Taming a Brat Pt. 14 by QuietWriter1908,QuietWriter1908

*Kane’s POV*

I woke up from one of the better sleeps I’ve had in a long time to see a beautiful mess of auburn locks beside me. Alias was naked, curled in a ball with her back to me sleeping peacefully- snoring I might add. Flashbacks of last night flickered through mind as I watched her sleep beside me.

I’ve had good sex, amazing sex even. With Alias, I found it incredibly difficult to control myself. The way she feels wrapped around me was indescribable. Her moans were music to my ears. I figured out quite a bit about her body last night that would be beneficial once we really started the D/s training. She was impatient as hell, but it actually drove her crazy to be teased. I could tell just how much her body has been neglected all this time by the way she responded to minimal foreplay. I imagine she has solely slept with men who needed a warm body to bust a nut, who didn’t actually give a shit about making her feel good. I didn’t want to incorporate much play our first time, but she listened to the few commands I gave without hesitation. After last night, I know she will be an exceptional sub, so long as I can be an exceptional teacher.

I carefully stood up from the bed and tucked her back in, letting her sleep in. I made my way to the kitchen and started brewing some coffee before checking my phone to see what crisis would need diverting this week.

Unknown: Hey Stranger, let’s catch up. (;

Who the hell? I considered a few possibilities, but my heart sank in realization. She couldn’t possibly be the person texting me.

Kane: Who is this?

Unknown: You know who this is, Sweets. You saw me last night.

Sweets. She’s the only woman ever to call me that. I slammed my phone down on the counter and ran my� fingers through my hair in frustration. I knew that was her as soon as I spotted her, but how did she see me? What the fuck? Why now? After all this time, now that I’ve finally found someone else, she shows back up now. No, I’m deciding right now. Claire will never get another chance to worm her way back into my life.

Kane: Claire, lose this number.

Claire: You must still be mad at me. Meet me for breakfast. Our old spot?

Kane: No.

Claire: You know better than to tell me no.

Fucking bitch. Claire was a brat disguised as a submissive- not in the cute sexy way either. She let me believe I was in control, but everything was always a game for her. She is the definition of a master manipulator.

Kane: Goodbye, Claire.

Claire: Is this because of your new plaything? Alias Star isn’t it?

Panic spread through my body. Typical Claire, if she wants something she will hurt any damn body in the process. I knew she was thoroughly enjoying this, but I knew her well enough to know the damage she can cause when she doesn’t get her way. I’ll just go meet her and tell her face to face nothing will ever happen between us again. I paused before responding, thinking about how I’d have to leave Alias here. Maybe she will still be asleep when I get back. I needed to handle Claire before she tried talking to Alias.

Kane: I’ll meet you in 20 minutes.

Claire: I knew you would come see me, Sweets. See you soon! (;

I huffed in annoyance as I sent a quick text to Alias letting her know I needed to step out for a bit in case she was to wake up. I sent a second text to Damion letting him know I’d need a ride. Never in a million years consider I’d ever see Claire again, much less sit down over a meal with her again.

I set my phone down, tip toed to the closet, and threw on a causal button down and slacks before making my way down the lobby. Damion was waiting for me and clearly noticed my frustration.

“What’s wrong, Rhodes?” Damion asked concernedly.

“Claire’s back,” I shook my head.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” He said, understanding the severity of the situation, “Why the fuck are you going to see her?”

“She knows who Alias is,” I explained.

“Claire is a bitch, but surely she wouldn’t,” He responded.

“Don’t have too much faith in her. She wouldn’t have come back without some sort of goal in mind,” I said as I climbed into the car.

“Maybe you should just tell Alias about her, Kane. I bet she would understand,” Damion tried to rationalize the situation.

“You know damn well no matter what I tell Alias, if Claire gets to her, she will completely convince her to believe the opposite of whatever I say. I’ve got to stop this at the source, Damion,” I explained.

“You haven’t seen her in a long time. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He asked compassionately.

“No, I’m not sure. I won’t let her make Alias hate me, though,” I replied.

“You don’t make Alias hate you in the process,” Damion raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes, knowing what he was insinuating.

We arrived at the small café on the back side of town, one I hadn’t been to in years. Not since she left. I immediately spotted her sitting the same booth we always sat in by the window in the back corner. A flood of emotions ran through me, anything from heartache to rage to sadness. I felt like my feet became ten tons heavier with every step as I got closer and closer to her.

“Sweets, please sit!” She beamed up at me with that beautiful, manipulative smile.

“Kane will do fine,” I stated coldly as I slid in the booth.

“Boo, I always liked calling you Sweets,” She acted cheerful as if this were a happy reunion.

“That was a long time ago, Claire. Why are you here?” I asked trying to get straight to the point.

“For you, silly! I missed you!” She smiled proudly.

“I missed you,” I started.

“Really?” She smirked.

“For a really long time. Then, one day, I realized you were just a narcissist playing a game.” Her smiled faded. “I don’t want anything to do with you, Claire. Not now and not ever again,” I tried to be as direct as possible.

“We’ll see about that,” She shot me an evil grin, “So, have you told Alias about us?”

“How do you know her, Claire?” I tensed up as the possibilities ran through my mind.

“Oh, Alias and I go way back,” She smirked, “Never would have pegged her for a sub. Then again, I guess impact play was her thing.”

I tried to hide the shocked expression on my face. Alias had made it more than clear she didn’t want to attempt any impact play anytime soon. I knew Claire was manipulating the situation, but I wanted to know what she was talking about.

“What do you mean?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Ask her yourself if you want to know so bad,” She glared back at me, “Oh wait! You can’t because you haven’t told her how in love with me you are. What a pity,” She pushed her bottom lip out in a fake pout. My blood was starting to boil.

“Claire, I haven’t loved you for a long time,” I spat at her.

“Funny, then why’d you bother texting me back? You want to pretend your intentions were pure, go ahead, but you and I both know you wanted to see me face to face,” she smiled proudly, “She knows you’re here with me?”

Claire notoriously knew just how to make me feel like shit. I fell right into her trap, doing exactly what she wanted me to do. No matter what my reason was for coming, she had all the leverage she needed to manipulate Alias into thinking anything she wanted her to think.

“Claire, let me make this as clear as possible. I don’t want you anymore, I don’t love you anymore. I never want to see your face again, I never want to hear from you again. Repeat history and leave, will you?” I almost yelled at her.

“Aw, Sweets. I’m not going anywhere. You’re mad now, but I’ll be in your playroom before long. See you soon,” She smirked wickedly as she turned on her heels, swaying her hips dramatically all the way out the door.

I shook my head, trying to figure out what the fuck really just happened. I reached into my pocket to fish out my phone, but I couldn’t seem to find it. Fuck, I must have left it at home. I laid a bill on the table and made my way outside to find Damion. I spotted him parked down the street and jogged over to the car.

“Well, how was it?” Damion asked, knowing it didn’t go well.

“Why the fuck is she back?” I asked him, knowing he didn’t know the answer.

“She’s only doing this because she saw you with Alias,” He explained softly.

“No shit. She’s going to fuck everything up,” I dropped my head.

“Kane, I think if you just told Alias about your relationship she would believe you over her,” Damion replied.

He was right. Alias would most likely believe me, but I now had an entirely new dilemma to consider.

“They know each other,” I said with dismay.

“What? Alias and Claire?” Damion was as shocked as me to find out, “No way man. She’s messing with you.”

“Claire may be a professional manipulator, but she wouldn’t lie about that. How do you think they would know each other?” I asked, hoping maybe he could help me piece it together.

“Just ask Alias,” Damion responded. I guess that would be the easiest way.

“If I ask her, I have to tell her,” I sighed.

“Better to come right out with it as opposed to lying,” He shrugged.

My mind raced as we arrived back at my building. Anxiety pounded through me as I got on the elevator to go back up to the penthouse. I decided I’d make a cup of coffee for Alias, chat with her a while, then bring up Claire. I was nervous, but I was ready as I stepped off the elevator and made it to the bedroom. The bed was empty.

I checked the bathroom, the living room, my study, the guest bedroom, and every other square inch of the penthouse. Alias was gone. My phone was laying on the counter where I left it, so I hurried over to see if maybe she had texted me to tell me she was leaving. To my surprise, I had two messages.

Claire: Wish we could have talked last night, but thanks for coming to see me this morning. See you soon, Sir! (;

Alias: Never lie to me, Kane.

I immediately tried calling Alias, but it kept going straight to voicemail. Undoubtedly, she saw the message from Claire on my phone and put the pieces together herself. Also assuredly, Claire sent the message just hoping Alias might see it. Fuck, I have to fix this. I called Damion, who made his way to my house in record time.

“I told you to tell her the truth!” Damion was almost shouting as he stepped off the elevator.

“I didn’t have a chance, she was gone when I got here,” I sat with my head hanging low, “She had to have seen the message from Claire.”

“I’ll call Sarah to see if she’s with her, but you know women, Rhodes,” He shot me a somber expression before calling Sarah. I knew what he meant. As long as Alias didn’t want to see me, Sarah wouldn’t know where she was.

I zoned out as Damion spoke to Sarah. My mind reminded me that no matter how good things seem to be, something- rather someone- always comes along to screw it up. Alias and I had an amazing night. We should be cuddled up right here right now. Yet, I had a strong feeling I may not see her again. Rightfully so, she had been cheated on before. I gave her my word that I had no other subs, that there was no one I was thinking about from last night. She had every right in the world to not trust me.

“She’s with Sarah, but she doesn’t want to talk,” Damion explained softly. I nodded in understanding.

“How can I fix this?” I furrowed my brows.

“Let her cool off, her things are here right?” He asked. Damn, I had forgotten she brought her stuff with her.

“Yeah, so she’ll have to come back eventually,” I tried to reassure myself. I desperately wanted to go find her myself though.

“Be ready to lay everything out on the table, Kane. She’s going to want to know everything.”

“I know, I know. Can you go see Sarah as a disguise to check on Alias?” I asked quietly.

“Sure thing, I was meeting her for lunch anyway,” Damion tried to seem cheerful.

I stood up and walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of scotch and poured myself a tall glass.

“Take it easy, Kane. Don’t be drunk when she does show back up,” He said sternly before waving goodbye.

I sat back down on the sofa and let my mind wander. I decided in that moment, even if Alias would never look at me the same I still had to tell her the truth. If I told her what really happened, at least then she could have both sides of the story before deciding to hate me. I beat myself up for a long while as I realized every weekend with her so far started so good, but before Monday morning, went straight to shit. I drank myself into a full state of self pity, feeling helpless to the situation. I couldn’t figure out why Claire was back in town, or why she was trying to win me back over. All I know is Alias is all I want and I would do anything to have her here right now.

My phone dinged, and I jumped up hoping it might be Alias. Instead it was Damion, letting me know Alias was okay, but she was angry. He sent a follow up message letting me know he tried to tell her to hear me out, but she walked out of the hotel room to get some air. I sighed deeply in frustration. I knew it would take time for her to cool off, but I so desperately wanted to talk to her. Just then, my phone began to ring and my heart skipped a beat as I read the caller ID.

“Alias, hi…” I answered excitedly, but trailed off realizing now wasn’t the time to be happy.

“Kane, I need to come get my things,” Alias said simply.

“Oh, where are you going?” I asked, trying to hide my disappointment.

“Can I come now?” She ignored my question.

“Sure thing,” I said, intending to say more, but she hung up as soon as I finished.

I waited, watching the minutes go by. Sarah’s hotel wasn’t far, so I knew she’d be here any minute. I was hoping she might sit down and hear me out, but I was prepared for full blown Alias attitude. My thoughts were interrupted by the ding of the elevator, revealing the most beautiful girl with her head bowed low. My heart ached knowing how she must feel right now.

“Please, just let me get my things. I’ll come back for what I can’t carry,” she said, looking at the floor.

“Alias, please let me explain,” I began.

“No need, Kane. You could have last night, but you fucked me instead. I hope I was a good enough fill in for whoever the fuck she is,” She looked at the wall behind me, refusing to look at me.

“Alias Star, last night was about you and me,” I stood up to approach her, but she took a step back.

“Kane, please don’t play me like I’m stupid. I saw the text and the rest was pretty easy to figure out,” She said as she stormed off to the guest room where her things were. I followed after her, refusing to let her believe I slept with her to use her.

“Alias, listen to me. Let me explain,” I pleaded with her.

“No, save your breath,” She rolled her eyes.

“Stop being so damn stubborn and let me explain myself,” I was started to get frustrated. Alias stopped dead in her tracks and finally looked at me, but she looked at me with a deathly glare.

“I’m not being stubborn. I’m choosing to walk away from something that has only made my life ten times more difficult than it already was. I’m not interested in games, Kane,” She spat back bitterly.

“I’m not playing games with you, Alias,” I took a few steps toward her, “You’re all I want, that’s why I went to see her this morning. I told her I didn’t want to see her ever again.”

She seemed to debate my words for a moment before shaking her head, “Yeah, her text sure did seem like that’s how the conversation went.”

“She’s a master manipulator, Alias, she did that on purpose,” I explained, hoping I was finally getting through to her.

“Right, so she magically knew you left your phone and I’d see that text?” Alias rolled her eyes in disbelief.

“She didn’t know that, but she sent the message hoping you would see it somehow,” I said softly, almost within arms reach of her.

“Kane, how am I supposed to believe that?” Alias sighed, clearly conflicted. I opened my texts to show her our messages, where she could see what was said. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“How does she know me?” Alias asked confused.

“I don’t know, she said you’ve known each other for a long time,” I shrugged.

“What’s her name?” Alias asked curiously.

“Claire Fitzgerald,” I responded, curious as to what their connection is. Alias shook her head in response.

“I don’t know her,” She explained, “What’s her deal then? Obsessed ex?”

“No, well, she wasn’t. She cheated on me and moved out of state with whoever the guy was. I haven’t heard from her in years. I promise you, Alias. Last night, I thought I saw her, but I didn’t think it was possible she’d ever come back around here. Much less, try to come back into my life. When she texted me this morning, I wanted to confront her face to face to tell her I didn’t want her anymore and haven’t for a very long time,” I explained.

Alias set her bags on the ground and seemed to be deep in thought. “I want to believe you, Kane.”

“Please, Alias,” I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes, “Tell me how I can prove it to you and I will.”

“Trust is earned, Kane. I can’t just blindly trust you…” She trailed off, “But I can give you the benefit of doubt. In time, the truth will reveal itself. I just hope you’re the one telling it.”

I pulled her into my arms and squeezed her tightly. She hugged me back, but pulled away quickly.

“I’m staying with Sarah tonight, Kane. I’ll see you in the morning,” She smiled lightly at me, but I could tell she was still upset with me. Rightfully so.

“Please be safe,” I cupped her face, rubbing my thumb softly over her cheeks.

“I’ll let you know once I’ve made it,” She began walking back to the elevator. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into me before she could step onto the elevator.

“It’s only you, Alias,” I kissed her forehead and she sighed lightly before turning to get on the elevator.

“I sure hope so, Kane,” she smiled softly as the doors closed in front of her.

Never once did I ever want to beg a woman to stay, but damn, it was hard watching her leave. A part of me hoped she’d stay with me tonight, but I knew I needed to give her space. I reassured myself I’d see her tomorrow at the office and we could talk then.

I went to my bedroom, threw back the blankets, and climbed into bed. I looked over at the spot where she was laying this morning and my heart sank a bit. If I could redo this entire day, I would have stayed right here until she woke up. I would have held her until she told me to stop. I huffed as I turned over, knowing it was going to be a long sleepless night while my mind wandered.

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