White Knight by GoatBubblehead

White Knight by GoatBubblehead.

My story starts when I was in my 12th year of High School. I wasn’t very active in school too busy with my own exercising. I started Judo at 5, then Karate at 7 then weightlifting at 10. Also started dance at 13. I was 6′ tall then.

Today I stand about 6′ 4″, Hazel eyes, brown hair navy cut, my chest is hairless, not by choice. In the male category, well I’m just average. My penis is 6″ long fully erect and about 2″ around, short curly brown public hair. When it is sleeping, I have a hard time seeing it.

People didn’t really understand Karate or Judo, and thought people were pussy’s if they practiced it. That is until a few weeks into my 12th year. I was late getting to school, so I was in an empty hallway at my locker. I heard this girl scream, I started to run around the hall corner when she ran into me, her clothing was torn and there was blood on her. She fell to the floor under me scared. I told her to stay put, I’ll protect her.

So, three football players came running down the hall, just as I told her to be still. They saw me and slowed down. Two of them recognized me and backed off a little. The big guy in the middle started talking. I didn’t know him.

“You’re Jack aren’t you, that big Karate Pussy. I see you caught our little rabbit; did you want some of her before I finished her off? Jack, look at her, those beautiful eyes, firm breast and her warm and sexy pussy.”

Dad and karate had taught me, to never speak until you fully understand your surroundings. As with most scenes the two guys in the back started to move around to each of my sides, bringing a smile to my face.

I looked down, said: “Hi, I’m Jack, you’re safe now, close your eyes I don’t think you want to see what is about to happen.”

She was shaking but seemed to calm a little. When I was looking at her, I saw she was hurt more than I thought, of course I felt anger, but got control fast. I stood tall told the guys they should leave; they may not like what will happen if they didn’t.

“There are three of us and one of him.” “Get him and lets finish with the rabbit.”

Bobby came at me; I did a Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side Thrust Kick) and dropped him right in front of me. I watched the other kids take off. Seeing Bobby was out on the floor I turned to Janice and asked her if it was ok if I picked her up and carried her to the nurses office. As I asked, she screamed, Bobby was up and had a knife.

“Boy you are going to regret the day you hit me.” I noticed that kids had just left class and were all around us, so I had to be careful how I disarmed him. I felt the best is to repeat the same kick, but this time I wasn’t going to hold back. I sent him flying into the wall lockers. I walked over disarmed him, two other guys grabbed him and made sure he didn’t get up as I carried Janice to the nurses office. Because her clothing was torn, I had taken off my shirt and wrapped her in it. You would have thought the women around me couldn’t breath as they saw my bare chest.

She was a tall woman, smelled very good and her breast were large and very firm against my chest. She was shaking still. I had no idea what this Bobby did to her. As I was heading to the Nurses office, the nurse had joined me as well as a few female administrators. I carried Janice into the office laid her on a bed and was asked to leave after being told thank you by everyone. But Janice wouldn’t let me go, she was crying and then started yelling that I had to stay, she only felt safe with me there.

The nurse tried to get her to calm down, but Janice was in hysterics now. I bent over and told Janice I had to get out of the nurses way, but I would be right outside the door. She refused to let go of me. The nurse had one of ladies get a jacket out of her closet for me. I tried it on, but it was way too small. The police and ambulance arrived. Janice had a great grip on my arm. She even drew blood from her very long sharp nails. My friend Jim (worked out with me) came to the door with one of my gym shirts. The Policewomen handed it to me. I put it on even with Janice fighting me. Of, course the ladies all had their eyes on me.

I told Janice it was time for her to go but she was still in shock. The EMT had me go with her, as well as the policewoman. She asked me a bunch of questions. I had to stop her and tell her all I knew. She smiled at me and thanked me for coming to the rescue. The EMT couldn’t get Janice to move her arms so she could stop the bleeding on my arm.

“Don’t worry about me, help her she is covered in blood.” She tried to explain to me she couldn’t do anything yet, the doctors would take care of her. The policewoman whispered to me it is due to possible rape. I understood and kept quiet. We arrived at the hospital; Doctor told me I had to leave but:

Janice: “You listen here asshole, he isn’t going anywhere, I don’t feel safe”

Doctor asked me my relationship to the young woman. “Sir we just met”

He gave her a shot to relax her, once she calmed down, I told her I would be right outside the door. I couldn’t be in here while she was being examined.” She couldn’t respond, between the meds and the shock she was in a different dimension.

I stepped outside, while getting the strangest look from the doctor.

The Doctor was an ass. He started to take her close off without closing the curtain. This was when I saw there was a lot of blood around her vagina with no panties.

I opened the door: “Hey asshole close the curtain if you are going to examine her.” He turned with a stupid look of anger then pulled the curtain closed.

After a while he left, and the police office came out with a bag. She said I could go in now. I thanked her and the nurse pulled the curtain and directed me to where she placed a chair. Janice reached for my hand she was still crying and started to shake again. She pulled me to her. I asked the nurse if this was ok, she said yes.

The nurse asked me my name, “I’m Jack” I said, shaking her hand.

She turned with a smile on her face. She was given a stronger sedative, so she should sleep soon and the nurse could take care of my arm.

The Nurse: “She refuses help unless you’re in the room. Her parents should be here soon. Hopefully that will calm her.”

Janice had dozed off; I asked the nurse: Did they rape her?” She said she couldn’t tell me, because I’m not a relative, yet she shook her head yes. I started to cry. Just as I did Janice let go of my hand and turned exposing her beautiful ass and I could see her pussy also. I told the nurse and she reached over and covered her. Then she took my arm and cleaned it. Than bandaged it. She guided me out of the room.

In the hallway she gave me a kiss on the cheek, I asked what that was for.

“Janice is my niece, and I am so touched that you helped her and was such a gentleman just now. I know my sister will be very happy you helped her.”

I smiled then heard screams again. I turned and two Police Officers were chasing someone, it was Bobby. He wasn’t expecting me to be there. He had no chance of stopping as I ran toward him and I dropped him in his tracks taking out half of his teeth and breaking his nose and jaw. He was out. The officers cuffed him, thanked me and off he went. The nurse asked me to hurry back in. Janice was in another panic attack after being awoke from the screams.


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