The Therapy I Needed by Fix’m

I tried to flip over, but couldn’t get any leverage, until finally in desperation I raised my right leg in the air and swung it over to the right before rapidly swinging it to the left. This gave the rest of me enough impetus to roll to my left, burying my cock and balls in the mud and my upper body under water. I still couldn’t touch bottom so I stroked like mad with my outspread arms to keep my head above water and tried to use my feet and toes to push me into deeper water without much success until I emulated an inchworm and flopped my way into deeper water. It wasn’t pretty, but it did work. I flipped around underwater and at last found my footing. I looked for my towel, but it was nowhere in sight. I shook the water out of my ears and brushed the hair from my face and looked shoreward.

Lying on the grass and rolling around in laughter was that magnificent vision of loveliness that had so distracted me to begin with. From what I remembered from my brief glance I estimated that she was between 5’8’’ and 6’ with long red hair and a relatively slender body. She was wearing a very, very pale green sundress that complimented her coloration and from what I could see from my position in the water had on neither a bra nor panties. When that clicked in my brain my cock, in spite of the cool water surrounding it, immediately became as hard as a bar of solid steel. I looked down and could see the head of my cock straining as if it wanted to reach the surface a couple of inches above it and quickly realized that if I could see it so could she. I looked up and saw her staring at me with her beautiful lips slightly parted and her tongue lightly caressing the bottom one.

I took another 2 steps backward and immediately went underwater again as the bottom fell out under my rear foot. I came up sputtering as I hadn’t been prepared and was somewhat short of breath. Again I shook my head to clear the water out of my ears and pushed the hair out of my face as I treaded water. I looked back to shore only to find this red headed vixen laughing all over again. I could feel the heat in my face, neck, and upper chest as I blushed even more furiously than before and decided to try and regain a little bit of control back.

“Excuse me, Miss” I called out seeking to get her attention focused on me. It took nearly a minute and a dozen calls before she finally acknowledged me with a languorous “Yes.”

“Excuse me” I said, “but have you seen a blue towel anywhere, I seem to have lost it.” I could tell that she was really trying hard to keep a straight face and not succeeding all that well.

“Yes sir,” she replied trying to stifle a giggle that escaped anyway, “the last I saw it was slowly sinking in the middle of the pond” and she snickered.

“Well damn” I replied, “I really needed that towel.”

“Now why would you need a towel sir?” she asked.

“Why to dry off of course” I responded.

“But sir,” she replied “it is a beautiful and warm afternoon and I am sure that you would dry most effectively in you were to but sit on this lush grass for a little bit.”

I could see where this was going so I decided to play along and I have to admit that she certainly was worthy of my undivided attention. “Yes Miss, I understand that,” I replied “but there is another reason that I am loathe to give for fear that it might offend your beautiful and sensitive ears with such crudeness.”

“Well sir” she asserted “while my ears are undoubtedly beautiful, or at least so I have been told, they are nowhere near as sensitive as you may imagine.” “Now please sir your other reason.”

“Well Miss” I said “while I am still loathe to express it I fear I must.” “The simple fact is that I am quite without clothing and I would not wish to either frighten you or offend your delicate sensibilities by emerging from the water without something to cover my nakedness.”

Her next response through me for a complete loop for she said: “What sir shall you give me were I to retrieve a fresh towel for you?”

I figured that the game had run its course and she was tiring of it – I was wrong.

“Why anything that is within my ability to give Miss” I answered “You need but ask and I will give it to you upon the instant if at all humanly possible.”

With that she rose straight to her feet and walking over to my tent pulled out my other towel. She then sauntered back to the edge of the pond, kicked off her sandals, and waded out to the edge of the drop off. She rolled the towel tightly and with a smooth underhand toss put it right in my outstretched hand. She then went back to where she had dropped her sandal and bent at the waist to retrieve them and in the process giving me one hell of a shot of her upper thighs, lower ass cheeks and in between the two the puffy lips of her pussy and I would almost swear that her asshole winked at me. I didn’t think it was possible for my cock to get any harder, but it did!

As she swished her way back to her resting place I scurried up the underwater embankment to shallower water and quickly unfolded the towel holding it out in front of me so as to conceal my raging hardon and not a millisecond too soon as no sooner did she reach the place where she had been sitting than she spun around and said “Sir, you did agree to accede to my wish in return for my providing you with a towel did you not?”

“Most certainly Miss, is there something I can do for you right this minute” I asked.

“Why yes there is” she responded, “I want you to come over here beside me and spread your towel out so that I may recline upon it while you eat my sopping wet pussy.”

Once I mentally overcame my shock at hearing her say that I said to her “Fair Maiden did my ears hear you correctly, for I thought I heard you say for me to come over there and perform a sexual act upon your stupendous body?”

“Are you always this slow of wit Sir, or perhaps a bit hard of hearing,” she snapped in mock anger, “you heard me correctly and by your own admission you owe me, so get over here!”

With all due haste I made it to her side where I spread my towel and then scooped her up in my arms and gently deposited her on it. I slipped her dress off over her head and sat back on my haunches and marveled at her perfectly formed 36B breasts. As far as I was concerned she was an exquisite work of art to he handled like the finest china and I was about to rock her world.

I lay between her legs and for just a moment allowed my nostrils to fill with her scent savoring every aspect of the complex aromas rising from her dripping cunt. I extended and hardened my tongue and then slowly dragged it from her beautifully formed rosebud up the length of her slit trying to gather every drop of her sweet tasting nectar before slowly circling her rather pronounced clit. Kristin, for that is who I imagined her to be, sucked in her breath before releasing it in low, deep sounding hiss and raised her pelvis off the ground to mash her cunt into my face.

I lowered my head and began again except this time I probed her anus with the tip of my tongue, slipping maybe three quarters of an inch in past her ring of sphincter muscles. I swirled my tongue inside her and she let out a grunt as her hips involuntarily contracted. I withdrew my tongue and circled her rosebud before beginning my journey to the top of her slit, but this time I allowed the very tip of my tongue to drag lightly over the top of her blood engorged clit. Another sharp intake of breath followed by the same low, deep hiss, but this time it was accompanied by a slight shiver as her pelvis lifted.


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