A Poolside Wrestling Match by kscarpa,kscarpa

My girlfriend Sarah and our friend Victoria have long had a bit of a rivalry. They’d compete for guys’ attention, show each other up in what they’d wear to a party, that sort of thing. Once when we were about to go on a triple date, Sarah fretted about what to wear and finally opted for a short skirt, about mid-thigh, as she didn’t want Victoria to be the one turning all the heads. I wasn’t complaining. As it happened, Victoria’s skirt was shorter that night, and she would’ve won a count on how many men took a glance as the six of us filed past the bar.

The other weekend, things took an unexpected turn. We’d been invited to a pool party at Arturo’s house. He had known Victoria’s boyfriend Elliot from college. We got there early afternoon, with Sarah wearing a red bikini with a purple wraparound. Victoria was already there with Elliot, and she had a blue one-piece on. I smirked a little at the thought that Victoria had chosen to be less revealingly dressed than Sarah this time; I knew that whatever Victoria did, Sarah would see it as some kind of gambit aimed at getting just a little bit higher status.

There were about 15 people present, mainly young couples like ourselves, though a few older adults were in the mix. I’d only met Arturo a couple of times, so I didn’t know much about him. It turned out he ran a PR firm and was a wrestling enthusiast. He was talking about a recent professional wrestling event. None of the names meant anything to me, though somewhat to my surprise Victoria seemed to have considerable knowledge of the sport. There was discussion of some kind of armlock, and Sarah asked what it was. Victoria promptly grabbed Sarah’s wrist and gave it a twist that had Sarah falling to her knees and saying “Enough, enough!”

Victoria relented, letting Sarah get back on her feet, but then chose to give her a little instruction in how to submit in a wrestling drill. “You gotta tap out,” Victoria said, tapping Sarah’s arm lightly a couple of times. Sarah, already a bit peeved at being forced to her knees, gave Victoria a light push, which Victoria parried by grabbing Sarah’s arm. With a little twist, she turned Sarah and gave my girlfriend a little smack on her bikini bottom. Arturo and Elliot laughed, and I had to stifle my mirth, since I knew Sarah wouldn’t be pleased by this provocation.

“I’ll show you some wrestling,” Sarah said sharply to Victoria, and with a glare grabbed her friend’s arm and walked her over to a grassy area away from the pool. Arturo was delighted at the prospect that these two swimsuit-clad chicks would wrestle in his backyard. The partygoers took notice and gathered around, drinks in hand. I was intrigued, and also wondered if this was a wise move on Sarah’s part. Victoria was in good shape and had demonstrated some wrestling savvy. Also, unlike Victoria’s one-piece, Sarah’s bikini seemed like it could easily have a wardrobe malfunction of some sort.

The two ladies started on their knees. Arturo said “Start,” and they began grappling. Victoria quickly got the upper hand, putting Sarah in a half-nelson as they kneeled on the grass. Then, with her free hand, Victoria pulled Sarah’s bikini top up, revealing her breasts to the crowd. She held Sarah in place like that for a long moment, until my girlfriend grudgingly tapped out. Then as they stood up, Victoria gave Sarah another pat on her bikini-clad butt. Sarah shot her a resentful glance, while trying to get her top back in place. The crowd laughed and clapped.

The party continued, and we ate and had drinks. Victoria was in a cheerful mood, but Sarah was grumpy and hadn’t put this friendly competition behind her. She made caustic remarks over the course of the afternoon, mostly aimed at Victoria. The latter took this in stride at first but after a while was rolling her eyes at my girlfriend’s needling. Elliot and Arturo exchanged glances, and then our host asked a question. “Is somebody looking for a rematch?”

“Yes!” said Sarah instantly. I leaned over to whisper to her, “Honey, are you are sure?” “Yes!” she reiterated loudly.

“Babe?” Elliot said to Victoria, who shrugged and then nodded. “Sure,” she said.

So, it was back to the grassy area. The crowd at this point had gotten a little bigger, about 20, including a few who hadn’t seen the original match and had to be clued in. The girls kneeled on the grass once again, Sarah with a determined look in her eyes. Victoria had put a sweat band on one wrist. “Start,” said Arturo. Sarah was all over Victoria, trying to sprawl on top of her. For a moment, I thought the grudge match would end with my girlfriend victorious. But then Victoria managed to get an armlock that pulled Sarah down. There was a blue streak as Victoria darted on top of my girlfriend, whose red bikini top was once again starting to get dislodged.

Sarah struggled, but Victoria was just too strong and skilled. She managed to get Sarah onto her belly, then hold one of her wrists behind the small of her back. With her free hand, Victoria gave a spank to Sarah’s bikini bottom. That spurred writhing on my girlfriend’s part, but she wasn’t going anywhere. There was scattered chucking in the audience. Elliot and I exchanged glances, then turned back to the unfolding scene.

Sarah made a determined effort to wriggle away, but Victoria now had her locked in place with a knee across her back. “Tap out?” she asked Sarah, but my girlfriend was having none of it. “Screw you!” she bristled. Victoria looked at the crowd with raised eyebrows. “OK,” she said, amiably. And with that, she pulled Sarah’s bikini bottom down to mid-thigh.

That brought some squealing and fighting from my girlfriend, but to no avail. Victoria lifted her hand and brought it down on Sarah’s bare butt with a resounding smack. “Tap out already,” Victoria said, but Sarah snarled “Never” and continued to struggle. Victoria delivered a few more smacks, and then said, “Tap out, or I’ll tie you up.” “Try it!” said Sarah defiantly. That was a mistake on my girlfriend’s part, I thought, but one that could have interesting consequences.

Grabbing Sarah’s hair with one hand, and her upper arm with the other, Victoria brought my girlfriend to her feet and then walked her over to a deck chair just off the grass. Sarah’s bottom now was just above her knees, constraining her legs as she walked. Her top was askew, so one nipple poked out, but the crowd’s attention was definitely down below.

Victoria pressed Sarah face-down onto the deck chair, and then pulled my girlfriend’s bikini top off with a swift stroke. As Sarah stated to turn over, Victoria grabbed one wrist and looped the bikini top around it, then over the top of the deck chair. Sarah began struggling frantically with the other hand, but Victoria soon had both of Sarah’s hands tied to the deck chair. Sarah was now lying on her back, her arms above her head, the bikini bottom still around her knees.

Victoria now grabbed the bikini bottom, pulled it off Sarah’s legs, and then used it to secure one of those legs toward the bottom of the deck chair. Sarah was now totally nude and had three limbs tied. She made an effort to push Victoria away with her free leg, but Victoria just grabbed that ankle. I wondered what she could use to tie Sarah’s last limb, and that’s when I realized the significance of the sweatband. It had Velcro that Victoria undid, and then reattached as she looped it around Sarah’s leg.

My girlfriend was now firmly bound and fully on display for a rapt group of partygoers, shaven cunt and all. I leaned over her and whispered, “Safeword is banana,” but she shook her head. Victoria repeated it a little louder, “Safeword is banana, girl.” When Sarah remained sullenly silent, Victoria licked a finger and began circling it around Sarah’s pussy. Then she was inside. Sarah tugged against her bindings and closed her eyes. Soon it was clear that she was trying not to make any noise.

Before long, Sarah’s squirming on the deck chair intensified, and she erupted in moans. Victoria pulled her finger out and then gently stroked Sarah’s hair. My girlfriend opened her eyes and, with face flushed, smiled at her captor. The crowd applauded. Victoria began undoing the ties, and Elliot and I stepped forward to help. Freed, Sarah sat up, and I gave her a kiss, as Elliot handed her a towel to cover herself. The crowd gradually stopped gawking and turned back to food and drink.

The rest of the party was low-key. Sarah got her bikini back on, and quickly added the wraparound. She didn’t make any more wiseacre comments as evening approached, and she was friendly to Victoria and everyone else. For now, at least, my girlfriend was a contrite girl who’d accepted her defeat, though knowing her as I did, I imagined she’d want a rematch someday. For my part, I thought she’d looked amazing getting spanked and tied up, and I was eager to supervise her training as a no-nonsense coach.

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