Unforgettable Rape by LittleBlackDress22

Unforgettable Rape by LittleBlackDress22

Explore the thrilling and provocative erotic story 'Unforgettable Rape' by LittleBlackDress22. Dive into a tale filled with intense emotions, desire, and unforgettable encounters. Perfect for those seeking captivating erotic fiction that pushes the boundaries of passion. Read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

Sometimes, being raped isn’t always a bad thing. , The grandfather clocked chimed two o’clock in the morning, but all the rest of the world was quiet. Normally I could sleep through the clock’s annoying chimes, but on this particular night it woke me up. I laid there listening to the pendulum as it swung back and forth and prayed that I would fall back asleep. 5:00 a.m. was going to come sooner than I wanted it to, and dragging me out of bed would be even worse if I didn’t get more sleep.

I pulled the throw blanket up under my chin and rolled over in frustration onto my side to face the TV. I had shut it off hours ago in my sleep, but now the silence was deafening. I grabbed the remote off the coffee table, got more comfortable on the couch, and turned the television back on hoping that some late night infomercial would bore me to sleep. Some Billy Mays wannabe rambled on about tins that make tortillas into taco bowls and I slowly drifted off back to sleep.

I never heard the glass shatter on the back door, or the footsteps on the hardwood floor as they made their way over to me. Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe and I woke up trying to gasp for air. I tasted leather before I even realized what was happening, but found I couldn’t scream. The strong hang clamped my mouth shut and blocked my nostrils. Struggling, I tried to take a breath as I fought against whoever it was covering my mouth. The hand slid down slightly, still keeping my mouth covered, and I was finally able to breathe. I inhaled deeply through my nose and tried to get my bearings. The TV had been shut off, but the night light in the adjoining hallway gave off enough illumination for me to make out a tall, manly figure dressed completely in black standing over me.

He leaned down close, his breath sending chills down my spine when he spoke.

“You try to scream, bitch, and I’ll cut your throat,” he growled into my ear with his raspy voice. I felt the sharp point of a knife against my throat and I nodded slowly in reply, hoping to prevent any sudden actions from occurring with his cutting hand. With fearful eyes, I stared up at his dark figure wondering what his intentions were and why he had chosen my house as his target.

“Roll over on your stomach. Now!” he commanded, and I did as I was told. I buried my face into the couch pillows and fought back the tears as wave after wave of fear ran through me. I felt my heart racing in my throat, and I began gasping for air—the inevitable panic attack sitting on the brink of rearing its ugly head.

With brute force, he grabbed my left arm and pulled it behind me, pressing it down against my back as he reached for the other arm. It wasn’t long before he had me pinned face down on the couch; his sheer weight holding me in place as he bound my wrists together with what I assumed was parachute cord.

“Good girl,” he chided, obviously enjoying the control he had over me. I thought about screaming, but knew that it would be a futile effort. There wasn’t a chance in hell that any of my neighbors would even hear me at this late hour. What time was it anyway? I hadn’t heard the clock chime since I woke up, or maybe I just hadn’t paid attention.

Large, domineering hands grabbed my wrists and I was yanked to my feet, the throw blanket falling to the floor around them. Spinning me around, he threw me down face first on the hard coffee table lengthwise and I felt my shorts being ripped down around my ankles. Why had I chosen this to be the one night I didn’t wear underwear to bed? I heard the sound of a zipper and I froze. I knew what was coming next and I fought back the tears. My childhood nightmare was happening all over again, and once again I was helpless to stop it. With a few looks towards the heavens, I said a silent prayer and prayed for this to be over soon. For the first time in my life, I was extremely grateful I had started taking birth control only a few months prior.

The leather covered hands grabbed me by my hips and my ass was pulled upward. With a quick, hard thrust, he tried pushing himself into me, not caring about the fact that I was not wet. With his cock, he jammed into my pussy over and over, little by little, until he was able to slide the whole length in. Unwillingly, I had begun to get wet, and I felt myself starting to get pissed. I was determined to not show any reaction to his actions and give him any satisfaction.

“Damn you have a fucking tight pussy,” he said through gritted teeth as he drove his cock deep into me. He grabbed my ass cheek with his left hand and squeezed—hard.

My breasts slid against the grain of the table as he drove into me over and over, and my nipples began to get raw. The pain set in, and I clenched my jaw, wanting to scream out but I knew that doing so would only bring the knife back into the picture. My life may not have been perfect, but dying this way was not something I was willing to settle for.

“Do you like it when I fuck you like this?” He yanked me back against him and held me there, the tip of his cock pressing against my inner walls. I heard him mumble “oh, fuck!” under his breath before pushing me back off him.

“I’m going to doggy fuck you like the bitch you are! How do you like that, whore?” He grunted a few times, his dick still pounding my pussy like there was no tomorrow, each thrust an obvious show of his command over me. The first tear fell and I felt ashamed. Six years old was the last time I had let anyone have this much control over me, but it was different back then. My rapist had been overpowering, using his size to control me because he was 16 and much bigger than me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the memories and to ignore what was happening to me now.

I felt myself being lifted off the table by my wrists and I winced from the pain. The cord was cutting into my skin and I was almost certain I was bleeding. I winced, not meaning for it to come out as loud as it did.

“Quit your whining and get on your knees!” He barked the orders at me like a drill sergeant and I complied, the pointy blade of the knife glistening in my peripheral vision.

His gloved hand found its way into my hair and he pulled my head towards his dick.

“Suck it,” he ordered, and I opened my mouth to take him in. I thought about biting him—hard—but refrained. For all I know, this creep would like that, and wouldn’t that just be my luck. Knowing that the only way for this nightmare to end was to do as I was told, I went to work on his cock.

He fit perfectly into my mouth, and I felt the shame come back again. Sucking cock was one of my favorite things to do, and under different circumstances I could see where this would have been enjoyable. I ran my tongue around the ridge of his head, and then sucked him in deep. I heard him groan in apparent delight and I continued sliding my lips tightly down his shaft, making it slick with my hot saliva. I closed my eyes and pretended he was someone else, anyone but my rapist, in the hopes that I would forget about the fact that I was doing this to save my own life.

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