School of Hard Cocks by slaveKimura

School of Hard Cocks by slaveKimura

A teenage virgin is taken on the way to school by , (As a prelude to this tale, it must be known that this
story is based on a roleplay done by my Master and
myself. We enjoyed it very much and He asked that I
write this to be shared. I love dressing up and playing
a victim for Him and enjoy every second. I hope you
enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed acting it out.)

Part 1 ———

Friday morning and I was ready. Today was the day that
I would get that girl. I’d seen her and watched her for
some time now. She walked down my block everyday on her
way to a private school. The uniform was enough to tempt
me in a million ways. She wore the dark makeup of a rebel,
with the thick eyeliner and full blood red lips of a goth
girl. I estimated she was either 16 or 17. She’d be
fun to break. I set up my car to appear that I was changing
a tire next to the sidewalk. A chloroform soaked rag was in
a plastic bag in my pocket.

I heard her shoes on the sidewalk as she rounded the corner.
I let her get close enough and stood calmly as if done. She
moved to sidestep me, never saying a word. Neither did I as
I whipped out the rag and grabbed her from behind, putting
the rag over her mouth and nose, she struggled and kicked at
me for just a few seconds and then fell limp in my arms.

I quickly put her in the trunk. Wrapping an ace bandage around
her head over her mouth, separate ones around her wrists
and ankles. I then wrapped duct tape over the bandages with as
much speed as I could manage. I stood and looked down at her.
She was just perfect, bound and curled up in my trunk. It had
taken less than 3 minutes thanks to careful preparation.

Now to drive her home and get her inside. I parked the car in the
garage and made sure the door was shut all the way before
getting out and opening the trunk. Not a sound or a peep from
her as I lifted her out and carried her upstairs to a room in
the attic that I had prepared for this sort of thing.

Willing women were one thing, but I wanted a challenge. I wanted
to see how hard it would be to break a pretty young thing and make
her mine. I got her up to the attic and removed her shoes.
A cage in the corner was just right for her size, I’d lined it with
towels and a blanket. I cut the tape away from her ankles, then her
wrists and finally her mouth. I removed the bandages and shoved her
into the cage. Her limp body was fairly easy to move since she was
so small. I locked the door and checked the cameras I had set up
in the room. When she woke and started moving, they would start

Until then I would wait downstairs with a video feed that I could

She woke when she heard the camera flash. Disoriented and confused
I watched on the feed as she stirred and covered her eyes. The camera
got some excellent angles as she moved. Views up her short skirt
at the fresh white panties. I watched for a few minutes as she twisted
and turned, kicking in panic at the cage door after rattling it with
her hands. I started up the stairs when she started screaming.

“Let me out of here! AAAHHHH! Who are you? Where are you?
You sick fuckin’ prick, let me out!” she cursed and kicked at the
cage, covering her face with her arms.

I opened the door. I’d removed my shirt and put on a mask that covered
most of my features. I stood just over 6 feet tall with broad shoulders
and a narrow waist. I didn’t brag, but most women found me desirable.
I kept up a strict workout schedule to stay fit and keep my stamina
high. My jeans were tight fitting and seeing her struggle like that
and even her dirty little mouth were making my cock strain inside them.

She looked up at me and her eyes went wide, a perfect expression of
surprise and fear when the camera flashed again. Oh I was going to
love that one later. I silently approached the cage with a dog catcher’s
pole. She grew still and stared up at me, terrified.

“What’s that for? What are you gonna do to me?” she asked, curling her
legs against her chest, trying to keep her body as far from the door as
she could.

“Come to the door willingly or I will use it to pull you out.” I said
with a deep growl in my voice.

She shook her head with a defiant look in her eyes, “no way you crazy
sick fuck!”

I shook my head and opened the cage door, she squealed and started kicking
with her sock clad feet at my arms and the pole as I poked it inside.

“You will behave little girl or you will be punished.” I said as I managed
to get past her hands and looped the end over her head.

She grabbed at the loop with her hands and when I drew it tight and started
to pull her out, she let out a strangled scream. I had to reach in and
grab one of her feet to pull her out. I didn’t want to hurt her badly
this early. But I had to admit I was smiling as she struggled. It was

“sick f-fucker,..ow! let go! You can’t do this!” she protested as I drew
her out of the cage and started tugging her toward the center of the room.

“Crawl and shut your foul little mouth or I’ll gag you.” I said.

“No,..ugh..” she struggled to keep up, choking when she had to let go
of the loop, but I was pleased to see her start to crawl along now.

“Good girl.” I smirked down at her.

“Fuck you.” she growled. I tugged hard at the pole and it tightened
around her neck. Her eyes went wide and she rose up to grab at the pole.

I tugged at her with a growl, kicking at her legs to knock her flat. She
went down to the floor with a squeal and I straddled her, pulling a ball
gag from my pocket, I stuffed it in her mouth and managed to buckle it
behind her head.

“Now, get up. touch that gag and I will beat you.” I growled a warning.

She looked up at me, wide eyed and whimpered. Finally scared good and
proper,..or at least on the way there. She stood up and I slipped the
pole off of her neck. She hugged her arms around herself and started to
back away from me as I put the pole away.

I turned and she tried to run for the door. I knew this was a stubborn
child and had a moment where I really hoped she was a virgin because if
so this would surely be the end of her rebellion. I lunged after her and
caught her by the hair, she turned, struggling and pushing at me. Her
muffled screams made me smile as I opened the door and pulled her down the
narrow attic steps to my bedroom.

“Fine, enough playing around.” I growled. She tripped and stumbled on the
stairs, grabbing and scratching at my arms as I slung her into the room.I
She staggered against the bed and looked up at me with real fear in her
eyes now. OH yeah, I locked the door behind me and advanced
toward her. Now she knew she was in trouble, no more games. She backed
into a corner and started clawing at the gag.

I grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head around and slapped her across
the face. Her eyes watered and she screamed, pinned in the corner by my
body, she wriggled. I slapped her again on the other cheek and she

“You are mine, little girl,..get used to it.” I snarled and tugged the
gag free of her mouth to kiss her. She stiffened and squealed as I
invaded her mouth with my tongue, sucking at her lips and biting at
them while I used a free hand to start unbuttoning her shirt. I slid
a hand inside her shirt and groped at her breasts, nice and firm, warm
and perky young things. B cups I’d estimate by the way they filled my
palm perfectly. She groaned under my kiss and I yanked her shirt free
of the waistband of her skirt.

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