Naive Teacher in Winston Ch. 11b by potatoHead42,potatoHead42

Beach Day – Part B – Wet tits and student bukkake.

This is a direct continuation of Ch. 11A, there will be no introductions or anything of the sort. We are jumping right into the scene.

It is crucial that you read part A first 🙂



Everyone in this story involved in any sexual activities is at least 18 years old. This story is not real and probably could never be real in 2022, so any correlations with real life are mere coincidences.

Sorry for the delay, was really busy with work stuff and had difficulty finding any free time to write. Hopefully, the next chapter can come sooner! Thanks for your patience!

Enjoy the read,

~ Potato Head


Day 13 — Continued

Rocky Phillips Beach — Daytime


Blue Beach Bar — Lunch

As Lana and her two students enter the saloon doors of the Blue Beach Bar, all heads turn towards the sexy curvy teacher. She blushes and waves shyly at the ogling patrons.

The small restaurant is quite busy, with most tables fully occupied.

“Oh, wow! It’s way busier than this morning…” – the teacher states in admiration.

“Yep, Miss Lana. They all saw the interview and flocked here to see ‘ya.” – Pringle explains.

Lana gasps softly, realizing that most customers here have seen her bare cooch.

“They want to see your curves in person. We all do.” – Autumn gives her a naughty wink. “Here boys, we have a table reserved for the students.” – the owner says, guiding Jim and BJ to the table with their classmates.

“And me?” – Lana asks, noticing the table is fully occupied.

“Well, me and Pringle discussed, and since this is your fault…” – Autumn makes a gesture to the busy restaurant. “We decided you would help me.” – she gives the teacher a crooked smile.

“Gosh! Apologies Autumn, I feel bad. What can I do to help?” – the beautiful fiancee asks, worried.

“Just help take orders and serve food. ‘Ya can be our busty waitress!” – the dark-skinned man explains. The teacher squirms a little. “The twins are busy with the bar.” – he adds, sensing the question.

“Ah, okay. Sorry about the disturbance. What about my students?” – Lana asks apprehensively.

“They’ll be fine ma’am. They are grownups, and don’t need a babysitter.” – Pringle states with a nod.

“Hmm, all right. And when can I have lunch?” – Lana asks timidly

“You can eat afterward, dear. Now come help me!” – the old hippie lady says, marching to the kitchen.

“Thanks, Pringle, for gathering my students.” – the naive educator says appreciatively.

“No problem, Miss Lana. My pleasure.” – he says with a big grin. He leans over in her ear. “Don’t forget to ask ‘ya boy about my BBC.”

Pringle bends over and smooches her on the lips. She lets out a shocked exclamation. He breaks the kiss and sits down at a round table with some friends.

‘My… he kissed me in front of everyone… mmm… he tastes so manly… I’m feeling so hot… I need to control myself. Can’t forget to ask Dens about his BBC later.’ – she plans.


Lana joins Autumn in the kitchen. There are a couple of cooks making food.

“Sorry to loop you in like this, but it’s total chaos!” – the small woman complains.

“Ah, no problem. It is my fault. I will do what I can to help!” – the teacher says enthusiastically.

“Thanks, sweetie. Everyone came to see this virgin snatch…” – she says and palms Lana’s bikini-covered crotch. The teacher flinches but doesn’t protest. “And this fat round ass!” – the pervy woman says, slapping the teacher hard on the butt.

“Eeeeeep!” – Lana squeals. ‘Nggg… this feels good… should I stop her? No… it’s okay for women to touch me…’ – she recalls.

“And I haven’t even mentioned these ample titties.” – the hippie woman says, grabbing the teacher’s tits and squeezing them firmly. Lana moans. “Hey, Brick, come over here!” – she calls for someone.

An enormous shirtless man comes bumbling over. He is well over 6’4, extremely muscular, and wide.

“Woah…” – Lana says, looking up at him.

“This is Brick. He’s one of our cooks and lives nearby. Bricky, this is Lana.” – Autumn introduces.

“Nice to meetcha, ma’am.” – he says, extending his enormous hand. Lana shakes his hand while unconsciously staring at his exceptionally well-defined torso, chiseled abs, and sculpted midsection. After a split section, she rips her gaze back up to his eyes.

Autumn smirks in an amused fashion, getting a kick out of it.

“Nice to meet you, Brick.” – the teacher squeaks, feeling intimidated by his immense body.

“Bricky, I called you here to try her melons out.” – Autumn says while making a squeezing gesture.

The teacher gasps, but before Lana has time to object, the huge man grabs a hold of her voluptuous mountains of flesh. The future-wife moans with pleasure, forgetting what she is planning to say.

‘Ahhh… I should stop him… guh… he is so strong and forceful… it’s making me wet again… mmm…’ – Lana’s head overflows with desire.

“Her fuck-jugs are awesome!” – he says, sounding like a kid with a new toy.

“We call him Brick ’cause he’s built like a brick shithouse, ohohoho!” – the old hippie woman cackles. “He’s a bodybuilder, that’s why he’s so manly.” – she purrs, patting him on his washboard abs. “Enough, you brute! You can go back to your station now.” – she slaps his arms and he lets go of the teacher’s boobs. Lana whimpers.

“Thanks, Mrs. Autumn. Nice to meetcha and yo’ fat milkers, ma’am.” – he says, and the teacher nods weakly. He walks back to the depths of the kitchen.

‘Why did I let him molest me like that? Argh… I’m losing control… but it feels so good when others touch me…’ – she reflects.

Autumn picks up a tray and hands it to the teacher. The tray has some menus and a tiny notepad.

“Sweetie, here’s the rundown. You’ll hand out menus, take their orders, pass them to me and then bring them food and drinks when it’s ready. Easy peasy.” – the old lady explains.

“Sounds simple enough. I never waited tables, so it might be difficult…” – the teacher admits, uncomfortably.

“Of course, a pretty young thing like you never worked before!” – she cackles, patting her on the butt. Lana jumps a little. “No worries, just obey the customers, they’re always right.”

“I heard that before. Should I just do as they ask? – the future-wife asks naively.

“Yes, let them do as they please or they won’t come back.” – Autumn says sternly.

“Really? Is that necessary?” – Lana asks nervously.

“Yes, please don’t cost me any business. You already caused enough problems as it is.” – the old woman says, staring at the teacher who cowers a little. “Can I count on you?”

‘I don’t want to let Autumn down after what I did, but at the same time… obeying the patrons… is… ah… well… it’s my duty to help, she needs me. I just have to grin and bear it.’ – she decides.

“I will do my best, Autumn.” – Lana says, giving in.

“Good! Also, come see me after your shift.” – she says and Lana nods. “Now go get ’em, dear.” – she slaps the young teacher in the ass.

Submissively, Lana walks back to the dining room carrying the waiting tray.


The teacher makes a beeline to the table with her students. They are already enjoying their meals, with Wyatt and Lukas halfway through theirs.

“Hey y’all…” – Lana says unenthusiastically.

“Hi, Miss Lana. Are you not joining us?” – Evie asks with a gloomy expression.

“No, I have to help out here.” – she says cryptically, not going into details.

“Darn, we wanted to discuss some class stuff.” – Wyatt adds, visibly disappointed.

“There goes our plan…” – BJ says. Lukas punches him in the arm and glares at him. “Ow! What?!” – he says, feigning ignorance.

“We can talk later.” – she says, ignoring the TTT boys. “Chloe, as class-rep, please make sure everyone is back to our area after lunch. Okay?”

“You can count on me!” – Chloe says cheerfully, making a ‘v’ sign.

“I’ll see you all later for class.” – she says, leaving them to their meal. ‘Can’t babysit them all the time. I need to help Autumn now. They will be fine!’ – she tells herself, echoing Pringle.

Everyone is a bit confused about what has just trespassed, but they shrug it off and continue eating.

The new waitress approaches the bus driver’s table and distributes some menus. Besides the dark-skinned Pringle, sitting at the table is a thin bald guy, a fat bearded man, an older fella, and a creepy-looking guy with round glasses.

“Waiting tables suits ‘ya, Miss Lana.” – the dark-skinned man says, looking at her curves.

“Wish all the waitresses here would wear a tiny bikini!” – the bald guy says lecherously.

“You wish! Betcha ‘ya never seen such a hot puss!” – the fat one laughs. Lana’s coochie twitches.

“I have! At the Lusty Leopard!” – the thin bald guy defends himself.

“Pfff, that doesn’t count.” – the older man comments, laughing.

“But you’re right, she’s a hot little number.” – the fat bearded man says crassly, eyeing Lana. “She has a beautiful little twat.” – she gasps.

“I bet it’s tight.” – the creepy looking one states.

“Shame we didn’t see her tits.” – the bald one adds. The teacher gasps again.

“I would give my left nut to see and lick her asshole.” – the older one admits.

Lana gasps for the third time. She can’t help but feel slightly offended by their crude language and the way they are talking about her.

They all laugh at her reactions.

‘Ah… I’m still not used to such lewd comments from strangers… but they are certainly stimulating…’ – she thinks. Her cooch gets hot and wet by their words.

“Don’t worry, ma’am. We’re all harmless. Unless ‘ya want us not to be.” – Pringle winks at her and slaps Lana on her bare ass. She squeals.

“E-excuse me… I have to see to o-other t-tables…” – she stammers, quickly moving along. The men laugh at her embarrassment.

The busty waitress starts going around and distributing the menus. After less than five minutes, her students finish their meals and leave, waving goodbye to their teacher.

That seems to be the unspoken signal that the ravenous customers are waiting for.


Lana remembers that she needs to take the customer’s orders now. Her first stop is back at Pringle’s table.

“So, gentlemen, what will it be?” – she asks, putting her best waitress impression forward.

“Uhmm….” – the dark-skinned man says, thinking. “This ass!” – he announces, groping the teacher’s bubble butt with gusto.

“Eeekkk!” – she shrieks. Lana sees Autumn eyeing her from behind the counter. “S-sorry, Pringle, this r-rump is not on the menu.” – she jokes, uneasy. The owner gives her a thumbs up. The teacher nods.

“Ha-ha!” – he laughs and starts to knead her buttock. “It’s a shame. Well, I’ll have a burger then. Miss Lana, be a good employee and go around to the boys so they can also try your juicy ass.” – he orders. The teacher gasps at his words.

‘I have to obey them, I promised Autumn. And it’s not that bad, it’s just my bum.’ – she reflects, her coochie squirming with exhilaration at the idea of letting strangers freely molest her.

Lana nods timidly and submissively makes her way around the table. Each of Pringle’s friends pats and squeezes her generous posterior while ordering.

“Well done, Lana! That was truly professional of you. Keep it up!” – the old hippie lady says as Lana hands her their orders.

“O-okay… I will. Is this normal?” – she asks, and Autumn nods. “Gosh, this is much harder than it looks.” – she says, flushed in the face.

From that moment on, things change, almost as if Pringle has given them all the go-ahead.

As Lana walks around the Bar taking orders, every table gets on board and gropes her voluptuous butt. The patrons pinch, pat, and squeeze her nearly naked bubble butt.

‘Ignore them, Lana. Autumn asked me to be cooperative and let them do as they please. She needs me, I can’t let her down.’ – she tells herself after each grope and grab. ‘I have to admit it feels good… but it’s distracting. I’m glad my students and people that I know are not here to see it.’ – she breathes, relieved.

The teacher doesn’t want to admit it, but her pussy is soaking wet and her nipples are hard, creating naughty bumps against her green bikini top.

As she passes Pringle’s thin bald mate, he intercepts her and gropes her tits with both hands. Lana gasps, but as she is carrying some cups, she can’t let go of her tray.

“Can I have some ice cubes and water?” – he asks, squeezing her big boobs with enthusiasm.

“Ah… uhm… yes, of course. Right away.” – she says, trying to move away from his grip.

The depraved man then plants a loud kiss on her lips. She feels his tongue trying to invade her mouth.

‘Ugh… the cups will fall and break… just bear through it…’ – she decides.

The future-wife accepts his gross tongue, and they make out for a few seconds in front of the entire bar. A lot of the patrons applaud the display. Finally, she manages to break the kiss and rushes back to the counter.

Afterward, some of the more daring customers start to cop-a-feel of a boobie, and a few even ask for a smooch. Lana does her best to be a good waitress and allows all the immoral men to have their share of fun. She doesn’t deny any advance.

Eventually, the busty server receives Pringle’s table orders and brings them to them. As she starts to hand out the food plates, she feels the black man’s hand rubbing in between her cheeks.

“Oh damn, your pussy is sopping wet.” – he says with a wide grin. She flushes.

‘Just ignore him… you have a job to do…’ – she thinks as his hand slides up and then underneath her bikini bottoms.

Pringle’s fingers start to trace circles around her asshole. She screeches but doesn’t offer any real resistance, doing her damnedest to brush his antics aside. He starts to rub her pink star, causing a sexually charged moan to escape her lips.

“Annngg!” – she moans with pleasure. She is caught by surprise. ‘He is toying with my anus… no, he can’t do that… I need him to stop…’

“Ohh, you like having your asshole played with?” – the dark-skinned man asks with a smirk.

“Please… not now… I am working…” – she says feebly, as she feels his finger poking at her back entrance.

“Okay… but as punishment, show us your sweet pussy up close.” – Pringle orders her. The others at the table agree.

“J-just b-because you all saw it already…” – she mutters sheepishly. It is a lame excuse, she wants nothing more than to show her private place to these gross and rude men. ‘Sorry Dens, but it’s harmless. I have to do as they ask.’ – she considers, extremely aroused.

They all cheer, grabbing the attention of the other customers. Several start to record the exchange.

The wife-to-be finishes handing the last of the orders, and with one hand pulls down the front of her emerald-green bottom, exposing the totality of her bush and the top of her bright pink slit to the rowdy men. Her excitement is obvious by the glistening sheen of her pussy lips.

“Fuck me” “Delicious “She’s soaking wet” “Slut” “Nice” “Let me fuck you” “Whore”

Reactions can be heard all around her. Her cooch twitches hungrily.

“Pringle, is that enough?” – she whimpers, looking submissively at the black man.

“It’s good for now. I’ll tell Autumn ya’re doing great.” – he says. “Come back at the end of the lunch shift.” – Pringle bids. She nods and adjusts her bikini in place.

As the curvy teacher/waitress’ work continues, so does the groping, kissing, and grabbing. Some of the more audacious patrons even pat her vagina. She gasps, grunts and shrieks, but offers no actual resistance to their actions.

As the lunch hour comes to an end, only Pringle’s table remains at the Blue Beach Bar.

Lana is taking their dishes away when the fat man holds her hand. She is standing next to Pringle.

“Can ‘ya stay a bit? We just want to tell ‘ya some fun stories.” – the obese bearded man says.

“I have one ’bout our army times!” – the older-looking one says.

“Army times?” – the teacher asks, surprised.

“Yeah, that’s where we met. We’re all veterans.” – the thin balding man explains.

“Is it about the pineapple?” – the creepy guy asks. The old gent nods.

“That’s a good one! ‘Ya have to listen to this one.” – the fat bearded dude adds.

Lana’s mouth falls open. None of them look like soldiers, quite the opposite in fact.

‘Maybe they were doing other things in the army. I shouldn’t judge. Let’s entertain them a little, Autumn will be happy.’ – the future-wife decides.

“Oh, that is swell. I will be glad to hear it.” – the busty waitress says with a smile, trying to be polite.

As they start to tell her old-timey stories, she feels the driver’s hand encroaching her anus.

“Now that work is done, I can play with ‘ya for a bit.” – the dark-skinned man whispers in her ear.

Lana knows she should say no. But all this groping and grabbing got her all hot and bothered.

‘Maybe I can let him… just a little… It’s harmless, right? Besides, he wants to play with my butt only. That should be safe.’ – she evaluates naively, her heart thumping with anticipation.

The teacher nods timidly, avoiding looking at the black man’s face and keeping her eyes on his friends, who are midst story-telling. She has no idea what they are saying.

Pringle resumes from where he left earlier. He starts to caress the entrance to her pink back-hole. She moans softly. Suddenly he pulls his hand away and when it returns, she feels something creamy on his finger. She gasps weakly.

“Don’t worry sexy, it’s just some sun lotion to ease it up.” – he whispers, giving her goosebumps.

His mates are still discussing some event related to a pineapple when Pringle’s finger invades the wife-to-be’s virgin asshole. The teacher emits a muffled grunt. The men at the table smile knowingly, but continue their conversation as if nothing is happening.

“Good girl.” – the kinky black man says, slowly inserting his finger inside her.

‘Oh gosh… this is… unggg… feels so wrong… why do I like it so much? Ahhh…’ – she thinks, already lost in pleasure. ‘I’m such a bad teacher letting the bus driver slide his greasy finger up my anus… what would Dens think if he saw me like this? Ahhh… sorry dear…. I want this…’

Indeed, this wasn’t her first time getting a finger up her bum, however, the last few times have been different. The experiences with Lilly and Nurse Kim were not sexual. And with Jack, she was completely drunk and could barely remember or even feel it. All the other men have just prodded the area, with no insertion.

This fully-lucid pleasurable anal touching is new to her.

Pringle starts to move his finger in and out of her tight back door, causing lewd, squishy, and wet sounds. Soon, Lana is openly moaning, too enthralled by the sexual act to pay attention to the conversation at the table.

“Do ‘ya like being fingered in your butthole?” – the bus driver asks, not containing the volume of his voice anymore.

“I…. I do… ahh….” – she admits lustfully. ‘Ngg… this is amazing… finger me…’ – she shouts in her head.

“Do ‘ya want me to continue fingerfucking ‘ya?” – Pringle asks, stopping momentarily. She nods adamantly. “Ask for it, ho.” – he orders, slapping her bubbly ass cheek with the other hand. She yelps.

“Yeees… please… keep sliding your finger up my anus…” – the curvy fiancee groans.

The black man bends her over the table and shoves the entirety of his index finger inside her. She squeals with delight. He starts to pump it in and out of her rear hole.

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