“RUNAWAY” Chapter 9 “Pushing The Limits” by brokenwing

She didn’t notice or feel when he unbuttoned the top of the skirt she was wearing but heard it as the zipper went down. She tried to reach down to grab the material but he was too fast and it was down to just above her knees out of reach too quickly.

This time from behind he reached up hard between her sex and forced his hand to her sex. This time he pushed two fingers hard against the material of her panties forcing the material with the tips of his fingers slightly inside between her pussy lips and in a low menacing tone said, “Roger was so right about you Holly, despite all your begging for me to stop, your body is aroused and you’re soaking wet.”

Holly was too inexperienced and immature to understand her own body’s natural responses and his words really cut into her mind and thoughts and her eyes poured tears.

She didn’t understand why her body was feeling and reacting to what was happening even though she was terrified of what was happening and who was doing this to her.

She felt the skirt fall to her ankles and assumed he could have tugged it down as his hand slid up and down one leg and then the other him feeling the contour and muscles in each of her legs still well defined by the red high heels still on her feet.

She was suddenly horrified and shocked at the pain when rather the pulling her panties down her legs he grabbed firm hold of them and jerked up hard yanking the material hard up against her butt crack and sex. His pull was hard enough it almost lifted her off her feet. It took him two more hard yanks before the material of the panties tore free from her body and it was quite painful how it pulled against her tender flesh. She was now standing there nude except for the red high heel shoes on her feet.

He then leaned over her pushing his hands under her until each hand found each breast. There was an eerie sound of glee in his voice when he pointed out, “Holly, these nipples are hard as can be you’re loving this.” Her nipples having just been pressed against the cold stone now felt the warmth of his hands and fingers. He pinched and pulled on them over and over working the nipples and areolas.

He then moved his right hand between her legs and found her sex and rubbed roughly at her pussy and clit. Like he did with her nipples he pinched and pulled at her clit first softly working it fully from its hood and then once he had it between his fingers he squeezed it as hard as he could causing her to squeal out in pain.

The ache from her sex distracted her and she didn’t recognize the sound of the top drawer of the dresser opening or his hand moved onto the back of her neck. He used her neck to slide her body partway off the stone top of the dresser and then pressed his elbow down on her back pushing her shoulder down.

The scream that came from her was much louder then he expected when just about at the same moment he slammed the dresser drawer closed trapping her breast, still with the bandage from the tattoo shop in the drawer and thrust his cock into her sex hard.

His hard thrust also jammed her hips hard against the stone top of the dresser. He held the drawer firmly closed trapping her breast for several seconds before she finally managed to pull it free from the drawer and stone top scraped her breast as she pulled it free all while he continued to thrust his cock in and out of her sex. With the weight of the dresser it had no give and did not move at all so his thrusts cruelly slammed her pelvis over and over into the stone top.

Holly was in shock from the pain in her breast and the building pain in her pelvis as he continued to slam his cock in and out of her sex.

Jim then once again grabbed a handful of her hair pulling her upper body up and her back against his chest. He quickly wrapped his arm around her neck his elbow under her chin and all but drug her back to the bed. He spun her by the shoulders facing him with her back to the bed and then pushed her onto her back, grabbing her under her knees pulling her legs up and then once again thrusting his cock inside her.

It was all happening so fast she could hardly think but could only react. He was fucking her brutally and it felt as much as a physical attack as it did a rape. As if he could read her mind his hand clutched and squeezed the breast he had trapped in the dresser drawer and it felt like the most intense squeezing she could imagine. Even as his hand held and squeezed her breast he continued to thrust his hips and pound his cock into her sex. He also twice reached up and slapped her face hard.

He used all of his strength and weight on his in thrusts and tried to push his cock as deep as he could. It was the most intense, brutal assault Holly could have imagined. She stopped struggling and just told herself to try to survive. The way he was fucking her felt like it was from hate and anger. Finally to her relief she heard his grunting change and he pressed down hard against her body and let out a loud long groan. He held deep for a few seconds with that groan and then thrust his hips several more times making short quick groans and finally collapsed on top of her.

She cried as he laid dead weight on her, exhausted from fucking her. It took him a few minutes to find the strength to get up off of her. He got dressed and then opened the doors leading into the sitting area of the suite where Roger was seated watching the TV.

“You were right Roger she is quite the pain slut” Jim said and Roger corrected him, “A dirty, filthy pain slut” he said with a chuckle.

For a few seconds Holly curled up into a ball and cried but as she heard the two men talking and heard Roger say she was a dirty, filthy, pain slut she lifted her head slightly to look in their direction. She saw something she didn’t expect and it took a while to comprehend when Jim took money from his wallet and handed it to Roger. Jim then excused himself and left the suite.

Roger came to where she was lying on the bed, picked up her clothing and tossed it on the bed saying, “Get dressed.”

When Holly didn’t move fast enough for him, Roger started helping her get dressed. He saw several fresh bruises on her body and it almost aroused him enough to want to rape her right then and there but he was ready to get home.

He had her wash the blood off her face and had her wear her blouse inside out so the blood droplets would not be easily seen. Her panties were torn so he just put them in his pocket, she would have to go without underwear.

He made sure they left nothing behind in the hotel room and then walked her to valet parking and gave them the ticket for his car. Once again a man in a uniform opened the car door for her. She felt such shame and humiliation as she felt fluids escape from her sex and run down her legs.

He drove them home with no conversation and she sat in the passenger seat hurting and mentally drained.

He helped her get from the car into the apartment, into her bedroom and into her bed.

She laid there sobbing on and off, her body hurting and her mind overwhelmed and confused. She thought about the fact that Roger introduced Jim to her as his friend but why did his friend hand him money before he left the hotel room and why did they even go to a hotel? While she was young she knew the words whore and prostitute. She had to question if Jim was actually Roger’s friend or did he give money to Roger to have sex with her. That thought terrified her.

As the night turned into morning Holly could not find sleep. She hurt and felt dirty and filthy. She continued to picture the passing of money between the two men and she felt nauseated at the thought that Jim simply paid to have sex with her making her a true whore.

Her lack of ability to sleep led her to get to her feet and walk quietly to the kitchen to get something to drink. She got a glass of water but out of the corner of her eye she saw the kitchen knife block. She walked over to the counter where it sat and with her hands trembling one by one lifted each knife up looking at it’s blade. She took a few more sips of her water then set the glass down and slowly pulled one of the knives from the block as tears came pouring from her eyes.

She quietly walked back to her room holding the knife in her hand closing the door behind her.

Holly laid on her bed crying clutching the knife she had pulled from the block. She wasn’t sure if she had it in her to defend herself from Roger or if she even had the strength or nerve to even attempt to stab him with it or if she had the intent of trying to end her pain by ending her own life.

She thought about her mother and her friends and her life before he came into their home but she knew she was not that girl anymore nor would she ever be that girl again. He had changed that, he had changed her, through sex, pain and violence.

Did she have the nerve to hurt him? Or was it easier to hurt herself. To end her own pain which might somehow end his pleasure. With her hand trembling she lifted the knife and put the base of the blade to her wrist. Then slowly with pressure she drew the blade across her own wrist and blood started to pour from the wound. Within moments she passed out into darkness.

She woke somewhere unfamiliar to her. At first glance she thought it might be a hospital but she soon realized there were only two other people there in addition to herself. It took a few minutes before she realized what she had attempted to do and looked at her wrist which had a thick bandage taped over it and it was very sore. Of the other two people there she recognized Roger but the woman there in blue scrubs she did not know.

“You stupid girl, I knew you liked pain but I wouldn’t have thought you were into cutting yourself. You must be more careful, you almost cut too deep. But I saved your life so it now belongs to me. I’ve just begin to explore your potential. I’m confident we can push your limits to even greater heights.

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