Block Party by Mystic47

Introduction: When the tired teens finally quit the ménage à trois, the girl went to sleep in the back of the car while her brother and first boyfriend compared her to Patsy. They agreed, Parris was hot, just as hot as Patsy. , Patsy predicted, “Girl, around here, if you’re old enough and have a big brother, you’re gonna get fucked. Your brother will keep you to himself for a few weeks, then he’ll start loaning you out to his friends while they send their sisters to him. In a few months you’ll be a fully integrated member of a big fucking incestuous block party, how old are you?”


And your brother, how old is he, what’s his name?”

“Seventeen. Randolph, uh, Randy.”

Patsy laughed sharply, “Hah, Randy, that sure as hell fits in around here. It’s fucking perfect girl, this is the exact time to start letting him screw you.”

Unsure of how to reply to such a horrendous idea, she asked, “Why?”

“Why is it the right time?”

“No,” she answered, “Why would I let my brother have sex with me?”

“Look, you say you never done it before, well, you gotta start with someone. Brothers are convenient, they won’t object or reject you, and they are always ready. You could be the ugliest girl in the world and your brother will screw you any time you flash him. Once you get used to getting laid, you’ll be expected to start banging his friends.”

“I never did that before and I’m not sure I want to, but if we did, how would he and I get started?”

“Don’t worry about that, he only has to get you in the right situation. You’re a hot-looking bitch, and if Randy has any balls, he’ll hit on you, then you let him fuck you. Arrange for him to find you alone, alone and naked. Or better, almost naked, boys can’t resist hidden skin.”

“What can I do?”

“Run to the bathroom in your bra and panties, make sure he sees. Maybe after your mom and dad go to bed, make some excuse to go see him in his room, wear something revealing. Or best, take a bath, let him find you in the tub, naked, but covered with bubbles. If he doesn’t right away offer to wash your back, ask him to.”


“Then wait. If he’s not queer, he’ll strip his clothes, climb in and start splashing on your back. That’s it, all you gotta do then, is reach behind you and touch his hard prick.”

“How will I know if it’s hard?”

Patsy snorted a knowing laugh, “You’ll fucking know, believe me. The only thing to do after that is, open your legs.”

“You let your brother do it with you?”

Patsy leaned back and looked at her, “What the fuck do you think we’re talking about? Everybody’s got to start sometime and somewhere; having a brother makes it all easy because you don’t even have to leave the house. And you can be goddamn sure he’ll pull out, he sure as hell won’t want to knock up fucking little sister.”

Parris left her new friend to return to her new home. Their father got recruited to an important white-collar job with an obscene paycheck, but the family had to move to some town about forever away from her real friends, her real home. Her entire mode of life and living was shattered when she entered this alternate universe. She was trying to regroup and adapt; both she and her older brother were trying to adjust to the new social environment.

Her mind was full of the advice(?) her new friend had given her. Did she really have to give up her pussy to her brother Randy? She knew what sex was, she’d never done it before, but heard it is supposed to be a lot of fun sometimes, but still, – him, – older brother? That night she studied Randy as he walked around the house, then later, went to talk to him, “Hey.”

He acknowledged his sister, “Hey Parris.”

Parris was aware of, and thankful for, that since they moved to the new home, he wasn’t as snarly or sarcastic as normal. In a previous life, he would have popped off some smartass remark about her being in his room. She sensed the way he treated her was a reflection of his own isolation. She was familiar, he could relate to her, he yearned for the companionship of someone near his age and she currently filled that role, “How are you doing, have you found any guys you might want to hang with yet?”

He looked at her, “Not really, shit, we don’t even speak the same language, you notice that?”

“Yeah.” She sat uninvited on his bed, he moved his tablet so she could rest back on the headboard, next to him. Again, she was struck by the change in his behavior, “I saw some pretty girls today.”

He smiled, “Me too.”

“You’ll like that, maybe you can have sex soon.”

He pulled his head back to look at his sister, did she just say, “Sex?”

“Come on, you’re a boy, you know what that is, right? You think you will do it soon?”

“What the fuck are you talking about? What do you know about sex, where is this going?”

She squared around to face him, “I’ve been talking to some girls and they’ve been telling me how it is around her. Patsy says everybody around here is screwing somebody. If she’s not lying or making up stories, you might want to hang out with her. Ask around, your new sources might know more about her and what she does. If you want, I’ll introduce you.”

“Does she have a brother?”

“Yeah, and that’s part of her story, she says she lets him.”

“Let’s him? Let’s him what, screw her?”

“Yeah, I think she’s bullshitting, but maybe you can find out if she’s making up stories.”

By the end of the first week, Parris had met two girls, both at the park near their house, Patsy lived just four houses around the corner, Maibel across the street. She kind of liked Maibel better than Patsy, but the latter was a hell of a lot more brazen, which made her more interesting, “Did you do it with your brother yet?”

“Ah, we just talked about this two days ago, I told you, I never did it with anybody.”

“Fuck girl, you’re wasting time. Well, don’t worry about it, you’ll catch up soon. I met Randy this morning, he is cute, you think he would want to fuck me?”

Later that day Parris told Maibel what Patsy had said, what she told her about how to become part of the social group. Maibel concurred casually, “Yeah, I got a brother dicking me. He wasn’t my first, but I was his.”

She stumbled home, shocked even deeper by the second girl’s admission, and those two were the same tender age as herself. She again went to see her brother, “Hey, Patsy says you’re cute, she wants to fuck you.”

“Patsy, the one who lives across the street?”

“No, that’s Maibel, Patsy is the other girl, the blonde who wears the skintight hotpants.”

He perked up, “Scissor Legs?”


He turned to face his sister, “Scissor Legs. That's what the guys call her, I heard she likes boys, a lot. Dude, if she were here right now, —–”

She looked at her brother, “And —-?”

“And — maybe I’d get screwed, I haven’t done that before and I’m ready, but she isn’t here, so that won’t happen.”

Parris’ heart started thudding, her head spun slightly, when the opportunity knocks — “Why not?”

“Huh, why not what?”

She shifted, sat up straighter, chose her words carefully, “Why won’t that happen, maybe you and I could, ah, do it.”

He froze and stared at his fifteen-year-old sister, “What the hell did you just say??”

She was dizzy but stood next to the bed and slipped her panties from under her skirt, “We should do this; if we have to live in this town, we need to play by the new rules,” she started to shake, her heart was slamming, not with lust, but with unease, she wanted to flee but was aware this was a life-changing moment, a necessary moment, “Mom and dad won’t be home before five.”

He didn’t say a word. Wide-eyed with surprise, momentarily immobile with indecision, he stared at his younger sister. She didn’t look or act like she was fucking with him, and she just dropped her panties, so he unzipped and pulled his jeans off. She saw immediately he was prepared; his shorts extended several inches from his body. She went to the bed, laid back, then spread her legs wide, she could feel cool air on her pussy, she was bright red with embarrassment. He stared at the attraction under her skirt, dropped his briefs then stepped between her legs, “Did you do it before?”

She shook her head, “If it hurts you have to stop.” Saying no more, he grabbed the shaft of his erection then while watching carefully, moved around until the end tickled through her pubic hair. She rocked her ass then reached between them to guide his hard-on to the center of her pussy. The end of it eased into her until she put pressure on his stomach, “Wait,” he stopped moving and pulled back. Just as she grabbed his cock to help him re-center, he started huffing, his erection convulsed in her fingers, and he fired five solid shots against her cunt.

They sat together, he was smiling with pride, she was fingering the cum between her legs, “I thought it would go longer than that,” she said almost accusingly.

He didn’t feel guilty or bad that he came so fucking fast. His cock was still hard and he was concentrating on it, smearing the cum, and didn’t catch her irritation, “It’s still hard, lay down,” he directed.

A shot of annoyance almost caused her to rebuff his demand, but she hesitated only slightly, then went to her back on the bed. He got into position then slid the end of his erection up and down her crack two times. She still had mousse de amour on her cunt lips, so he slid easily over her skin; she tingled, spread her legs wider, then remained quiet while her brother found her entrance then pushed through her virginity.

It hurt, but only a little, for a short time. Within a few seconds, he was fucking her. She was still as he pumped his erection in and out, she felt no elation, ecstasy, or rapture, as she had heard. Her brother wasn’t unpleasant, but after about six minutes, after he finished again, she was kind of disappointed that sex was so dull, and she hurt a little bit. They rested for a few minutes, sipping cool Gatorade and talking about their experiences in the new school and social environment. Randy’s cock never relaxed so it wasn’t long before he fucked her again.

Seventeen-year-old brother got off with his fifteen-year-old sister four times in less than an hour. Like fucking rabbits, they would bang avidly for a few minutes then recuperate for a few minutes. By the time the sister left her brother, she had layers of dried cum on her stomach, thighs, and skirt, and was way beyond being virgin, and well on her way to being a boy toy.

Neither Maibel nor Patsy brought up the subject of sex again, not directly anyway, but Parris and Randy quickly fell into the habit of an incestuous quickie after school, they would fuck once or twice before dinner. Once in a while, he would sneak to her while their parents slept. Over eleven weeks the pair learned to use condoms and how to fondle and turn each other on. When their mom or dad was around, they would fuck, standing in dark corners, quickly and quietly, or if had the time, on his bed.

The more they fucked, the more they experimented, the more Parris liked it. Sure, she was aware that incest is immoral, might lead a girl to motorcycles, drugs, violence, and whoring; or have a water-head kid. But the more Randy fucked her, the more recreational and intimate sex became.

They were in the bathroom, he was naked, sitting on the closed toilet lid, her blouse and bra around her neck as she sat on his lap. Randy was licking her tit and rolling his cock when someone knocked on the door. Parris shut down immediately, she stiffened and her eyes grew large with angst. Randy was quicker to react, “What?”

“What the hell are you doing kid, I gotta piss,” it was their father.

“I just got out of the shower, give me a few minutes.”

Parris looked down on her brother then began to smile, she rocked her pussy on his erection as their father replied, “Shit. Okay, I’ll go out back and piss on a tree.” She listened to the quiet at the door, smiled into her brother’s eyes then whispered with renewed, risk-enhanced desire, “Fuck me.”

From that day, they screwed in the bathroom when their parents were awake in the house, if anyone knocked on the locked door, and one of them answered, whoever it was would leave, thinking only one person in there. The two got used to giggling like mischievous children at the unawareness of their parents. For several weeks, they paused their sexual exploits only when she was on her cycle.

It was after nine, the evening sun was struggling a final glow over the western hills. Randy and Parris were at a street meeting, they had been invited by Patsy and her older brother Jake. There was a large crowd of mid to late teens mixed with a larger population of twenty-somethings, many of whom brought their tricked cars. Sound systems were blaring a confusing cacophony of Pop, Rap, Rock, County, and Latino tunes, cars were racking their resonators, and base speakers racked nerves. Beer, wine, meth, and pot were the principal staples for recreation, others could be had for the asking. In the distance Parris noticed two cop cars parked along a fence, facing her direction; three cops stood near the cars, talking, ignoring the block party. As she stood watching a BMW challenge an Acura at the stoplight, Patsy approached her, “Did you ever let your brother fuck you?” Struck dumb by the question, she hesitated, what the fuck should she say?

Patsy was alert to her pause, “You like it?”

She glanced around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping, “It’s okay I guess, I mean he’s been happy lately.”

“And you’re not?”

“Well, I don’t hate it, but it’s not a great big thrill like I always heard.”

“Who does the fucking, you or him?”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean bitch, is that screwing is a participant sport, it takes two to play properly; minimum two. If you aren’t enjoying sex, it’s because you’re just laying on your back.”

The girl blushed, even though she liked to participate and experiment with Randy, she asked, “And what if I do?”

Patsy laughed, took a hit off a big blunt, handed it to Parris then continued, “Been there, done that, we all go through it. Look, all you gotta do is tell him what you want to do. He’ll be glad to mess around more, and you might learn to have fun.” Patsy looked around, “Where did Randy go? I think he’s gonna get lucky tonight,” then melded into a Friday night crowd. Parris still held the smoking joint.

Just as Patsy faded away, her brother Jake stepped up, took the pot, and stiffed a deep hit, “I was just talking to your brother,” he said.

“Yeah, what about?”

“He wants to fuck my sister.”

“Well, he won’t have to work on her too hard, I’m surprised she still has clothes on.”

Jake laughed out loud, he smiled through flashing eyes, “Girl, you know her pretty well, don’t you?” He turned and caught someone waving at him, he told her, “Come on, let’s check out Judoon’s ride,” he took her hand in firm fingers and led her through the currents of the human stream.

Jake introduced her to several loud talking, laughing, joking teens. Both sexes were adequately represented. She might have been on the younger side of the group, but that wasn’t an issue, she was under 30 and over puberty; she was welcomed. While her new friends grilled her, Jake was given a tour of an ExtrEmE tricked tuner. He asked Parris if she wanted to ride in it, she was excited to. The driver took his place, Jake sat in the passenger seat then held his hand to her. There was no other place to sit, the back area of the car was full of speakers and amps, so she wedged herself in, onto Jake's lap.

Judoon rocketed away from the stoplight, she was pressed by g-forces against Jake. He had a hard-on and she was pressed tight on it. As the car shifted into top gear, Jake humped his ass, prodding her with his cock. She turned to smile at him then ground her ass on him. They started to neck and dry fuck as Judoon hit speeds over 100 mph. By the time the car stopped again, the two had come to a silent agreement.

Jake took her by the hand again, then led her to his car, where they went straight to the back seat. When they were facing each other, Jake lit another big joint then the two got wasted on oil-enriched buds. After they were comfortably numb, he leaned forward to open the console then pulled out a wrapped condom. He handed it to her then arched back to pull his pants down.

Parris wasn’t startled, but also wasn’t quite ready to fuck him, her mood was building slower than his, “Hey, I don’t think I can do that here,” she hedged.

Jake was a gentleman, he tucked away his stiff cock then slid a hand over her tit, “Okay, what have you got in mind?”

“Can we drive around a while, show me some of the city? I haven’t seen much yet.”

Jake arched back, pulled up and closed his dockers over the bulge of his hard-on, “Sure, I can take you to Pregger Point, a great place to hang.” She leaned to him, kissed him lightly as a promise, then sat back, and folded her legs under her butt on the seat. Parris picked up the joint and lighter; while she fired the roach, Jake fired the engine.

She enjoyed the 18-minute ride to where teen couples become mating couples. The gradual shift from town to country kept her entertained, content. Pegger Point is an abandoned gravel pit halfway up a small mountain. The view of the distant city at night has set the ambiance for the beginning of several high school pregnancies. In the school, Pegger Peak was known as Pregger Park-n-Ride.

Her mind was churning during the ride, should she fuck Jake? She knew without asking her brother gave Jake the okay. He was gonna fuck Patsy, so loaning his sister in return was understood. By the time Jake shut down the car and opened the windows to the soft, warm night, she was ready. She wasn’t especially horny, but she would fuck him. He would be her first boyfriend.

Patsy didn’t need any such justification, she wanted to fuck Randy and there he was, holding a bong. Perfect, she liked fucking when stoned. Patsy stood next to him, without comment took the pipe then helped herself. The bright coal in the bowl reflected in her eyes, Randy felt a surge of hormones as he watched her. She let the smoke drift from her nose while her smile drew him in. He took the pipe, hit it again then handed it off. He took Patsy by the hand and led her away from the group. Her fingers entwined with his then she pulled his arm until they were bonded, side-by-side, arms locked, anticipating the very near future. Randy had only been screwing his sister, he hadn’t yet experienced any other girl. Patsy knew that and was happy she could provide him access to his second cunt. He was really cute and she was looking forward to teaching him a few things, and he wouldn’t have to use a rubber; she liked the feel of cum clotting her panties. Patsy had waited until she had a Plan-B, so she could fuck him natural.

He invited her to the back seat where soon their hips were grinding in a pre-coital dance, their lips seared together by the heat of their lust; mouths and tongues were busy. Parris was getting turned on; when Jake first parked, she didn’t feel this way, but he was turning her on in ways she’d only heard rumors about. His hands were busy tugging her clothing, she eagerly let him pull her pants and panties down to her ankles. She kicked them off then wrapped him tight in her arms and pulled him down. He crushed her to the seat then penetrated her cunt with a lust-driven fever. Parris arched her back, “Oh —, oh, mmmmm,” she simpered as Jake started fucking her.

Randy didn’t have a car to use as a bed so he was a little unsure of where they could go, but she wasn’t. Patsy wrapped her fingers in his then led him down an alley and across two streets, from the lights and noise around a house to someone’s backyard. Sheets and blankets were hanging over an outdoor clothesline, Patsy put her lips on his ear and whispered, “Grab a blanket, let’s go over there,” she was pointing to a corner of the lawn that was shadowed.

“Do you know who lives here?”

“This is my house, my yard, I hung these fucking blankets today, to air out.”

They were resting on their sides, face to face, their reckless pace to get on a blanket had slowed to a more leisurely, ‘let’s get acquainted’ phase. He passed her the pipe, “Your mom and dad can’t see us?”

“Nah, their room is at the front of the house, we could set off fireworks now and they’d sleep through it. Me and Jake come out here when the mood is right.”

“You fuck your brother, right here?”

Patsy smiled, wriggled her body until she was lying against his legs and stomach, “Why do you think this blanket needed airing today?” Randy put his lips on hers to stop her talking, it was time to shut up.

Jake arched his back, driving his erection as far into Parris as he could then ground against her as his balls rejoiced with the permission to cum, “Oh my gaud girl, you are so fucking awesome!” Parris didn’t climax with Jake, she was close, she felt one coming on, but too soon he was taking a breather, his face against an open window as he gulped cool air. Parris knew there was more to come, Jake was different than her brother, he was more exciting, he made her hotter, lustier than Randy did. She moved around to relax across his legs, hooked her arms around his neck then kissed his neck. With her lips and tongue the girl began to seduce her new lover. As she moved her lips to his, she could feel the effect she was having on him rubbing against her thigh. She spread her legs slightly then positioned her cunt, open to the end of his erection. She sat crossways on Jake’s lap and got lost in the sensations of fucking while looking at the lights in the valley out the back window of his Jetta.

Randy was on his back, Patsy on her hands and knees, over him. She was teasing the head of his long, hard-standing cock with the lips of her smooth-shaven pussy, laughing into his eyes, “You want to fuck me, Randy? Hmm? You want me to take what’s between your legs, between my legs for you? Would it feel good?” She rolled her hips then eased down until he was balls to pussy with her. Randy thrust against her, she huffed a short grunt then put the frosting on the cake, “You can cum in me, all the way Randy.” He goddamn near completed her mission just then.

His hand rubbed between her thighs, his fingers played in her cunt, his mouth covered her tits, all those sensations were overpowering Parris’ control of her body. The more Jake fucked and fondled her, she got hotter, more animated, elastic, and turned on. Her womb took control then overwhelmed the girl with the need to feel Jake orgasm with her. She raked his back with painted nails, arched her back, and began to voice her rapture. Jake looked down on the pretty young teen as she climaxed then finished fucking her in a flurry of seizures.

It was close to two in the morning when Jake dropped Parris in front of her house, so she was quiet, to keep mom and dad from waking. She went to the main bathroom, she needed to clean up; they may have used condoms, but she was still sticky as hell in her panties. After a quick shower, Parris donned a robe then started for bed, but saw a band of light under her brother’s door, was he still awake? She opened the door and looked around it, he was sitting naked on his bed, his tablet in his hands. Randy looked up, “Did you just get home?”

She nodded, he patted the bed next to him and she went to his side, “I was with Jake at Pregger Park-n-Ride.”

When she was settled, he asked, “What’s that?”

“It’s the make-out place around here, if you go to Pregger Park-n-Ride, you’re gonna get fucked.”

“You fucked Jake?”

She stood off the bed, bent to put her hands flat on the floor, her legs were straight. Doubled at the waist, she stretched her arms and legs then stood straight and stretched tall. She dropped her hands, and the robe. Dressed just as her brother, which was undressed, Parris went to lay next to Randy, on her back with her hands laced together under her head. He checked out her cute body as she began, “We went for a ride with some Korean kid named Judoon, I had to sit on Jake’s lap. He got a boner, we messed around, then after, we got stoned then he took me to Pegger Point.”

Randy was beginning to feel a familiar stirring in his nuts, “So, how was it, he is your first guy, right?”

Parris rolled to her side facing him, “Stupid fuck, did you forget you were my first guy?” She reached for her brother’s cock and began to caress it with feather-light fingertips, “So, did Patsy find you?”

Randy’s reaction to Parris’ hand was immediate, he screwed Patsy three times, and he pumped her womb full each time, but his cock was quickly refilling with lust and semen as his sister handled it, “Yeah, she did.”

She squeezed his swelling prick, to encourage him, “Tell me about it, about her. What did she do for you?”

Randy rolled away from her fingers and got off the bed, his semi-hard dick lured her eyes, her brother was well hung, “Let’s do a bowl,” he offered.

Being careful to ensure their parents were sleeping, brother Randy and sister Parris prepared to fuck, at the top of the to-do list was smoke a bowl. After the second hit from his small pipe, Parris made a suggestion, “Jake gave me a CPR hit from his pot, let me try it with you.”

“What’s that?”

“Just go with it,” Parris said before she took a deep hit. Holding her breath she leaned to Randy, put her mouth over his then touched his lips with her tongue. When he opened his mouth, she puffed the smoke from her lungs into his. As his chest filled with her breath, his prick swelled with instant need. Randy pushed his sister to her back then jammed his oversized erection into her as the marijuana enriched the feeling of his sister’s pussy. They paused long enough to find a fresh condom then older brother and younger sister fucked with enthusiasm, showing the other what they had done with their second sexual partners; Patsy and her brother Jake. That was the night Parris and Randy became fully integrated into the new social environment.

Ten weeks after her sixteenth birthday, Parris was sitting on a tall stool causally, her short skirt revealed a pair of panties with the words ‘Lucky You’, emblazoned over the crotch. She looked up to see her brother and Jake coming toward her. She grinned at Jake, flashed him quickly, then closed her thighs and stood, “Hi,” she said as the two boys admired her legs. She turned to Randy, “Where’s Patsy?”

“I think she’s out with Judoon, she likes his car.”

“Yeah, it’s nice.” She turned to her brother, “So, what are you going to do, you have to find another girlfriend?”

“I’m gonna hang with you and Jake for a while, want to puff a pipe?”

They were standing under a streetlamp with seven others of the Friday night crowd, Randy passed a bong to his sister then asked, “Hey Parris, you want to leave?”


“I thought we could fuck around, in the rec room,” she and Jake had been screwing steadily for months, but she hadn’t given up her brother, Parris still fucked Randy too.

Parris looked for Jake, “I don’t know Randy, I kind of want to stay here for a while.” Just then Jake stepped up behind Parris and patted her on the hip then slid his hand over her ass. She felt the caress and bumped his leg with her butt.

Jake passed Parris a pill, “What is it?” she wanted to know.

“A molly, ecstasy, it makes you horny.”

Randy spoke up, he was concerned for her welfare, “Hey, she never did that before, maybe she shouldn’t.”

Parris didn’t hesitate; both Patsy and Maibel had talked up the experience of fucking while high on mollies, she was ready to try, “It’s okay, let’s go to the Park-n-Ride, we can be alone and you will see there’s nothing to worry about.”

Randy asked, “The three of us?”

“Sure, why not?” Even before she took any drug, Parris was ready to fuck Jake, and if her brother was watching, so what; he’d seen her naked before. Those thoughts began another shift in the girl’s sexual preferences. She had fucked Jake and her brother several times on the same day, but never together. Her cunt quickly began to yearn for two erections, two cocks filling her with their lust, with their semen. Her legs quivered, “Let’s go.”

Jake gave Randy the car keys then climbed into the back seat of his car with Parris. By the time Randy parked at Pregger Point, his sister and his friend were making out like overheated lovers. She was moaning, he was groaning and both were petting and fondling the other. As her brother rolled down the windows, Parris rolled her pants off her hips. Within seconds of parking the car, Randy watched Jake penetrate Parris, then the two started a marathon of gasping, panting, slamming, and fucking, filling the car with sexual applause. Randy tuned the radio to a pop station then called Patsy on his smartphone.

When Patsy answered the video chat call, she saw Randy, “Hi, where are you?” Without saying anything, Randy held the phone camera out the window, giving Patsy a view, “Oh, Pregger Park-n-Ride, who are you with?” Again, with no words, Randy aimed the camera lens at Jake’s ass, which was entrapped by Parris’ legs. “Oh shit, you three are going at it?”

Time to say something, “No, her and Jake, not her, me and Jake.”

Patsy chirped a sharp laugh, “Hah, you should get involved too, she’d like that.” With those words, Patsy clicked off the connection.

Randy laid his phone aside then took another hit. As he watched his sister get laid, he got edgy and Patsy’s words echoed from his ears to his balls. Yeah, he could fuck her right now, not a problem, “Hey Parris.” She looked over Jake’s back to her brother, “I want a shot too, save some for me.”

The effects of the molly were working overtime on Parris’ libido, she urged Jake, “Cum, then move over.” Not a full minute after Randy announced his desire, his sister pulled the used condom off Jake and tossed it out a window. Jake scooched his ass to the far end of the cramped seat to give Randy room to join his sister. When the shuffling and shifting was done, the three hot fucking teens were all in the back seat of the car, two of them fucking.

Parris was riding a rollercoaster of thrills and seizures. As Randy plunged his cock in her she began to groan her pleasure, Jake cupped one of her tits then put the other hand under her ass and felt for her anus. The girl felt a finger probe her ass as her brother probed her cunt, and she got even more willing to do any goddamn thing the two boys wanted.

They needed more room to move and screw so Jake opened the door of his car then managed to get Randy out of Parris. The two boys got out, standing next to the car while Parris shifted until she was bent over the seat, on her stomach, with her feet on the ground. In seconds Jake plunged his impressive cock into her then set a pace of hard-core sex.

Jake fucked the neighbor girl for a couple of minutes then stepped back to let her brother have her. Randy and Jake team fucked Parris at Pregger Park-Ride for close to two hours. The boys used the limited supply of condoms, so to be careful, Parris used her mouth to finish Jake after the last fuck. When the tired teens finally quit the ménage à trois, the girl went to sleep in the back of the car while her brother and first boyfriend compared her to Patsy. They agreed, Parris was hot, just as hot as Patsy. Read 36 times | Rated 0 % | (0 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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