Lisa (Jessica) – Chapter 3 – Beginning to learn by JadenL

Lisa (Jessica) – Chapter 3 – Beginning to learn by JadenL

Discover the tantalizing allure of 'Lisa (Jessica) - Chapter 3 - Beginning to Learn' by JadenL. Dive into this erotic sex story filled with passion, desire, and exploration as Lisa embarks on an intimate journey of self-discovery. Experience the heat and excitement—click to unleash your fantasies!<br/>

Lisa’s training begins , Six months later

“Morning, “ Riley said, pulling the magazine from her hands. She obviously hadn’t heard him come in because she looked up at him in surprise. Her face contorted in a moment of surprise and fear, she snapped her head down, chin to her chest.

Angus and Riley had always scared Jessica, much more than the other men did. But ever since the men had a strange change of direction in their dealings with her, Angus and Riley scared her even more. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why.

“What have we here?” he asked flipping through the pages of the magazine he’d taken. It was a comic book.

“What happened?” Josh asked, returning from the kitchen.

“Nothing,” Riley replied, tossing the magazine to him. “I believe this is yours.”

Josh looked at the cover.

“It’s Jessica’s,” Josh replied, holding it out to Jessica. Head bent, she didn’t see him. He placed it on her lap.

“Really,” Riley said. He moved to the kitchen. It was early and he hadn’t had breakfast yet. Surely that had to account for the emptiness he felt in his belly. What the hell was she doing reading a comic book? Things had changed considerably, but he hadn’t realized they’d changed this much.

Looking back he saw Jessica pick up the magazine and leaf through the pages until she’d found the one she’d been reading last. As if neither he nor Josh were there, she resumed her reading, her brown hair hanging in ringlets around her face, her expression casual as if she hadn’t been interrupted at all. Was it just him? It was if everything, yet nothing, was different.

The front door opened and the rest of the men came in. Each carried a rifle, which they placed into the gun rack.

“Morning Jess, “ Scott and Jim said walking by Jessica. Jessica raised her head.

There was a barely perceptible nod of Jessica’s head in response.

Riley was again disturbed by how much the plan was off track when Angus followed behind Jim. Jessica snapped her head down and sat statue still.

That was the last straw.

“Josh,” Riley said to Josh who sat on the sofa next to Jessica, apparently reading a comic book of his own.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Take Jessica downstairs.”

Josh blinked at him and didn’t move.

“Am I speaking in a foreign language or something?” Riley demanded. “Take her downstairs.”

“But it’s nine in the morning,” Josh replied, “we’re not meeting till tonight.”

Riley stared at Josh. It only took a moment before Josh jumped to his feet.

“Come on Jessica,” he said.

Taking the magazine from her hands, he tossed it on the sofa and then led her by the arm to the basement door. They disappeared behind it. The basement was the one place Jessica was guaranteed not to escape from … extra precautions were practiced anyway.

“You sure she can’t come eavesdrop at the door?” Riley asked when Josh reappeared.

“I handcuffed her to the sofa … “ Josh replied.

“Good. Sit down,” he said to Josh and Scott, who were the only ones still standing around the table.

“What’s up?” Scott asked sliding into an empty chair.

“I’ve been re-evaluating, and I don’t think things with Jessica are where I want them to be.”

“She hasn’t made an escape attempt in months,” Jim said.

“Not good enough,” Riley replied.

“What more can we expect from her?” Scott asked, “I don’t know about you, but I’m glad she isn’t taking every possible opportunity to scratch my eyes out.”

“Now that’s your problem,” Riley said, “that’s the problem you all have. We agreed that our ultimate goal is complete compliance from Jessica, heart and soul, she needs to be ours.”

Scott shook his head as he looked at the barred window near the front door. To minimize the chance of escape the men had changed the windows to open in, and added bars. It was too hot to not have open windows, and given their livelihood, they were likely to need alternate exists from the house, so the bars they installed had combination locks so they could be removed in an emergency. The window stood open now, a slight breeze blowing in.

“What can we do about that?” Josh asked, “You’ve said no to drugs … we’ve stopped talking about her family. Knowing Jessica, this is going to take a long time. The first six months we had her were a nightmare. The way she cried, fought like a wildcat, and schemed to escape. And yeah, the next six months were quieter. She cried less, fought less, but still schemed. But now, who knows what state she is really in. She barely cries anymore. Never fights anymore. But does she scheme? That a question none of us can really answer. It’s taken over two years to get to this … “ Josh continued, “it could be another five before we can truly trust her.”

Josh looked at Angus who was slumped on the kitchen chair, arms folded, scowling. He’d snickered when Josh had spoken. When he realized that they were all looking at him, he leaned forward, elbows on his legs, hand clasped in front of him.

“We are never going to be able to trust her. Unless we fry her brain … which for some reason Riley’s not willing to do, we can never trust her. And to be honest, even if we drugged the shit out of her, I would not trust her.”

“What kind of a victory would it be if she capitulated because we’d drugged her?” Riley said, “We’ve made some progress … we just have to speed things up.”

“By speed things up, “ Jimmy said, “I sure as hell hope you don’t mean beating the crap out of her. We haven’t gotten this far with violence.”

“We’re painfully aware of your take on this,” Angus muttered to Jim.

“Yes, Jim, just what do you see as the secret to your success?” Riley asked and he couldn’t keep a hint of jealousy out of his voice.

“I’d say getting rid of that damn leash was a good start,” Jim replied. His cheeks flushed pink as old emotions surfaced. He had fought long and hard for that, despite Riley and particularly Angus’ resistance.

“That’s right, “ Scott jumped in. He wasn’t in the mood for a repeat of the turmoil that had surrounded that decision. The harness and leash had been discarded months ago and as Jim had predicted, she had not made any attempts to escape since.

“Something has changed with her. She’s been … friendlier … lately.” Scott continued. On reflection he realized that she was likely responding to his actions. It had never occurred to him that things would turn out like this. He never thought they’d keep her. He never thought he’d like her, never thought he’d share her with the other men. But that’s how it had turned out.

“She’s duping you,” Angus shouted at Scott as he sprang from his chair. “Have you forgotten what she’s done to you? One morning we’re going to find you with your throat slit Scott … “ Angus said jabbing his finger in Scott’s face.

“Knock it off,” Riley said stepping between Scott and Angus. “This has all been a good start. What we need now is compliance on her part, and not only on things that she’s forbidden to do. Now we need to focus on getting her to be proactive. To get her to behave in certain ways in certain situations over and over again. Once she’s done that long enough, human nature will dictate that she will begin to believe that she is ours.”
“What ways?’ Josh asked. He, much like Scott and Jim had felt things improving with Jessica. There was still an element of distrust. She wasn’t allowed to be alone. She had to be watched at all times. But there always seemed to be something impeding progress. For his part, he knew that the fact that he couldn’t fully trust her, kept him from letting his guard down. He suspected that it was the same for her. It seemed that when he and she were alone, things were better then when they were with the other men. He had no idea how this could be changed … but if there was a way, he knew Riley would find it.

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