Sophia’s Choice Pt. 03

Sophia’s Choice Pt. 03

I have decided to pop this in Interracial, firstly, because I like to share my work with as many different folks on the site as possible, and, secondly, because, quite frankly, as far as their mutual understanding is concerned (especially at first) Sophia and Ulf could be from different planets, let alone different ethnic groups!


When Sophia got back home, she was welcomed by Petsi, who was wearing dungarees over a white T-shirt. Her long feet were bare, her toenails unadorned by any varnish. Sophia could see the outline of her bra straps, and fantasised instantly about unclasping her buckles and feasting on her firm, jutting breasts. She wondered if Peter had taken advantage of her in her absence, but doubted it. Petsi didn’t have the air of one with a guilty secret to hide. Or maybe she was just a good actor.

Petsi asked Sophia if she would like a drink and something to eat, and Sophia accepted the offer of a cup of tea with some biscuits. The biscuits turned out to be something the au pair had baked – macarons, which were one of Peter’s favourites. They sat at the kitchen table and talked about Sophia’s trip. Sophia told her about the opera and Petsi made all the right noises, even though it was clear that classical music wasn’t really her thing.

Having heard all about what the children had been up to (there was no mention of Peter, which Sophia found intriguing), Sophia asked her about her future plans; surely, she didn’t want to be an au pair for the rest of her life. Petsi laughed a delightful, almost girlish laugh and said that, as an only child, she was set to join the family business run by her father and his brother at some point, but wanted to experience more of the world before she settled down to office life in Malmo. Sophia wanted to tell her that she could offer her many different and new experiences, but kept her own counsel and encouraged the beautiful blonde to tell her more about the family business.

Petsi became quite animated as she described the company her father and uncle had started some fifteen years ago, an eco-business offering environmental consultancy for large firms wanting to improve their carbon footprint, while boosting their corporate social responsibility and governance profiles. Green credentials were important, Petsi explained, not just for their own sake but also because they attracted investors and added value to the company’s portfolio ahead of a possible floatation on the stock market. Besides the consultancy work, the company also installed solar panels for individual households as well as for businesses, which enhanced the value of their operations and made them more attractive in the event of possible mergers or acquisitions.

Sophia listened patiently to the girl’s spiel, taking the opportunity from time to time to show her interest and empathy by letting her hand touch the girl’s arm, as she gushed about this and that. She noted with disappointment how Petsi subtly adjusted her seat to increase the distance between them and remove her arm from the field of play, but disappointment morphed to excitement as she thought of the delicious challenge that lay before her. She dreamt of Petsi lying on her bed before her, her resistance finally broken down and her initiation into girl-girl lovemaking about to turn from long-held fantasy into explosive reality. Eighteen months was a long time for her to hold out, and Sophia’s instincts told her that one day she would be unable to hold out any longer and would become more than just an au pair to her.

She went upstairs with a spring in her step, deciding to change into a sweatshirt with no bra after she had had a shower. The trace of her nipples would be very faint but she would see to it that they were as erect as they could be when she came down again, after bringing herself off thinking about the ice princess. In the event, she enjoyed two orgasms – the first in the shower, as she imagined slipping into Petsi’s bed one night while Peter was away, the second on her bed, as she imagined herself walking into her bedroom one day to find Petsi bending over the bed rearranging the pillows wearing a short skirt, which was riding up to reveal her pink panties.

Petsi let out a cry as her employer placed her hands on her waist and tried to turn around but a slight push from the older woman was enough to send her tumbling on the bed with her legs akimbo. ‘What are you doing?’ was soon followed by ‘I’ve never done this before’, as her resistance was inexorably broken down. Rather than respond to her, Sophia let her hands do the talking, unbuttoning the girl’s blouse and unclasping her bra before she had time to register a meaningful complaint.

The breasts were aching for Sophia’s touch, which she applied first with her fingers and then with her tongue, which coaxed the previously unobtrusive nipples into veritable towers that cried out for the older woman’s ministry. That ministry was duly given, causing Petsi to lose her Nordic iciness like a snake shedding its skin. She urged her employer not to stop, calling her ‘mistress’ and confessing to her that she had been thinking about this day from the moment that they first met. After her mistress had attended to her nipples for some minutes, she arched her back, indicating that she was ready for the next part of her initiation, the one that would see her obtain the release for which she had been praying.

Sophia unzipped her white skirt and pulled it down over her ankles, depositing it on the bed beside her. Petsi arched her back again, easing the older woman’s task of removing the final article of her clothing. Unhurried, Sophia’s tongue began its journey southward from Petsi’s breasts to her belly button, which was adorned by a pearl. She dallied here, licking all around the pearl and into the little basin which supported it. Ignoring Petsi’s now frenzied urgings to give her what she had waited so long to receive, Sophia moved up and kissed her au pair, who responded with a passion all the more powerful for having lain dormant for so long.

Much as Petsi was enjoying the kiss and engaging with it to a commendable extent, the place she really wanted Sophia to be kissing her lay a few feet away. Losing patience, she began to manhandle her employer, pushing her head in an effort to move it to her centre of her being. Grinning inwardly, Sophia remembered the time the Swede had shied away from her at the kitchen table on her return from Italy and decided to make her wait. She needed to learn the lesson of delayed gratification.

She continued to kiss her, probing her mouth with her tongue and tweaking her ultra-receptive nipples. For the first time, Sophia spoke.

‘You have been dreaming of this day, haven’t you, Petsi?’

Petsi nodded in response, resisting with all the willpower she could muster the urge to tell Sophia to bring her to orgasm.

‘Is there anything else you have been dreaming about?’

Petsi nodded once more.

‘Tell me,’ said Sophia softly.


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