Broken Birds Part 2 Breaking Susan by Deneb

Broken Birds Part 2 Breaking Susan by Deneb

Experience the passion and intensity in 'Broken Birds Part 2: Breaking Susan' by Deneb. This erotic sex story explores desire, vulnerability, and the unbreakable bond between lovers. Dive into a captivating narrative filled with steamy encounters and emotional depth. Perfect for fans of erotic fiction!<br/>

Part 2
Breaking Susan

Beth, Rachael and her two daughters Lynne and Susan disappeared the day after Michael and Beth became lovers.

That same day, eight personal injury lawsuits were filed against Beth’s attackers, another against the hospital, another against the college as Beth’s rape was one of many that had been covered up, a divorce petition was filed in the name of Rachael Walsh, slander suits against those who had sullied Michael’s reputation, criminal charges of rape against Rachael’s husband for the rape of both Lynne and Susan and an “accounting” suit against Rachael’s husband for misuse of Rachael’s and the girls’ trusts. All the hidden accounts found by the forensic accountant over the past nine months were frozen.

The investigators had found hidden skeletons on all the families. Each of the attacker families had been thoroughly investigated. Child pornography, incest, statutory rape, theft, spousal abuse, alcohol-fueled accidents, cover-ups. Each family had at least one secret exposed to public scrutiny. All part of Frank’s ingenious plans.

The filings seemed to unlock a cellar of secrets. Over the next several weeks, other victims of the eight attackers filed rape charges. Civil suits followed shortly.

The suits were specific and graphically detailed – exactly the type of salacious news people love. By the time a gag order was issued to prevent public disclosure of the claims, it was too late. The Internet hummed with the claims and speculation. By the evening of the day of the initial filings, each of the families was forced into hiding beneath their manicured walls.

Beth’s revenge was only beginning.

While the criminal cases against Beth’s attackers had languished seemingly with the consent of the judges, the publicity forced them to conduct the cases properly.

The families of the attackers became public pariahs. Children from the families had to leave school as they were taunted, attacked and shunned.

The charges led to state and federal investigations and charges. The President of the college was fired as more and more suits were filed alleging frat house rapes and misconduct with girls as young as 10.

Tim O’Donnell’s security firm provided Michael and Peter with around the clock security. He also had 16 men providing security for Beth, Rachael, Lynne and Susan. Even Michael did not know where they were as he might inadvertently disclose the location by doing something stupid like researching the location on his computer. According to Tim, a contract was out for all four of them. He had not heard of any threat against Michael or Peter, but it was best to be careful.

After about a month, several of the attackers made deals as the spotlight on the case forced the judges to move the cases along.

Thomas Walsh was sentenced to 7 years in prison as he had organized the rape and had ripped Beth’s teeth out. With good behavior he could be out in @5 years. Then his sisters filed additional rape charges against him.

The girl responsible for Beth’s internal damage would never go to trial. She died of an overdose after enduring incredible public scorn and fury.

Three of the other boys got 5 years each, but would not be eligible for parole until after 3 years.

Each time, Michael had approved the deal.

The remaining three could not reach a plea bargain so it went to trial. Michael knew that this was the critical item. If Beth had to come out of hiding, she was vulnerable. As strong as she had seemed the morning he had sent her into hiding, a good defense attorney could destroy her emotionally on the stand. And the three attackers had the best.

Prior to trial, the judge held an evidentiary hearing. The defense vigorously attacked the forensics, sneering at the small town lab, citing the FBI as the leading authority. After tricking the County lab technician into admitting a possible error, the defense lawyer returned to his chair exultant. Now it would require Beth to testify.

Peter had become associate counsel for the case at the request of the prosecution, though. He did not want Beth exposed either.

“Mr. Lawson. You just said you might have accidentally contaminated one sample. Do you believe you contaminated the one sample?” Peter asked.

“No sir.” The technician said firmly.

“How can you be sure?”

“I compared the results with the FBI crime lab in Washington DC. The results are identical.”

“Objection. Hearsay.”


Peter smiled.

“Is there someone here who can talk about the FBI results?”

“Yes sir,” he said firmly, “Mr. Jacobs there.” He pointed to an older man sitting three rows from counsel’s table.

“Objection. We were not given notice.”

Peter smiled. “Your honor, to the contrary. Mr. Jacobs was disclosed as a witness for the defense!” He was holding up the witness list that an over enthusiastic, young defense lawyer had put on the witness list. He had never spoken with Mr. Jacobs, a cardinal error.

“Counsel. I want to see you in chambers.” The judge said firmly as the courtroom buzzed. Peter, the district attorney and four-defense counsel followed the judge into his chambers.

The news of the FBI lab confirming the results was flashed all over the Internet. Regardless of what the judge did, the attackers had been convicted in the court of public opinion.

The recess was lengthy. It was nearly two hours later when Peter appeared and motioned Michael over.

“They’ll take the same deal we gave the others. 5 years. Is that OK with you?” Peter asked.

Michael nodded. Relief flooded him as they took the attackers into custody.

That part, at least was over.

Within a week the civil suits against the attackers and the college had been settled with a very strict secrecy agreement. Beth was rich beyond Michael’s wildest hopes. The families feared Peter in a civil court.

Federal charges of embezzlement were filed against Rachael’s husband less than a week later. He was detained at the intercontinental airport with tickets to a jurisdiction without extradition. He was now in jail.

Somehow he managed to get bail and was released, but was restricted to his Hampton home with an ankle monitor. He knew what awaited him. Michael’s thorough investigation of him and his finances made his fate all too apparent. His own lawyer recommended confession and cooperation. He could put many powerful men in jail. With cooperation, he might serve his prison time in a convenient, medium security Federal facility, followed by anonymity of witness protection.

The night of his release on bail, he sat in his recliner in front of his huge wide screen television, a fresh bottle of 16-year-old scotch on his side table. He wanted to watch his favorite show – Susan’s rape and deflowering. As he poured himself three inches of scotch, he started the video. He opened his robe and began to stroke his naked cock.

The Video

On screen his raven-haired daughter writhed in agony. Her seventeenth birthday present (though a few days late). Family tradition, he thought leering into the screen.

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