Revenge on Rachel by curiositykilledthecat

“I’m close,” she whispered to him. He pushed harder into her, moving faster and deeper until finally she couldn’t take it anymore. As they both came, she picked up a knife from the bag and drove it deep into Rachel’s thigh until it hit bone, looking into her eyes as she moaned for the last time. Rachel screamed, her eyelids trying to flutter. The wound was deep and bleeding profusely.

“Don’t worry, Rachel. This isn’t over yet.”

Ella rummaged in the bag again, taking out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a canister of table salt, as well as a round of bandages. She doused the window with alcohol, enjoying the pain she heard in response. She dumped the salt, rubbing it deep into the bloody crevasses of her gaping thigh. Then she dressed it, wrapping it tight with the bandages. She didn’t want her to bleed out yet.

Ella picked up the knife again, wiping it clean.

“How did you feel about that, Rachel? Did you like watching, and knowing you’ll never have him? Are you turned on right now? I bet you are, you slut.”

Ella smiled wickedly, approaching her again. She sliced off her shorts with the knife easily, ripping her underpants away until the shreds of fabric didn’t hide her anymore. And then she took the knife and shoved it in, point first, to the whore’s dirty orifice. She thrust again and again, seeing the streams of blood running down her wrist and relishing every noise of pain. Will came to rest on his knees in front of Ella, hungry for a literal taste. He ran his tongue gently over her, already dripping wet again. This torture racket really did it for her. He grabbed her breasts with his hands underneath the dress, rubbing them roughly. Then he slipped it deep inside of her, and she moaned with pleasure. He timed the thrusts of his tongue with the thrusts of Ella’s knife, the sounds of exquisite pleasure and excruciating pain intermingling into a strange and sexy music. Ella came magnificently, back arched and head thrown back with the sensation. She pulled the knife out and dropped it on the floor, not caring to clean up like last time.

She took out the scalpel again. She ripped Rachel’s thin top easily, irritated to see no bra underneath. It was easy to find ways to hate this girl, but it would make her work quicker. She brandished it again for effect in front of Rachel’s face. Then she slid it over her chest, slicing off a nipple on the right side. It bled a lot. She howled with pain. Ella did the other, squeezing her breasts to anchor them as she sliced. The blade was so sharp, it took seconds until the other was in her hand as well. Rachel tried to speak, the gag muffling her. Ella was curious as to what she might say, so she generously untied the gag.


That was all she said.

“Please what?” Ella feigned ignorance, “Oh! How rude of me. Are you hungry?”

Rachel looked confused. Ella grabbed her by the back of the neck, holding her head in place. Will forced her mouth open and dropped the bits of flesh Ella had sliced away inside.


Rachel looked horrified, trying to spit the chunks of herself out. Ella was furious at her disobedience. Will went to retrieve them as Ella struck her backhanded, knocking a tooth flying into the corner of the room. She tried again.

“I said, CHEW.”

This time, Rachel obeyed without hesitation. Ella put the gag back before she could vomit. She already had enough of a mess to clean up. She took the scalpel and carved her face, working around the gag to slice her cheeks from ear to ear.

“What a nice smile you have now, Rachel.”

She cut off the tip of her nose until it was flat, exposing the cartilage underneath the flesh.

Ella realized she had to relieve herself. She didn’t want to go away but… No, that would be too disgusting.

Wait, wasn’t disgusting what she wanted? She raised herself above Rachel, wrenched the gag free again, and pissed into the wounds on her face, sending the hot liquid streaming down right into the gashes on her cheeks. Rachel screamed in agony, accidentally catching the liquid in her mouth. Ella laughed.


By now, Rachel had learned to obey.

It had been hours since Rachel first showed up at their door, and Ella was growing tired. Not out of pity, but out of malaise, she was ready to end it. But first, she wanted to hear her beg.

“Why should I let you live?” she asked matter-of-factly.

“I’ll do anything. I won’t tell anyone. I’ll leave you alone forever, move away, never contact you again,” Rachel wept, her words almost unintelligible because of the wounds in her cheeks.
“Is that all?”

“I’ll give you money, if that’s what you want. I won’t tell anyone, I swear. I’m so sorry for what I did to you. I am so sorry,” the tears streamed thickly as she sobbed.

“Me too, Rachel. Real sorry.”

Ella stepped forward and slit her throat, watching the blood bubble out at her. Will came to grab her from behind again, bending her over. He couldn’t wait anymore. They fucked as she died in front of them, blood and air and life leaking all over their living room as they blissfully thrust away. It was over in minutes; Will had had too much of watching, and he had nearly cum just from the sight of Ella cutting her. He finished inside of her, pulled out, and lay back on the ground. It had been a long day, fodder for fantasies for years to come for him. He couldn’t believe that had been inside of his docile girlfriend, a hellhound that could kill and cut and fuck all at once and still lust for more. He loved it.

That night, they took her to the pig farm about a mile down the road. The sows had eaten nearly all of her by morning. They were never caught.

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