Ellie Submits Pt. 15 by lonequark,lonequark

Ellie arrives at her domme’s house late in the evening. The house is isolated in the forest, and dark, except for a few exterior lights. Huge, silent and imposing.

It is a full week since Ellie’s domme last allowed her a real orgasm, and Ellie is red hot. Before she met Miriam, she would masturbate to climax every morning and at least once a night. She was insatiable, and, Miriam observed, undisciplined. Miriam took control of her body, took command of all of her pleasure. Miriam took her orgasms away. And then gave them back, at achingly slow, methodical intervals, each one coming as the ecstatic climax of a new BDSM scene. Each one three times as intense as anything Ellie had experienced before. Each one a gift from Miriam, now her only source of pleasure.

Ellie trades for orgasms now, exchanging hours of obedience and submission for sexual release. Miriam owns her, and she loves to be owned. Ellie is here tonight to submit to her domme, once again. She has been given very specific instructions, and she has them committed to memory.

As she locks her car, she hears a distant, full-throated wail, emanating from somewhere inside the house. It’s a familiar sound: Ellie’s domme’s other sub, Simone, deep in the depths of submission, receiving a heavy jolt of… well, it’s not possible to say for sure. Extreme pleasure, or intense pain. Most likely a cocktail of both. At a certain level of intensity, Ellie knows, the two become difficult to tell apart.

Ellie shivers with anticipation.

She climbs the steps to the front door. The door is unlocked. Ellie goes in and locks the door behind her, as instructed. It’s dark inside, and she’s been warned not to turn any lights on. While she waits for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, she disrobes, dropping her skirt and T-shirt on the floor, right there in the hall. Her domme told her that it wouldn’t matter what she wore, so that’s all she wore: loose clothing she could discard in a few seconds, and no underwear.

Ellie Holloway is six feet and one inch tall, with cropped dirty blonde hair, ice-blue eyes and a physique packed to bursting with hard, hard-earned muscle. Her body is her domme’s, and she is under orders to maintain it to her domme’s strict personal specifications. That means muscle mass, and definition, and brute strength. Ellie has shoulders like cannonballs, deep pectoral cleavage between her delightful B-cup breasts, flared latissimi dorsi and abdominals like a stack of bricks. Her torso tapers to a deep creased V, leading from the crests of her hips down to the narrow cleft of her pussy. Her thighs are almost as wide as her waist, and her calf muscles are like fists.

Her domme also requires her to be hairless below the eyebrows and scalp. Her deeply tanned skin is as smooth as cream, all over.

Nude and barefoot, Ellie pads down a dark corridor, gingerly, tracing along the wall with one hand. She knows the way, but she’s never gone this way without being able to see.

Simone wails again. Much closer and louder. Whatever is happening to her, it’s driving her wild. A drawn-out, heart-rending, ecstatic caterwaul. Ellie stops moving, listening in the darkness, transfixed. It sounds so good. In another few moments she’ll be joining Simone, and, she hopes, joining her at a similar depth of submission.

Ellie realizes that she’s holding her breath, and gasps.

Around the next corner, the corridor is not completely dark. A small amount of light spills out from a door, standing slightly ajar on the left. The dungeon. Ellie goes in, and closes the door behind her.


There is just one weak orange spotlight lit in the dungeon, shining down on a bondage chair in the center of the room. The chair is black: black wooden frame, black leather upholstery. It has a high back, a head rest and arm rests. It is covered with black leather straps.

Off to Ellie’s left, Simone is suspended, upside-down, from the ceiling. She is wrapped from her ankles to her head in a tight black latex cocoon. Her legs are sealed together into a shiny tail, and her arms are clamped to her sides, except for two slits at thigh level which allow her hands to emerge, and flex and clench, uselessly. There is also an opening for Simone’s mouth, and she is moaning miserably.

Ellie admires her sister sub’s bound figure, gleaming in the weak amber light. Simone is a petite, slim girl. Her nipples poke through the tight latex, showing her horizontal barbell piercings. Ellie can see the contours of her lower ribs, and her flat tummy, and the crests of her hips. Between her thighs, there is the clear outline of a very large, powerful personal massage toy, its head pressed firmly against Simone’s pussy.

The glossy black cocoon alone is enough to totally immobilize Simone, but her domme has added even more restraints: loops of thin white rope, binding her knees, thighs, waist and torso, and radiating out to attachment points on the walls, floor and ceiling. So, instead of swaying freely, Simone is forced to hang straight down. And when the vibrator switches on for another burst of activity, and Simone screeches with ecstasy and her body convulses and she wails and struggles and twists and fights and sobs — it achieves nothing. She can’t move, not more than an inch. She is a fly in a spider’s web.

Ellie can’t guess how long Simone has been hanging there. As Ellie takes the sight in, Simone’s vibrator wakes up again, and Simone writhes some more. “Oh, GOD! Thank you, ma’am! More, please, ma’am!”

Miriam — ma’am — is nowhere to be seen.

Ellie turns her attention back to the chair. She spends a long, tense few minutes studying all of the straps, figuring out how they’re intended to be used. Then she sits in the chair, and straps herself in.

There are straps for her legs, thighs, waist and torso. One leather strap passes below her breasts, and one above, just below her armpits. A broader, more comfortably padded strap is for her throat. That strap holds her chin up and pulls her head back against the headrest, making it so that she can no longer look around freely. She uses her right hand to strap her left arm to the seat’s left arm. And that’s all she can do by herself. Her right arm is still free. She loosely fastens the last few straps, and then, awkwardly, slides her right arm into them. She takes a deep breath, and tries to stop shaking. The chair is much more comfortable than she expected.

Simone continues to struggle. It’s not clear whether she knows that Ellie is here. Ellie has been pretty quiet, and Simone may not be able to hear clearly through her latex cocoon… and she may be somewhat distracted. Anyway, it seems as if Simone’s vibrator is slowing down, giving her less intense stimulation, at longer intervals.

After some minutes of waiting, Ellie hears movement behind her. She can’t turn her head to look. Could Miriam have been waiting back there, in the shadows, this whole time? A secret door? She hears footsteps, a delicate clacking of tall heels on polished wood.

There is a loud click. A key, turning in the door to the dungeon. Locking it. Ellie gulps.

And then, a gloved hand snakes its way around her shoulder and down, across her chest. And a second hand, around her other shoulder. Miriam reaches forward, for the loose strap around Ellie’s right wrist, and tugs firmly on it, tightening it. Instinctively, Ellie clenches her fist and pulls against the strap. But Miriam is already tightening the straps above and below her right elbow, too, and the strap just below her armpit. As Ellie flexes, the chair creaks, but only a little. She’s not getting out of this, not now.

Miriam nibbles Ellie’s ear. “Mmmmh,” she says, very satisfied.

Ellie can hardly breathe. Not because of the strap around her throat, she’s just so excited.

“A long time ago,” Miriam whispers, so softly that it gives Ellie goosebumps, “we discussed workplace attire. And you asked me what I prefer to wear. And I dodged the question. And I never told you the answer. But now… my dear young sub, you get to find out.”

She circles around to where Ellie can see her. Ellie’s eyes widen. She is on a hair trigger, baking hot, and the sight of her domme makes her squeal with lust.

Miriam is a naturally curvaceous woman, blessed with broad hips and magnificent, firm G-cup breasts. She works tirelessly in the gym to maintain a trim waist, and her work pays off in spades. But the corset… the corset takes her hourglass figure to the next level. It’s an overbust corset, which shapes and compresses her breasts, pushing them up and creating an ocean of cleavage. Black, and steel-boned, it tapers to a gaspingly narrow waist — it can’t be more than twenty inches — and then flares out, sitting easily on her hips. It’s tailored to her figure, and like all good corsets, it’s comfortable enough that she could wear it all day.

She also wears a silver chain necklace, with a blue gemstone sat invitingly at the top of her cleavage, drawing Ellie’s eye. She wears fancy silver earrings, and she has her mass of silky black hair tied up into an elaborate pony tail, which hangs around halfway down her back. She wears elbow-length silk gloves. Below the waist, she wears a tight black skirt which ends a few inches above the knee. Black knee-height stockings, stay-ups, come up to barely an inch below the skirt, leaving two narrow strips of toned thigh exposed. She wears black leather calf boots with what are, for her, extremely tall heels, doing for her legs and ass what the corset does for her upper body.

She is divine. Mesmerizing. A dominant sexual goddess. Here to rule, to own her subs’ pathetic bodies, to wring them dry while they scream for more.

Ellie pulls frantically against her bonds. She doesn’t know what she would do if she could get free. Melt into a worthless puddle at her domme’s feet, probably. “Nnh!”

Miriam turns on the spot, raising her arms and showing off her statuesque figure, particularly her derrière. “Go on, drink it all in. I know you love it.” She strikes a pose, facing away from her sub with her feet spread more than shoulder-width apart, and casts a sultry look back over her bare shoulder, fluttering her immaculate eyelashes.

Ellie would do anything for her domme. Absolutely anything. She finally manages to articulate a sentence. “Ma’am, you’re beautiful!”

“Oh, I know it.” Miriam spends a little longer showing off. Then she struts up to her sub, and bends low over her, making eye contact.


Ellie gulps again. Her throat feels dry.

“What brings you here?” Miriam asks.

She gestures at Ellie’s restraints, smiling lightly. “Explain it to me. This… offering. As you can see, my young Nymph and I were in the middle of something.”

“M–” Ellie chokes on the first word, and has to start over. “Ma’am, I disobeyed you. I stole from you. I took pleasure when I hadn’t been given permission to take it. Three times.”

“I know,” Miriam says. “I was there. And?”

A deep breath. “Please punish me, ma’am!”

Ellie wasn’t specifically ordered to say this last part. Miriam’s instructions were for Ellie to strap herself into the chair. Then, Miriam informed her, she could ask for anything. And whatever she asked for, Miriam promised she would give it to her. Anything.

But Ellie asked for punishment. Voluntarily. That’s the part which makes Ellie so hot right now. The power Miriam has over her. The power to make her submit, without even a direct order. It makes her feel weak. Like a rabbit in a tiger cage.

“Really?” Miriam replies, feigning surprise, and stroking Ellie’s arm with a finger. “You’d like to punished, hard? That’s what you came all the way here for?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Ellie croaks.

Miriam stands up straight, looking down her nose at Ellie. She seems to be considering the request.

“Please, ma’am!”

“I’ve heard you,” Miriam says. “Now, be silent for a minute.”

Miriam crouches, and spends a few minutes adjusting all of the remaining straps. Very few of them were as tight as she liked. She caresses Ellie’s skin as she goes, with a delicate, light touch. Ellie can’t stop trembling. If she wasn’t strapped down, she’d be shaking like a leaf. Miriam strokes Ellie’s feet, and her toes. Then she stands up and touches the deep contours of Ellie’s chest, the curves of her abdominal and pectoral muscles. Ellie’s succulent, iron-hard body is always a treat to explore. Her smooth, tanned curves, glistening in the low light… the deep shadows in the creases between her muscles… the proud peaks of her hard nipples. Miriam takes one nipple in each hand, and gives them both a hard tug.


Miriam reaches between Ellie’s legs. She is sopping wet, and there’s already a little puddle of her excitement collecting on the seat beneath her. Miriam fondles her sub’s sex, stroking her wet lips with delicate silk-gloved fingers. This could ruin the gloves. Miriam doesn’t care. Ellie gazes thirstily down her domme’s cleavage, and mewls with arousal. For a moment, she wonders if her domme could be giving her pleasure instead, as a reward for her obedience and honesty.

But no. Ellie feels a jab of pain down there, and flinches. She can’t actually look straight down, the strap around her throat prevents her from getting doing much more than look straight ahead. “Aigh! What is that?”

Miriam doesn’t explain, but the metallic stinging continues. As Miriam moves her hand, a trail of sharp little sensations walks up Ellie’s mons and across her abdomen. It’s a pinwheel, a handheld tool with a small wheel of very sharp metal spikes. Miriam drives it across Ellie’s skin, her abs, her thighs, her sides.

“Oh, oh, oh! That stings!”

“Mmm hmm.”


Over long, long minutes, Miriam drives the pinwheel across every available square inch of Ellie’s skin. Her legs, arms, lower and upper body, her hulking shoulders. The straps protect some of her, of course. Miriam briefly loosens Ellie’s wrist straps and rotates her forearms so that her palms face upward — this allows her to drive the pinwheel back and forward across Ellie’s palms, and then her fingers. She applies enough pressure to leave a trail of faint red marks. The marks hurt, but fade quickly as she goes.

Ellie breathes deeply, focusing on not crying out. The treatment is very personal, very tender and intimate… and it hurts like heck. She concentrates. The pain is steadily turning her on more and more, and her domme can tell.

“Oh, ma’am. Oh!”

“Shush.” Miriam puts her free thumb into Ellie’s mouth, and Ellie sucks on it, instinctively. Miriam strokes her chin and behind her ear, lovingly… and walks the pinwheel down her chest, and across her breasts, which she saved for last. Around and around, leaving trails of evil prickles, slowly circling in on more sensitive areas.

Ellie gasps sharply as the first pins circle her right areola. Miriam is very thorough, making sure that her sub’s tit is thoroughly reddened, before she finally walks the pinwheel across her hard, proud nipple.

Ellie flinches. “OW! Ow ow ow! Augh!”

“Thank me,” Miriam tells her, rolling it back. And forward, and back.

“Thank you, ma’am! Thank you so much! OHMYGOSH, OH, what is THAT?” A different spiky sensation, a much nastier one, has just bitten down on Ellie’s breast. Ellie can’t see it.

“An alligator clip,” her domme informs her.

“Haaah!” The clip is large and fierce, with its metal jaws biting around Ellie’s areola, behind the nipple. Ellie moans and rolls her head, adjusting to the new source of pain.

Her domme transfers her attention across to Ellie’s other nipple. She begins warming it up too, in the same way as the first.

“Oh, no!”

“Oh, yes.”

“Oh, no, please, ma’am!”

As Ellie begs, and tries to find a way to escape from her punishment, Miriam walks the spike wheel around and around Ellie’s areola, just as before. And across her nipple. And then, after allowing some tension to build, she applies a matching alligator clip.

Ellie howls. “Oh, no! It hurts, ma’am, thank you!”

Miriam leans up and kisses her, long and deeply, lovingly, stroking her cropped, ash-blonde hair. She breaks away for a second, to declare, “Good sub.”

Ellie’s eyes are watering. “Uh huh!”

Miriam’s hand snakes down, and she rubs Ellie’s desperate pussy a little more. Ellie wails, with a combination of pain and wild arousal. This is what she loves. This is where she loves to be, and exactly what she hoped for. She is an incorrigible slut, she knows. A desperate, horny ball of nerve endings, who deserves to be disciplined. She loves to be in the palm of her domme’s hand, being tormented, being toyed with.

And, through her blurry vision, she can see her domme’s evil, satisfied grin. She knows exactly how much a scene like this turns her domme on.

In the background, Simone’s vibrator rumbles some more. Simone bucks furiously against her bondage, again. “Oh, please, ma’am!” she begs.

Miriam gives Ellie a peck on the cheek. “Wait there.”


She steps away, and spends a minute untying most of Simone’s white ropes. Then, she carefully lowers Simone to the floor. Simone had been upside-down for a long time, and Miriam knew she was ready to come down. On the floor, Simone coils up into a fetal position, coiling her latex-bound body around the vibrator jammed against her nether regions. The vibrator is still pleasuring her, in unpredictable, slow waves. Simone still can’t reach it with her hands, or see anything. She moans, mindless and happy. She rolls onto her stomach and kicks her tail.

Miriam tidies the spider web ropes away, adjusts her gloves, and returns to Ellie.

“How do you feel?”

Ellie is drenched with sweat, now, and soaking in endorphins. She makes an unintelligible growl, and flexes her bound hands.

“Wonderful.” Miriam slides a hand back down between Ellie’s legs, and slides a finger or two in and out. Then she squeezes, teasing out Ellie’s delicate inner labia. Some more pleasurable fondling follows. Ellie moans happily, and breathes heavily. She squeezes back, tightening up on her beloved domme’s silken fingers.

“Ready for some more?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ellie gasps.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, ma’am, I need more, please!” Ellie wants to see where this goes… and how far she can go, how far her domme will take her.

And then, after a little more stimulation… and Miriam applies another alligator clip, this one directly to her sub’s left labium minus. Ellie shrieks. And shrieks again as a second clip quickly follows on the other side. Her hips flex, but she can’t escape. “Aaaih!”

“Yes, yes,” Miriam murmurs, lovingly stroking her sub’s hard body, but paying special attention to her sodden pussy. “Good sub. You asked for this, you wanted this.”

“HAAAAIH! Unnnf!”

Miriam takes two much smaller alligator clips. She suckles Ellie’s nipples a little more, and then applies the clips, right on the tips, biting straight down on her nipples and pointing out away from her body. Now with two clips on each breast, Ellie thrashes against her bonds, uselessly. It feels good to struggle, it feels good to hurt — as long as it’s her domme hurting her. Miriam strokes her pussy some more, and Ellie whines with conflicted pleasure. Her mind is freewheeling now. She feels high. On a different planet.

Miriam fishes Ellie’s clitoris out from beneath its sheath. Ellie’s clit is a tiny nubbin of flesh, and overwhelmingly sensitive. From this position, Miriam can’t get her mouth around it, but she can caress it, delicately.

“Nnn nnn nnn!” Ellie says, shaking her head.

Miriam hesitates. “I have one more clip for you,” she explains, in a more regular tone of voice.

“No,” Ellie says. She knows. She knows where the clip goes. “Not there, please. Everything else… but not tonight. Another night.”

Miriam strokes her cheek, tenderly. “Alright.” She sets the last clip aside. Ellie has done very well to get this far.

Lastly, Miriam stands up. She unzips her skirt and shimmies out of it, revealing simple black cotton panties. She turns all the way around, once, letting Ellie get a long, lusty look at her divine ass. Then she plants one booted foot between Ellie’s thighs, and straddles her upturned hand.

Without needing to be told, Ellie starts to stroke her domme’s pussy through the scanty material. It’s a very inconvenient position. Ellie has to concentrate hard, as the pain in her breasts and pussy clamors for attention.

Miriam hangs on to her sub’s shoulders. She shifts her hips, and moans. She rolls her sex forward, against Ellie’s restrained forearm, and then back into her hand for more stimulation. Ellie rubs Miriam’s clit with her thumb. With care, she manages to tug her domme’s underwear aside and fumble for her pussy. Miriam, like her sub, is dripping with anticipation. Miriam begins to breathe heavily, and clutches Ellie around the shoulders. “Like that. Yes, like that… Give it back to me, what you stole. Oh, yes, good sub…!”

Ellie groans with pain. Strapped down, immobilized, blinded and gagged and severely bitten, she forces herself to focus on her domme’s pleasure first.

Beside them, on the floor, Simone writhes and moans with renewed pleasure, adding her voice to the chorus.

Miriam slides her pussy back and forth more rapidly. Ellie tugs urgently at her lips and squeezes her clit, as hard as she can. Miriam’s other hand drops and takes Ellie’s other hand, and they squeeze each other, adoration flowing between them. It’s a scene, it’s a show, it’s an act, a feat of submissive love.

“Good sub. More,” Miriam demands, body heaving. Her sub has three strong fingers inside of her now, and is pumping as hard as she can. “More. Deeper.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Ellie cries, doing her best to give her more.

Miriam fucks her hand, and Ellie penetrates her to the limit, giving her domme deep flourishes of stimulation, the way she knows she likes it. Miriam’s body begins to tense up, her legs closing on Ellie’s hand. She’s close. Ellie cries out with what could be sympathetic pleasure and strains against her bondage, harder than ever. The chair creaks. Miriam bites her sub’s shoulder, hard, and grunts, and comes, body convulsing, pussy drenching Ellie’s hand with honey. “Nnnnnh! Hah, slut! Nnnh! Don’t stop–!”

Ellie is dizzy. She focuses hard. She doesn’t stop. Miriam comes. And comes and comes, tossing her long ponytail. Her orgasm is powerful, and noisy, and she drenches her sub’s hand. As she convulses, she frantically kisses Ellie all over her face and her shoulder, babbling sweet nothings. “My baby, my love. My beautiful tigress.”

Ellie laughs. It hurts to laugh.

Eventually, Miriam reaches the far side of her climax. Her body loosens up, and she becomes able to see straight again. She lifts herself unsteadily off of her sub’s hand, and collapses into her lap, breathless.

Ellie catches her breath too.

“That was… delicious,” Miriam breathes, stretching lazily. She toys with one of Ellie’s clips. “My hot, tight pain slut. You must hurt so bad, right now.”

Ellie clenches her fists. “Yes, ma’am!”

Miriam takes all of the clips off. Ellie moans with renewed pain as the blood flows back into her more severely bitten extremities, but then she settles down. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“I think that pays for one of your stolen orgasms,” Miriam remarks. She idly caresses her sub’s body. “What do you think?”

“Ma’am, may I have something to drink?”

“Ah! Of course.”

Miriam fetches a bottle of energy drink, and puts a straw in the top, letting Ellie suck down almost half of it in one gulp. As she drinks, Miriam strokes her sub’s hair. Her forehead is still beaded with sweat. BDSM, when it’s done right, can be very strenuous work, even for someone as strong as Ellie. That’s part of why she loves it.


For the second round, Miriam bends beneath the bondage chair and opens a particular latch. This causes the middle third of the seat of the chair to fold away, giving free access to Ellie’s underside. When she does this, Ellie cries out, “Oh!” She didn’t know this was a thing the chair could do. “Oh, goodness.”

Miriam busies herself behind the chair for a long few minutes, while Ellie frets. She can take a wild guess about what’s going to happen next.

She feels something firm and round being pressed against her pussy. Silicone rubber. There is the sound of Miriam turning certain screws, adjusting a piece of equipment. Ellie feels a generous helping of some gooey lubricant being applied to her pussy, inside and out. Some more goes onto the dildo head. Then, a soft mechanical whirring begins, and the dildo begins to slowly, slowly, ever-so-slowly rise, delicately parting Ellie’s lower lips, and sliding inexorably into her vagina.


The toy is achingly slow. It penetrates her at maybe an inch per minute, while Miriam lies beside it beneath the chair, making sure the equipment is anchored and lined up correctly. The dildo is fat and hard, with a huge, realistic cock head and thick veins. As it pushes deeper inside of her body, Ellie realizes that it must also be immensely long.

“Say when,” Miriam orders her.

“When what, ma’am? Oh, this feels so good…”

“When you’re full. To bursting.”

“Mmm hmm!” Ellie bites her lower lip. It’s been a long time since she was properly penetrated. The dildo is fatter and longer than anybody she’s ever been with, or any of her preferred toys. It feels just lovely. She clenches her fists, as it reaches the perfect spot. “When!”

Nothing happens. Miriam does nothing. The rod continues to creep forward, penetrating Ellie deeper and deeper. Ellie shuffles in her seat, or tries to, but she is thoroughly strapped down, and there is no escaping. “When, when! Oh!”

Miriam switches it off. This leaves the toy buried inside of Ellie’s body, just a little beyond her comfort zone. Ellie mewls. She wriggles her body on the pole, trying to adjust to her new intimate companion. “Thank you, ma’am…?”

“Don’t thank me yet,” Miriam says. She spends another few minutes adjusting the equipment. And then… the toy begins to withdraw, slowly and smoothly.

Ellie coos.

And the mechanical cycle continues. And, after withdrawing all but the tip, it reverses direction, and penetrates her again. Faster, this time. More firmly, more forcefully. It glides in between her labia, penetrating her right to the hilt. “Aaaha!” And then it withdraws, and she mewls again… and then it plunges into her once more, slowly, methodically fucking her.

Miriam stands, and comes back around to where Ellie can see her.

Ellie grins weakly. “Oh, ma’am! Thank you.”

Miriam produces a wired remote control. With a smirk, she turns a dial, causing the machine to slightly quicken its pace. “Does that feel good?”

Ellie squeaks. “Oh, yes! Yes, please! Thank you!”

Miriam tosses the remote in Ellie’s lap, where it’s useless to her. She can’t touch it. “Enjoy.”

Then she turns her attention back to Simone.


She hauls a comfortable chair over from the corner, and then hauls Simone’s latex-bound body over to it. She sprawls in the chair, one leg over the arm, and has Simone kneel in front of her, and provide her with oral service.

Simone is still bound from head to toe in latex. She is a shiny black serpent, with only her lips free. She can’t see what’s happening and can barely hear. She rises to her knees, massage toy still whirring away happily between her thighs. She bends blindly over her domme’s sex, and feasts, hungrily. With her arms clamped to her sides, she isn’t able to use her hands to steady herself or to give her domme additional stimulation.

Miriam stretches and gasps. Simone has, of course, undergone extensive oral training. Even blind, and not able to use any part of her body but her mouth, she knows exactly how to give her domme what she needs.

Miriam wriggles, and taps Simone on one shoulder. “A little slower,” she orders. With her legs still spread, she unbuckles her boots, and sets them aside, and flexes her toes.

Meanwhile, Ellie is gasping with pleasure, as the machine fucks her. She could be imagining things, but it feels as if the machine’s pace is steadily increasing. It takes long, patient strokes. It’s a much deeper and stronger lover than any man she’s ever been with. It would be nice, she thinks, if it gripped her around the hips. Or shoved a finger in her mouth, or squeezed her breasts. Like a real lover would. But it still feels good. “Ah!”

She makes eye contact with her domme. Miriam smiles broadly and shifts her hips, giving Simone better access. Miriam is still wearing her underwear, and Simone is working through the material, for now.

Ellie grins weakly in return. As minutes pass, she begins to gasp, each time the machine fills her up. To gasp and squeak. “Oh, yes!”

“Keep it down,” her domme orders.

“It’s so deep!” Ellie says. “Oh! Hnnn!”

Miriam scowls. She pushes Simone aside, unthreads her underwear from her legs and walks up to Ellie. She bundles the panties up and stuffs them into Ellie’s mouth. And then tapes her mouth shut.

“I said, be quiet.”

Ellie mumbles. The underwear tastes pleasant; it tastes like pussy. Miriam takes the remote control and advances the program a few steps. Ellie’s eyes widen, as the machine’s pace quickens.

Miriam retires to her seat, and Simone resumes her diligent service. Meanwhile, Ellie simply can’t remain quiet, she can’t help but squeal behind her improvised gag. The machine is working her hard, now. Reaming her, railing her. She tries, yet again, to shift her position, to ease her situation, but she is absolutely helpless. Her domme’s machine has its way with her, forcing thrust after fierce thrust into her, whether she likes it or not, whether she’s ready or not. Mechanical domination. She squeals and squeals.

It goes on for what feels like a marathon, constantly getting faster. No guy could keep this kind of pace up, no guy has the stamina. Ellie mumbles something through her gag, an incomprehensible question. She wants to know if she’s allowed to come.

“Yes–!” Miriam is clearly close to orgasm herself.

Ellie loses control. She couldn’t hold herself back if she wanted to. The machine forces her past her limit, forces itself through any kind of resistance she has. Her toes curl, and her eyes roll back, and she orgasms loudly, and wetly. And the machine doesn’t stop. It keeps going, harder and faster, all the way through her orgasm, and Ellie’s vision blurs, and she strains with all her might against her bondage, and the machine forces her back around the loop, forces her to her climax again. Or, it could just be a continuation of the first. She screams, muffled, and shakes her head.

Somewhere, Miriam is coming too, although nowhere near as loudly. “Come for me, young lady!” she orders.

Ellie clenches her fists, and obeys, and obeys a third time, and a blurry fourth. She has no choice. She bellows with ecstasy, or tries to. Helpless, she passes, again, into a kind of mindless pleasure space, where there’s no conscious thought, only the sensations her domme sees fit to give to her. A world where there is nothing but obedience, and submission, and the machine, and orgasm after mind-mangling orgasm.


Some time later, Ellie realizes that the machine is slowing to a halt. She trembles. Her mouth is empty again, and she can breathe freely. Her body aches, all over. Her pussy is very, very sore. She’s still strapped into the chair.

Simone gives her a friendly kiss on the lips. Simone is completely free of her latex cocoon now. She wears a cute thong and her usual thin leather choker, and nothing else. She is absolutely beautiful.

Miriam is standing a little further back, with an approving look on her face. “You put on a good show, young lady,” she tells Ellie. “Not many subs have the stamina for a session like that.”

“Uh huh,” Ellie says. Simone kisses her again, and holds her hand. Each kiss makes her feel a little better. “Can I have– ah.”

Simone gives her the rest of her energy drink. Before she finishes it, Simone is starting to tug interestedly at her straps, trying to fit a finger underneath them. She can’t do it. “God, this is really tight.” She has, of course, sat in the chair herself, many times. She explores her sister sub’s hard muscles, working her way down. She moves her own body down, bringing her pierced little tits briefly within reach of Ellie’s grasping hand. Ellie takes the opportunity to cup and teases her nipple, toying with the fat silver barbell, giving it a loving pinch. Simone smirks, and drops to her knees, and bends low.

She begins to massage Ellie’s feet.

Ellie loves to have her feet played with. They’re her most sensitive body part, aside from the usual. “Oh, yes please! Oh, thank you, Nymph.”

“Make her come,” Miriam orders. “Don’t touch her above the ankles.”

“Oh, ma’am,” Ellie says. “I don’t know. I’ve never come from just having my feet massaged. And–”

Simone strokes her in just the right place. Ellie sighs, heavily, involuntarily. A great big grin breaks out on her face.

“And?” Miriam prompts. She casts around. She should be holding a riding crop right now, something she can use to get her sub’s attention when it starts to wander, but it’s disappeared. She swears she had it earlier this evening. She must have set it down somewhere.

“And I just came, so hard,” Ellie goes on. “I don’t know if I have it in me… Oh!”

Simone has begun suckling on her toes, one by one. Ellie feels like she’s melting.

Miriam asks, “You need some assistance, getting over the line?”

“Yes, please, ma’am, but not the machine,” Ellie begs. “I’m so sore.”

“I’ll aim it up your ass instead, maybe?”

Ellie blanches.

Miriam circles around behind her. She bends down, and can be heard busying herself with the machine. “I didn’t hear an answer,” she reminds her sub. Where is that damned riding crop?

“If it would please you, ma’am,” Ellie answers, stiffly. In truth, this prospect scares her, quite a bit.

Miriam smirks.

She moves the machine back a little. Secretly, she swaps the dildo out for a smaller one with very similar proportions. She adds a fresh layer of lubricant gel to the dildo, and stuffs another fingerful of lube inside of Ellie’s anus. Then she switches the machine on, on its absolute slowest setting, and guides the toy in.

Ellie twitches, concerned. “Ah. Ah, ah. Ma’am, it’s not going to fit!” It doesn’t hurt. Much. But it is very strange. She doesn’t know the dildos were switched. She dreads to think what the monster is going to feel like once it’s all the way inside of her. “Ah! Nhh.” And Simone is still worshipping her feet. Rubbing expensive oil into her soles, now.

The dildo stops rising. Ellie feels achingly full. Miriam configures the machine for a much shorter stroke, just a gentle few inches, in and out. And then, a separate whirring begins, and Ellie yelps. The thing is vibrating! The oscillations rise and fall in waves, not quite matching the pumping motion, continually changing.

Miriam, satisfied that the machine is working well, slides the wired remote out between Ellie’s feet, handling control to Simone. Then she stands up and comes around in front of Ellie again. Ellie’s face is a delightful sight to behold, a confused mess of reactions to different sensations.

“A little better?”

Ellie is in quite a strange place. “I don’t know, ma’am? Oooh.”

“Now, where did I leave that riding crop?” Miriam wonders aloud.

Simone briefly stops suckling on Ellie’s left big toe. “In the master bedroom, ma’am,” she says. “This morning.”

“Oh? Oh, that’s too far.” Instead, Miriam goes over to the toy chest, behind Ellie’s chair, where she can’t see. She rummages for something else. “Ah. Here.”

She returns, carrying a strange-looking toy, a six-inch thin glass rod mounted in a hand grip. Ellie notes with some concern that the tool has a cable coming out of the other end — it’s plugged into the wall. It must draw a fair amount of power. It doesn’t look anything like a vibrator…

Miriam switches it on. It starts crackling, loudly, and the glass rod starts glowing violet inside. Miriam waves the rod in front of Ellie’s face, letting her see that it is filled with electrical sparks.

Ellie flashes a nervous look.

Miriam runs the violet wand across Ellie’s exposed skin. It buzzes when it’s in contact with her, and it yields a light, electrical stinging sensation. Ellie bites her tongue and whimpers. It actually feels great. Really exciting. It brings her skin to life.

Miriam increases the intensity one notch. She strokes her sub’s throat with it, her abs, her inner thighs.

“Oh, ma’am! This is…”

She can’t finish the sentence. She twitches and gasps. Miriam kisses her, deeply. Their tongues intertwine, and Miriam runs her free hand through Ellie’s hair. At the same time, she turns the wand up a little more, and draws a long curve down between Ellie’s legs.

“Mmm, yes please,” Ellie whispers. She tries to arch her back, to bring her body up to meet the wand, but she can’t.

Brushing against her pussy lips, the wand is electrifying. Literally. “Aih!” Ellie flexes her hands, and curls her toes. Down below, Simone giggles and massages her insteps. Ellie’s ass dildo buzzes insistently. Miriam rubs the wand up a little, and then down, against the upper part of Ellie’s pussy, against her hood. And then up, dragging the hood back, sparkling directly against her clit.

Ellie yowls.

She is just a body. No mind, just a knot of flesh, a passive receptacle for raw sensation, a mannequin, a happy joy toy. She squeals and flinches. Miriam turns away for a second to swap the glass rod for a fatter one with a bulb at the end. And then she stimulates Ellie’s sore pussy a little more, and then, at last, penetrates her with it.

“Aaah! Oh, please, ma’am! It hurts!”

“No, it doesn’t.”

Miriam is right. It doesn’t hurt. It’s weird but wonderful, it feels so good that it’s driving Ellie crazy. This is completely new to her, she’s never experienced anything like it. She likes it much more than the pinwheel. It may be her new favorite. Is it meant to be punishment? She doesn’t remember.

“Look at me.”

Ellie opens her eyes. Miriam is looking her in the eye.

“Now, come.”

Simone works a last piece of magic on the soles of Ellie’s feet. The plug in Ellie’s anus vibrates harder, and pumps a little faster, and tingling sparks fire up deep inside of her pussy, and she shrieks, and trembles, and climaxes once again. “Ah, thank you ma’am, thank you Nymph! More, please! More, please! AHH! YES!” It’s one of the weirdest orgasms she’s had.

Her domme and her sister sub give her a minute to catch her breath. And then, Miriam turns the wand up even more, and Simone turns the anal plug up too, and they take her to her climax one more time. Ellie babbles, and drools. Tears are streaming down her face by the time she’s done.


They untie her.

Ellie feels shattered. Like she was hit by a truck. She was strapped to the chair, being tormented almost without a break, for nearly two hours. She’s glowing. She can’t stop smiling. Was all of that punishment? Or pleasure? What’s the difference, anymore?

Miriam and Simone both cuddle her as she gets up. Simone gives her a robe to wear.

“You’re going to take a shower,” Miriam orders. “And then we’re going to curl up on a couch and watch a movie.”

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