death Eaters. , This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author.

Chapter 6
On a chilly, clear early spring morning, Hermione and Harry were once again packing up their tent in preparation to leave their camp. Nearly a month had passed since there narrow escape from Godric’s Hollow and thanks to Hermione’s tender love and care, Harry was as fit as a fiddle once more. Ever since Hermione had rejected his advances, Harry had noticed a difference in his relationship with her. Harry loved her even more as a friend and since they had destroyed the locket with the newly acquired sword of Gryffindor, their friendship was the strongest it had ever been.

‘Ready to go Hermione?’ asked Harry as he playfully offered his arm to Hermione.
‘Sure Harry,’ responded Hermione with a smile as she folded her arm around his. With Hermione holding tightly to his arm, Harry slowly revolved on the spot and felt the unpleasant feeling of being sucked through a narrow tube. Finally, the feeling of grass under his feet announced to Harry that they had arrived.
‘Where are we then Harry?’ asked Hermione who had released Harry and began to fire off protective spells around them.
‘It’s a disused barn near Privet Drive,’ replied Harry as he dropped his bag on the ground, ‘Voldemort will never find us here.’
‘Harry!’ Hermione suddenly gasped, ‘you said his name; it’s jinxed remember!’ In a moment of horror Harry had realised what he had done as suddenly, six cloaked figures appeared around them.

‘Drop your wands filth,’ said one of the figures gruffly as Hermione and Harry reluctantly obliged, ‘so….who we got ‘ere then?’ The man grabbed Harry roughly by his arm so he could get a better view of him.
‘Merlin’s beard! It’s…….it’s…..Potter!’ A murmur of shock and excitement rippled around the group of Death Eater’s as Harry felt his pulse quicken, ‘yes it’s him! And look….. this is his mudblood companion Granger. Hope you’re ready for retirement boys,’ cackled the Death Eater excitedly to the group, ‘once we hand him over to the Dark Lord, we’ll be as rich as Kings!’ Suddenly, Harry felt a sharp blow to the back of his side causing his vision to black-out…..


‘Are you sure it’s him?’……………, ‘It looks like him,’…………., ‘we have to be sure or the Dark Lord will kill us.’ Harry heard these voices as if they were a million miles away as his eyes flickered open. His hands were tied behind his back and he seemed to be chained to a wooden chair as he looked around the room. He seemed to be in an impressive looking living room, with high windows that were covered by thick looking velvet curtains. A fire was crackling in the marble fireplace and a stone slab had seemed to be recently erected in the middle of the room. It was around 6 feet tall and stood just off vertical high in the air; as if supported by magic. Harry’s chair was positioned to the side of the slab which seemed to be at least a foot thick. Harry heard a groan as he looked to his side and saw Hermione also chained to a chair.

‘Hermione!’ whispered Harry urgently. Hermione’s head however lolled to the other side as two figures suddenly approached him.
‘He’s come round,’ said Draco Malfoy to a hooded figure as they squatted right in front of Harry’s face.
‘Hello Potter,’ said Draco with a wide grin.
‘Please, Draco, let us go,’ pleaded Harry as he fought silently against his bonds.
‘It is him,’ said Draco triumphantly, ‘we should call Master,’ Draco said as he lifted his sleeve in preparation to press the Dark Mark tattooed on his arm.
‘Wait!’ said the cloaked figure urgently, ‘if we call the Dark Lord he’ll kill us.’ Draco looked confused as the Hooded Man addressed Harry.

‘Potter,’ spat the man in a hoarse voice, ‘how did you get the sword of Gryffindor?’ Harry felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he realised they must have taken all their belongings, including their only weapon against Voldemort’s horcruxes. Harry looked straight into the Hooded Man’s eyes, whose face was covered by an elaborate metal mask.
‘Found it,’ said Harry simply. Harry felt the Hooded Man’s fingers grip more tightly around the arms of Harry’s chair.
‘That sword should be safely locked away in my Gringott’s vault along with another item the Dark Lord has entrusted me. If you refuse to talk then we’ll have to make you.’ Suddenly the Hooded Man released Harry’s chair and clicked his fingers, causing the double doors to swing open. Harry gasped as Ginny, Luna and Dean traipsed into the room with their hands tied, flanked either side by Wormtail and Bellatrix.

‘Ginny!’ cried Harry in relief as he looked upon an unscathed Ginny.
‘Harry!’ cried Ginny back in relief as the three of them were forced into empty chairs next to Harry.
‘Bellatrix, untie Hermione,’ ordered the Hooded Man as Hermione suddenly came too. Bellatrix roughly untied Hermione as she pushed her into the Hooded Man’s arms. Hermione felt the Hooded Man give an unusual sigh as she felt his arms wrap tightly round her. Harry and the others looked on in horror as with the help of Draco, the two of them undressed Hermione so she stood naked in front of them all. With an inhuman strength, he lifted her on to his shoulder like a rag doll and placed her against the stone slab, locking her hands above her head with the manacles that were there.

‘If none of you will talk then I’ll shag her,’ said the Hooded Man coldly. A murmur of excitement went out among Death Eaters while Harry and his friends struggled against their bonds to help Hermione.
‘Harry…..Harry,’ said Hermione surprisingly softly, ‘it’s ok, don’t tell them anything.’ Harry stared at Hermione who had set her face to her an almost accepting determination. Even while stood naked and tied up, she looked so brave to Harry.

‘Bad decision mudblood,’ sneered the Hooded Man as he gave her face a forceful slap. As Hermione recovered from the blow, the Hooded Man unfastened his robe and eased the folds aside, revealing his powerful body and his erect, fat cock. Hermione’s eyes widened in fear, as she felt the Hooded Man lift up her slender legs and wrap them round his hips. Ron looked down at his old love with disgust as he felt her breathing quicken. He grabbed hold of her large tits and squeezed and slapped them hard; laughing out loud at Hermione’s pain. Slowly, he lowered his hands from her gorgeous tits and let them stroke her soft, supple tummy. Ron breathed in hard as finally, he brought his hand to the pussy he had used to so long for. Ron roughly jammed in three fingers into her, causing her to moan out loud. Ron circled his fingers inside her pussy; loving the tight wet feeling around his fingers. Hermione watched as the Hooded Man removed his fingers from her pussy and brought them to the gap in his mask where the mouth was to lick them clean.

‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard,’ said Ron as he placed his hands on her firm ass. Harry and the others watched on in horror from the side as they watched the Hooded Man thrust his hips violently forward, so that his entire erect dick vanished inside of Hermione’s pussy. His robes billowed out behind him as he quickly picked up a fast, steady rhythm. Ron squeezed and slapped Hermione’s fine ass hard as with low grunts, he continued to pound Hermione’s tight pussy. Ron watched with satisfaction as Hermione’s large, but perky young tits bounced with each thrust he gave her.
‘You go man,’ whooped Draco, ‘fuck that mudblood hard.’ With a dark smile, Ron picked up his pace, so that his hips were moving like blur. Hermione let out a high pant as she felt the Hooded Man’s cock go balls deep in her.

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