Michelle's Diary by Zeb_Carter,Zeb_Carter

Copyright © 2013 – 2022 – This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Michelle’s DiaryDiary #25This Diary is the Property


Michelle Wolffinger

Who Resides





Begin Date

January 15, 1990

End Date

July 22, 1990

Diary #25Yes, I keep a diary, or a journal as some call them, this is the twenty-fifth in my series, which I started when I first learned to write. I write this preface in all but the first. I am no writer I just jot down my feelings and experiences as they occur, I worry not about spelling or grammar, just the facts. One day I will let my daughter read these if I have a daughter. Not so much to show her I was once young, but to show her life can be fun, full of excitement and wonder.


Monday January 15, 1990

I am halfway through my first semester of medical school. The things I find myself learning are so exciting. All of my professors are so helpful, except one. He seems young to be a professor. He teaches medical ethics, a course that is required here for all four years.

Sometimes he can be so obtuse about what he is trying to teach us.

I have become close friends with one of my classmates, she just happens to be my roommate. She is a brunette, like me, and has a very jovial personality. She is cute and doesn’t really think she is. I have watched the boys look at her as she walks through the quad. Her name is Susan.

Wednesday January 17, 1990

Susan and I went to the bookstore after class today. We didn’t need to but both of us just liked looking at all the books we will need in the coming years.

A couple of boys started a conversation with us as we were leaving the bookstore. They walked with us to our dorm room. They also lived in the same dorm but on a different floor. They were all so charming. Susan giggled a lot, as did I at some of their jokes and antics. They asked us both out on Friday. I told them we would see if we were free that night. Susan giggled and bolted into our room. I followed her in.

She said she wanted to go if I would accompany her. She said the one named Bobby was really cute. I preferred Carl but there were three others who weren’t bad looking. We were supposed to meet them at O’Reily’s bar on twenty-second street.

Friday January 19, 1990

Susan and I walked over to O’Reily’s bar tonight. We had a few drinks and played darts with the guys. I sat and talked with Carl for a long time. Susan talked with Bobby and Lance at another table. I had a good time. Sue said she did too. We are supposed to go there next Friday too.

I really like Carl. He is so smart and polite. He says he’s going to be a neurosurgeon. I think he will make a good doctor.

Susan told me Bobby was hitting on her all night. She said he wanted to take her out to his car so they could get better acquainted. We both know that means he wants to get in her pants. I laughed when she told me that. She said that Lance kept egging her to go with Bobby, which meant he wanted to be a third. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when she told me that.

I mean, I have heard that there are people who do things like that but to have a friend tell you that two guys wanted to have her at the same time. I mean come on, that just isn’t done in polite society. Well, at least not by me.

Wednesday January 24, 1990

Not much to tell this week, on Saturday Susan and I stayed in and studied. On Sunday, we slept in late, then studied for the rest of the day.

Monday and Tuesday were rough days in class. Haven’t had much time to think, although I have thought a lot at night about what Susan said Lance and Bobby wanted her to do. More thought will be forth coming, as I can’t shake the picture painted in my head.

Susan told me she would never do anything like that but that it really intrigued her that Lance and Bobby found her desirable. I told her it wasn’t only Lance and Bobby she could have any guy in school or out of school. She then told me the same. We both laughed and went to bed.

Saturday January 27, 1990

Last night I had the most fun since I started school. Carl and I danced and talked. We even kissed in a dark corner of the bar. He held me tight as our lips pressed together. I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to dance with mine. It felt like the first time I had frenched Billy Parker in the back seat of his father’s Camry.

Susan had danced with both Bobby and Lance. She had talked to them most of the night, both of them holding her hands and each kissing her now and then. Neither of them seemed jealous of the other. Susan said it was very exciting to have the two of them fawning over her at the same time.

I told her she better watch out or she may wind up being the girl for their fantasy sandwich. She laughed at my statement but then got a pensive look on her face. I asked if she was thinking about doing something like that. She quickly said no. However, I could see the wheels spinning in her head as we sat studying.

Tonight I have a date with Carl. Susan smiled when I told her that. She said Carl seemed like a nice guy.

It’s time I started to get ready Carl is picking me up in a little under an hour.

Sunday January 28, 1990

Last night was a disaster. Carl picked me up and we were driving to the restaurant he had chosen when his car broke down. We spent a good two hours sitting in the car waiting for a tow truck. Then we waited another half hour for a cab. When it finally got there, we just had him take us back to the dorms. Carl walked me to my door. I peeked inside, Susan was there studying. I kissed Carl goodnight. He held me tight. As the hall was empty, I wrapped my arms around him.

We stood in the hallway kissing passionately. Carl’s hands started to move up and down my back. One of his hands came to rest on my ass. I didn’t discourage him. Soon he had his other hand cupping my breast. I moaned into his mouth as we kissed. I pushed him away and said good night and that I was sorry his car had broken down.

He apologized for that and kissed me on the cheek. He turned and walked away. I sighed and went inside. Sue wanted to play twenty questions about our date. I was slightly frustrated after that goodnight kiss we had in the hallway. I told Sue that the next time I went out with Carl she had to disappear for the night.

Her eyes got big as saucers and her hand covered her mouth. She called me a slut and we both laughed. I told her I didn’t know if I would do anything with him but it would have been nice to see where things went. She laughed and said she knew what I meant.

We both started to get ready for bed.

Monday January 29, 1990

My last class had run over so I wasn’t able to get back to my dorm before going to my next one. When I finally got to the room, I was surprised to see Susan there. I must have been extra quiet coming in because she nor Bobby nor Lance heard me.

The three of them were rolling around on her bed, kissing and touching. I stood there with my eyes popping out of my head as I watched them. I was leaning against the door. From what I could see where I was, the two boys were taking turns kissing her. When one kissed her the other would feel her up. As I watched, Bobby pushed Susan’s t-shirt and bra up so her breasts were exposed. When he placed his lips on her nipple she moaned deep in her chest.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was being so slutty. I found myself turned on by what was happening. Wondering what it would be like to kiss one guy and have another suck on my breasts.

Suddenly, Susan cried out, not in pain, but in pleasure. I watched Lance’s hand slip into her pants and watched the area above her crotch bulge as he rubbed her vulva. She was shaking and groaning with excitement as I stood there.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I screamed, why I don’t know. All three sat up their eyes all on me. Susan jumped out of bed pulling down her bra and t-shirt. She then hustled the boy out of the room. I just stood aside, eyes wide, looking at the bed, Susan’s bed.

Once the boys were gone, Susan was at my side, talking to me, whispering to me. I couldn’t hear her, nor did I understand a word she was saying. I was shaking, trembling with excitement. I was having an orgasm. I was so surprised that I couldn’t utter a word.

Susan took my books from my arms and led me over to my bed. She pushed me down on it, climbed in next to me, and cradled me in her arms. She kissed my cheek and closed my eyes with her fingertips.

All this happed four hours ago when I opened my eyes she was gone. I sat at my desk and wrote what I remembered. I then went back to sleep.

* * *I have been peeking at Michelle’s musings and have decided that she is a better writer than I ever will be. I just hope she doesn’t mind me adding some things once in a while. She is such a dear friend and if she does read this, I hope she knows that I would do anything for her.

I didn’t mean for her to see us rolling around on my bed, it just happened. I don’t know what it is but the thought of having two lovers at the same time sends a rush through my mind and body like no other thing in the world.

Michelle is such a dear, sweet, naive woman, I love her to death.

Kisses to you my dear,


Tuesday January 30, 1990

I woke up this morning to find Susan in her bed. I shook her awake scowling at her. Once she was fully awake I asked her what the hell was going on yesterday. She apologized and said it would never happen again. She knew I was mad at her, although those really weren’t my feelings at all. I was perturbed but not mad.

I told her we have to have a system of some kind so we would know if the other was busy in the room. She suggested a sock on the door. I shook my head telling her that everyone used that one. I thought for a while, as did she. Then it hit me. I took a pad of those new things they had started using around campus, post-it notes they called them. I wrote three letters on one, IAB. She looked at me like I was nuts.

I told her it stood for I AM BUSY. So if you were the first to get back to the room with a friend slap the post-it on the door with those letters and the other would know you were inside, busy. Susan smiled and nodded.

I then asked her about what I saw. She told me it was nothing, just a little experimenting. She just wondered what it was like to kiss two guys at the same time. I told her it looked like a lot more was going on. She said, and these are her words, “I know, it was wonderful, right up until the moment you screamed.”

I was shocked beyond belief, but secretly so turned on by her boldness.

We got ready and went to breakfast and then to class.

* * *Michelle thought up a system for us to let the others know we were busy. I doubt very much if I will use it as I have also found that I liked to be looked at, and watched. I lay awake at night running her catching me with Lance and Bobby through my mind and it excites me to no end. I finally have to masturbate in order to get to sleep.


P.S. Michelle, I love you sweetie, and hope you don’t mind me setting you up.

Wednesday February 7, 1990

Not much happened yesterday or today but I thought I better check in.

I pondered what I had witnessed Susan doing. I pondered that for a long, long time. I still have not reached a conclusion but when I replay what I witnessed I get very excited. I think Susan does too. I think she is very excited about having multiple partners at the same time. I think about what it would be like often.

I have found myself unable to concentrate on class work. I must stop this train of thought.

Susan looked so, radiant as the guys fondled her.

Goodbye for now.

Thursday February 8, 1990

I have made plans to go out with Carl on Friday night. I am really looking forward to having some alone time with him. I have seen him every day in class but it is just not the same.

My mind still wanders to what I witnessed, especially at night when I am trying to go to sleep. I think Susan does too, she tends to moan quite loudly during sleep. I am afraid to ask her if she has…

God, I have to quit thinking about what she is doing and define my own life. So tired, I’m going to bed.

Saturday February 10, 1990

Got home late last night, on a date with Carl.

Carl picked me up at 7:00 sharp. Susan was in the room studying when he got there. She bid us enjoy.

Carl took me to the restaurant he had planned for the first time. Dinner was wonderful. I had a little wine with my meal and an after-dinner drink. I’m not much of a drinker and I was a little tipsy as we walked to the car.

As Carl went to open my door for me, he wrapped me in a bear hug and kissed me soundly. I kissed him back with enthusiasm. He pressed me back against the car as he kissed me deeply. His hands started to roam. He squeezed my breasts gently at first. When I didn’t object, he squeezed harder. I had to push him away when he squeezed too hard and wouldn’t let go.

I told him to be gentle. Then showed him how by pressing my hand against his scrotum. He sucked in his breath as I squeezed his testicles, gently. I then told him we should find a nice place to be alone. He smiled and opened my door nodding his head vigorously.

He drove us to a nice place not far from the university. The parking lot was sparsely populated and dark. I nodded as he indicated we should get in the backseat. Once settled, we started to kiss. He tentatively touched my breasts. My breath whooshed out of my lungs. I got really excited by his, now, gentle touch.

Within minutes, he had my blouse unbuttoned and my bra pushed up and was sucking gently on my nipple. I lay my hand on his head moaning with pleasure. Carl took his time and had me lay down on the seat, sucking one, then the other nipple. As his hand touched my vulva, I shook squeezing his hand between my legs.

I think he got the wrong idea as he pulled his hand away and didn’t touch me there again. I was slightly disappointed, but also relieved. I don’t think I was ready to do the nasty with him just yet. After about two hours, I finally called a halt to the wonderful activities.

Carl drove me home and walked me to my door. He kissed me good night and left. Susan was asleep when I entered so I didn’t have to answer any embarrassing questions.

Sunday February 11, 1990

I woke to Susan standing over me ginning. She asked if I had a good time. I told her yes. She laughed and said it looks like it. I looked at her as if she was nuts. I got up and went to the bathroom to pee. As I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror. I screamed. My neck and chest were covered in hickeys, not big, but noticeable. Susan stood in the doorway laughing.

Well, that was the last time I would go necking with Carl. I pulled my t-shirt up and sure enough, I had hickeys all over my breasts. I would be wearing a turtleneck for the next week. Idiot. What possesses a boy, man, to do this to a woman? I stood there shaking my head as Susan giggled.

I turned on her as she lifted her t-shirt. Her chest was covered with hickeys also!

We both laughed at our situation.

I asked her when it happened, she said last night. Bobby and Lance had stopped by after Carl and I had left. She said she was still intrigued by having both guys touching and kissing her at the same time. I was shocked and asked her if she had let them, you know.

Susan smiled but said no, not yet. She was still afraid of what could happen, might happen, or would happen. She became all flustered. I pulled her into my arms and gave her a gentle hug. She relaxed into my embrace and sighed.

We both jumped at a door slamming down the hall and started laughing again.

We got dressed and went to get some breakfast.

Wednesday February 14, 1990

The first half of the week was busy, busy, busy, with no time for dates or just gabbing with the guys. Susan and I studied every night until 10:00 pm, then sat talking about our past encounters with the opposite sex.

Neither of us were virgins, although I had tried to remain pure for my parents. Then on the night of my prom just after my eighteenth birthday, my mother finally sat down with me and talked about sex. She told me how wonderful it could be but the first time would be very painful, to begin with and if I just relaxed, I would be surprised at how good it would feel.

I had sat there with my eyes wide. My father had dunned it into my brain that a woman should save herself for marriage. Yet, here was my mother telling me pre-marital sex was wonderful. She then told me that she wasn’t a virgin when she and my dad married and my dad had not been the one to deflower her. I sat there holding my mother and thanking her for sharing. She explained that all fathers want to think about their daughters being pure and wholesome until they marry. Even then, they don’t like to think of their little girl as a sexual animal.

So that night in the back of Jimmy Petersons Lincoln I felt the pain of first penetration and then the joy of my first orgasm from a penis. All right cock. Susan is reading over my shoulder as I write and is telling me to quit being so clinical in my diary. She’s right, there is a place for proper nomenclature, in the classroom. Jimmy’s cock, better Sue, wasn’t the biggest in the world nor was it the smallest. I had held my share while having my breasts sucked so I wasn’t all that inexperienced.

So, even though my first time was painful, to begin with, it turned out to be a lot of fun for both Jimmy and me. Jimmy stayed hard for a long, long time and was a considerate lover and partner.

Susan said it’s very rare to find someone who can make you cum (her spelling) the first time. I raised my eyebrows at her and she told me all about her first time.

She told me how much of a disaster it turned out to be. She and a boy name Nate who was a year younger than she was, found a place in a prairie behind the subdivision she lived in the western suburbs. Nate had brought a blanket and they spread it out on the ground under some stunted trees that formed a hidden place. The week before Nate had come and cleaned out the place. He had also brought some flowers to make it look nice.

Susan thought that was so romantic and I did too. She and Nate then stripped naked. She told me how embarrassed she had been yet so excited also. They then lay down and started kissing and caressing each other. They both experimented with things they had been told by others that lovers do. Susan sucked her fist cock. Nate licked his first pussy. Nate fingered his first girl’s asshole. Susan said that once they had done everything to each other she was wet and ready to let Nate slide his cock in her.

She rolled on the condom for him while massaging his balls. I still giggle every time I hear them called that, why, I don’t know. Sue then said she lay on her back and spread her legs for him. She told me he just knelt there staring at her, eyes wide with wonder and excitement. She had to reach forward and pull him down to her pussy, she wanted me to write cunt here but I told her I don’t like to use that word. Shit I did anyway. All right Nate’s cock now lined up with Sue’s cunt, she’s smiling at me now. Bitch.

The first few inches that slid into her brought a feeling of pleasure she told me. Then Nate pulled back and slid in a little further. Sue says each time he did that she became more and more excited. Then all of a sudden, the pain started, as Nate pushed further into her cunt, yes she’s still insisting, the pain became extreme. Tears were running down her face as Nate pressed harder and harder trying to “bust her cherry” as Sue put it. Susan says she doesn’t blame Nate or even dislike him for the pain he caused.

In fact, she tells me as I write this that she holds a place for him in her heart and would flop down on her back, legs spread, for him if he walked in the door. She wouldn’t ask me to leave. She would just want to enjoy him.

Anyway, once he broke her hymen, Nate pushed all the way into Susan, but the damage was done. The pain continued throughout their lovemaking, oh all right, fucking. Jeez. Susan never could become aroused, hot, again that day. She let Nate continue even though she was in pain until he filled the condom. Susan was bleeding, a lot, more than she should have been. She took the towel she had brought and placed it at the entrance to her vagina.

Nate was now all worried and scared. He helped her get dressed and took her home. Sue says he never called or came over again after that. She tells me she really liked him and back then had wanted to “fuck” him again.

Friday February 16, 1990

Most of the last half week was lecture after lecture and study, study, study. Medical school wasn’t easy. You were learning how to save lives and cure sickness. People’s lives would be in your hands once you graduated.

Our weekend was clear, neither of us had plans with any of the guys. I invited Susan to come with me to my parent’s house and meet them. She accepted. We will leave after our last class today. My dad will pick us up as neither of us has transportation yet. My dad has promised to get me a car if my grades are up to his standards this semester.

Have to go I may write again on Sunday.

Sunday February 18, 1990

Susan and I had a great time over the weekend. My parents simply fawned over her. I barrowed my dad’s car and we took a trip over to Susan’s parents place. It was a two-hour drive from my parent’s house but was worth the time. Susan’s parents are the coolest people that age I have ever met. Her younger sister, still in high school, was home and just loved hanging out with Susan and me.

We left late Saturday afternoon and were back in time for dinner. Mom put on quite a spread. My older sister showed up just as we were sitting down. It had been a long time since I had seen her. She didn’t stay long as she was just dropping something off my dad needed. She had her own family to look after and yes, she is quite a bit older than I am.

After dinner Susan tried to help with the dishes, buy my mom shooed us up stairs to my room. I let Susan look through my high school year book and showed her Jimmy’s picture. She raised her eyebrows and said he looked delicious. I laughed and shook my head no. I would not introduce her to him.

We both had to sleep in my bed. I asked her if she would like the bed and I would sleep on the couch downstairs but she said that was stupid. We talked some more about boys and sex. We always seemed to be talking about sex.

I asked her about Bobby and Lance. She smiled wickedly at me then shook her head no. She told me they hadn’t had the time and she was still afraid what would happen. She said she didn’t want everyone to know her as the class slut. I laughed at that and told her we probably both were called that already. She laughed so hard that she started to cry.

She said she hoped not, I agreed with her and hoped we weren’t either.

Saturday night and we were going to bed early. Both of us were so tired that we could hardly keep our eyes open past ten. We both stripped down to panties and a t-shirt, Susan wore socks, I did not. I switched off the lights and fell asleep instantly.

I woke a short time later at least it felt like a short time later, to Susan moaning. The streetlights were shining in through my bedroom window right across the bed. Susan’s face was a mask of pleasure as her hand moved under the covers in the area of her crotch. She was masturbating in her sleep. I wondered if this had ever happened in our room and I was just too sound asleep to notice.

I gently flipped the covers back and found she had pushed her panties down and had two finger in her pussy, cunt, there you go Sue. As I watched, I heard squishy sounds from her cunt. I’m sorry I just can’t use that word anymore. I watched her fingers move in and out of her body, glistening with her wetness. I watched her hips started to buck. I leaned toward her so I could have a better view. I realized she was muttering under her breath. I put my ear to her mouth to hear was she was saying.

Completely surprised by what she was saying, I couldn’t believe my ears. I will try to get it down as I remember it.

Sue: Oh my god Bobby, lick me harder baby, lick me harder. Oh Lance, bring that hard thing over here baby and let me suck it.

She repeated this over and over all the while jamming her fingers in her pussy. I was shocked when her tongue shot out of her mouth to wiggle in my ear. I also found myself turned on by her touch. I looked at her face and our lips brushed. It was like a spark shot across the space between us. Sue moaned loudly and I sucked in my breath as my breast brushed hers.

I backed away quickly as she tried to kiss me, thinking I was Luke. I lay down looking at the ceiling surprised by the emotions and feelings I was having as I lay there listening to Susan continue to cum. I closed my eyes and tried to tune her out. I heard her stop moaning after a little squeak after about a half hour. I dropped off to sleep shortly after that.

Sunday morning, Susan was up before me and was sitting watching me sleep as I opened my eyes. She smiled at me and told me how pretty I was. I blushed and thanked her as I sat up. She giggled and was gone before I could say another word.

My parents went to church. They asked if we would like to go with them but Susan declined, as did I. As a child, I had been forced to go, but currently did not have the faith I did as that child. This saddened my parents but I think they understood that I would have to find my own way back, if that ever happened.

Susan and I sat around most of the morning talking and reading. We then went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was nice being back home. As we walked down the street a car slowed, stopped, then backed up and parked. When the door opened there stood Jimmy Peterson. My mouth dropped open with surprise. He was supposed to be away at Stanford. I went running to him and jumped into his arms.

He kissed me soundly and squeezed me tight. He was happy to see me and wanted to know everything. I was out of breath and so excited I couldn’t talk. To say I had a thing for Jimmy was an understatement. He had been my first and he had been so patient with me that night. I was so thankful.

Susan walked up behind me and just stood there until I noticed her again. I snapped back to reality and introduced Jimmy to Sue. She was very gracious and didn’t mention that I had told her he was my first. Jimmy told us he was on his way to the bar up the road and asked if we would like to come. I told him we couldn’t as we were leaving in a little while to go back to school.

He told me how he had tried to make a go of it at Stanford but just couldn’t stand the kids there. He was going to enroll at the local community college next semester. We said good-bye. He kissed me again and my heart was beating so fast I could hardly breathe as he pulled away.

Susan dug her elbow into my ribs and told me he was cute. We walked home, packed our bags, and waited for my dad to get home to take us back to our dorm.

Saturday February 24, 1990

God I’ve been so busy with classes and studying, Susan and I haven’t been out of our room except to go to class and get something to eat. We are exhausted. Susan asked if I could find something to do tonight so she could spend some time with Bobby and Lance. I told her I would see what I could do.

I have no idea what I’m going to do or where I will go. I want to give her the privacy but I really don’t want to go anywhere and unfortunately, Bobby and Lance weren’t roomies.

As she got ready, I thought what I could do for the night. I suddenly got an idea. I went to my closet and looked inside. Yes it would be possible for me to sit in the back and not be seen unless someone came looking for you. I gathered some things together and stepped into the darkness. There was no door just a curtain, which didn’t close all the way. I would sit as quietly as possible and let Susan do as she pleased. I pushed some things around and had a nice little cubby hole that I could curl up in and read.

I just hoped Susan and the guys were quiet.

Sunday February 25, 1990

My god what a night.

I should probably start at the beginning. Susan agrees. Bitch.

After curling up in the closet I read for a little bit until Susan came out of the shower. She walked out of the bathroom calling my name. When she didn’t see me, she stopped and looked around the room. She shrugged her shoulders and dropping her towel walking back in the bathroom naked.

After about ten minutes, she came out and she had put on her makeup. She looked beautiful. She then walked to her closet and pulled a dress out I have never seen before. She also pulled a pair of high heels out that matched the dress. She pulled the dress on without putting on underwear. She slipped on the heels, went to her desk, and sat down. She took her brush and started to bush her thick, luxurious hair. She was a knock out. If I hadn’t been a female, I would have jumped out of the closet and attacked her right then and there. No pun intended.

I sat there staring at her until there was a knock at the door. Sue gulped, put the brush down and rose to answer the door. Opening the door wide, Sue struck a pose and I could hear the breath escape the two sets of lungs standing in the hallway. I will try to get the dialog right Sue said she would help.

Bobby: Oh my god! You look fabulous.

Lance: I…I…I can’t believe my eyes darling, you look wonderful.

Sue: Get in here.

Both guys hurriedly came into the room. Both could not take their eyes off of Susan. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Susan. (Shut up bitch)

Bobby: Sue, you…you…god I’m hard already.

Sue giggled at that. She spun around the dress belled showing more of her legs. Lance opened his arms and Sue stepped into his embrace. Bobby moved up behind her pressing his pelvis into her ass. Sue moaned as both guys ran their hands up and down her body.

Lance kissed her, shoving his tongue into her open mouth. Sue swooned as Bobby’s hands cupped her braless breasts. Sue’s hands were busy with Lance’s belt and the zipper on his jeans. She soon had them pushed down around his ankles and her hand wrapped around his cock. Fine prick. Lance held her face in his hands as he moaned, swirling his tongue in her mouth.

Sue: Get your clothes off both of you.

She demanded. Both guys stepped back from her and skinnied out of their clothes to stand there naked. Susan stood there staring at the two bobbing cocks in front of her. She moaned deep in her chest and knelt down in front of Lance sliding her mouth down his shaft as far as she could. With her left hand, she grabbed Bobby’s stiff member and started to stroke him. Both guys threw their head back and cried out.

Susan sucked Lance for a time then switched over to Bobby. I was completely mesmerized by what she was doing. As I sat there, I found myself squeezing my breast and sighed as quietly as I could. The sight before me was so erotic and nasty. And Susan looked so slutty enjoying herself like that. So much so I wanted to join in but knew that would be out of the question.

As Susan sucked Bobby, he reached down and pulled her dress off. Looking up at him Susan smiled as they both found she was naked under her dress. Bobby grabbed her hands and pulled her up to stand in front of him. He kissed her on the lips hard, pulling her body close to his, his hard cock pressing into her belly. Lance stepped around behind her, pressing his cock into the crack of her ass as hard as he could.

Bobby pulled his lips away from Susan’s and started kissing her neck. I could see Susan’s eyes roll up into her head as the two guys pressed her between them.

The whole scene was so erotic and when Sue pushed them away and climbed into her bed I almost shouted. I knew what would be next and I was afraid for my best friend in the whole world. I didn’t want to see her ruin her life, her reputation. But what could I do except break a trust. She didn’t think I was here so who would know except her and the two guys she was with.

This is taking too long and I’m getting excited all over again writing this, I need to take a break.

Monday February 26, 1990

Susan has been bugging me about finishing what I saw. She says she wants a record of it for posterity. She says I’m a better writer than she is and wants to know what it looked like from my point of view. She says she will make an entry after mine about what she felt and experienced while I was watching. So, here goes.

Susan climbed on the bed lying on her back. She spread her legs, her feet flat on the mattress, knees bent. Bobby crawled up between her thighs as Lance knelt at her head offering his cock for her to suck. I…god, I was so excited by what I witnessed.

Bobby was “eating Susan out” – her words. Susan was moaning non-stop now, even with Lance’s cock in her mouth. This continued for a good half-an-hour. Susan then pushed Lance down on his back and straddled his hips. I saw her grab his cock and slip it into her cun…pussy. No, I will not use that word Susan. Susan moaned as she slid down his shaft. Bobby was lying next to them and watched as his friends cock appeared and disappeared inside Susan.

Susan cried out with pleasure and started to bounce up and down on Lance. She was having a tremendous orgasm as she looked down at Bobby’s body.

Susan: Put yours in me to sweetie.

I was shocked by her words, but not Bobby. He jumped up and squatted behind Susan. He pressed his cock to her puckered asshole causing Susan to jump.

Susan: Not there, my god, where Lance has his.

Bobby nodded at her words and I was shocked out of my wits. But I couldn’t tear my eyes away as Bobby slipped his cock in beside Lances. Susan grunted in pain at first but then shook so violently with orgasm I thought she would break the bed. Both guys moaned as fluid gushed out of Susan’s pussy. I was shocked. I had heard of female ejaculation but this was the first time I witnessed the event.

Both guys were now pounding into Susan’s body as fast as they could. Susan was in constant orgasm and making noises I had never heard before. She was kissing Lance hard as her body bucked and shook between the two guys.

Lance was the first to cum pulling Susan down on his cock hard. Bobby wasn’t far behind as the warm liquid fill Susan it trigger Bobby’s orgasm. As he slammed into her pussy one last time, Susan screamed with one last tremendous orgasm. The three lay silent, shaking and shivering.

Susan was kissing Lance. Short little kisses on his face.

Susan: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

She repeated that over and over as their cum leaked out of her vagina. I was surprised that she hadn’t made them use condoms. (Susan: I was on the pill and the three of us had ourselves tested before I would allow them to enter me.) There you go.

The three of them slowly separated and just collapsed with exhaustion. I was so freaked out and excited I was having a hard time keeping control of myself. Eventually Bobby and Lance roused themselves and got dressed. They both bent over Susan and kissed her good-bye. They were so gentle and kind with their words to her. They thanked her profusely before leaving.

Susan lay there for another ten minutes, then sat up and looked directly at me sitting wide eyed in the closet.

Susan: So did you enjoy watching me get fucked?

I almost screamed in shock that she knew I was there. I climbed out of my closet and walked to where she was sitting naked on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to me, sitting down next to her. I asked her how it was.

* * *Michelle asked me how it had been. I myself am having difficulty putting into words just then, what I had experienced.

It had been the most powerful, wonderful, exciting experience in my short life. I found I wanted more of what had just happened. I felt wonderful, but a little ashamed of myself for indulging in such a nasty, perverted coupling. And knowing Michelle watched made it even more exciting.

I am not going to describe what happen as Michelle has done a wonderful job of that. I will try to explain what, why and how I felt during and afterwards.

When the guys came in and stared kissing me and pressing their hard cock against me I almost swooned. At that minute, second, I decide I was going to fuck them both. Separately or at the same time, I didn’t much care. Once stripped down in front of me, I just couldn’t help myself as I fell to my knees. I just had to get a cock in my mouth. I know that sounds like I’m a slut but I really don’t care. I love sex, I love sex with guys, so sue me.

When Bobby pulled my dress off, I had an orgasm as I knelt there naked before everyone. I have always gotten excited being naked in front of people, male, female, it didn’t matter. I liked to have people looking at me I can’t explain it.

After lying on the bed, I was shaking with fear at what I was getting myself into. When Bobby started to eat me, my excitement skyrocketed. The minute his tongue touched my labia I came so hard I couldn’t move. Then I felt Lance moving up beside me and when I opened my eyes, I saw his lovely cock waiting for me to suck. I felt I was the luckiest girl in the world. I sucked down Lance’s cock and just enjoyed the next eternity of orgasms.

I became impatient after what seemed like hours of coming and pushed Lance onto his back. I got up pulling my cunt away from Bobby’s mouth. I straddled Lance and sat on his cock. It was wonderful, I had an orgasm as I hit bottom. I couldn’t help myself as I started to bounce on his dick. It felt so good going in and out of my cunt. (shut up bitch this is my story now)

I then told Bobby to put his cock in me. He smiled and moved behind me and started to press into my asshole. I yelled at him to put it in my cunt, not my ass. He nodded and smiled.

As it first slipped into me, the pain it caused stretching me, caused me to cry out. Once the cock was in me along with Lances, I couldn’t think any more. I know I was babbling incoherently and through squinted eyes, I could see the surprised look on Michelle’s face. I could also see the lust she was experiencing.

When the guys started to pound into me on their way to orgasm, I went crazy. I knew I was screaming and yelling and telling them harder. I was babbling, in the throes of the most powerful orgasm I had ever experience.

As I felt there cum fill me, my orgasm became even bigger and stronger. So strong that within seconds I was completely exhausted, spent, on the verge of passing out.

When Bobby climbed off me and helped Lance gently roll me off him, I couldn’t move a muscle. The two of them were so nice I couldn’t believe they left kissing me good-bye. I knew Michelle was anxious to get out of the closet but I couldn’t move. Lying there the night whirled through my mind and in the end, I was able to sit up and tell Michelle she could get out of the closet.

When she hugged me, I was so thankful I had such a good friend. Michelle I love you dearly, I hope you don’t think ill of me.


* * *Susan, I could never think ill of you. I love you too.

No, I don’t mind you setting me up, bitch!


Wednesday February 27, 1990

Classes were a bitch this week, especially medical ethics. Professor Smith was very knowledgeable and demanding. He required us to know, backward and forwards, the ethics we would have to adhere to when we became doctors.

Susan and I drilled each other on ethics, anatomy and everything else we had to know and remember. We didn’t have time to discuss what had happen last Saturday. I don’t know if Susan want to discuss it but I sure did.

Carl stopped by to ask me out this coming weekend. I scolded him for what he did last time we were together. He apologized profusely and told me it wouldn’t happen again. I accepted his apology but told him I couldn’t make it this weekend perhaps next weekend. I told him to stop by next Wednesday and check with me or if we saw each other in class. He said he would, as he really liked me. He also said he liked talking with me. I kissed him on the cheek before he left.

Susan smacked me on the ass and asked me what the hell I was doing. I told her we needed to talk about last Saturday in much more detail than we already have. She nodded saying I was probably right.

Friday March 2, 1990

Tonight Susan and I are going to O’Rielly’s bar, just to get away. No plans with anyone just us two girls having a few drinks and talking.

Classes have been getting to be a bit overwhelming. I don’t actually know if the material is getting harder or if it’s because my mind wanders to what I witnessed on Saturday. I’m hoping after talking with Susan my mind will settle down and apply itself to the work at hand.

Saturday March 3, 1990

Friday night was fun. Susan and I didn’t get much of a chance to talk but we did have fun. Lance, Bobby and Carl were there. No nothing untoward happened. We all played darts and drank beer. Neither Bobby nor Lance mentioned what had happened with Susan and neither of them acted inappropriately with her. Sure, they both held her hand when they could and they each gave her a hug and a kiss every now and then. Susan too acted, as what happened didn’t. She still welcomed their attention as she did last time we were all together at the bar.

Carl did corner me and kiss me tenderly on the lips. I caressed his cheek and kissed him back. He held me in his arms gently yet firmly. It felt good standing in the dark corner hugged tenderly by Carl. I don’t know why but when I was in his arms all the cares I had disappeared.

Susan coming over and tapping me on the shoulder interrupted our quiet time. She then whispered in my ear that Professor Smith was here. My eyes widened as professors usually didn’t come in here. As we went back to our table, the professor approached smiling. We both said hello as he sat without us asking. He turned to me and asked if I needed any help with his course material. I looked at him feeling strange he had asked me that.

I told him I would let him know if I need any help in his course but thanks for asking. He said he understood, told me he was sorry for bothering me and left. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as Susan sat there laughing.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I think he has a crush on you.”

So surprised by her statement I almost cried out. I looked at her with my eyes wide as she nodded. I made a face and stuck my finger down my throat in the universal jester of barfing. Yet as I sat there, the rest of the night a whisper started way back in my mind. A whisper so low I could barely hear it. “He is cute.”

Sunday March 4, 1990

Saturday Sue and I stayed in our room. We talked in depth about what had happen just a week ago. She told me she couldn’t think about anything else and was having a hard time concentrating on schoolwork. I told her I too was having a problem and hoped by us talking I would get those thoughts in the open and out of my head.

She agreed and started to pour her heart out to me. She said how much she really liked sex and now it would appear sex with multiple partners was at the top of her list. She told me about all her lovers. She told me what she thought about when not trying to absorb information about her chosen profession. She told me about her childhood, how wonderful her parents were to her and her sisters. She rambled on for about two hours. I listen carefully trying to put my finger on the single thing that had driven her to do what she did. After two hours, I knew no more than when she started.

I then told her about my life. Two hours later Susan was giggling as I brought her up to date on my thoughts on sex. I told her watching her with Bobby and Lance really turned me on. I couldn’t explain why, it just did. I then explained that watching porn didn’t turn me on at all. She asked when the last time I had seen any porn. It was last summer just before starting med school. I was at a friend’s house, a male friend, when he turned on the porn channel on cable. I found watching it with him stimulating only because he turned me on, but what was happening on the screen did nothing for my libido. I had tried again that summer at home. I was surprised to find that channel active on our TV. I watched for a couple of hours. I had even tried masturbating to what was happening to no avail.

It just didn’t turn me on. But watching my friend getting mauled by the guys…when I walked out of that closet my shorts were so wet, so sticking to my pussy, that I was afraid Susan would be offended. Susan laughed at that and said she was sitting there naked with cum running out of her pussy, a pair of wet shorts was nothing. I laughed at myself as she pulled me to her and hugged me. I hugged her back.

I tried to figure why the difference in my attitude. Susan asked if I would like to try two people at the same time. I was a little shocked, yet strangely turned on. I shook my head no, not willing to trust my voice. I didn’t really know if I did or not, but was still intrigued by the experience Susan had.

At midnight, we both decided it was time to go to sleep.

Thursday March 8, 1990

Just got back from my ethics class, Professor Smith seemed to stare at me the whole time. I couldn’t shake the feeling of his eyes on me even when he was facing away from the class. Susan says when I wasn’t looking he was. I thought I would be creeped out by that, but I’m not.

So far no plans for this weekend, there was a big snowstorm on Monday, made it hard for us to walk to class from the dorm. Carl hasn’t stopped by or said a word to me in class. Bobby and Lance always stop to talk to Sue before and after classes.

I don’t know if she had made plans with them to, well you know. This time I think I’ll go to the library.

* * *No, she won’t not if I have anything to do with it. lol.


Friday March 9, 1990

Susan and I went down to O’Reily’s to decompress. We sat in a corner away from everyone and just sipped our beers and watched the people. Bobby and Lance made an appearance each getting a kiss and hug from Susan but she shooed them away telling them it was girls night out time. They frowned, but went cheerfully over to some of their other buddies who were there.

Susan brought up the question of spring break. I asked what about it. She asked if we should make plans to go. I hadn’t even thought about going. I mean, I had been when I was in college, but did med students go?

Sue said we should make our plans now, as we would be down there next week for fun in the sun. Next week. OMG. I said sure let’s make plans. She smiled and told me she already had. It seems we had a room in a hotel on the beach in Panama City. Sue said that was the hot spot this year. I shrugged not having the faintest idea. Sue had also booked us flights out on Thursday afternoon. She had a glint in her eye as she told me all this. I asked her if Lance and Bobby were going.

Sue hemmed and hawed, but finally broke down and admitted they were. I said great and asked if they had their own room. She said no, they were going with a group of friends, but were in the same hotel as we were.

Saturday March 10, 1990

Last night at O’Reily’s I found that we were scheduled to be in Panama City next weekend. I was still reeling with that information when I woke this morning.

Today we were supposed to go to the library to study. Susan isn’t up yet so I’m killing time jotting down a few thoughts.

The last time I went to spring break I did have a wonderful time. Jimmy Peterson was there and we spent Friday night in his room. It was good. Saturday I had to spend some time with girls I went with down at the beach. We also went to the MTV Spring Break at the beach thing they had every year. That was fun.

Saturday night we went out drinking and carousing. Found Jimmy in one of the bars, said hello. He looked a little embarrassed as he sat in the booth with a young woman. She looked a bit older than he did and I was surprised at the way he was acting. I talked my friends into leaving so I wouldn’t have to watch him make a fool of himself. I mean we weren’t going together so I don’t know why he was so embarrassed being with another woman. Oh well.

Sunday we relaxed at the beach, lying in the sun. We all had hangovers and needed to recover. Lots of juice and water while just resting was the ticket. That was last year and I thought it was my last, but it seems we’re going in a less than a week.

Sunday March 11, 1990

Yesterday we studied all day at the library. Susan and I quizzed each other on the things we needed to know by heart. At 7:00pm, Susan said she was hungry and we walked over to the cafeteria. After eating, we dropped our books off at our dorm room and headed to O’Reily’s. It was becoming our hangout. All the guys were there, even Carl. When he saw me, he made a beeline to me. He hugged me gently and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I grabbed his head and kissed him soundly on the lips. He held me a little tighter as our lips pressed together. I told him it was okay to kiss me in public. He blushed as he told me he knew that. I giggled at him, took his hand and pulled him to an empty table. He ordered me a beer along with another one for himself. When they came, I paid for my own. Carl had tried to pay for it but I told him I don’t expect him to pay for my stuff, even if we’re out on a date.

I then had to explain to him what “going dutch” meant and that it didn’t make him less of a man. He nodded in understanding then leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back. He told me he liked how I kissed. I told him he wasn’t bad himself. He blushed again. I giggled and kissed him again.

Susan was off with Bobby and Lance the rest of the night, playing darts, dancing, making out in a corner. If she didn’t watch it, the other guys would get the wrong impression. Carl made a comment about her liking his two friends a lot. I nodded. He then said he thought she should choose one so the other one could get on with his life.

I almost laughed at that statement and pretended I was choking on my beer. Carl became concerned and started patting me on my back. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it gently.

The rest of the night was pretty normal. Carl walked with me back to the dorm while Bobby and Lance walked Susan. It was 10:00pm and Susan and I hit the sack.

Tuesday March 13, 1990

Ethics class is becoming more and more difficult. I don’t know if it was that I just wasn’t getting it or Professor Smith was being more obtuse and abstract in his thinking. I will have to talk to Susan about his over the weekend, if we have time alone.

This weekend! Panama City! Beach! Sun! Boys! *big grin*

Susan has already started packing. I saw the bikini she packed and I wouldn’t be caught dead in something that skimpy. Mine wasn’t all that big but nothing like Susan’s. Her’s was yellow, a good color for her and her dark brown hair, and I think it would become transparent when wet. Mine was dark red and covered all the important bits completely.

I would have to talk with Susan on the flight down about…the guys.

Back to studying, ethics of course. The other classes now all seemed so easy compared to ethics.

Thursday March 15, 1990

We made our flight with time to spare.

I’m jotting things down as Susan and I talk about this weekend. I told her I saw her bikini. She told me it was a wicked weasel, whatever that is, all the rage in South America. I reminded her we weren’t in South America. She told me to relax she didn’t plan on going in the water.

Next subject, Bobby and Lance, they’re sitting four rows back as is Carl. Susan said we would use the same system here that we did in the dorm as she waved a pad of post-it notes in my face. I told her that worked out well as I cleared my throat. That’s when she laid the bomb on me…she knew I was there all the time. I almost freaked on the plane. She just laughed at me. So I knew then she would never be using those notes and if I put one on the door, she would probably barge right in anyway. (She’s nodding yes as I write this but tells me she would be as quiet as a church mouse) Right.

Friday March 16, 1990

We made it to our hotel before sunset. Susan and I went down to the beach after throwing our bags in the room. The sunset was spectacular. Both of us sighed at the beautiful colors and the fact that we were in shorts and t-shirts.

We returned to our room to unpack those items that needed hanging up. Then Susan jumped in the shower. As I waited, I looked at the brochure and found a restaurant close enough to walk too. When she came out her hair wrapped in a towel and nothing else, I stripped and took my shower. Me naked in the shower, boring part here. 🙂

Once we were both ready we walked down to the restaurant. And whom should we meet but Carl, Bobby and Lance. I raised my eyebrow at Susan who looked at me all perplexed. They had a table for five set up for us already. Imagine that. We placed our orders and drinks then sat back talking and joking. Carl did kiss me as he held my chair for me, which I thought was sweet.

Susan got the treatment from Bobby and Lance too. Chair held, kiss from each. I watched Carl but his nose was in the menu already.

After eating, we all walked back to the hotel and down to the beach. There was a bonfire blazing as we walked out on to the sand. There was music, food and drink, all provided by the hotel. We had to show our card keys to get on the beach. It was fun and I enjoyed dancing with Carl. Bobby even grabbed my hand and took me for a whirl.

I had a good time, as did Susan. The festivities lasted until about 2:00am Friday morning. I was exhausted. Susan looked a little tired too, but the guys were still going strong. The next thing I know Carl and I are alone on the beach in some rocks. He has me pressed up against a rock and is kissing me. I’m kissing him back thoroughly enjoying what he is doing. His hand is up my t-shirt squeezing my breasts. I’m moaning into his mouth as he frenches me. His other hand is in my shorts and panties squeezing my ass. I was so turned on I put my hand on his cock and gently squeezed.

Carl dropped to his knees pulling my shorts and panties down with him. He then plastered his mouth to my mons, his tongue flicking in and out along my labia. Fine he was licking my pussy. I won’t use that word Susan.

I was a little shocked to be so exposed out in public, but his tongue felt wonderful. He kept licking and squeezing my ass. I was on the verge of coming when he stood up, pulling his pants down. He pressed himself against me and kissed my lips. I could feel the heat from his cock as it pressed against my vulva, pussy, jeez Susan stfu! This is my diary.

I slipped one of my sandals off and lifted my foot out of my shorts and panties spreading my legs. I have never had sex, gotten fucked (Susan), standing up before so this was going to be new for me. Carl reached into his back pocket and brought out a condom, I was glad he did, even though I’m on the pill, I don’t know him all that well and didn’t want to have sex, fuck, everyone he had.

He finally rolled it down all the way and positioned himself between my legs. The tip of his penis, sorry, cock touched my labia and I almost swooned. It had been a long time for me. As it entered my pussy, my orgasm started. I told you it had been a long time. Carl pistoned in and out of me, not too fast and not to slow. Looking at his face he was really enjoying being inside me. I was enjoying him too.

For the next thirty minutes, we enjoyed each other, hardly a word spoken. Just sighs and moans with a few grunts thrown in for good measure. My orgasm finally overpowered me as Carl bucked up into me hard. He slammed in one last time and cried out with pleasure. I just whimpered with joy at how good it felt. Carl kissed me gently on the lips, then the ear where he whispered to me, “God that was beautiful.” I told him it was for me too.

He pulled out of me, pulled the condom off and tossed it on the ground. I scowled at him until he picked it up and walked over to the nearest garbage can as I was pulling my shorts and panties back on. As I did, I heard a whistle from off to our right and a male voice yelled “Thanks”. I yelled back “You’re welcome” without hesitation. Carl looked as if he just got caught shoplifting. I laughed taking his hand and walked off toward the hotel. When we got to the room, I just knew Susan was in there with Bobby and Lance so I kissed Carl goodnight and waited until he was quite a ways down the hall.

I quietly opened the door and slipped inside. The bedside light was on with a shear dark piece of clothing thrown over it. I silently sat down in the chair at the desk and peered at the bed with the lump on it. It was Susan, but she was alone. She did however have her fingers buried deep in her pussy. I got up from the chair and stood beside the bed. When she opened her eyes, I said, “You’ll go blind if you keep doing that.” Her response was to stick her tongue out at me. I slapped her hand away from her pussy, it was soaking wet.

Putting her hand back to her crotch, she told me she had watched Carl and me from the window. I quickly crossed to the window and sure enough, there were the rocks on which we had been leaning, well I had been leaning on. Susan giggled at my embarrassment. I was blushing like all get out, my face was burning. She waved me over and patted the bed next to her. She sat up taking me in her arms and hugged me roughly. I hugged her back.

She whispered in my ear, “you looked so sexy while Carl pounded into your cunt, I just had to masturbate.” I was shocked when she told me that, but even more shocked when she pushed her tongue into my ear. It actually felt good. When I didn’t pull away, she went on to nibble on my earlobe, which inflamed my libido. Turning my head, I let our lips brush together softly. With my eyes wide open, I waited to see what she would do. Her eyes were open too as we froze staring at each other.

Susan cleared her throat and backed away. I just smiled at her reaching up and caressing her cheek. She blushed as I told her maybe someday then. She shook her head and hugged me telling me to let her know when I was ready.

I got up and went to take a shower. When I came out of the bathroom, the light on my side of the bed was on and Susan was back in her panties and t-shirt asleep in bed. I crawled under the covers on my side, turned the light out and went to sleep.

Sunday March 18, 1990

I don’t have much time but I thought I should write some of what has happened yesterday and today.

Just a synopsis…I’ll put everything down tomorrow.

. Carl and I had sex again on Friday

. Sue had sex with Bobby and Lance and continued even after I came back to the room.

. Sue had sex with Lance. Then Bobby came down and did her.

. I went to Carl’s room for Susan’s performance on Saturday…she seemed disappointed.

. Carl and I had sex until his roommates walked in on us.

. And tonight should be interesting.

Have to go, Susan and I are having dinner with the guys again.

Monday March 19, 1990

I guess I should expand on the bullet points I outlined yesterday. We are on the plane going home so I have a couple of hours to do this.

. Carl and I had sex again on Friday

Carl and I went out Friday night, then we came back to another bonfire on the beach. We talked, joked, drank and danced. Carl kissed me a lot. I think he really likes me. We took another walk and he stopped at the same rocks as the night before. I shook my head pointing to the windows of the hotel behind us. I told him Susan had watched last night. He seemed completely shocked by that information. We continued down the beach and found a spot where we could be alone. We both stripped down to the buff. Carl pulled a large beach towel out of his bag. I lie down on the towel, spread my legs raising my arms in invitation. Carl stood there looking down at me an amazed look on his face. This had been the first time he had seen me completely naked. He fell to his knees almost praying as he consumed me with his eyes.

I giggled, reached for his cock, pulled the condom from his fingers. I tore the package open and rolled the rubber down his cock. Carl moaned as I did. I placed the head at my entrance and he got the idea. I was so excited and wet that he just slid right in. He fell forward onto his out stretched arms looking me in the eyes. I could see the lust on his face as he started to slide in and out of my pussy. It was divine. I placed my hands on his out stretched arms and bucked up to meet his downward thrusts. We stared at each other as we fucked. (That better Susan?)

Carl lasted a long, long time. I started to orgasm after about five minutes. As I did, Carl just pressed slowly into me and stopped, pressing his pelvis against mine until I calmed down. Then he started pumping into me again. I lost count of the orgasms I had. After about forty-five minutes, Carl slammed into me hard one last time and filled the condom.

When we got back home, I would have to see about the both of us being tested so we didn’t have to use one.

It was a marvelous night. When we were finished, we just lay on the towel holding each other until we got cold.

* * *. Sue had sex with Bobby and Lance and continued even after I came back to the room.

After Carl walked me back to my room, I went inside as quietly as possible. I needn’t have bothered. Susan and the guys were so busy a truck could have gone through the room without them noticing. I gave Susan a disgusted look, went, and sat in the chair by the window. I watched as the three bodies, entwined on the bed, writhed. Susan was kissing Lance as Bobby was fucking her. Bobby caught sight of me and smiled as he slammed into Susan. He jerked his head at me to come join them, but I shook my head no. He nodded and turned back to watching Lance kiss Susan.

After about fifteen minutes what was happening on the bed got to me and I pushed my hand down my shorts and jammed a finger into my pussy. It soon became uncomfortable so I pushed my shorts and panties down my legs onto the floor. I now sat nude from the waist down watching my best friend fuck two guys at the same time. Well not yet really. Susan rolled on top of Bobby, slamming her pussy down on his cock.

Lance took something off the nightstand and moved behind Susan. I watched as he squeezed a tube of lube. He placed a generous amount on his fingers then rubbed them on Susan’s anus. Then he stroked his cock with most of what he had squeezed out on his fingers. He wiped his hand on her ass and placed his cock against her asshole. I was shocked, I know I use that word a lot Susan but a lot of what I watched you do was, is, new to me. I also found myself highly excited by what I was watching and I didn’t know why.

Lance pushed against Susan’s anus, asshole, fine there you are with a dick pressed against you asshole. Jeez. Anyway, Lance slowly pushed into Susan. It was as if she didn’t even notice, he was all the way in before she even moaned. Bobby and Lance then started to pound into her in unison. Susan was going wild, screaming in orgasm after orgasm. She turned her head while she cried with pleasure and watched me finger fuck myself. Watching me seemed to heighten her pleasure as she smiled at my actions. I was on the verge of orgasm when both Lance and Bobby roared and pumped their cum into Susan.

Susan lay pressed between them shaking and shivering with hers. I yelled as I came on my fingers. Lance looked over my way for the first time and smiled at me as he devoured my pussy with his eyes. I covered it with my hand and shook my head no. He winked and kissed Susan’s cheek. When the guys had recovered enough, they both dressed and kissed Susan good-bye. She told them to stay that I wouldn’t mind. I nodded and told them they could if they wanted.

They both smiled and said no they should go, maybe tomorrow night. I winked at both as they walked out the door leaving Susan and me alone. I yawned standing up and stretching. Susan told me I looked luscious. I told her she looked like a slut. She jumped up and came at me, grabbing me in a bear hug to end bear hugs. She kissed me hard on the mouth, then put me back down and ran to the bathroom. I heard the shower running as I climbed into bed and closed my eyes.

* * *. Sue had sex with Lance. Then Bobby came down and did her.

Sometime later Friday night, Saturday morning, a soft tapping on our door awakened me. I got up to see who the fool was that was knocking on our door at 4:00am in the morning. It was Lance. I pulled the door open and scowled at him. He smile shyly and said he had to talk to Susan. I waved him past me into the room. He copped a feel of my naked pussy as he passed. I jump and punched him in the back as hard as I could and told him never to do that again.

Susan woke as I scolded him. He immediately crawled into bed with her. She giggled as he grabbed her boobs and kissed her neck. I closed the door with a disgusted scowl on my face. I stomped my feet and climbed back into bed next to them. Lance was already naked and pumping into Susan. I was super mad, but somehow turned on by it all.

The rocking of the bed and their moans and whispered endearments calmed me down a little. Lance was soon grunting with his excersion and slapping his body against Sue’s. He yelled, Susan slapped her hand over his mouth to quiet him, as he pumped his seed into her. He collapsed on top of her. She was looking at me with a smile on her face. I looked at her sadly, I don’t know why I felt sad for her, she was getting what she wanted. Two cocks and someone to watch, which will take me a long time to understand.

Lance eventually climbed off her and dressed. He kissed her goodnight and said he was sorry to me. He opened the door and jumped back. In walked Bobby. I rolled my eyes up into my head as he walked straight to Susan and stripped. Lance left, closing the door after himself.

Bobby said hi to me as he climbed between Susan’s spread legs. He slipped right in her and started to pound her for all he was worth. Susan started coming the minute he slid inside of her. I lay there staring at her face as she cried with pleasure. Her head turned to me again and she mouthed the words “I’m sorry” to me. I winked at her and mouthed, “That’s okay”.

Bobby took longer than Lance to come, but that was to Susan’s benefit. Her orgasm was now continuous as Bobby pounded hard into her pussy. When he finally came, he roared his pleasure. This time Susan was too busy to try and quiet him. I was amazed at the number of times he twitched inside her. Then to my complete amazement, he pulled out of her and plastered his face to her pussy. Susan was shocked and sat up looking down at his head as his tongue lapped up all that cum inside her. I too sat up shocked. I had never, ever seen, even in the few porno’s I had watched, anyone do anything like that. Susan dropped back down grabbing Bobby’s head as he licked her pussy.

I sat there looking down at the two of them wondering what it would feel like to have someone do that to me after…I shook and shivered at the thought. Susan was now writhing under Bobby’s mouth. After ten minutes, he was hard again and slide right into Susan without a thought or any trouble. Ten minutes later, he was roaring again. Susan screamed in orgasm loudly. I just sat there propped up on my arm staring at the two of them. Bobby collapsed to Susan’s side panting with his exertions. Susan was also panting from her orgasms. I was panting.

Bobby smiled up at me and winked. He got up, dressed and kissed Susan. He came around my side of the bed as I sat there still staring at Susan and kissed me on top of the head. He whispered in my ear, “Sorry, but I love her” and left. I just continued to stare at her. She smiled up at me and said, “See what you’re missing”. I just shook my head as I watched her eyes. She was looking so sexy at this moment. I shook my head hard. Turned and lay down facing away from her. I was shaking with desire as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

* * *. I went to Carl’s room for Susan’s performance on Saturday…she seemed disappointed.

Saturday we spent the day on the beach laying in the sand and listening to the surf. It was so relaxing and I caught up on some missed sleep. Susan dozed most of the time too. Bobby and Lance came by to say hi to Susan. She smiled at them, but told them she was exhausted and just wanted to lay out in the sun and warmth. They both kissed her then looked at me. Bobby came over kissed the top of my head telling me he appreciated my patience last, this morning. I smiled at him giving him a wink over my sunglasses. They both went running down the beach to join some friends.

That night, instead of going out for dinner we browsed the food bar at the bonfire. The night was filled with dancing, drinking and talking. Carl was at my side the whole night. He frowned at every guy that asked me to dance that night. I told them all no, as I stood with my arm around Carl. Susan was sandwiched between Bobby and Lance so no one bothered her. We all had fun and were a little tipsy by the time the bonfire was finished.

Carl wanted to go to our little spot down the beach, he waved a towel at me. I said no, let’s go to your room. He nodded but told me he didn’t know when his roommates would be back. I said I didn’t care I wanted him in a bed. He smiled and we turned toward the hotel. We saw Susan, Bobby and Lance enter the hotel before us. We all got on the same elevator. Carl asked where they were going. Susan being the smartass she is, said she was taking them up to our room to get fucked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as Carl gasped in amazement.

Then he shocked the shit out me by asking her if he could watch. I punched him in the arm before Susan could answer and scolded him. We all got off on the same floor and went our separate ways.

* * *. Carl and I had sex until his roommates walked in on us.

When Carl and I got to his room, he opened the door and peeked in. It was empty and we both entered. Carl grabbed me and started to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. Then he picked me up and carried me to the bed furthest from us, his bed. Gently he laid me down kneeling over me, kissing me. He stood up looking down at me smiling up at him. He told me how lucky he felt to be here with me. I sat up and pulled my t-shirt off, then unsnapped my bra.

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised he got the point. He was naked in seconds and helping me out of my shorts and panties. Lying down next to me, we kissed and explored each other’s bodies. I found his cock hard and warm in my small hand. His tongue stopped twirling in my mouth as I started to stroke him. I jumped as his finger found my moist labia, fine, pussy. It slid inside me gently. I moaned as he started to rub his finger pad against my g-spot. After a couple minutes of that I was gushing.

Pulling away from me, Carl grabbed his pants from the floor and pulled a condom from his pocket. I watched hungrily as he opened it and rolled it down his beautiful cock. Crawling between my spread legs, he pressed his cock into my pussy. It felt so good to have him inside me. I wrapped my legs around him as he started to withdraw. He slowly pressed back into me, all the way. Then he stared to pound into me with all he was worth, faster and harder than he ever had before. My mouth opened wide as I started to scream my orgasm. Over and over I came. For what seemed like hours, but was probably only five minutes, Carl slammed into my pussy. I was coming real hard as he grunted with his passion.

Finally, Carl slammed into me one last time groaning as he pressed his cock in as far as he could. He then collapsed on top of me, exhausted. I stoked his hair as I kissed his neck. We both jumped when the clapping started. When I could see past Carl, I saw two strangers sitting on the next bed clapping and cheering. Carl yelled at them to get out as I lay there laughing at our predicament. The two guys got up and left telling Carl they would be waiting in the hall.

Carl rolled off me. I was still laughing so hard I couldn’t get up. He stood over me scowling. I pointed at his face and laughed even harder. He finally started to smile, then broke out in laughter. Carl handed me my shorts, panties and t-shirt. Somehow, my bra had disappeared. He pulled on his pants, went to the door, and opened it. His roommates came in and congratulated him on what a looker he had caught. They evidently didn’t recognize me from school. Throwing caution to the wind, I looked at them all smiling as I told them their names and classes we had together. Now Carl was laughing at them.

They both said that I looked nothing like I did in class. I told them thank you as I stood up and flowed into Carl’s arms. I pulled his mouth to mine, kissed him and said I would see him tomorrow and maybe we could get together in my room this time. Carl beamed with pride as his two roommate’s eyes popped out of their head. I giggled all the way down to our room. I hesitated, just a second, before I opened the door and stepped in. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was. Susan was lying between Bobby and Lance with that just fucked look in her eyes.

The room smelled of sex and sweat. I waved my hand in front of my face, went, and sat in the chair by the window. The three of them smiled at me. Susan asked if I had a good time with Carl. I told her yes, right up until his two roommates started applauding our performance. Her mouth dropped open and Bobby and Lance started to laugh. I just shook my head as I stared out the window at the moon.

Needless to say, the guys stayed the night and fucked Susan all night long. I fell asleep in the chair. About five in the morning, Susan shook me awake and whispered they were done and the guys were asleep. I could come to bed, she would sleep between the guys and me. I got up and walked with her to the bed. Bobby was on her side facing the wall, while Lance was at the foot of the bed facing the same wall. Susan climbed into bed and held the covers for me to get in.

I lay as close to the edge as possible to give her, enough room, but she pulled me to her placing her arm around my abdomen. She whispered goodnight to me and squeezed me for a second. I patted her arm and closed my eyes.

When I woke, the guys were gone and Susan was still snuggled up behind me. She moaned softly and gave me a squeeze. I groaned as I yawned and pressed her arm to me. Susan kissed my cheek before she rolled over and climbed out of bed. I sat up looked around the room. Her clothes from last night were strewn around the room. Turning to the bathroom, I saw she was naked as she climbed into the shower.

Smiling to myself, I got up out of bed. Sunday should be interesting.

* * *. And Sunday night was spectacular and full of surprises.

Sunday was the last full day we scheduled to be here. We had the whole week off but we didn’t have the money to stay that long so we had to leave on Monday. Sunday we went into town as far as we could walk. Carl, Bobby and Lance were with us. We happened upon a mall and ducked inside to cool off. Both Susan and I were in shorts and our bikini tops, to the guys enjoyment. We strolled around the mall window-shopping. At lunchtime, we went to the food court at the mall.

Carl insisted on paying for my lunch because Bobby and Lance paid for Sues. After eating, we walked back to the hotel. Sue and I were whistled at from cars and guys walking on the other side of the street. It was a boost to our egos. (Sue is telling me she always knew I was beautiful – I always knew she was good looking for a woman, she just hit me, bitch) I kind of enjoyed the attention as did Sue.

Sue and I decided just to lie around on the beach for the rest of the afternoon. The guys headed down to the volley ball game that was going on further down the beach. Sue and I talked a little, between the times guys would stop by to say hi and ask if they could sit with us. We would say hi and tell them they could sit if they want but we were talking and would ignore them while we did. A few stuck around a few minutes but soon left when we did exactly as we said. We talked and laughed and had a great time just sitting there watching the kids, we thought of them as kids compared to us.

When the bonfire activities started we headed on over to the food table. Susan and I were alone a good part of the night and were hit on a lot by younger and older guys. Susan was even hit on by a few women. I think I would have spewed my drink if one of them had hit on me, not that I wouldn’t have been flattered and not that I would have…forget it. No Susan I will not tell you, ever. Nor will I write it down so you can read it later.

Anyway, the guys found us as the embers of the fire were glowing in the night. Carl sat down next to me and pulled me close, kissing me on the cheek. Bobby and Lance sat on either side of Susan each demanding her attention. Carl was watching Susan and his two friends intently. He then asked me if she was really having sex with both of them. Since she had already admitted it to him, I told him yes. His eyes bugged out as he sat looking at her. I asked him what kind of picture was developing in his mind. The question flustered him as I laughed.

I was still giggling when his two roommates came walking up to us. They sat down next to Carl and asked if we would be up in the room later. I asked them why. They told us it had been the hottest thing they had ever witnessed. I blushed a little, but Carl got mad. I called Carl’s name as I tried to calm him down, his head swiveled toward me as he sputtered. I told him they just gave is girl a compliment and he should be proud. He looked at me funny then smiled nodding. I told the two that unfortunately we would be in my room tonight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sue’s head swivel to look at us. They were disappointed. They asked if there was any way they could watch. Carl told them no. I told them he’s the boss when it comes to things like that. They walked away with drooping shoulders. I was giggling, Carl was still steaming, at their audacity. Susan was looking at me intently. I excused myself with Carl and went over to Susan. I whispered in her ear that yes, Carl and I would be up in the room tonight and if she wanted to use it too, I would leave the security bolt undone. She kissed my cheek and smiled.

I went, got Carl, took his hand in mine and pulled him up from the sand. Nodding at him told him all he needed to know, we were on our way up to be alone, so he thought.

* * *When we were in the room I told Carl, I needed a shower and if he wanted to join me, I was fine with that. His eyes wide in surprise, he joined me in stripping to the buff and getting in the shower. The shower was actually big enough for four people, five if they were all close friends. I got the water the way I liked it and turned to Carl. I pulled him in under the water, kissing him hard. We had fun soaping each other up and rinsing off together. I found that I really enjoyed shampooing his hair. I also enjoyed him washing mine. When we turned the water off and stepped out to dry off, I was really turned on.

After drying me off, Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed. I had decided to do something I had always wanted to try but never had the nerve before. I pushed Carl down on the bed flat on his back. I then climbed in with him straddling his head with my legs. Looking down at his face, I saw a big grin as I slowly lowered my pussy to his waiting mouth. As his tongue touched my wetness, he groaned and I shook with pleasure.

Looking down his body, I watched his cock pulse with his heartbeat. The sight was so erotic it excited me as his tongue lapped my labia. Leaning forward I kissed the sensitive head of his cock. It jumped hitting my lip and nose. I giggled taking the pulsing shaft in my hand to keep it from bouncing around. I kissed the head again and felt the pulse in my palm. By now, Carl had my labia in his mouth, sucking and licking them. I licked the head of his cock, tasting his pre-cum. He tasted good. Slowly I slid my mouth down his shaft until it hit the back of my throat. Gagging slightly I pulled back until it was almost out of my mouth.

I started bobbing on Carl, slowly at first, but speeding up as I went. I had never done sixty-nine before and now I wondered why. It was very…hot. I started having orgasms after about three minutes of Carl lapping my pussy. When he sucked my clit into his mouth I screamed, his cock deep in my mouth. To say I was having a good time was an understatement.

I could have spent the rest of the day having Carl suck, nibble, lick my pussy but he couldn’t take what I was doing to him and his cum shot into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. I kept sucking him until he was soft. Letting him slip between my lips I sat up my pussy still pressed to his mouth. I moaned once and shook with orgasm again. I climbed off of his face and lay down next to him. He was smiling, his lips glistened with my dew. I kissed his cheek then on the lips flicking my tongue out to taste myself. I tasted good. Carl kissed me back passionately, holding me close. As we lay there in the afterglow, the door to the room slowly opened. Carl had his eyes closed and didn’t notice.

Sue poked her head in and smiled. I smiled back and nodded. I kissed Carl again, passionately, rubbing my body against his and moaning loudly. I could feel the three enter the room and huddle in the chair by the window. I kept kissing Carl, opening my legs so Bobby and Lance would have a good view of my pussy. I don’t know why I did that, but I was excited at the thought of them watching. Reaching down I felt Carl was on the rise again. I threw my leg over his hip so the tip of his cock was touching my pussy. Carl moaned as he felt my wetness against his prick.

I slowly moved until I was straddling his hips. Pulling the pillows down from the head of the bed, I blocked his view of Susan and the guys. Reaching down I held his shaft as I lowered my pussy down on his cock. He was deep inside me and I moaned as my cervix touched the tip of him. Slowly I pulled all the way off holding up my finger for him to wait. I opened the nightstand draw and grabbed a condom. I glanced over at Susan and all three of them were watching me intently. I smiled and tore open the condom. Placing the rubber on Carl I rolled it down his cock.

I smiled at him as I reinserted him into my body. When he touched my cervix, I moaned again and started to buck my hips. He smiled and pawed my breasts. For the next half-hour, I stoked his cock with my pussy. Bounced up and down on it, slide slowly up and down and just squeezed it with my kegals. Throughout it all Carl just smiled up at me telling me how beautiful I looked. Just as I was about to orgasm, Carl grunted and bucked up into me filling the condom. He kept bucking up into me until I came. Exhausted I collapsed on top of him, making sure his face was away from where the other three sat. As I kissed him, a cheer went up from those lunkheads scaring the shit out of Carl.

He was so mad that he pushed me off of him got up and started swinging at his friends. I had to jump up and grab him from behind, while Susan, now naked, grabbed him from in front. Susan was laughing so hard that she couldn’t talk. Bobby was telling Carl that it was all a joke and to calm the fuck down. I pulled Carl to the bed and pushed him down on the mattress. He sat up looking at me standing in front of his friends naked, scowling.

Putting my hands on my hips, I asked him if he enjoyed looking at me naked. He said yes. I then asked if he had ever looked at other women naked. He said yes. Then I hit him with it, were they his girlfriend at the time. He said no. I told him to get over it, he didn’t own me and I would let who I wanted look at me anytime I wanted too. He calmed down a little as I pressed myself against him.

Susan shouted that it was their turn and walked over to the bed and lay down. She then sat up and pressed herself against Carl’s back. He jumped out of bed so fast he almost knocked me down. Bobby, Lance and Sue laughed at him as I pulled him over to the chair. I pushed him into the chair and sat on his lap running my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me with a look on his face that said it all. Are we staying? I nodded and kissed him. He kissed me back and held me tight as the three on the bed started.

With my eyes closed, lips pressed to Carl’s, I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bed. I pulled my face away from Carl’s and looked over at the bed. Susan was on her knees, legs straddling Lances head. Bobby was standing while she sucked his cock. I looked at Carl. The look on his face was one of amazement. He whispered to me that Susan looked so hot. I giggled and agreed with him. I could feel him get hard under me. I moved a little and reached between my legs until he slipped inside. He felt so hot without a condom on.

I whispered to him not to cum in me. He said he wouldn’t. We both watched Susan and the guys as they changed positions and places. After about an hour Carl pushed me, up off his cock as he spurted his cum into the air between my legs. Smiling I moaned with the pleasure of feeling his warm seed land on my skin. At Susan’s cry, we both turned to watch her orgasm. She was sandwiched between the two guys. We couldn’t see where their cocks were and didn’t need to. Just seeing Susan cum was enough to satisfy us.

The rest of the night was simply wonderful. Carl got hard and stayed that way for a long time. Not long enough to worry any of us though. Bobby and Lance when not hard would be touching, kissing, and licking Susan constantly. Susan when not having an orgasm would watch Carl and me. Carl would stare right back at her and I could feel his cock pulse a little quicker when he did.

At around three in the morning, the guys left as Susan and I jumped in the shower. No, we didn’t soap each other up nor touch each other. After drying off, we climbed into bed naked. No big deal, but thirty-six hours ago I wouldn’t have thought of doing it.

Like I said…there were a lot of firsts in my life this weekend.

* * *My dear friend Michelle, I want to tell you how privileged I was to watch you and Carl together and how lucky I felt to have you two watch us. I enjoyed it all very much.

I love you with all my heart, girlfriend.


Tuesday March 20, 1990

I love you too my dear.

On Monday, we left the hotel about ten in the morning for our flight home. Carl was waiting at the desk for me, as were Bobby and Lance. The guys were staying for the rest of the week, lucky dogs. Carl kissed me good-bye. I told him to be good and if he couldn’t be good to call me, I would give him instructions. He laughed and kissed me again.

Susan was having a little trouble getting away from Bobby and Lance. They each wanted to be the last to kiss her good-bye. I stood there tapping my foot and looking at my watch. Finally, Carl, to my surprise and Susan’s too, grabbed her and kissed her soundly. Then he pushed her toward me and out the door, we went. Susan was fanning her face as we climbed in the waiting bus.

Whispering in my ear, she told me Carl had tongue kissed her. I laughed as my shy guy was coming out of his shell. Susan looked at me kind of funny then kissed my cheek.

The flight home felt short but I guess all the writing helped.

It’s Tuesday night and we just stayed in the dorm reminiscing about the weekend. At about midnight, we went to bed.

Thursday March 22, 1990

The past two days Susan and I studied. We are going to be doctors, dedicated doctors. I wanted to help people as much as I could. Susan wanted to help people as much as she could. It had been my childhood dream to be a doctor, not a nurse like the rest of the girls, a doctor. I want to be on the front lines so to speak. I want to help sick people get better. I don’t want to be a surgeon like most med students. I just want to be a generalist of medicine. So that leaves me with two fields, family practice or internal medicine. I was going to be an internist that is what I was striving for, so I had to know the human anatomy frontwards and backwards and how it worked.

So we studied. Grilled each other on what we should know, not only this semester but also next semester.

It was boring and tiring at the same time. We were up early and went to bed early.

Friday March 23, 1990

Today was more studying, more grilling each other. But tonight we decided to hit O’Reily’s.

Early today I asked Susan about ethics class. She looked at me as if I was crazy. She said that stuff is easy even if Professor Smith did present it in an illogical manner. So I had her explain it to me. When she was finished, I was surprised how much I was questioning what I had heard instead of just reading the text. I slapped myself in the head and promised to perplex Professor Smith at the soonest opportunity.

Well it was time to get ready to go out, will check in later.

Saturday March 24, 1990

O’Reily’s was boring. There had hardly been anyone there.

Susan and I played some darts and had a few beers. Only two guys hit on us all night, what a disappointment.

Susan almost went with them until I grabbed her by the arm and told them about her linebacker boyfriend from Northwestern. They both hightailed it out of there really fast.

Susan scolded me and swatted me on the arm after they left, but thanked me afterwards.

We went home about nine in the evening. We would try again tonight, but weren’t hopeful.

Sunday March 25, 1990

It was no better at O’Reily’s Saturday night.

We played some more darts and drank a few beers. We shooed a couple of guys away.

We were sitting there when Susan got all serious. She took my hand in hers and told me she was breaking up with Bobby and Lance when they came back. She didn’t know if she could handle them when they returned and didn’t want to embarrass her or me. She started crying there in the bar and I joined her. I knew deep in my heart she really cared for them and didn’t want to hurt them, but she couldn’t have them pawing her on campus as they did in Florida.

I consoled her as best as I could. I bought her a shot and then another. Buy the time we left she was at least two sheets to the wind. Yes, my father was a sailor and I know it’s three sheets to the wind.

I helped her walk home. It wasn’t easy as she is just a little taller than I am. When I got her into the room, she was on a laughing jag as I pulled her coat off. She flopped down on the bed and giggled the whole time I tried to pull her jeans off her legs. She quickly sat up and pulled her sweater off over her head, raised her butt and slipped out of her jeans and panties at the same time. Then she seemed to lose all her energy and flopped forward, resting her head against my stomach. I unsnapped her bra and pushed her back onto the bed. She was singing now and not very well.

I struggled to get her up the bed. The whole time she was singing to me, what she thought was a love song. I smiled as I finally got her head on the pillow. I pulled the covers out from under her and pulled them up along her body. She grabbed my head, I was unprepared for what she did next, and slammed my face into her pussy. I started to sputter and try to get loose to no avail. My nose was buried in her vagina, my lips right next to her clit. Puckering up I buzzed her and she screamed. She also let go of my head letting me jump back so she couldn’t grab me again.

Now she started crying again. I shook my head as I once more pulled the covers up. I kept my head a fair distance from her hands during the process. Once I had her arms trapped under the sheets and blankets, I leaned in and kissed her cheek whispering good night in her ear. She mumbled g’night and closed her eyes.

Getting up I shook my head as I involuntarily licked my lips. I could taste Susan there and she didn’t taste all that bad, but the thought of…doing it with a girl…another woman just didn’t seem right to me. I stripped down to a t-shirt and my panties, crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Wednesday March 28, 1990

Classes started again on Monday. Sunday, Susan slept in late. I would have too if I had as much as she did to drink.

Around noon, Susan rolled out of bed and crawled into the bathroom. She walked out a few minutes later. She walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue shot out for an instant. I was expecting it and kept mine sealed tight. As she pulled, back smiling her face changed to that of surprised. She licked her lips looking at me a little shocked.

When I said nothing she turned and went back to the bathroom, I heard the shower running. I went back to reading the textbook in my lap.

Susan emerged naked as the day she was born, stood there drying her hair, staring at me with a quizzical look on her face. I just smiled and went back to reading. I’ll never tell her what happened, well at least until she reads it here.

* * *When I tasted woman on Michelle’s lips I certainly wondered what had happened. As I dried my hair, I looked at her to see if I could ascertain from her demeanor what had happened. I then glanced around for her diary knowing that what happened would be in there.

When I finally found it, I was surprised at myself for what I had done to my best friend. I was embarrassed.

I’m sorry Michelle, I really am.



* * *Apology accepted my dear, just try not to do it again or I might bite you.


Friday March 30, 1990

Susan had fidgeted all week during class and Bobby and Lance must have picked up on her feelings as neither approached her except to say hello and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Carl had also been a little standoffish and I couldn’t figure out the reason. Everyone was civil, but not really friendly.

Carl asked if I could meet him at the park after class today, so I wonder what’s up.

Susan cried all last night. She had wanted to end it with Bobby and Lance but now she was having a hard time gathering the courage to go through with it. She told me this morning that she would do it tonight or never do it at all. I just nodded as she told me that. Have to go meet Carl I have the shakes now.

* * *Carl broke up with me!!! He broke up with me!!!! Damn him. He called me a slut for making him watch Susan have sex! Hey, I didn’t twist his arm that’s for sure. What an ass…calm down Michelle, calm down. No, I will not calm down. Oops be right back Susan just walked in all emotional.

She did it, she broke up with the guys. They were heartbroken and tried to talk her out of it. She said she was steadfast and then started to cry and slobber all over the two of them. They told her it was okay that they respect her choices and don’t think ill of her. God I hope that’s true. She just read what I wrote about Carl and me. She wants to go beat the crap out of him. I almost had to tackle her to keep her here.

I told her as long as he kept his mouth shut there would be no problems.

We sit together on the bed as I write this and, you can see the tear stains on the paper, crying our eyes out. I told her there would be other guys, she told me Carl was an ass. I agreed.

* * *Oops, got a little carried away there. Crying and writing don’t go together.

I held Susan in my arms until she fell asleep. I sit here trying not to be too heartbroken. There are other guys. Now I could look and not feel guilty. It might be nice just to enjoy whoever comes along. I have no qualms about having sex for sex sake. I don’t have to be in love to have sex. It was nice to have someone who cared for you though, that I would miss. Sex I can have with anyone. A caring, loving, other is not found on every street corner.

* * *Dear Michelle, you will always have me to care about you no matter what you do or don’t do. We are best friends, buddies ’till the end. I will be with you through everything. So you will never be alone, I assure you darling.

I love you babe,


* * *I know you do girl and the same goes for me.

Love you too,


Sunday April 1, 1990

Ha-ha, look at the date. Well we had a great time last night that’s for sure.

We went to O’Reily’s. We didn’t go to cause anyone any trouble. We went to have fun and we did. The only drinks we had to pay for were the first ones. The first guys to hit on us brought us a couple of rounds but had to leave. Another couple of guys sat down without even asking. They started being rude. Susan just smiled at them, then kicked the one closest to us in the balls. Don’t jerk around a med student.

The next guys to stop by asked if they could sit. They looked nice and were polite so we nodded. They bought us drinks and played darts with us. We all had fun. When it was closing time, they asked if they could walk us home. We said sure and headed out.

On the way, Tim, put his arm around me and held me close. Jeff did the same with Susan as we walked and talked. When we got to our dorm we turned to them and said goodnight and that we had enjoyed their company. They both smiled and tried to kiss us. I pushed Tim away. Susan ducked out of Jeff’s grip. We were backed against the brick wall outside the dorm.

Susan told them that if they didn’t leave she would start screaming rape. They laughed and she kicked Jeff in the nuts. I did the same to Tim. As they knelt there all bent over, Susan whispered in their ear…”whatever you heard about us is a lie. And you tell whoever said it that I will personally cut his tongue out and his gonads off when I find out who he is.” They both shook their heads and stumbled off into the night.

We both knew who had said some thing…Carl. Bobby and Lance had been at the bar, had stopped by to say hello and tell Susan they had no hard feeling toward her and anytime she wanted, they, either together or one at a time, were ready to please her. Carl had been there too, scowling all night.

In class on Monday would come a reckoning.

Monday April 2, 1990

When classes resumed today, Carl was not there. I was pissed and wanted revenge. At lunch, Bobby and Lance sat with us and were very cordial.

Then Bobby asked what happened Saturday night. Susan told them and they both started laughing. When they calmed down Lance told us that the two guys we had sent packing had come to Carl’s room. Carl’s roommate was there and told Lance and Bobby what happened.

Tim and Jeff grabbed Carl and told him he better get out of dodge. If he showed his face around the school, anywhere on campus, they would rip it off. Bobby said Carl dropped out of the program and hightailed it out of there.

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