The Forgotten Heroes Chapter 6 “The falling blade in the.dark.” by Interesting Reed

The Forgotten Heroes Chapter 6 “The falling blade in the.dark.” by Interesting Reed

Eve has been cured and now all that’s left to do is pay off the cure and find them a way off the North Island. That’s easier said then done to cure Eve you have made a deal with a necromancer. The trade off for the cure is the death of the Ma’dam of the Wanton Lass in the ghetto of Bakersfield. The other target is the Duke of.Bakersfield. When that is done you have to get Grace and Eve off the North Island before the Inquiry catches up to you. , The night air was crisp as a crescent moon peeked out of the clouds. The ghetto of Bakersfield was lively with people. Seems like lots of elves keep busy night lives. In the crowds of half drunk elves was a young human. A impish looking kid with a short stubby nose high cheek bones and short but curly red hair. Normally a young human would’ve stuck out and drunk elves would have been harassing the kid. Although the kid was smart and was covered in a heavy plain brown cloak. The kid was thin and so the cloak hindered it’s movements slightly. The kid only needed the cloak for a few more marks so he didn’t mind. Keeping a look out for a few drunk and unaware elves who are easy to pick pocket.

Just after strolling a bit among the crowd a dwarf caught the eye of the thief he looked to be hammered and talking to a few shady elf ladies. The young thief thought to herself that the young elves were whores and trying to get the dwarf to drop a few fiesta in there coffers. Soon the thief sneaked on by close to the dwarf. Once he was close enough she slipped her hand out of his cloak she hurriedly snipped the coin purse open with his dagger and used the extra cloth of his cloak to catch the coins. Easy enough the thief was obviously well practiced in her skill. The young thief took off as casually as she could. Once she was a few feet away from the dwarf she breathed a sigh of relief. The dwarf just took notice of his missing fiesta and began to accuse the elf women of robbing him. “These fucking wrenches took my fiesta and didn’t even let get a plow!” The dwarf screamed at the elf women who began to argue with the drunk dwarf.

Feeling free and a bit richer the small impish thief who couldn’t be more then in her teens smiled as she made his way back to the human side of the wall. Abandoning her heavy cloak inside a empty trash barrel in a side ally. “I can get a better one with the fiesta I got tonight.” The young thief said happily as she walked out the ally. Unbeknownst to the thief there was a pack of wanderers watching her every move. They were located standing outside a old building across the street from the thief. Two elves and a dwarf. “Exel go and distract the human guards make sure they keep the gates locked.” The wanderer said to the other elf. “Shackles come with me.” The dwarf grunted as he followed the leading wanderer. The thief began to whistle a tune as she made her way to the guard station in front of the gate leading into the human part of the city.

As the thief was a few yards away from the gate she noticed a elf handed the guards something in a small brown pouch. The elf then stood in front of the closed gate as the guards went inside the station. The young thief wondered what was in the pouch looked to small to be fiesta the only other thing it could be was a pouch of sniff. That would make the elf a wanderer. The thief realized she been too care free. She turned around and saw there was another pair of wanderers coming right at her. The only choice was to fight it out or make a run for it. The young thief grabbed her long sleeved shirt and made sure her hidden blade wouldn’t fall out as she made a run for the other gate leading out the ghetto.

With a wild dash the thief began to run to the main gate to get outside the city. The lead wanderer yelled out after her. “Thief Stop!” As he pointed for Exel to give chase who was closer. The boy began to sprint knocking over anything in his path to slow down the wanderers.

Meanwhile you and the girls were navigating threw the tunnels under the city and finally made it to the exit. “About time,” Eve said. “I hate the close space of these tunnels.” Grace groaned as she saw she would have to climb a rope. “No one said anything about climbing a rope.” You chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry you can hold on to my back and I’ll carry you up.” Grace scoffed at you offer. “As if I was some some old envalid. I think not.” Grace said as she ran up the wall and held on tight to the rope. Slowly she made her way up. Eve was next in climbing the wall. “Keep your eyes in you head Buck.” Eve said as she climbed up the rope. You eyes couldn’t help but stare at Eve’s perfect round rear. “What a sight.” You whisper to yourself. Eve kicked free a pebble on her way up. It fell right to you left eye. As you rub your eye Eve yells back at you. “Told you to keep your eyes in your head Buck.” With a giggle Eve turned around and peeked threw the door. “No one is out there.” She told Grace as you emerged out the pit and got to them.

“Great then we shouldn’t have to kill any wanderers.” You say as you open the door. With a quick look around you notice the street is completely empty. “We’re clear.” You say to the girls as you step out. Quietly you guys walk out into the ally. You pull your heavy hood up so not to get any attention from the elves that live in the ghetto. After a few minutes walking Eve stops. “You hear that?” Grace stops and listens. You don’t hear anything at first then you hear a small grunt followed by a cry. Eve starts to head in the direction of the sounds. The sounds are coming from over a fence. Eve peeps over the top of the fence and sees a small kid being held by two elves as a dwarf beats on the kid.

“Ok boy where the fiesta?” One elf asked the kid who was badly beaten. The kid didn’t answer instead he cursed them in Valdakic “Al’Shar Verbate.” A old human tounge not used in a few hundred years. The elf gave the dwarf a nod and the dwarf socked the thief in the gut. Eve didn’t think twice about it she knew no amount of fiesta was worth beating the young child to death. Jumping over the fence and landed a few kick on the dwarf Eve had her wooden staff ready to strike down the elves. “Woman this doesn’t concern you.” Exel said as he let the thief go and took a step forward. The dwarf got off the ground and went right at Eve.

Eve used her staff to beat back the dwarf. With three quick strikes to the face the dwarf fell back with a bloody nose. Exel grabbed the staff and started to wrestle for it. The leading wanderer dropped the boy on the floor pulling his blade out. You jumped the fence and tackled the leading wanderer. Sending the blade flying. The dwarf jumped on your back and began landing heavy blows to the back of your skull. Eve managed to get a good grip on her staff and thrusted it into Exel’s stomach. Exel was keeled over on his knees with a few heavy blows to the skull he was on the ground knocked out. Eve grabbed the dwarf and began to kick him in the throat with three quick but devastating kicks. The dwarf passed out. The wanderer hand a his hands wrapped around your hands. Blocking you from landing any blows on him this left you with no choice but to headbutt him like a ram. Driving your forehead into the wanderers nose. The wanderer got two black eyes from the blow and was quickly subdued.

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