Abducted by ncswinger

Abducted by ncswinger

Fictional story about a long period of time , Candice was a nice girl. She always made good grades in school, and never got into any trouble. All of her family said she was the perfect child. Her 14th birthday was just around the corner, and she was very excited. Unbeknownst to her, her family and her boyfriend Sam had planned a surprise party for her. They would always do nice things for her. Her father was a very prominent lawyer in a big city, and her mother was an emergency room doctor at one of the university hospitals. Needless to say, they weren’t hurting for anything. No matter how busy her parents were, they always made time for their perfect daughter. With just a week until her birthday, they were especially busy with their careers and the party.

At school, she was a very popular girl, head cheerleader, and dated the football team captain. She was always getting stared at by all the boys because she had grown so much in the past year. Just last year, she had knobby knees and was flat chested. This year, she had blossomed. Her first menstrual cycle came during the summer. Her mother had rented a limousine, and had taken her to a very fancy restaurant and bought her a new wardrobe. “Now that you are becoming a woman, you need to act and dress as one” her mother told her. In the short 7 months since that day she has developed B cup breasts, and has slimmed down to that nice coca cola bottle shape. Her blonde hair is shoulder length and matches perfect with her bright blue eyes. Her appearance is very important to her, so she only wears name brand clothes and keeps her hair styled in the latest fashion. Even when she is in a hurry, she makes sure her hair and makeup is done. Lots of people have said that if they were to compare her to anyone, it would be Marilyn Monroe. Whenever she walked into the room she was always getting looks from all the boys in her class, and she even caught a teacher looking a time or two.

The week before her birthday party went by very quickly, and Saturday had come before she knew it. That night she was supposed to go out with her boyfriend to a movie and then dinner, anything she wanted. She chose to go and see the newest chick flick at the theater, and without a single complaint Sam sat through the whole movie, and actually started to enjoy it. This made Candice very happy. She had chosen to go to her favorite restaurant near her house, some small caf?hat served foreign foods and expensive coffee. On the way there, Sam made a wrong turn “by accident” and just happened to wind up very close to her house. He said he needed to stop and use the bathroom real quick at her house and she made no objections. It was cold that night as it was in November, so she decided to go in and get her sweater. When she walked through the door,

All of her family and closest friends jumped out to greet her. She was in shock and amazement as to how everyone could have planned this without her knowing about it. They all came up to her one by one to give her kisses and hugs and to wish her a happy birthday. Her friends all gave her the gifts they had brought for her and she opened each one with enthusiasm. Her favorite gift was the one Sam had brought her, that brand new mp3 player that she had been wanting. Her parents were the last one to give her their gift, a personal vacation to Australia all expenses paid. This would be her first time away from home by herself. She was so exited. Her plane would leave in two weeks during her winter break. After the party, she and Sam continued with their plans to go to the little caf?own the street. Her face was just illuminating with delight and surprise on the way there that Sam couldn’t help but to smile.

They arrived at the caf?nd went in to sit down. Sam had made arrangements for the staff to reserve her favorite table in the far back of the dining room in the corner. He had set up for them to light some romantic candles for their dinner. When they had made their way to the back of the restaurant, the candles were lit, and there was two wine glasses there with a bottle of sparkling grape juice in a bucket of ice. As they sat down, their song came on.

“This is so romantic” she said

He just sat there with a slight grin, as he knew that this was going to be one of those nights she wouldn’t soon forget. When the waiter came up she ordered her favorite dish. When they were done with their main course, they ordered dessert. Sam had gone down to the local bakery and had a black rose cake specially made for her with HAPPY BIRTHDAY printed on the stem. The waiter brought out the cake and she could barely contain her happiness. She loved the cake so much she didn’t want to even cut into it, however they did. It was her favorite cake, chocolate cake with strawberry icing dyed black to color the rose. After the cake, they ordered some Italian coffee to top off the meal and dessert. Once they were done with the coffee, they left the caf?o go for one more surprise.

Sam asked Candice to close her eyes as he drove so the surprise would be better. I know what you’re thinking; she’s only 14, so how is this guy driving? Well her mother met Sam and liked him so she let them go out. They have been together now for over 3 years and they are both still virgins. They made the pact to stay virgins until marriage, so it would be something special both could share. And as true love is, they have both stayed true to their vow, and neither has lost their virginity. While Sam is driving, Candice thinks back to how they both met and the night they both realized they were in love. As Candice is reminiscing, she begins to smile ever so softly. Sam glances over and sees this very sensuous smile and begins to think to the future. Secretly he is planning to ask her to marry him as soon as she gets back from her trip. He begins to smile as he pictures her face glowing from the rush of the past few weeks. As he pulls into the gravel road where her next surprise awaits Candice realizes that they have turned off of the main road and is wondering why. Excitement builds as they slowly pull down the path getting closer to their destination. Her eyes still shut, the car pulls to a halt and she hears Sam open his door. Next, she feels her door being opened for her, yet she keeps her eyes closed as asked. Sam leads her to a spot not far from the car. He tells her he will be right back and to keep her eyes closed and she agrees. She can hear water flowing to her left and birds chirping to her right. She feels the heat from the engine of the car in front of her and the cold chill of the November night behind her. Suddenly she hears soft music coming from the radio of the car and then Sam’s door shut. His arms wrap around her from the back and she melts into them. She asks if she can open her eyes and Sam agrees to let her. As she does she is greeted with the rush of her sudden eyesight being restored to her. As her eyesight is coming back to her, she notices where she is. This is the little spot on the river where they had their first picnic. With Sam behind her and his arms wrapped around her in a loving embrace, they begin rhythmically swaying with the music. She turns to him and they hold each other and kiss ever so softly. They are both caught up in the moment and fall ever so much more in love. They danced and kissed for what seemed like hours.

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