Starting from Scratch Ep. 177: PUBLIC RELATIONS by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

8:15 PM…

Piper Cherry drug her weary ass through the front door of her home. Having stayed over at school far longer than she had planned on thanks to some very horny Detainees, Angus Furlong the final culprit in holding she and Josie McKellen hostage. In Josie’s case she was making up for lost time with her lover Coach Roman Crandell. As tired as she was Piper needed more wine so made a pitstop at a nearby liquor store to stockpile. Two cases in the back of her Ford Edge she felt it necessary to acquire in bulk with the busy weekend ahead. The birthday for the McKellen twins, which included celebrating ahead of time with Travis Herbert almost here she suddenly felt overwhelmed. So much to do! Too much to do.

Having heard her pull into the garage Piper’s nephew Mace Belmont, wore out himself after hours of sex and swimming with cheerleaders, not to mention his interesting mid-day romp with Kelly Herbert weighing on him he and Piper’s pooch Rotten met her just as the garage door crept down sealing her in.

“Just in time.” She left her window down after shutting off her vehicle. Popping her hatchback, she pointed to the rear. “”Carry in my wine.” Eager to help he fought against Rotten in his glee to let his owner know he missed her.

“Hello my baby. Yes, Mommy missed you too. Stop jumping on me before you ruin my dress.” She settled him down using her purse to block his attempts to pounce again. A whistle from Mace he settled down to a relentless tail wag. “I’m glad he listens to you. I really need to take a day and have you show me how to keep him in check.”

“He listens to you. Right now, he’s just excited. Two cases? You must be going to get really plowed.”

“Well, Roger Dundee is coming to the birthday bash, and I’ve invited him to stay the night.”

“I finally get to meet him.” Mace lifts both cases and puts them along the corner of the garage near the door. “I’ll open a case and chill a couple bottles for you. You still have one bottle in the fridge ready if you want some now.”

“In a few. Listen…” She steps up into the threshold of the home looking back at him. “I need you to get busy tomorrow and decorate the place for the birthday. If Henry needs help you offer your services tomorrow. I’m sure he’s pulling his hair out too.”

“No problem! I thought I’d mow his yard tomorrow as a surprise.”

“Good idea! I heard he plans on putting up a few tents in his backyard for the girls to camp out with friends so maybe help him there too. When I get home tomorrow, I’ll work on decorations as well. I just called Jesse Manley and gave him a monster list of things to buy so he will call you when he’s on his way over with everything.”

“Awesome! We can hang out maybe and put up some décor.” An instant flash in Piper’s mind about the posters being made of her she giggled lightly but kept the knowledge to herself.

“Josie might drop over again here shortly to plan out Saturday. What she can anyway. The stuff I have set in motion she doesn’t even know about.”

“Uhh? I don’t either.” He followed her on in and closed the door. Tailing her into her bedroom she sat her purse on her dresser then set about disrobing. Reeking of Detainee cum she needed a shower bad. Waving his hand over his face at her pungent aroma he frowned. “Roger nail you before you came home?”

“I wish.” His name did start with an R, but her final lover of the day was of all people Roman Crandell. Not what she planned but with Josie swiping Angus Furlong she was left alone with him. Not the first time he had his pecker in her, the first being the night they left the bar River Rats and performed their Chinese Fire Drill downtown. Short lived at that instance. In all reality short lived tonight. Roman came in five minutes. That’s what happens when you fuck a Grecian Goddess like Piper. His aunt totally nude, Mace simply stared, he too found her Goddess quality mesmerizing.

“You can wipe your drool anytime now.” She placed her dress in the laundry hamper just inside her massive walk-in closet. Sadly, only Rotten sitting next to Mace used his paw to roll it over his face as if wiping his chin. “He has better manners than you. Order us a pizza I’m starving.”

“On it!” He pulled his cell from his pocket and started to dial out from his contact list when he received a text. “Give it a rest already.”

“Who me?” Piper cocked a brow looking at herself in her dresser mirror.

“No. Kelly Herbert told Travis about our run in with a woman named Daphne Dillman who lives a few blocks over. She’s an MMA fighter so I goofily suggested she train Travis to defend himself better. He told me earlier those asshats that glued him into the mascot outfit messed with him again today. Did you know about that?”

“No, I didn’t. Why didn’t he come to me?” She appeared concerned.

“He said some chick named Chandra took care of it.”

“Chandra Mahcarti. She teaches Economics.”

“Sounds foreign.”

“India, I believe. Her parents are surgeons here in Nashville. She’s beautiful.”

“Oh wait! Is that the lady I saw the day I brought home Travis after he got pissed on? Yeah, she was hot. I totally forgot about her. HA! I think Trav has a teacher crush on her, she even gave him a ride home today.”

“That was nice of her. Did she give the twins a ride too?”

“No, they rode home with the cheerleaders. They came by to swim.”

“Did your little fishsticks, go swimming too?” She razzed him pointing at his penis. “Start wearing a condom before your parents have unexpected grandbabies. You know Mona will kick your ass.”

“I know! I know! They all say they’re on the pill. Hey! You’re one to talk. I bet you don’t enforce rubbers either.”

“You hush!” She knew he was right. “I should just get my tubes tied. I have no plans on ever being a mommy.”

“Grampa Lane would be pissed if you did that. Bad enough Aunt Bree is a lesbian lowering those chances to adoption.”

“He knows I don’t want kids. Especially after Davon. They might still hint around but I’ve made it very clear I don’t want motherhood. I’m happy being the hot daughter and aunt.”

“I’m happy you’re a hot aunt too.” He chuckled. “Sorry for the hard on.” His sweats were popping out.

“I’m used to that… thing. Oh, about last night. You seemed awful interested in what Josie and I were up to.”

“You know I can’t help it. I find Josie smoking hot. Easy enough to know what Dakota and Sable will look like in a few years.”

“How much did you overhear Snoop Dawg?”

“About her secret rendezvous? Don’t worry I won’t rat her out. She sounded really impressed by whoever nailed her at that hotel.”

“She was. I’m shocked Roman even agreed to that.” She knew she should have questioned Roman about describing the young lover but totally forgot to do her detective work. That and she knew Josie wouldn’t want to embarrass Roman by admitting he took part in a DP session with the random fucker. Better to just let it go. “At any rate you need to lay low on your flirting with her.”

“I know she swore to you she wouldn’t have sex with me. I’m not pushing it.” Just taking it behind everyone’s back. Sneaky motherfucker!

“Thank you. She’s my best friend and I just don’t ever want things to get ugly between us. She’s uncontrollable as it is… between you and me. Please don’t let on to her girls.”

“I won’t. They pretty much know she’s a slut anyway. I mean come on they saw you and her getting gangbanged by the moving guys when they brought your furniture from Atlanta. They’re suspected this Roman guy all along too.”

“Tip of the iceberg lettuce but you’re right. Still, I worry about her girls. How did movie night go? Long overdue my questioning you, isn’t it?”

“Truth? or Dare?” He chuckled.

“Oh lord! Tell me it didn’t go too far.”

“Uhh? Define too far.”

“Still virgins, right?”

“Oh yeah! I would never take those. Too messy. I’d rather have experience.”

“Plenty of that with my Pep Squad.” She laughed. “I’m going to shower. Order that pizza procrastinator.”

“Right! Oh! Do we have any gift wrap? I need to wrap Trav’s birthday gift before he finds it.”

“What did you buy him?”

“A drone.”

“That’s all he needs. I’ll be sunbathing and he’ll be hovering five feet above my head.”

“Three feet. Just saying! Even more he’ll be peeping in Sable’s window. His luck he’ll fly into the glass. Or a power line.”

“No doubt!” She moved on to her bath and started her shower. She hadn’t planned on washing her hair but with all the jizz in it she knew it was a must. Wandering as the water heated up, she glanced out her bedroom window with no curtains and saw Travis in his bedroom playing video games. “At least he’s not beating off on his balcony.”

Speaking of she looked to the left of the Herbert home and spotted Knox Hardecker hanging out with some boy she didn’t recognize. “Hmm? Haven’t seen him at Horton-Dexter. Must be from another school. Had your chances boys.” She shook her tits at them then headed back into her bath and stepped into her shower. While soaping up her luffa she looked down at her glass door and grit her teeth. “Why the hell did I lick up Mace’s jizz with Josie? I’m only encouraging them both to break her promise. I really should stop being so random myself.” Mace did taste yummy. “Uggggh!”

In the kitchen leaning on the island Mace called in his pizza and responded back to Travis over Daphne. “Dude! I’ll introduce you to her after this weekend. Aunt Piper has me spread thin over decorating and helping Mister McKellen do yard work tomorrow.” He knew he needed to stop texting, having fucked the boy’s mother earlier and the bondage he exposed her to it was making him nervous. There was just so many secrets to keep from various people. He couldn’t even finish telling Piper how bad things got over movie night. How he let both twins suck his dick, again betraying Travis by allowing Sable. Then turning around Sunday and putting hot wax all over Dakota. Some friend he was. “I’m a piece of work.” So why was he smiling?

Reading Mace’s reply on his cell Travis stopped his GTA game and settled back over his homework, shoving it aside. A late supper smelling wonderful he sighed over Daphne and rolled out of bed. “Let’s go down and spend time with Mom. No Dominic tonight I can actually talk to her about today.”

Hesitating at his bedroom door he pictured Chandra Mahcarti all up in Neo’s face today over some video on his cell. “Wonder why she won’t tell me what it was she saw? Chandra is so cool. Maybe I should… what am I thinking?” He envisioned kissing Chandra but just as quickly pictured being caught by Sable. “Sorry Sable! I won’t betray you babe.” Uh huh! Too bad Sable couldn’t say the same. Before the evening was over, both of them were in for a long night.

With Piper in the shower Mace stood vigilant in the kitchen looking at his cell. Pulling up the video of he and Josie at the hotel, the close up of his penetration of her cunt from behind, he turned the volume up. Mesmerized by how wide his dick was in prying her vulva to uncanny limits he grinned smugly. “I stretched that hole out. Listen to her scream, she loved it.” Oh, that twat had been wider in the last week young man. Fisted even at both ends. Bragging rights were elsewhere Junior. Still, she did indeed love how he made her feel. So, into hearing her wails he lost track of what was around him. The front door opening and closing went right over his head.

Entering their home Josie McKellen heard the cell speaker and froze in step. The woman’s voice although no words only cries of pure ecstasy sounded extremely familiar. Taking her flip flops off at the door she quietly peeked around the corner of the short hallway into the kitchen. Mace leaning on the island nodding with pride made her suspicious. Just as he had last Sunday while she was cutting up pants for Piper she snuck past the door and circled around to come in from the outer archway. Moving behind him just as he replayed the video, she went up on tiptoe to look over his shoulder to see the video in action. All dick and tight ass, she puckered her lower lip. Cute bottom whoever she was. Big dick whomever he was.

“What’cha doing?” She tapped his shoulder sending him upright and hiding his cell behind his back as he turned. His sweats pushing out collided with her pelvic bone.

“FUCK! Don’t scare me like that.”

“Watching porn again?”

“You caught me.” He quickly shut his video off and put the cell on the counter. “I look up porn videos when I’m bored. I like finding guys with big dicks like mine to get ideas on how to fuck girls. That dude was tearing her up.”

“It sounded… like… it.” He was worried she would say him.

“Don’t you have a home?” He chuckled.

“You know you like it when I stop by.” She batted her eyes at him. “I warned Piper I’d be over after I changed clothes. I think I beat her home by ten minutes. We’re supposed to go over Saturday’s plans for the girl’s birthday.”

“Yeah, she told me. I’m going to run a few errands tomorrow for whatever supplies Jesse Manley doesn’t get. After that I’m going to mow your yard, so Mister McKellen doesn’t have to. Aunt Piper mentioned tents, so I’ll help him there too.”

“Aww! That’s sweat of you.” She was looking at his tented sweats. “Sweet I mean. Speaking of tents.” He looked down at himself and chuckled. Tugging his sweatpants down his 9.2 popped up between them. “And there’s the pole.”

“Dare you to touch him.” Oh, was he cocky!

“That would break my oath to Piper. Of course, touching and fucking are two different things.” She lifted her right hand and tapped her index finger on his crown right over the urethra. Precum pooled up stuck to her fingertip. Looking at her finger she simply wiped it off on his pants. She didn’t want to get his hopes too high. If he knew she and Piper licked his jizz off the shower door last night, he would never stop trying. Shame on them! “Where’s Auntie?”

“In the shower. She should be about done.” He stroked his cock just out of meanness.

“I could use one too.” She fidgeted lowering her eyes to his beefy crown. Images of her hotel paramour flooding her thoughts she sighed. The guy’s erection had to have been as big as Mace. While wondering if it really could have been Mace, she just couldn’t wrap her brain around that kind of betrayal. Surely not! Would it have been so bad if it were him? It wasn’t like she instigated and lured him to the hotel. She didn’t see his face or hear his voice so even if it was him, she could only fantasize.

“Water’s probably still hot if you want to join her again.”

“I didn’t shower but I did take a whore’s bath at home. Clean enough to escape the stink.”

“Smell delicious to me.”

“So sweet! Hurry it up.”

“Hurry? You’re letting me jerk off in front of you again?” His eyes bulged.

“You have until I can’t hear Piper’s water running.”

“OH, FUCK YEAH!” His grip went turbo at her encouragement. “We’re not breaking Aunt Piper’s rule unless I put this in you right?”

“I’m sure she thinks otherwise but… do the cameras see us here in the kitchen?” She looks about.

“No! Only the entry way, her bedroom, and the living room so far. That Michael guy who installed the cams is supposed to add a few more but he won’t do that until after this weekend.”

“Good!” She turned her back to him and slid her fingers down her tight yellow shorts and tugged them down over her ass and bent over palming her knees. “Now you can picture yourself watching that porn.”

“Oh fuck! You are too cool.” His dick tapped her ass making her grit her teeth.

“Careful back there.”

“Can I… put it between…? Between your shorts and your gap?”

“If it reminds you of your porn. Just don’t stick it in me. Don’t cum on me there either it will stain my shorts and Piper will notice.”

“Cool! I won’t.” Priming his head along her butt crack he followed it down until it slid forward, his crown touching her pussy he expressed awe behind her back. She could see his face in actions at least in the reflection from the oven door. Funny that her daughters Dakota and Sable had used that black mirror to spy on his cock before too. Deja View!

“Better hurry!”

“I’m full throttle now.” He grumbled feeling himself ready to nut all up on her, in her like the hotel. This was a dream come true, she was oblivious, his huge cock was tantalizing her imagination into thinking of her random lover. The more he joined her fantasy the faster his palm thrashed his beast. “Getting close! Fuck Josie! This is… God, I want you.” She held her breath in that hopeful statement but said nothing. It was safer that way. Too much encouragement and even she might relent.

The shower stopping Josie jumped upright and found his dick sliding through her labia and popping out in front of her. Eyes flaring, she looked down to see his dick firing jizz out in front of her. The firepower so violent the distance of it collided with the oven door. “Well now! That’s… some serious…” Again, he pelted the reflection. She had to fan herself over what it might have felt like having that much power inside her at the time of detonation. Stunned, she stepped forward allowing his dick to slide back through her labia and away, his damp urethra creasing her ass cheek leaving a droplet or three.

“Sorry!” He used his sweats to wipe her cheek. As soon as he finished tidying up the doorbell rang making him jump again. “Dammit! Pizza’s here… that was fucking fast.” Pulling his sweats up he grits his teeth and tried to hide his boasting erection while answering the door. The second Mace vanished to open it, Josie looked at the trickling down jizz on the stove door and knelt down to lick the reflective surface just as she had the shower door last night. No sharing with Piper this time she cleaned it up in record time. Standing up and pulling her shorts back over her hips she snatched up a hand towel and cleaned the rest of the door. Good as nude! NEW!

“Hey! You guys deliver faster than Jimmy John’s.” Mace chuckled at the buff young man holding a warming tray. Handsome dude removed the pizza just as Mace realized he didn’t have his wallet handy. “Shit! Come on in, I need to run upstairs for your money. Sorry man!”

The guy nodded and entered the door as Piper’s pup Rotten appeared smelling hot food. Seeing Mace bolt upstairs Josie decided to rescue the delivery driver from a grumpy dog. “He won’t bite you.” She appeared then swiftly recognized the driver. “Oh, my gosh! Bannon Walsh. I haven’t seen you since you graduated. You used to hang out with Jesse Manley.”

“Mrs. M? You live here? Name on the ticket is Belmont.”

“My best friend, his aunt does. I live right next door.”

“Nice! You look as hot as ever.” She took the pizza from him and turned her back to take it into the kitchen, the driver following those tight yellow shorts with interest. “Hotter even.”

“I hear that almost daily. It’s good to see you Bannon. Didn’t I hear something about you going into the Physical Therapy field?”

“Just a massage therapist.” He chuckled. “I deliver pizza part time. You’re actually my final delivery of the night. Wednesdays are kind of slow.”

“Then you should hang out here and give Piper and I a massage.”

“Uhh? If I do, I’ll need to call my boss.”

“Start dialing. Don’t go anywhere I need to warn Piper. She’s a free spirit so you might get an eye full. Notice no curtains or blinds?”

“Wow! That’s… bold.”

“Aren’t we all?” She shakes her 34B’s for all their worth at him. She had always thought Bannon was sexy as hell but back then, she tried her best to behave. Since Piper brought out her younger days and stepped up her game, she often relived her students daily while checking her out. Bannon was no exception.

Leaving him and coaxing Rotten to follow her rather than spook the man she shuffled into the bedroom and closed the door keeping Rotten there with her. Going to the bathroom Josie saw Piper prepping to dry her hair. “I’m here! I’ve got a surprise for you. Ready for a massage?”

“You in a giving mood?”

“No, I’m in a sharing mood.” She winked. “Wrap your towel and come meet someone I used to teach. He’s friends with Jesse.”

“Interesting! Now that you mention massage… I was going to surprise you tomorrow but… you know what… let’s just keep that lunch date tomorrow. No plans with Reese, got it?”

“Okay, I’ll warn him.”

Towel held but not tied Piper primped her wet hair to at least look acceptable. Josie grabbing her hand led her out of the bedroom, Rotten storming after them. Dragging her to the hallway they found Mace wearing a longer shirt now to mask his troublesome erection. Having just paid the man, Bannon was on his phone with his boss. Luckily it sounded promising. “I’ll bring you this money tomorrow, Dave. I got hired to massage an old teacher of mine. Yeah, she’s hot.” He winked at Josie then got his first look at the bustier Piper. Towel dropped Piper demanded a recount. “Whoa! Make that two hotties.”

“What… is going on?” Mace looked lost.

“Go to your room.” Piper directed him. “Take Rotten with you.”

“Oh, come on!”

“I’m fine if he watches Piper. It’s not like he didn’t see us yesterday… all those other times.” Josie whispered.

“Eat your pizza and behave.” Piper changed her mind. Brushing past Mace, she stepped into the kitchen following the scent of pepperoni. Lifting the lid, she snatched up a slice and turned using both hands to eat it. Stepping in something sticky she looked down at the floor. “You spill a drink Mace?”

“Yeah! I’ll clean it up.” A devilish grin was shared with Josie.

“I’m a free man.” Bannon put away his cell and the cash. “Let me toss this warmer in my car and I’ll be right… I just realized I don’t have my table or my supplies.”

“I have oils.” Piper chewed with a giggle. “You just use those big hands of yours. Fingers too. Do you do Nuru?”

“Nuru?” Bannon busted up. “I’ll give it a shot.” No way was he not getting up close and personal with Piper and Josie. Josie was his crush all through high school. “You teach at Horton-Dexter too?”

“Counsellor. Jesse’s dad hired me on.”

“Oh, yeah! Jesse did mention you. Holy crap! He wasn’t kidding, you are stacked.”

“These lil’ ole’ things?” She palmed her 38D and shuffled it about. “Oops! Tomato sauce. Help me out Sloppy Josie?”

“Me sloppy?” She drooped her jaw then glared at Bannon. “Extremely sloppy.” Easing over to Piper, Josie licked the sauce from Piper’s under boob. Bannon was blown away.

A dramatic shiver on Piper’s part sent Josie upright and laughing, “What was that?”

“Little Seizures! Pizza! Pizza!” Piper jested, everyone groaning over her humor. “Oh, come on I’ve made worse jokes.” Slow audience, they all finally laughed. “So, Bannon… you know Jesse?”

“Yep! He’s, my boy. Not quite as much now that we’ve graduated and moved on with our lives.”

“You know Tawny?” Mace chimed in.

“Dude! Everyone knows Tawny.” He chuckled. “If you haven’t… you will.”

“Tapped her.” Mace bragged.

“Freshman year.” Bannon shared a smug grin. “I got her before Jesse did.”

“Last weekend.” Piper raised her hand. Mace knew and found himself surprised she admitted it. “Jesse too.”

“Nice!” Bannon puckered his lower lip.

“Might as well join the crowd. Stays in this kitchen. Henry and I got her when she stayed the night with my girls.”

“Holy shit!” Mace dropped his jaw. “Mr. McKellen did too? That’s insane.”

“Girl’s got game.” Bannon nodded with an impressed look.

“Bannon reminds me of Ryan Phillippe.” Piper beguiled the young man. “I hope he has cruel intentions.”

“Where are we doing this?” He briskly rubbed his palms together.

Scratching his head Mace offered a query, “Wasn’t that actor in The Shooter TV series?”

“Oh, he’s going to do a lot of shooting before this night is over.” Piper walked around the island and clutched the boy by his shirt. “Follow me my Outlaw Josie Wails.” She directed Josie into tailing them, acting almost as if joining a conga line in their teetering from side to side.

“Well fuck!” Mace stood alone. Pizza smelled good. Scarf!

Taking Bannon to her bedroom Piper shut her bedroom door but left it unlocked. Stunned by Josie’s head start at taking his shirt off Bannon looked at her with admiration. “You have no idea how many times I fucked my mattress picturing you beneath me Mrs. M.”

“Aww! If I’m being honest, I used to strip you with my eyes many times your senior year. Not to ruin your moment but you were hardly the only one I seduced mentally.” She giggled tugging his shirt over his head, taking his ballcap off she put it on her own head for safe keeping.

“Trust me I could literally name off fifty guys back then that wanted to fuck the shit out of you.”

“Mmm! I’m certain most of those names would be on my list too. If I could only go back in time.” Piper was kneeling before him taking his tennis shoes and socks off. Josie in turn unfastening his belt.

While they teamed up on his pants Josie pondered words that Reese Teller and her old classmate Ted Colter, the bus driver had told her. Ted suggested getting a bunch of her back in the day school friends together for drinks sometime. All of those young men at the time who were cheated out of being with teenage Josie due to getting pregnant thanks to Henry. Her heart skipped a beat thinking of that possible rendezvous. Not only the older set but in Reese’s case he had teased that she should get together with her past students. Bannon here being one of them certainly gave her inspiration. Maybe!

Boxers to his ankles the ladies mused over his eight-inch erection. “That’s worthy.” Piper inspected it with her fingers. Josie toying with his thick crown added, “Royal blue… it must be purple Bannon. Get hornier.”

“Get your clothes off I guarantee it’s purple in thirty seconds.”

“Test that theory Pussycat.” Piper winked, lightly blowing on his urethra as an added assist. Two swift moves of shorts down, camisole up and over Josie was naked.

“Well? Am I as sexy as you envisioned?”

“I see purple.” Piper laughed. Bannon’s facial expression was still coping with believing that this was even happening.

“Did Jesse brag about our giving him a blowjob?”

“He never said a word. Asshole!”

“That would be located… here.” Josie turned her back, bent forward and pried her cheeks wide to show off her expectant pucker. “Does Bannon want to put that big dick in here?”

“Fuck yes!”

“Massage first.” Piper stood up and pinched Josie’s nose. “You slow down Missy. I want to see what Bannon here has.” A swift removal of all her bedding, save for the fitted sheet, Piper threw herself into bed and got cozy. For all of a second. “SHIT! He needs oil.” Looking around for it she couldn’t find it. “What the fuck?” A grumble leading her to her bedroom door she flings it open prepared to yell at Mace. To her shock he stood right outside holding the tray of various oils he had forgotten to bring down from movie night Sunday when he massaged Dakota up in his bedroom.

“Special delivery.”

“Quit using my stuff. Buy your own.” She took the tray and kicked the door shut. Mace simply laughed and went to the security monitor to watch the action on the small screen. He couldn’t believe she would be mad when he even took time to heat a couple vials of oil in the microwave. Nice nephew that he was!

“Love you too… Auntie Bitch!” He didn’t really mean that. Piper was too good to him. “Nothing like a big screen TV for Ant Man.” He squinted at the monitor on the wall as it recorded. “Let’s just add to the Wasp List.” Watch list! Yep! Cherry at heart! His cellphone out and camera activated he started recording their actions in good ole’ black and white. Sad when Piper was going to be able to witness him do it from the hall camera, only she had access to delete footage. He really should have tossed his t-shirt over the lens.

In Piper’s room she and Josie stretched out on their tummies giggling like schoolgirls as Bannon utilized the warm oil. Indecision as to whom got first dibs Piper relented and rolled on her side facing Josie, wet hair in her palm as it held her head up. “Take care of your fantasy there Bannon. I can wait.”

“I love you.” Josie kissed at her until Piper rolled in and actually kissed her, Bannon silently whistling at his luck. He didn’t know Mrs. M was into girls. Straddling Josie’s legs his dick lay out right along her butt crack. Low lighting was used to protect the innocent, meaning Bannon from the likes of Perbert or Knox should they be snooping. Henry for that matter should he be up on his bedroom balcony. No such luck he was busily working on Frisque to attack his deadlines.

“Mmmm!” Josie mumbled within Piper’s lips, Bannon wasn’t certain if her enjoyment was from his strong hands oiling her back and shoulders, his dick rising up as he stretched forward, or her lip lock. Did it matter? He knew she wanted fucked. Both these whores did. Lucky day Pizza Boy! He wasn’t even bothered by the camera pointed right down at him. Bannon had the rugged good looks to be a porn star. Almost as if sensing Mace might be watching Bannon looked over his shoulder at the camera and grinned, nodding to his distant voyeur. From his angle on screen Mace saw mostly Bannon.

“Is that dude… hitting on me?” Mace stopped recording with his cell when he realized that he had Bannon center screen. No Josie outside of her legs in view, Aunt Piper on her side making out but obstructed by Bannon’s muscular shoulders. “Fuck me! All I’m getting is his ass hole winking at me every time he leans forward. This sucks! I should be the one in there massaging Josie… Aunt Piper too. I…”


“FUCK! I wish everyone wouldn’t keep sneaking up on me. If that’s Trav… no he’d just walk right in. So would Mister McKellen, definitely the twins. As late as it’s getting…” Through the peep hole in the door, he winced at an unexpected face. “Dude works fast.”

Opening the door Mace confronted, “Jesse the Man… ley. Delivering at almost 10:00?”

“I was bored so I hit the stores for Piper’s list. She owes me $600 big ones. Wanna help me carry in bags?”

“Sure!” Mace claims the bag Jesse had in his hands and sets it quickly on the kitchen island before stepping out. Breezing by him and darting about Rotten was free of his leash. “Don’t you run off or I’ll beat your chew toy.”

“Isn’t that chew toy one of Piper’s dildos?” Jesse laughed.

“Ha fucking Ha! Back to your business car I see.”

“Mustang’s only for weekends and dates. I put all the excess work mileage on the beater with the seater. That car over there looks like my buddy Bannon’s.” He nodded to the Toyota Corolla.

“That’s because it is. He delivered us a pizza until Piper and Josie attacked him. He’s giving them a massage in Piper’s room.”

“No shit! Threesome!” He laughed. “I mentioned Piper to Ban, looks like he finally found her. Just so you know I wasn’t trying to set up anyone. I do watch what I reveal about people. My dad would beat my own chew toy.”

“Funny! How’s Tawny?”

“Dunno! Probably taking it up the ass with some guy. She’s usually running around until midnight on school days. Her folks can’t control her.” Bags hauled in Mace keeps close tabs on Rotten sniffing around by the mailbox.

“I still can’t believe you let her see other guys.”

“Better to let her than lose her. I love that slut.”

“What kind of relationship is that though? I mean…”

“I get other girls so how can I deny her other guys? Relax Buddy! Look how much pussy you’re getting with cheerleaders alone. Hell, I bet you could nail Josie if you tried.” Mace turned pale a moment, tempted to confide that he already had. Better not!

“Probably! Only thing is Aunt Piper forbid her to fuck me. She and I tease but that’s about all I get out of it. At least you had Josie when she and Aunt Piper blew you. You haven’t fucked Josie yet, have you?”

“Naw! Bet Bannon gets her ass tonight though.”

“That’s a given. They haven’t even had wine yet.” Second trip complete. “Any of this stuff refrigerated?”

“Yeah! I’ll stick around and help you put things away.”

“Thanks… shit! Where did Rotten go?” Mace passed bags off to Jesse to search the shadows. “Here Rotten!” He called then whistled. “FUCK ME!” The dog was nowhere to be seen. “Don’t do this to me. Aunt Piper will kill me if he runs off.” Heading out to the street he peered up and down it. So close to the entrance to Hooter’s Crossing he feared the dog might be lured out of the housing division. “He couldn’t have gone too far.”

In the distance he caught a glimpse of activity but the streetlights weren’t as grand as they could be. Taking off in hopes he was right he passed the McKellen home, then Darren and Lindsey’s. “It is him. Who’s he pestering?” A sprint closer he realized who it was. “Hell yeah! Hey Daphne!”

“I think Rotten smelled Achilles.” The extremely fit brunette wearing black shorts and a blue tank top restrained her own dog as the pups sniffed at one another playfully.

“I’m just glad it’s you he ran up on. Anyone else might have been pissed off. Good to see you.” All of her, his eyes roaming her curves in the glow of the ornate pole light.

“You must live close by.”

“Five houses down. Walk with me so Rotten heads that way without me dragging him by his collar.”

“Heading that way anyway. Lead on Mister Mace.”

“Don’t you fight tomorrow?”

“I do. You remembered. You should come see me kick ass.”

“I would love to see your ass… kick another ass.” He laughed, “I didn’t say that right.”

“Chill out! I’m not that modest. So where does Kelly live?”

“Show you in just a second. You can see her house from my aunt’s. Kel lives right behind us.”

“Uh oh!” Daphne paused, “I know that car over there.”

“Pizza guy or the Delivery guy?”

“Pizza sign on the roof. Do you know Bannon Walsh?”

“Just met him tonight. How do you know him?”

“Uh? He’s, my masseuse. Well, one of them.” She sighed. “Bannon hangs out at the fights here in town trying to drum up business. He’s good with his hands.”

“I’m better.” He jested playfully squeezing his hands as if gripping her tits. “Shit! That looked bad, didn’t it?”

“You worry too much.”

“Can’t help it. I don’t want you to think the worst of me.”

“I’m not naïve Mace. I see you checking me out.” She smirked. “Just don’t go falling in love. I’m a free spirit. I don’t really date, I kind of like the single life.”

“I wasn’t… trying to date you.” He froze in step as the dogs frolicked pulling on her leash. A bolt around them trapped Mace and Daphne in a loop and pulled them closer until body on body. “CRAP! Sorry!”

“How is this your fault? Achilles behave yourself before you… FUCK!” Tripped by the dogs Daphne starts to fall backwards. In a safety net moment Mace reached out to grab her but clutched only her shirt in maintaining his own balance. RIP! Breast in full view she swayed being held up only by his grip on it.

“ROTTEN STOP!” He lost his cool knowing this looked bad. As Daphne reached out to grab his arm, she began to pull herself back up when the dogs wrestled about again. Nope! Going down! Her balance failed and she hit the grass of Darren and Lindsey’s yard. Mace held on to, fell right on top of her as the dogs yelped. His face right between her opened cleavage his embarrassed exhale cascaded her exposed nipple. “So wrong!” He mumbled, his lips moving over her breast.

“You’re telling me.” She laughed. “Not your fault Mace. Now if your mouth there goes around my areola then yes, I’ll blame you.”

“I hate my dog.” He peeled up from her but laid his chin on her tit until he could formalize a way out of their entanglement, both of their legs pinned by the tightened leash. Even worse Rotten took it upon himself to apologize to Daphne in licking her face. Easing up on his arms Mace let Daphne fend Rotten off giving him time to look down between them.

“Fuck my sweats are sticking out like a coat hanger.” Peering closer he noticed the tip of his sweat hook was beneath her loose-fitting shorts. Dim lighting prevented seeing pussy, but he just knew she wasn’t wearing underwear.

“Achilles?” He grumbled, “Stop pulling the leash tighter Buddy.” Bad enough his sweats were tugging low on his hips. One wrong move his dick was going to escape the waistband. Now that would be really bad. “Ugggh! I’m going to have to unhook Achilles, or we’re stuck together.”

“You have got to be joking. We would be chasing these two for hours if he’s free.” She tried shifting her weight only to find her own shorts slipping from her hips. “Nope! Can’t drag myself out or I’ll lose my trunks.”

“Same here!” Mace laughed then mimicked the sound of an elephant. “Wish I could say down Simba but this close to you there’s zero chance of my trunk going down.”

“Unreal!” She busted up laughing along with him. “You did not just compare your dick to an elephant’s trunk.”

“Hey! When there’s sway there’s a way. I’m packing a derm.”

“Not hilarious! Grab Achilles collar then unhook him, but don’t you dare let go or he’s going to run.”

“Right! Nice Achilles.” Mace was at such a bad angle. In stretching the head of his dick slipped from his sweats and touched her upper thigh.

“WAIT!” She rolled her eyes. “I think your trunk just fell out. I feel… wetness. JESUS CHRIST! Did you cum on me?”

“Precum! Just chill, I’m not trying to get fresh. Just cut me some slack it’s not on purpose.”

“HEY! QUIT LICKING ME!” She snapped at Rotten.

“I’m not.” Mace teased her. “You would know if I was.”

“Not funny! Get the job done dammit!”

Gripping Achilles collar praying the Pitbull didn’t bite him under stress he unhooked the leash. Once it wasn’t as taunt, he tried to untangle them. Achilles getting rambunctious yanked on Mace’s arm dragging him forward toward Rotten. In a competition both dogs began licking Daphne forcing her to fight off both. “NOT MY NIP!” She scolded Achilles, trying to pull her torn tank up over her bare breast to avoid saliva.

“OWWW!” Mace felt a twinge in his shoulder at the tug. His body drug higher over Daphne the crown of his dick slid right up under her shorts at her right thigh. Pubes! “Crud! This is embarrassing. I knew she didn’t have panties on. Hairball!” He whined trying not to laugh.

“TOO CLOSE!” She panicked.

“As if I’m trying. I might have to let Achilles go he’s going to break my arm.”

“I’m going to break that third arm if it gets any closer to my… shit!” Rubbed right over her clit. “Let me grab the collar. You untangle or we’re never going to get out of this mess.” She battles her way to achieve that goal with her left arm. In trying to resist Rotten as well, she used her right hand to grip his collar. In doing so Rotten repositioned to the other side of her and between he and Achilles yanked her arms wide her boob revealed all over again. “DAMMIT! HURRY THE FUCK UP MACE.”

Staring down at her Mace busted up laughing. “Tied to the headboards!”

“Fuck you!”

“Wasn’t my intention but now that you…” He managed to remove the leash from around their legs. Before he could even crawl off of her, she wrapped her legs around him in a leglock that took away his fight. “What the hell? Am I suddenly your opponent MMA?”

“Don’t move.” She huffed. In the oddest moment ever, Mace felt his dick get pelted by a warm liquid release. “My turn to say, I’m sorry.”

“Did you pee on me?”

“No, you moron I just came. Your dick rubbing on my clit… get the fuck off me and hook Achilles leash, I’m mortified enough as it is.”

“I made you cum just… laying on you?” Her legs removed he crawled forward to his knees but kept his dick up under her twisted shorts. Agitating her clit further, on purpose this time, he clasped the clip over Achilles collar. Crawling left over her he snatched up Rotten by his own collar. “Okay! I think we have this under CUNTrol! Now that was on purpose.” He laughed.

“I’m sorry I… came on you.”

“Don’t be. My turn.” He chuckled.

“What? I never said you could…” She felt threads of cum shoot over her pubes. “How did you… you didn’t even jerk it.”

“I guess we’re both good at self-control. Now we’re even.” He pulled out from beneath her shorts and let her get a good look at his weeping monster before tucking it into his sweats.

“Holy fuck! Do you take steroids for that?”

“Naw! Just good DNA.” Climbing to his feet he pulled Rotten to his side and scolded him. Daphne standing up felt his jizz trickling down her leg and primped at her shorts to soak it up. “Mad at me?”

“Mad at me?”


“This does not mean we’re fucking sometime.” She pointed at him.

“Never asked to. Not that I wouldn’t be honored.”

“Your shoulder, okay?” She saw him wince.

“Might need a massage myself now.”

“Bannon is in your aunt’s house.” She laughed. “Trust me I know his hands. I found a better guy though and he lives just a few blocks over. Josh is amazing.” Yeesh! Just ask the McKellen twins. They had felt his talent earlier today.

“Not letting a guy rub me down. Shit!” He looked toward his home. “Wonder where Jesse is?”

“Who’s Jesse?”

“He’s the son of the Principal at Horton-Dexter where Aunt Piper and Josie work.”

“Now who is Josie?”

“English teacher! She lives right over there, next door to us.”

“Ah!” They began walking toward Piper’s house. “Mace?”


“If you want a massage… I’ll give you one. No happy endings though.”


“Yes. It’s my dog that put us in that mess and he hurt your shoulder. It’s only fair I make this right.”

“If you want to… you know I’d…, can I give you one?”

“Step at a time. Walking over to my house for it?”

“We can go up to my room. I have stuff to put away in the fridge. Jesse did some shopping for the twin’s birthday on Saturday. Burgers and such.”

“Need help?”

“If you want. Oh! There’s where Kelly lives.” He pointed out the Herbert home through the yards.

“Cool! I’ll stop by and say hi sometime.”

Heading up to the front door to Piper’s home they entered. Without remorse he took Rotten out to the pool and let he and Achilles run rampant. Finding all the perishables put away Mace pumped his fist. “Jesse took care of it. So awesome!” Then it dawned on him, “Where did… aw hell.” Daphne followed him about as he motioned her to the tiny surveillance monitor. In it he let her see into Piper’s bedroom.

“Wow! Peeping tom much?” She bent forward to squint at the show. Bannon was performing Nuru massage over Piper; Josie was sliding up along Bannon sandwiching him in between she and Piper. “That looks fun.”

“Now who’s the peeper?” He laughed.

“That must be Jesse.” She pointed a nail at the screen. Mace now wincing to see found Jesse eating at Josie’s asshole over the top of everyone else. “He’s cute.”

“So am I.” Jealousy erupted in a playful expression.

“You’re alright. Got oil?”

“It’s all in… there.”

“Hmm!” Taking Mace by his hand she led him toward the moans, easy enough to track. At the door she turned the knob and eased it open. Mace was worried Piper might yell at him for entering but she was too busy feeling Bannon’s dick zeroing in on her cunt. Big bed with room still, Daphne turned to Mace and helped him out of his shirt then his sweats, he kicking his tennis shoes off on his own. Once nude she took him to the bed and pushed him in on his belly.

The sudden addition to their ranks Bannon saw Daphne and busted up. “How’s it going Daphodil?”

“Keeping busy. Just another arena.” She winked at him then found the bottle of oil on the mattress and saturated Mace’s entire backside. In his face down position, he could look Piper right in the eye. Piper glancing up at Daphne flared her eyes.


“You must be the aunt.” Daphne grinned rubbing Mace’s back.

“That would be me. Daphodil?”

“I’m Daphne Dillman. I live four blocks over. Mace and I… met when walking the dogs.”

“I see. You’re going to get oil all over your clothing.”

“Shirts useless now anyway.” Daphne removed her torn tank top. “Eyes on your job Bannon.” She chuckled eying Josie. “That must make you the English teacher.”

“J-J-Josie! Eat my ass, Jesse! Goddammit!” His tongue was deep in anus. “It’s a pleasure.”

“I bet it is.” Lifting away from her straddling of Mace’s legs Daphne removed her cum soaked black shorts. Tossing them away she returned to her perch and went to work on Mace’s sore shoulder. “Your nephew here hurt his shoulder trying to restrain my Pitbull.”

“Pitbull?” Piper looked up. “Tell me it’s male.”

“He is. Achilles would be a horrible female name. Why?”

“I’m planning on breeding him with a friend of mine’s bitch. I didn’t want Rotten…”

“No worries unless he’s gay.”

“He’s not… I hope not anyway. He does like to hump Travis Herbert.” Laughs fueled the bed.

“Kelly’s son? The one you want me to train to defend himself?” Daphne asked Mace leaning over him, her nipples teasing his back.

“That’s a laugh.” Jesse abandoned Josie enough to admit. “That kid is afraid of his own shadow.” This led Jesse to peer out the pool side window over at the fence. “Figured he might be watching us through his telescope.” Nope! Trav was downstairs with his mom talking. “I see Knox up on his balcony smoking. He’s not looking this way though.”

“Fuck your pussy feels good.” Bannon huffed in his insertion. Being strong he was thrusting into Piper even with the 120-pound Josie riding piggyback holding on for dear life in her oily state. Jesse holding her hips helped.

“Hope you’re not mad at Mace for us intruding.” Daph mentioned. “I’ll take the blame. The oil was in here when I offered him a massage.”

“More the merrier Daphodil.” Piper panted expressing her adoration of Bannon’s thrusting. “Nothing I haven’t seen before. I even used to change his diapers.”

“Don’t embarrass me Aunt Piper.” Mace pouted.

“Was he always that big?”

“Come to think of it… he was hung like a Cuban as a baby even.”

“PIPER!” Mace groaned.

“It’s true. Anyways, I’ll shut up and moan now.”

“I can’t take it any longer.” Josie rolled off of Bannon and collapsed to her right. Her head right above Mace’s scalp. “Fuck me, Jesse.” More than willing Jesse Manley crawled over her and took her missionary. In her cries of enjoyment Mace lifted his head and watched Josie. As if sensing his glare, she turned her profile to look right at him. The expressions of pure ecstasy led Mace to roll over right under Daphne. In transit his humongous erection swatted Piper right across the nose in passing. An inch lower it would have met her opened mouth, while moaning hard at Bannon’s increased speed. Not a word to scold him for the accident.

Daphne stunned by his sudden reversal found his erection stabbing straight up at her. Wincing at him she mumbled, “No happy…” Fuck it! She climbed over his dick and guided it inside her. The might of it instantly sent her into theatrics.

For the next hour the orgy played out. Three on three! Every one of them enjoyed that happy ending. Even Rotten and Achilles, who were standing on their hind legs looking through the bedroom window. The doggy styles were definitely received well.

Woof! and Woof!

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