The Master’s Cabin by PJ Wolfwalker

“Master, without you I have no life, I’m nothing without You,” you started to say, choking on your own words, trying not to cry. “I am not a woman without You. You are my reason to be alive,” you said as steadily as you could. Whatever else you were trying to say was lost as I hugged you to Me closer than I held anyone except My firstborn son the night he was born… I buckled you into the seat, closed the door, hit the door opener switch as I climbed in, belted up & pulled out onto the gravel drive from the garage leading to the road.

Stopping at the end of the road, I opened the gate, drove through, re-locked it after we drove through, then pulled onto the gravel road toward town. You were startled as I popped a CD in the stereo, unused to the music after so long in the calm silence of the cabin. The motel we were going to stay at had cabins with privacy screens between them. We looked at the cabin, left to go to the restaurant, ordered steaks & home-fries, a couple of cold beers to sip on. You were like a deer caught in the headlights as I addressed you directly and commented that would maybe be the best way for you to speak to Me after you’d started to address me as “Master” two or three times.
You were on the verge of asking permission to go to the washroom when I just pointed to the sign that directed patrons toward them, as you almost ran for the facilities. You were feeling so uncomfortable & disoriented being out in public that we agreed going back to the motel for the night was a good idea. Once there, you asked quietly what we were doing next day please. I told you that I was sending you into a pharmacy to get anything you might need while I had an errand at a shop across the road from it, but I’d make sure you had enough money for your purchases.
I was about to turn on the TV as a treat, but you clung to Me asking if we could lie down, that everything felt too different, too odd after life at the cabin. I nodded, as we snuggled down in the bed and quietly made love until you fell asleep.

Morning brought us showering again, setting out for breakfast at a diner, in fresh clothes before our shopping. Apart from the pharmacy, while I went to do My errand, you stayed close to Me every place we shopped that day, so we ended up staying a second night at the motel. The next day we finished gathering things we needed to get and drove back to the garage, reloaded all our things into the trailer behind the ATV. It was only as you settled into the seat behind Me, pointed toward the woods on the ATV. bundled in your warm jacket & helmet you relaxed. The deeper we rode through the woods, the more at home you seemed, until we pulled up in front of the cabin. You seemed to be floating on air as we unloaded & parked the trailer next to the shed.

Supper was fresh foods we’d brought from the store in town with us, but as soon as the dishes were washed up, you knelt, eyes downcast, asking in a very small voice, for My permission to speak. I nodded assent.

“Please Master, next time you mean to take me away from Your home again, please warn me a few days in advance if You can… you stammered, almost crying.. “I wasn’t… wasn’t ready for the difference from home and the world I used to be a part of… Please Master, I thought terrible things. That You would leave Me there alone or leave Me… Would you please tie me to the cross and flog me for my fears My Master?”

“Yes my dear one, if that’s what you truly want,” I said. You nodded vigorously, shedding clothes & all but running to the St Andrews cross… Crop, flogger, and even a cane before you agreed you’d had enough & needed to move to the stocks. After another light flogging & taking you roughly from behind, as you cried out, tears flowing freely, both pain and love.
Instead of having you immediately climb between the bed covers, I had you kneel on the bed, facing Me, eyes meeting, as I drew out of the bag I’d brought with us from town the item I ordered weeks before at the tack shop, held up the soft leather collar, studs gleaming in the candlelight, the bright silvery buckle & attaching ring.

You gasped, hands going to your mouth to stifle the squeal, as I asked “My beautiful one, I have waited all My life for you… you share My home, My bed, My food; all that I have & am, you have won My heart & soul… Will you accept My collar which marks you as Mine alone for life?”

We both wept as I placed it around your neck and we kissed, held each other tightly as you vowed your service & life itself to Me. We made love all that night, rough and with total abandon, never letting go of one another. As day broke you made breakfast and brought it to Me in bed, where I awaited you, pulling you in with Me. We spent the next three days as our ‘honeymoon,’ our time of binding our vows to one another. You are Mine and I love you.

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