The Beach by MaxiJ,MaxiJ

Please feel free to contact me about my story. And don’t forget to vote on it. I hope you enjoy reading what i enjoyed writing… thanks Jane.


I woke this morning in a very strange mood… I think it must be the changing of the moon. I want to be alone. Totally alone. I need to think. So I send my husband fishing… and I take my son to my mother. As I drop him off I tell her not to worry if I don’t contact her today. The pressure of work is over for the summer months. School is over until August and I am free to concentrate on myself. So I decided that it was just that! Time for me.

I put my new bathing suit on and head to the beach. I am in the mood for the sun and surf. The crashing of the waves I know will sooth me as I plan on what to do with my life. I have made many changes already but I am contemplating more. I am not happy.

As I drive I am looking. I don’t know what exactly I am looking for but I know I will know it when I see it. The beach is endless. So silent at times and others so loud you cannot think.

Suddenly my eyes catch a glimpse of empty beach…How unusual.. no one at this section. The day is slightly over cast and a slight breeze but not enough to keep people away. I wonder why this part is empty?

The tide is out. A huge section of beach by the rocks and dunes… Oh it is so beautiful. Just what I am looking for. I park the car and grab my bag and take off to the shoreline. I drop my stuff next to stones that have been washed clean. The beach is not the beautiful sand of Daytona or St. Augustine but a more natural sand. I walk the shoreline thinking and enjoying the solitude.

I walk back to my bag and lie out the blanket. I lower myself down and close my eyes. The heat of the day washes over me and the sound of the waves slide around me. I must have drifted off because a noise has startled me awake…

I suddenly hear a voice… a deep voice say..

“Mind if I join you?”

The voice vibrates through me… so deep and so sure of yourself. My body betrays me and quivers with the vibration. It touches something deep in me….I am afraid to open my eyes. Maybe he will go away if I say nothing…. I hear a slight chuckle. Shit, he must have known I was faking. I hear a flap of a blanket and then the rustle of clothes being removed.

Oh God, he sounds close but I lay there as still as I can…trying to control my breathing which had quickened.

“My name is David. What is yours?”

Well I guess I didn’t fool him after all.

“Jane” I answer.

“From around here?” you ask.

“Close… about an hour” I say.

I open one eye and try to peek but all I see is sun. Dam, I wish I could see if the face fits the voice. Deep, sexy, soft…. oh my… I must be needier than I thought if I am letting a voice rule my emotions. I begin to relax and drift again.. The sun is so warm….


“Your burning Jane. Would you like me to put some sunscreen on you?”

I cannot breath to answer you. My brain is not functioning quite right. Again that soft sexy laugh.

I smell the coconut before it hits my body. Oh the smell is one I remember. Memories slam me. Childhood memories, fun times, and exciting times, before marriage, before college. The end of my high school years. I smile.


“Nothing just remembering another time in my life”

“Tell me” you say.

“It’s nothing really, I was just remembering my younger years.”

“Well Jane, your not that old now”

“You’d be surprised” I say.

Your hands hit my shoulders with the sunscreen and oh god! The sensations are running though me. What is it about your touch? Your voice? You? Who ever you are, it is obvious to us both that there is a chemistry. I turn my head and try to look at you again. You are in my line of view but I cannot see your face. My shoulders are being massaged and it feels so good. I moan…..

“like that Jane?” you ask.

“hmmmmm, yes I do” is my reply.

As if you didn’t know.

Suddenly the straps of my suit are being slid down. I startle…lifting my self up I start to reach for them….

“Don’t Jane. it’s ok!” you say so softly and strong.

You continue to remove them and I allow it. I am nervous about it… But I can always fix them if I want I say to myself.. I am an adult, in control of my emotions…I slide my arms out of the straps, holding the front in place. Down my arms you slide those hands. Strong hands… long fingers (oh the places those fingers could reach).

Oh dear god help me… I am thinking such naughty thoughts. Your hands spread the lotion down to the small of my back and go just in inside my suit. As you bring your hands up they slide to my sides… your fingers touch the sides of my breasts… I hear your intake of air… it matches mine. I don’t say a word… your hands continue to massage my back to my sides… fingers just glazing my breasts getting bolder and closer to the nipple with each stroke.

“So Jane.. are you married?”

Reality slams me in the face and I reach for the straps of my suit… your hand stops me…

“It’s just a question Jane, no big deal…just wondering why you are alone on this strip of beach and so sad.”

“What makes you think I am sad?” I ask.

“Just an observation. It’s ok, I won’t ask questions that hurt you. Tell me when your ready.”

For some reason I trust you. I relax my body and you continue to rub the lotion on my body. You touch my calves and I begin to want you to go higher… When you touch the back of my thighs it excites me and I begin to talk to cover my embarrassment.

“Yes, yes I am married… 24 years. Are you?”

“I have a woman in my life yes” is your reply.

Your hands move to my inner thigh and your fingers come so close to my ass and pussy so that another moan escapes my lips… I bite them… hoping you didn’t hear me over the crashing of the waves. No such luck. Your thumbs again slide close and my body moved with it.

Oh that soft chuckle. You know I am being excited and you are purposely doing it to see how far I will go. Your hands move away and have this feeling of abandonment. You tell me to flip over so you can do the front… I do it even though I can reach it all myself. I don’t want the touching to end. An internal power struggle is happening to me. I know where this is going and I have to decide now if I want it or not.

Decision made, I flip. I get to finally see what you look like.

Strong, firm, mature and so sure of yourself. I watch as you squirt some lotion on my chest and shoulders… you rub into my neck and shoulders and down my arms…back up my arms and across the tops of my breasts. My nervous intake of my breath raises them up and I say absolutely nothing when you begin to slide the top down. My white breasts are exposed and you smile. Oh it is a beautiful smile.

“You have such beautiful breasts. Are you OK? What me to stop?”

Considerate and gorgeous. Oh My!

“No David, no I don’t want you to stop.”

“ What do you want Jane?”

I am silent. What do I want?

“I want you to continue doing what you are doing.” I finally say.

Your hands become bolder. More sure of your actions. My nipples get hard when your fingers get closer to them. I begin to move with you.

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