Rescued or Ensnared by a Siren? by BikeWriter
This is an excerpt from a book I’m writing. , RESCUED OR ENSNARED? From far, far away, Prince Vandar felt gentle hands touch him and the warm current of the ocean as he was drawn swiftly through… Soft lips breathing lifegiving air into his own parched lips were the next sensation Vandar felt. He was incredibly weak and in severe pain but he was intensely grateful for the life-sustaining contact. As his senses awakened he could tell that someone had pulled the remaining part of the arrow shaft from him and he was lying on his back. When he coughed and began to breathe on his own, the soft lips began to caress and gently kiss his dry lips and cheeks.
“No, only Linden…” The Prince mumbled in protest as he feebly attempted to evade the nuzzling lips. “It is Linden, my Love.” An Entrancingly lilting, but totally unfamiliar Voice reassured him. The lips recommenced their nuzzling, soft kissing, and caressing as Vandar slipped back into a peaceful oblivion. An intoxicating hypnotic Song brought him slowly back into semi-awareness. He couldn’t make out the words, but he could somehow understand the lustful emotions that were an integral part of the Song. Intense erotic satiation and physical love were being promised in exchange for a full surrender of all volition.
As he fought to open his eyes the Singer kissed his eyelids and they Magically dropped closed again. The cloying, sweet lips began their endless seduction, kissing, licking, and nuzzling at his lips, then moving to nibble at his earlobes and neck. An erect nipple and soft breast next teased his lips; then long tendrils of hair caused a tantalizing shiver on his feverish skin as the woman trailed her face across his body. A small hand gently cupped his cheek, then moved down across his chest, then down to warmly envelop his swelling manhood. “Only Linden…” Vandar insisted weakly, as he struggled to open his eyes. “I am your Linden, make love to me. I need you so much!
” The Singing voice pleaded sweetly. With an intense effort, Vandar opened his eyes; he was startled to see the face of his beloved Linden. Her face was close to his, and her insatiable need for him was evidenced by the intense yearning look on her face. Vandar painfully reached his hands up to cradle her dear face in them. He drew her to him and kissed her with a feverish intensity and delirious need as she wrapped her soft legs around him and began to place him within her hot, wet core with one small hand. She reared back and impaled herself on him in triumph! He felt an intense pleasure as she engulfed him, then he looked up at her in revelation.
The Truth Seeing was working; he had been tricked and Enchanted! Long raven tresses curled down past emerald green eyes and alluring red lips to encircle large globed, erect nippled breasts. She was a beautiful, enticing woman but she was not his Linden! The tormented and betrayed Prince used the last remnant of his will power as he rolled and threw the Enchantress off him with all of his remaining strength. He felt a tremendous wrench of pain in his wound and he fled, once again, to the now welcome haven of unconsciousness. The relentless lips were the first things he sensed, when next he came around. They sang their lustful, erotic, and hypnotic tune and then began their kissing, licking, and sucking anew.
This aroused Vandar incredibly until he regained enough awareness to remember their lies. The insiduous rape was beginning again! Vandar did his best to forget how incredibly erotic the Siren’s tawny body had felt to him, for Siren he had deduced her to be. He had to concentrate on his escape, he knew he’d have to use his mental, rather than his physical powers to succeed. He steeled himself to resist the ministrations of her warm, wet lips and soft body. He strived to turn his desire to rage. He meditated on Linden’s innocent Virginal trust in him and her sweet love as the exquisite but diabolical torture continued.
“No.” The Prince realized his thinking of sweet Linden only seemed to legitimize the feelings of arousal and lies the Siren was using to weaken his resolve. His escape would have to be through some other means. Xandar had told him he possessed the ability to use Magical Powers, if only he would. If the Truth Seeing he had unwittingly used on the reflection frame and used to see the Siren in her natural guise were any indication of the ease with which Wizardry could be performed by an Adept, he should be able to teach himself. First Vandar battled to visualize in his mind a wall blocking out the Siren’s hypnotic Singing. He built it rock by heavy rock and was gratified to find, at last, that it seemed to be working.
The higher the imaginary wall grew, the less he heard of the alluring Siren Song. Thus greatly encouraged and relieved from the maddening Song, he looked closely with his mind at his wounded shoulder. He began to picture the wound closing and mending from the inside out, torn muscles becoming whole and strong again. He thought intensely of healing, soothing thoughts. The excruciating pain in Vandar’s shoulder eased to a tolerable level as he felt an eerie tingling come from the ground into his back, legs, buttocks, and head, and merge in his shoulder area. A revelation struck him; the Power was coming from the Earth! He felt much stronger.
He opened his eyes to see the exotically beautiful Siren staring in astonishment at his wound. He looked at it himself and he was amazed to find it was healing. Bloody slivers of the splintered shaft and clots of blood had been pushed from the gory wound by his rapidly regrowing flesh. The Prince rolled over and shoved the Siren off him. He got his arms underneath him and struggled to rise. A lance of pain went through his shoulder, but he was grateful for it now because it served to bring him more awareness. Vandar stood shakily and saw himself to be in a rocky seaside cavern.
He was surrounded by the booty from the numerous wrecked ships brought to their destruction by the Siren’s irresistible Song. The Siren had stood and was looking at him in disbelief, he could tell from her face she was still singing desperately but the rock wall blocking his hearing held firmly. He resisted looking at her enticingly nude body and looked around for his clothes, swordbelt, dagger and other gear. He buckled them on and found a likely looking sword that would fit his scabbard. As he gathered supplies and readied himself to leave, the Siren grew increasingly more frenzied. Finally, she grabbed up a sword; she raised it overhead and rushed at him. Vandar had built up a lot of rage and frustration because of her attempted rape of him, but he had no desire to kill or injure even so murderous a beautiful young woman.
Vandar drew his own sword with his left hand and caught and held her swung sword overhead. He grasped her swordhand with his right hand and found himself face to face with the small Siren. They were also chest to firm breasts; he fought valiantly to avoid being drawn back to thinking about that as the Siren’s erect nipples seemed to stab him. He was still weak from thirst, hunger, and his wound. Though much larger than she, he couldn’t overpower the Siren physically. He had a sudden inspiration and looked mentally at the soundproof rock wall he had built in his mind and then at her sleekly vibrating throat; he moved the wall! The Siren dropped as if she had been shot with a poisoned arrow!