Sam 11 by pars001

Sam 11 by pars001

Discover the tantalizing world of 'Sam 11 by pars001,' an erotic sex story that explores passion, desire, and thrilling encounters. Dive into an enthralling narrative filled with unforgettable characters and steamy moments that will ignite your imagination. Read more to unleash your fantasies!<br/>

Someone learns the price for his brutality. , The first councilor was laughing at the Clivastone. He was a fake, a real Clivastone could have stopped all the executions with its mind. This… “Enjoy the small victory. I will kill you. You can’t hide from me, know that right now. Nothing you can do will stop me. Know that I hereby declare war on the IP. For each you kill I will take a hundred of the IP. Enjoy when I find you, you will die as slowly as I can kill you, as you deserve.”

The councilor’s eyes were wide at the threats. What? A Clivastone that wasn’t afraid to kill? Then the com went dead even as the councilor was flung violently against the wall. Sliding down the wall slowly losing consciousness the councilor cursed inside. This one was far stronger than the female they had captured five hundred years ago.

Several techs ran to attend the first councilor as he slumped unconscious. The other councilors were notified as soon as the incident happened.

“It appears that we now have a problem much larger than before. This Clivastone trash is indeed far more powerful than the source of the serum. Already he has done in jury to the seventh and first council. We need to act before it starts to hunt us.” The second council announced to the others.

“Can’t the source do anything to pacify it?” The third council asked.

“It did, it also tried to invade and take over the new beast. The beast attacked releasing well over half of the sources life force. At present we have lost well over a hundred scientists.” The fourth council related.

“Brothers!” The seventh council started. “It is obvious that we need to unite against this one as we did five centuries ago.”

“Then all of you need to make certain that you are ready to share all your secrets again.” A chilling voice behind all of them said making each freeze in almost terror.

“Lord Doctor.” All of the other six said as they bowed to him.

“I myself, am starting to detect the amount of power that this piece of garbage has. You need to decide and quickly, before he grows stronger. If any of your minds perish I hope that you have your selves backed up. I am closer to a break through in restoring our original bodies. Stay alive, no more body drops.”

“We hear lord doctor.” They all said as the Doctor nodded then turned to leave.

The Doctor stopped at the door raising a shaking hand. Behind him there were sharp intakes of breath then the fifth and seventh councilmen were blasted back into the wall. Both hung there struggling to break free their eyes wide at the amount of power they felt. The lord doctor had a hell of a lot more power than they had thought.

Whirling with more agility than a being of his advanced years should have he pointed at the two. “So the two of you are already mind synced. That was the first time in two centuries I had to expend that much power. A good beginning though I advise neither of you try that again. You might not like the end results.” Waving his hand both dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

Both beings stared at the ancient looking doctor as he walked away as if nothing had happened. They then looked at each other as information passed between them. The doctor hadn’t even struggled when he forced them back.

The four councilmen could only stare at the two on the floor a wide smile on their faces. Then they shook their heads what the two had done was foolish had the doctor not been in as good a mood, they would surely have been terminated.


Drivas was screaming as the pain started to increase. It was nowhere as bad as when the IP had moved her up more levels. Suddenly a second wave of pain hit her entire system this time she felt it everywhere. Screaming louder she felt more of her mind open as she also felt her power start to increase.

Thellus was absolutely terrified when Drivas started to scream. She’d heard the commander yell in pain before, though this went far deeper than mere physical pain. Worried Thellus reached for Drivas, [“NO! Stop Thellus!] She heard Thantas yell in her head too late. Drivas’s head snapped up as Thellus was reaching for her.

Thellus was suddenly thrown back as if hit by a giant hand. Concentrating she slowed before she hit the bulkhead. [What the hell is going on?] She asked as she stopped and settled to the deck.

[She is having an adverse reaction to the higher levels she has reached. I apologize for the pain she is experiencing. I am also afraid that you will face the pain also though now that you know you may be able to handle it better.] Thantas explained to Thellus.

[I thought that you had us better prepared for this.] Thellus asked of Thantas.

With a sigh Thantas decided that it was time. [I prepared the both of you so that you can go up in levels. I have to go slow as I know that even though I am going slowly, the IP has you conditioned to feel pain. I am doing all I can not to cause pain though as you felt and now see your minds expect pain.]

Thellus was nodding as she remembered all the pain she’d felt during the IP leveling. Thankfully she felt that the pain from Thantas was by far no where as intense. The thing is she was only now realizing that fact.

Thellus watched Drivas as she was writhing on the deck as the pain raged through her. To Drivas she felt as if her brain was on fire. Her body was a huge lead weight that she had no control of. She’d felt Thellus approach her she even tried to warn her to stay back to not get anywhere near her. Then she gasped inside as her mind lashed out at her friend propelling her away from her at an accelerated speed.

A few minutes later Drivas felt her power increase. She tried to shake her head, she was glad Thantas was there to prevent her from hurting herself or Thellus. Finally the pain was too much as she finally succumbed as she let the darkness take her.

[Alright you can get her off the deck. I suggest that you make her as comfortable as possible. It will help her to rest and recover faster.] Thantas advised Thellus when Drivas’s body finally relaxed.

Thellus rushed to get Drivas into a sleep unit, careful to keep the body as stretched out as comfortable as possible. Sighing she felt so alone, there was almost never a time they weren’t together. Looking at Drivas she hoped that this was the right thing. If she lost Drivas she wasn’t sure she could continue on.


Sam was seething his anger almost visible like a wave of heat coming from him. As he turned toward the few troops that were still alive, he saw almost all of the trembling with fear. A few were trying to get the hell out of there.

“I didn’t tell you that you could leave!” Sam shouted at them as they froze unable to move. Sam’s eyes went large, ok, this was new. “I want to know where the commander of this planet is.”

“Why? You’re just going to eradicate him like the killers that your race is!” A younger trooper shouted.

Sam sided up to the trooper almost losing his temper. Taking a deep breath he continued. “I am here to enforce the law that the commander has broken. Actually several laws. Now…” Sam started.


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