The Maintenance Man another repair 4 by pars001

As of yet not even half the fleet is here yet, also we found that Tantka was responsible for the Styrox feeling confident enough to attack,” Mark stated. The head master’s face suddenly grew grim, “Did you say the Styrox?” to which Mark nodded, “they are the most ruthless race I have ever seen, send me everything!

The council has to be told! My god Mark what in the hell have you gotten your self into? Personally, I have looked over the entire program and yes you have apparently fixed everything that was wrong with it.

” Suddenly the head master grew more serious than Mark had ever seen him, “the council be damned! I haven’t been head master all these years for nothing, I’m transmitting it to you, but Mark, you better make damn sure you have EVERYTHING right about this when you change the parameters of it! The council doesn’t realize just who the fleet is up against, make it work and destroy those flesh eating bastards!

” Mark could see that the man was deadly serious, assuring the man Mark waited till the entire program was loaded to his protected comp. Signing off, Mark immediately started working on it to finally give the empire a chance against this hellish race. Thankfully, the start of the changes were more than half way through the program though, it was still going to take time to wade through the rest of the billions of lines of code.

Plus the fact that his comp hunted out each specific line he needed to change, would help to speed things up. Nissie and Sam tried to stay away from him they hadn’t seen this worked up and driving his self this hard in years, finally though after 2 days non stop they finally went in to check on him. Sam walked up behind Mark and let out a gasp, “the eradicator?

Mark are you trying to destroy all life? First the anti-matter, now the eradicator? The most dangerous program ever written and you want to use it against the Styrox!

Again I have to tell you brother you’ve lost you’re fucking mind!” “No Sam, I’m using my head. I’ve been rewriting this for years, I used a variation of it against Tantka 6 years ago and you saw how effective it was.

” Mark replied Sam stood there with her arms crossed over her now ample chest, a look of pure disbelief on her face. “Mark, that was a variation, not the whole damn thing! Damn it man!

I want to see Catrina grown not a casualty of this damn war or that fucking program!” Sam’s face was almost blood red when Mark stopped and turned to look up at her face, yes he couldn’t blame her for doubting the program but he’d devoted years into fixing it. Shaking his head a million thoughts flew through his head as he tried to find a way to answer her.

Looking over at Nissie he could see that she was also worried, damn did they have that little faith in him? “Sam, Nissie, I have spent every moment I can rewriting this, given all the facts about the Styrox this is the only way. If we don’t stop them soon they will reach the more populated planets, once they feed they’ll start to reproduce, then we’ll never get rid of them.

” Mark replied though he couldn’t keep the worry out of his voice. Against Tantka he’d only used the first half of the program that had been easy, now with the whole damn thing there were way to many factors that could go wrong. Shit he was glad he’d already had the key words written for the changes.

Though not totally convinced after looking over the data Sam did see that this was the only way to even hope to defeat the Styrox. Taking her aside, Sam began to explain to Nissie what Mark was doing and what they were truly up against. The look of sheer terror on her face, Mark knew that Nissie finally understood.

Walking up behind him Nissie leaned down and passionately kissed Mark, whispering in his ear, “You make sure that they can’t come back, I want ALL my family safe.” Mark was stunned by the amount of venom he heard in her voice, nodding he went back to work feeling more confident than he had in years. Finally after hardly sleeping 5 days later Mark felt it was ready, problem was he had no way to deliver it, going over the reading a tenth time Mark confirmed that he’d have to fly back onto the main mother ship.

Sam and Nissie had kept tabs on the fleet it appeared that the invasion was stopped short of the first galaxy though they were holding their own the women knew that eventually the Styrox would overpower them. Sam and Nissie kissed Mark as he was boarding the shuttle, he’d have to go full out to catch the fleet as they had a 5 day head start. The day before the 2 students, Sam and Mark had reworked the cloaking systems, strengthened the shields plus upped the power output.

Setting out it only took 2 days to catch the fleet, setting his plan in motion mark used the figure cloak to get closer to the main mother ship. As he was afraid the mother ship was churning out more ships as he closed in, damn it! He had to destroy at least one of the ship factories if the fleet was going to have even a fighting chance.

As he made his final approach Mark was memorizing everything he’d gotten the last time he’d been on one of these ships. Activating his personal cloak Mark made his way deep into the depths of the ship. Finally!

The main comp room, setting his wrist comp to transmit he was about to activate it when a voice behind him chilled him to the bone. “I knew you’d make an attempt on the main computer, drop the pretense fart boy I know it’s you!” Turning around, Mark saw that Tantka was standing in the doorway with about 20 of the Praying Mantis looking Styrox and a nasty claw like looking weapon in his hands, pointed straight at Mark’s chest.


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