The Note Ch. 03 by Choices101,Choices101

The Note

Part 3

With the note still firmly on my mind I returned to sleep, but this time it didn’t take sedatives. I waited just long enough to take my medication then laid back down. No dreams and for that I was thankful, the last one was nearly more then I could handle. I remembered vividly how whoever she was tasted.

It was without doubt the most delicious thing I had ever tasted before. Scented and dabbed with the faintest hint of Peppermint. Just enough to leave the faint sting of the mint on my tongue as I licked her. I don’t like going down on women, but I’ll be damned if that wasn’t amazing.

When I awoke again I was alone. Light shined through the window and the birds chirped. My chest and face hurt from the blows and my hands hurt so badly they pulsed. When I shifted to put my bare feet on the floor I noticed the pair of pills on the table with the note.

“Take them. Your going to be sore, Mom.”

I smiled the faintest little smile and took the pills dry. I dressed in a pair of black jeans with a hole on one knee, my boots and a black tank top. When I opened the door I found myself staring into the emotionless face of Dwight.

He was sitting in a chair across from my room at the top of the stairs. When he saw me the faintest smile touched the corners of his lips and he inclined his head.

“Heard you might wake up screaming.” He told me. “Glad to see you didn’t. May mean your getting better dude.”

“One can hope.”

I told him with a chuckle and he nodded with one of his own. When he rose from the chair he towered over me. The guy must have been six foot eight, maybe a little taller and was thick as a tree trunk. He opened his hand for me to leave and followed a step behind me going down the stairs.

When I walked into the dining room the family was sitting and eating a breakfast of french toast, eggs and sausage. At that moment I realized I was completely famished. I hadn’t eaten anything the day before but the ice cream

I sat down and immediately piled food on my plate. Jen looked at me a little concerned but Madison was radiant. Her smile was bigger then I had ever seen. Mom was the same way but Dad looked a little pensive.

“No nightmares this time?” He asked and I shook my head. “Good. It’s a good sign Jason.”

“That’s what Mister T said.” I said with a mouthful of eggs motioning over my shoulder with my thumb to Dwight.

Dwight put his hand on his bald head and rubbed his back and forth as if I had insulted him but chuckled.

“Remind me to get some bling Doctor Matthews.” He told my dad. “If it will help him, I’d wear it.”

Dad grinned and I realized why he liked the big bald man so much. He had a terrific sense of humor and seemed to have a heart of gold. Then again, I considered silently, most big men tended to. The bigger the guy, the more heart they seemed to have. Weird how that happened.

“Speaking of Dwight.” Dad said suddenly putting his silverware down. “He’s gonna be shadowing you from now on J. We can’t afford another repeat like yesterday. You nearly killed Sam.”

I took a deep sigh and shook my head.

“I don’t get it.”

“Don’t get what baby?” Mom asked.

“Why I did it. I love Maddy, don’t get me wrong but that wasn’t what I was feeling when I attacked him.”

Both my parents and my sisters shared a look and Dad wiped his mouth with his napkin.

“Come with me.” He ordered. “Bring your plate.”

As long as I was able to keep the plate I was fine. I picked up the plate, leaned over and stole a piece of sausage off Jen’s plate and followed. Behind me I heard Jen giggle at my actions and Maddy laugh hard about her brother being “back”.

Dad led me into his study and closed the door behind me, ordering Dwight to wait in the dining room. He’d call if he needed him. Once I sat down in the chair across his desk I just kept eating. Dad sat behind it and crossed his hands over the top of it.

“What did you feel?” He asked. “When you attacked him?”

I swallowed and pursed my lips trying to find the words.


I bit my lip and looked down at my plate embarrassed.

“Don’t.” Dad insisted. “Trust me Jason. Safe room.”

“Alright.” I took a deep breath and nodded. “I felt like he was stealing something. Not from Madison but from me. Like he didn’t have the right to touch what was mine.”

“Yours?” Dad asked lifting a brow. “Well, she is your sister.”

“No.” I said annoyed and waved my fork between us. “Not as a sister. As a woman.”

“You felt like she wasn’t your sister anymore?” Dad asked intently. “Like she was more?”

“Don’t say it like that.” I snapped. “It makes me sound like some kind of pervert degenerate.”

“Jason.” Dad barked. “You are none of those things. You must understand that. Those types of feelings aren’t impure.”

“Yeah, like you have ever thought of aunt Moraine that way. That’s not the way to think about family.”

I laughed and Dad chuckled and shook his head faintly.

“No. Can’t say I ever thought of my sister that way.” Dad admitted.

There was something about the way he ignored the latter portion of my statement that made me lift a brow. I dropped the fork to the plate with a clatter and threw the plate on the desk. I could feel the itch at the base of my skull now.

I could actually feel it coming.

“What about grandma?” I asked intently.


“Grandpa?” I asked with a lifted brow.

Dad laughed and shook his head but the tingling continued to run up and down my skull. It was slowly growing in strength and becoming more painful.

“Dad, your avoiding the question.” I accused.

“Am I?” Dad asked archly.

And then….boom….nothing.

I sat there blinking a moment as the pressure in the base of my skull began to ease. Dad lifted a brow looking across the desk at me curiously.

“You looked perplexed son.”

“I felt it.” I told him with a little chuckle. “The pain in my skull. The pressure and….nothing.”

“That’s a step in the right direction.” He told me with a big smile. “I’ll feel better when these memories surface without pain.”

“So, what now?” I asked.

Dad chewed his lip a moment watching me intently.

“Go back to the creek.” He told me nodding to himself. “A lot of it happened there. Try walking around. With Dwight of course.”

“Fine with me.”

I threw one last bit of French Toast in my mouth then turned with the plate in hand and marched across the room. When I pulled the door open Dwight gave me a grin and a thumbs up. No relapses. I grinned back and disappeared into the kitchen.

When I opened the side door of the kitchen I found Jennifer standing by the counter on her phone. She had her back to me and leaning on the sink.

“I don’t care why you did it Cat.” She said under her breath trying to be quiet. “You know what’s at stake here…..Talk like that all you want, I know you care Catherine. You have James now but what about before? You were crushed when he chose someone else.”

I didn’t dare breath now. Didn’t want to fuck this up by any means of the imagination. So Catherine Harmon and I had been a couple and by the sounds of it I had chosen someone else over her. This must be the mystery woman I keep dreaming about.

“You aren’t gonna fuck up his chance just because you don’t get to bounce on his big dick anymore Catherine…..shut up! I know very well you aren’t the only one who lost out, but he made his choice and we have to respect it.”

I blushed deep to the roots of my hair and cleared my throat. Jen spun around wide eyed, muttered a quick ‘gotta go’ and hit the end button.

“Hey.” She said with a blush. “You and Dad get it all worked out?”

“Don’t change the subject.” I said with a laugh. “Why are you and Cat talking about my dick?”

“We aren’t.” She blushed deeper and bit her lip hungrily.

“Then why did you say my big dick if you aren’t?” I asked with a lifted brow.

In all the years I had known Jennifer she had never once blushed the way she blushed standing in that kitchen. Her entire face turned beat red and she bit her lip again. I had seen that look on a woman’s face before. Women usually wore it during the foreplay periods before we had sex

And it made me uncomfortable and yet that itch started again at the base of my skull when I saw it.

“Come on white boy.” Dwight said with a laugh. “Leave your sister to her fantasies.”

“Dwight!” Jennifer gasped. “Stop that.”

“What?” He asked with a grin showing off teeth which were far, far to white.

I spun around and followed Dwight from the kitchen after dropping my plate in the sink. As soon as she was out of view the itching at the back of my head stopped almost immediately. We passed by the dining room long enough to say goodbye to mom and Madison then left.

It didn’t surprise me at all when I walked outside and saw the pink note on my truck. A big grin appeared on my lips as I pulled the note from the wind shield and brought it to my nose. There was that scent of Vanilla and Peppermint again. It smelled wonderful.

“You made me whole.”

I took my lip between my grin to hide the grin. Beside me Dwight was grinning himself while looking down at the paper.

“Got any paper?” I asked.


“I’m gonna leave one back.” I told him. “We can’t take my truck anyway, your big elephant looking ass won’t fit. We’ll take your bike.”

“Unless you grow tits boy you aint riding bitch.” Dwight laughed.

I chuckled and shook my head, I sure as hell wasn’t about to grow tits. He handed me the paper, I jotted down a quick note asking

“Who are you?”

and stuck it under the wiper then I had a devious idea.

“Open the garage.” I told him and turned back for the house.

I jogged into the house and through it into the kitchen and slid to a stop in the doorway. Both Maddy, Jennifer and our Mom all stopped talking mid talk again and looked up at me. I wasn’t about to be concerned about that now. Not with what I had in mind.

“Mom, dad wants me to take Dwight with me but his big ass is gonna fuck up that rusted suspension in the truck. Would you mind if I took something with a bit more umph?”

“Why not just take his bike?” Jenny asked curiously.

“He says my I would need to grow tits first.” I answered with a laugh.

Jenny only nodded and grinned.

“Yeah, forgot about that. Big tits.”

Mom smiled and shook her head.

“No sweety, go ahead.”

I only grinned and snatched the keys off the rack before she could say anything. I turned and ran through the doors, around the house and into the garage where Dwight was standing next to the beautiful matte black Camaro.

“Get in.” I ordered.

I ran to the drivers door and pulled it open I slid into the drivers seat and fired the beast up. It roared to life. As soon as the passenger door was closed I slammed it into drive and floored it. Dwights eyes widened as the power of the thing nearly lifted the front end off the ground before it took off from the garage like a bat out of hell.

Behind me in the rear view I saw mom run into the garage. She looked more then a little pissed but Maddy was laughing so hard she was nearly falling over. Jenn was speaking quick to mom, most likely trying to get her to calm down.

As we roared down the street I couldn’t help but notice the looks from the people on the street. There was a mixture of concern and awe in many of the eyes on my street when they saw me in the Camaro. Before I could give anyone a second thought they were gone, a blur in the distance as the machine roared down the road.

After a few minutes of genuine terror Dwight actually began to laugh as I weaved in and out of traffic. We hit the first red light nearly ten full minutes later and sat there listening to the purr of the engine. A huge smile on my face running my hands over the wheel.

It was another ten minutes before we pulled up into the same parking lot I had pulled into the day before. We climbed from the Camaro and I couldn’t get the shit eating grin off my face. I knew there was gonna be hell to pay but I didn’t care.

Dwight hung a few yards back as I made my way through the trees again to the base of the river. I stood beside the bank and felt nothing. No familiar stirring this time. No tingle along the base of my skull. None of the tell tale signs of a memory coming.

I was just preparing to leave when I heard the faint sound of water and turned. Around the bend where the rivers currents were almost none existent was another person. I felt for a moment like my heart would stop in my chest the moment I saw her.

Golden blond hair with the faintest hints of red. It was wet and clinging to her back. She wore a small two piece bikini. The top was black and silver curving around the edges of what looked from there like a thirty-six inch D cup bust line. The bottoms were hidden beneath the water.

Her name was Vanessa Chapman. She was two years below me in school and even as a junior I considered breaking the taboo for her. Dating a freshmen was taboo for anyone above a sophomore but for a pair of tits and lips like hers I often considered it.

I let out a shrill wolf whistle and she spun around in the water her eyes wild and angry. Until they fell on me and then she smiled a huge smile. We had always been friendly in school and by the look on her face that hadn’t changed in the last two years.

“Jason Matthews!” She squealed and pulled herself up from the water onto the rocks.

The bottoms of the bikini was the same black and silver and tugged tightly to a thick bouncy ass that shook and moved with each step she took around the rocks to get to the path leading to me. When she got to the sand she ran until she reached me and hugged me tight.

“It’s good to see you!” She said happily. “I was afraid you were never gonna come back after the accident.”

I took her shoulders and pulled her backwards looking down into her face.

“Accident?” I demanded. “What accident?”

“You don’t remember…” She asked with a concerned look on her face. “You flipped the car on that back road off I-5 about six months ago. Rolled it into a ditch.”

“Car?” I asked confused. “I drive a truck Nessa.”

“You weren’t driving your truck. I wasn’t there, but I heard about it at school the day after. You were driving a gray car of some kind. A muscle car.”

My mouth hung open when she said that. The Camaro had been primer gray the last time I saw it. Was that why Mom had looked the way she did when she heard the Camaro start? Had I wrecked it and she spent all this time fixing it?

See, now I feel like shit.

“My memories a little fuzzy.” I told her with a grin. “Fill me in?”

I sat down on a large rock and she giggled when I pulled her down into my lap but gave me a serious look.

“Aren’t you and Catherine Harmon a thing?” She asked lifting a brow but didn’t protest to being in my lap. As if she had been in it before.

“Not anymore.” I answered with a shrug. “According to the Fam she and I broke up a year ago.”

“I figured she’d have made a beeline for you when you got back.” Vanessa slid in a little deeper into my lap making me grin impishly. “Whatcha wanna know stud?”

“What did you hear about the accident?”

Might as well start there I told myself.

She bit her lip in thought, and while she did wiggled her little ass in my lap for effect.

“I heard it was late. Like 3 A.M. You were doing like a hundred on the two lane trying desperately to get the hell out of town I heard. When they pulled you out of the car after you were a mess. There was glass everywhere and you were hurt pretty bad.”

“How bad?” I asked quick. “Did anyone know?”

“All I heard was you got a pretty nasty slice on your chest and your face was a mess.”

She leaned over looking down at the top of the tank top and running her finger over the nasty red scar running from my collarbone to my chest.

“That’s it.” She added. “I would imagine.”

“What else? I don’t remember anything from the last two years.”

“So you don’t remember what that cunt Catherine did to Addison do you?”

There was that damn name again I told myself and shook my head.

“I don’t even know any Addison.” I told her.

“Oh….you wouldn’t.” She realized. “Her family only passed the entry test last year.”

“Entry test?” That was new and got my immediate attention. Vanessa bit her lip and shook her head. I let out a frustrated sigh. “What happened to her?”

“Cat fucking Harmon happened.” Vanessa snapped. “She had a huge crush on you and told her that you’d date her on the side and she was okay with it. But she had to show that she’d put out. Addy was over the moon. She was head over heels for you and it wasn’t like she was a virgin or anything so she agreed. Of course you never showed. The room was dark and Cat’s two disgusting brothers took turns on her pretending they were you.”

I blinked and felt the familiar pull at the base of my skull but ignored it.

The door of the barn opens and a petite figure explodes out. She’s young, eighteen with mousy brown hair that hangs straight down her plain face. The sun shines off a pair of glasses. We locked eyes and she sobs and turned running away from me.

I blinked back to reality setting my jaw to force the memory back into the back of my mind. I didn’t want to see what it was going to show me.

“What happened?” I asked her.

“You found out and flipped shit.” She said with a wide smile. “You went straight to Cats house and broke up with her. When Adam and Tyler tried to confront you? Rumor has it you put one of them through their parents antique glass table and beat the hell out of both.”

My fist flies out and connects with his jaw. He’s tall with blond hair and an arrogant smirk. He stumbles back before coming at me. He throws a single punch that I duck and grab his arm flipping him over my shoulder. He smashes through a wood and glass table showering glass everywhere.

“So that’s what happened…” I whispered to myself. I always assumed based on what Madison had said that I did it as a result of what he had done to her, but I was wrong.

“You called Addison and told her to meet you at Cats house. When she arrived you made them apologize on their knees before you’d stop hitting them. That was….a little bit before your accident.”

Things were starting to come together now for me. I started dating Cat at my party two years before. A year later she used my name to pretty much rape a girl named Addison and then I beat the shit out of her brothers for doing it. A short time later something spooked me so badly I tried to flee the county in a car I stole from my mom.

As I thought about all of this she had turned to face me and was playing her fingertip over my chest and grinning. She leaned down and pressed her lips to mine. That’s what brought me back to the real world, the soft kiss.

Vanessa moaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck and was turning to straddle me when a clearing of a throat was heard. She squealed and jumped from my lap leaving a huge wet spot from her wet bikini.

When she saw the large form of Dwight she grinned. It shocked me when she grinned.

“Hey Dwight!” She called.

“Hey yourself girly.”

“Whatcha doin here?” she stood on her tip toes to look over here. “Jen with you?”

“Jen?” I snapped and my head shot around to him. “Why the hell would my sister be with him.”

“No reason,” He said at once,

“They are kinda together?” Vanessa said in a very ‘duh’ tone. “We saw them the last time we were at your house honey.”

I blinked and looked back at Dwight. He laughed a bit uncomfortably and shifted from one foot to another. When he saw my mouth open to yell he raised a big hand,

“Ut uh.” He ordered. “Not here. Not now.”

Vanessa looked between us. I could tell from the air of uncertainty she wasn’t comfortable anymore. She laughed a bit awkwardly and looked back at me again,

“Listen. There’s more that….”

She looked at the big man and suddenly it became clear to me that she didn’t want to tell him she had been giving me information.

“…You coming to the party later?”

“Party?” I asked harder then I’d intended.

She flinched and frowned at my tone.

“….At the Pen.”

“Can’t say I even heard about a party.”

“You have to come!” She said and leaned down into my ear whispering. “There’s more you need to know.”

I looked side long at her and the look in her eyes told me this girl knew a lot about what was happening.

“…I’ll try and make it. Wear something nice for me?”

“Have I ever disappointed you before?”

“I don’t know?”

She giggled and turned running past Dwight and up the hill. Dwight turned and looked behind him at her ass wiggling back and forth as she climbed the hill. Once she was gone he whistled and shook his head.

“God damn, that’s a lot of woman.” He turned to look back and me and his eyes narrowed when he found me standing chest to stomach with him and looking up at him. He growled low in his throat. “Step back Jason.”

“My sister?” I snapped. “You can’t at least tell me your fucking my sister!”

And then I was on the ground. He didn’t hit me, but shoved me so hard I flew backwards and landed on my ass in the sand and dirt.

“Don’t talk about her like that!” He snapped. “I aint fucking nobody. We’ve been on a couple of dates, that’s it.”

All I could do was sit there and stare up at him. He hadn’t even hit me by I must have flown three or four feet backwards before landing in the dirt. The guy was strong as an ox and big as a fucking semi. I jumped up from the dirt and he leveled a big meaty finger at me.

“Don’t.” He warned. “I like you J. Always have. Since the first day I met you in the hospital but if you come at me I’ll be force to put you on the ground, hard.”

I snorted and walked past him toward the car.

“I should make your big baby Huey looking ass walk back.”

“I am the wrong shade to be Baby Huey fucker.” He growled.

“Baby Huey was yellow dipshit.” I called over my shoulder.

Behind me he grumbled about duplicitous arrogant boys and I couldn’t help but grin. Okay, Jennifer could do worse I told myself. As I was coming to the top of the hill Vanessa was backing up a jeep. When she saw me she flashed me a huge grin, blew me a kiss and yelled.

“See you tonight.”

Then she was gone.

“Well.” I told myself under my breath. “Isn’t gonna be all bad. I’m gonna get to fuck Vanessa Chapman. That’s a plus.”

When I looked back Dwight was standing by the passenger side door with his arms crossed. I snorted and motioned him into the car before opening the drivers side door. I was ready to say this was a fat waste of time, but if I got to bang Nessa, this trip was worth it.

Once we were inside again I glanced over at the big mountain of a man sitting next to me and lifted a brow.

“You hungry Foghorn Leghorn?” I asked.

“Who the fuck is that?” He asked in a growl.

I blinked staring at him as if he’d lost his mind. Who in the hell doesn’t know who Foghorn Leghorn is I asked myself.

“I say, boy I say, pay attention, did you want something to eat?” I called in my best impression.

Dwight shook his head and waved toward the front of the car.

“Just drive you idiot.”

I gave the faintest shrug and turned the ignition. We pulled out of the parking lot and head down the road. When we reached the house again he gives me a look as if to ask where the food is and all I can do is chuckle and shake my head.

Idiot should have told me he was hungry. With the Camaro safely back in the garage I climbed from the drivers seat and was standing no more then a half a second when the door slammed open and my fiery eyed mother stormed in.

“Have you lost your damn mind!” She screamed. “Do you have any idea how scared I was!”

“Easy.” Dad said from the doorway. “Easy babe.”

Mom took a deep breath but before she could say a word I came around the car and took her hands. Lifting them to my face I kissed the knuckles softly.

“Had I known about the accident Mom I wouldn’t have done it.” I whispered. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”

Mom’s eyes shot to my face searching and Dad stepped forward quickly. Each had questions on their faces when Dwight stepped around the car.

“We ran into Vanessa Chapman at the river.” He told them. “She told him about the accident I’m guessing.”

“That stupid girl!” Mom snapped looking from Dwight to me. “She should have known better.”

“Babe.” Dad warned and stepped to her side. “Any reaction when she told you?”

I shook my head softly.

“None. Did the accident have something to do with the break in my psyche?”

“I think it was a direct result from it.” Dad said with a nod. “You trying to run away from whatever happened. Anything stirred by the river?”

“No.” I told him and shrugged. “Felt the slightest little tingle in my head when she mentioned the someone named Addison, but other then that.”

I knew I had hit something when both my parents looked sharply at one another at the name Addison but I knew better then to push it. I’d have to get my information elsewhere. They weren’t going to help me, I knew that much.

“In was also invited to a party tonight at The Pen.” I added with a shrug. “I’m gonna head up and take a shower.”

Mom and Dad stood dumb founded as I pushed through them and into the house. Both Jennifer and Madison were gone so I snuck out the front door and looked toward the truck. A grin spread across my lips when I saw the pink paper on the wind shield.

I slipped out fast and snatched it from the truck then darted back into the house and up the stairs before they could question me more. Once I reached the bathroom I pushed the door closed and slipped off my clothes.

After starting the shower I unfolded the paper and read.

“Your forever.”

Each one of these seemed to only get better for me. I could feel the warmth spreading through my stomach and outward from there. I slid the paper into the back pocket of my jeans and climbed into the shower.

I needed to shower and shave for this party. There was no way I was going to meet Vanessa Chapman looking scruffy. It just wasn’t gonna happen.

As soon as the water touched my face I felt it. The tingle running up the back of my head. It started small and grew in intensity by the second until a ice pick was shoved into the back of my skull. I grabbed my head and couldn’t even scream. The pain was just so intense.

The water runs down my back as I look down at the short black hair. Perfectly manicured hands run up and down the lines of my chest, running the tips of the nails down my sides. Goose bumps run up and down my sides.

“Do you have any questions baby?” Mom purred.


I grinned and slide my hands down her bare sides to her hips. Her chest quivers with desire making her full large breasts jiggle so softly. Her nipples, hard as steel, press into my chest as it lift her by the hips. Her arms wrap around my neck and she presses her lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

She screams into my lips as I thrust my hips forward. My cock hard as diamonds finds its mark piercing deeply inside her. She pants into my lips as I thrust forward again driving it in as deep as I can. Her arms wrap around my head pushing my mouth into the curve of her thrust as I fuck her.

“Oh god!” She screams in pleasure. “Your so much like him at your age Jason. Oh god. So big….oh god I love it!”

The bathroom is filled with the sounds of my hips driving into her ass. The slap of my pelvis hitting her and her pleasure filled grunts each time I bottom out. The water runs down my head and chest over her full and still surprisingly perky breasts.

My whole body shook as I came back to myself. At that moment I couldn’t tell the difference between the water and the cold sweat covering my body. My flesh shook, muscles spasming and eyes widened with shock.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Outside I can hear the sound of feet running up the stairs and the something hard slammed into the door. They tried the handle and found it locked. Whoever stood at the door banged hard.

“Jason!” Dad’s voice called. “Jason are you okay?! Can you hear me son!”

“What the fuck!”

I yelled again and tried to back away from the door. The tub is slippery and when I stepped backwards I slipped and tried to grab the wall. My hands slip across the wall and I fall into the fabric shower curtain and tumble to the floor with a crash.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I yelled wide eyed.

“Dwight!” Dad yelled. “Break it down!”

“No!” I hear my mom yell.

Moments later I hear the jingle of keys and the door is thrown open to reveal my Mom, Dad and Dwight all standing over me. I laid on the floor covered in only a almost see through shower curtain naked and shivering.

“Everyone out.” Dad barked.

Dwight pulled Mom from the room and slammed the door. My dad sat on the toilet his feet next to me and looking down at me.

“What happened son?” He asked gently.

“No!” I screamed. “No! Fuck no!”

“Jason.” He whispered soothingly. “I am your doctor and your father. Trust me.”

“Trust you!?” I barked a laugh. “How can I trust anything! My own mind is making up shit and showing it to me to punish me!”

“What did you see son?” He asked.

I swallowed hard and looked down, away from him. The back of my neck turning beat red. Behind me Dad nods in understanding.

“It’s something to do with sex?” He asked gently and all I can do is nod. “Catherine?”

“Fuck I wish!” I shouted.

“The girl Vanessa?”

“DAD!” I screamed in outrage. “Last time I saw her she was sixteen! I am not some sicko!”

By the tone it was almost as if I needed to belief that myself and Dad could hear it in my voice. He scooted down to the edge of the toilet directly over me.

“Whatever you saw Jason doesn’t make you a sicko.” He assured me. “It may have been a fabrication.”

“May have?!” I screamed in a panic. “It was! I promise dad! I swear it was!”

I stared up at my dad and saw the realization in his eyes. He smiled and nodded.

“Go ahead.” He urged. “Who did your memory fabricate? Jennifer maybe? Your aunt Emily? Julia?”

“Mom!” I yelled in disgust. “I was fucking her in the shower!”

“And you think I am going to hate you for that fantasy?” He asked with a chuckle shaking his head. “I assure you son, I do not hate you. It’s normal for boys to have these types of fantasies. I love you son.”

At any other time I would have considered hugging any man while naked to have been a horrible thing. Even my dad, but at that moment I threw myself off the floor and wrapped my arms around his waist laying my head on his thigh. I was still shaking so badly. I felt his hand on the back of my head gently, soothingly caressing.

“It’s okay son.” He whispered hugging my head. “It’s gonna be okay. I promise.”

It took me twenty minutes to stop shaking. I could hear the voices of mom and Madison downstairs talking loudly. Madison wanted to come up here and see me and mom wouldn’t allow it. Finally I leaned back and wiped my my eyes with the back of my head.

Dad smiled and nodded reassuringly.

“Can you talk now?” He asked and I nodded. “Alright. What you saw. You really didn’t like it. Why?”

“Because she’s my mom!” I shouted.

“Put aside the stigma.” He insisted. “Why did you panic?”

I considered it and bit my lip. Put aside the stigma. Her being mom didn’t matter. It still caused me to panic and I knew why.

“Cuz I love you dad.” I whispered. “Mom is your wife. The love of your life. To hear her, even in a fantasy, talking to someone that way. Telling him how big he is…how good it feels. It felt like I was betraying you.”

I watched a small smile appear on my dads face. A tear standing in the corners of his eye and he reached out and cupped my face with his palm.

“You didn’t want to hurt me.” He whispered and the tear slipped free sliding down his cheek. “You really are a better man the I ever was Jason.”

That left me dumb founded and I stared up into his misty eyes and felt myself beginning to cry.

“Don’t say that dad.” I whispered. “Your the best man I ever knew.”

“I never took that into account.” He whispered. “You did.”

I sat there wide eyed and slack jawed. Slowly I rose until I was standing over him my eyes narrowed. He had never taken that into account. Never taken.

“You son of a bitch.” I snarled. “You cheated on mom?!”

“Of course not.” He said quickly with a laugh. “Finish up in here.”

He stood from the toilet but when he went to move around me I stretched my arm out to block the door. When he turned to look at me I could feel the tingle along my skull. It wasn’t stabbing but burning like a fire up and down my spine. Fueling my silent burning rage.

“If you hurt her.” I whispered so they couldn’t hear me downstairs. “If you make her cry dad. So help me god I’ll kill you. Do you understand me?”

Dad didn’t react to the threat. He looked up at me with narrowed thoughtful eyes.

“Cry.” He whispered. “Son of a bitch.”

The lack of reaction to my threat took me back more then anything else. He didn’t seem to care. I stepped back narrowed eyes.

“What?” I demanded.

“I need to talk to your mother.” He said absently and pushed me aside.

He was out of the bathroom before I could say anything. At that moment I forgot all about the scruff. I threw on my jeans and nothing else. I left my boots, shirt and rings on the floor and threw the door open storming through the door.

I went all of two inches before I walked into a wall of muscle standing directly in the doorway. I looked up into the emotionless face of Dwight as he stood crossed armed in the doorway. There was no way around him and even at my size I couldn’t over power him.

“Dwight. Move.”

“Nope.” He said matter of fact. “Docs orders. He needs a few minutes to talk to your mom and Madison.”

“Look here you big ass fat Albert looking mother fucker.” I screamed. “Get the hell out of my way.”

“I look nothing like fat Albert.” He rumbled. “Do we all look alike to you? That’s racist you know.”

I threw my hands into the air and screamed in frustration. With nothing left to do I turned and finished what I had started. I shaved and cleaned up my hair at the very least. It was fine with me, they wanted to play games with my mind?

Fuck um.

I had a party to get to and a beautiful woman who wanted to tell me everything.

One that would fill in all the blanks no matter the cost.

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