The Actor Ep. 06 by mojavejoe420,mojavejoe420

Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration with my friend Mel (Melanieatplay). We both contributed equally to its content, and we hope you enjoy it.

Special thanks to Pat Harvey for his editing expertise.

Chapter 22

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

“I’m really sorry about all this,” Jake said to Clint as they both rode on horseback. “I know I’m leaving you in a big lurch. I had no idea it would take this much time. Things have changed in Hollywood in the last 25 years.”

“Ah… don’t flatter yourself. Nobody here really likes you much anyway,” Clint said with a wink and a smile.

Jake rolled his eyes at his old friend. “Still, I feel kinda bad about it.”

“We’ll hold down the fort and you always have a home here with us… you can come back when you’re done. Meanwhile, Jimmy can plunge a toilet just as good as you. And we’ll get another Jimmy, or Johnny, or Joey, and train him up. Circle of life thing, ya know? Besides, you brought us the movie people. They’ll be staying way past our usual season, so that’s a shitload of extra money. I just gotta figure who-all is gonna run this place over the winter. Marcie and I are snowbirds now and usually go down to Phoenix to stay warm, ya know?”

“Yeah, you’ll figure somethin’ out. How’s Jamie doin’?”

“Jesus Christ,” Clint cried out, sitting up straighter in his saddle. “Why didn’t you bring her up here sooner? She’s implemented some kind of engine… optimizer… thing that–”

“Search engine optimization?” Jake ventured.

“I guess, like I know anything about that internet shit. Anyway, the hits on our website have gone up over 100% in the two weeks she’s been here. Bookings are up, too. Hell, I reckon we will be fully booked soon for all of next year. We ain’t been fully booked since I don’t know when, way before Covid. She’s making us an Instagram account, too. I’m not sure what that is, but she said it’s important. Plus she’s setting up databases for all our animal records, customers, vendors, all kinds of shit.”

“Told ya she was good,” Jake said, his chest puffing out a little. He’d never been so proud of Jamie and was just tickled pink that she was working out so well for the ranch.

Clint stopped his horse about a mile away from the ranch. “I’ll never get over this view. Say, you guys still livin’ in that shitty shack? Come on, man. She needs a proper house.”

“In due time, old man. The Warner Bro’s don’t pay me in a lump sum. We’ll get somethin’ nice by spring.”

“You gonna marry her, Jake? I mean, I can’t for the life of me figure out why, but she really loves you.”

“I love these talks of ours. I always feel so deeply appreciated afterwards. But yeah, I want to marry her soon, if she’ll have me.”

“You better do it before she gets to know me better, or else it will be me she wants to marry. Race you to the barn!” Clint kicked his horse and took off, leaving Jake in the dust.

I should probably let the old fuck win, just this once, Jake reasoned.

– – – – –

Jake pushed himself into Jamie one last time and exploded inside her. Her body violently convulsed as the last of her orgasm overwhelmed her. He felt her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him as they struggled to get their breathing under control. When he rolled off of her his cock was expelled from her body and their combined fluids gushed out of her, making a wet spot on the sheets between her legs.

He pulled her tight into his arms and her large breasts crushed up against his hairy, muscled chest. “I’m never going to get tired of doing that with you,” he whispered.

She giggled. “You’d better not.”

He tenderly ran his hand through her fiery red locks. “Clint is so impressed with you, you’re making yourself invaluable to the ranch, love.”

She gave him a beautiful smile. “I’m trying to drag their operation into the twenty-first century, but I’m so happy that they’re pleased with everything I’m doing.”

“They are, baby, even his missus gushed about the great job you’re doing.”

“She’s so sweet and they’re both so easy to work for. Honestly, this is the best job that I’ve ever had.”

“Good, I want you to be happy here.”

She snuggled closer into his body. “I’m with you, Daddy, of course I’m happy.”

“I want us to live in this area… forever,” he said a little more seriously.

“We just…” Jamie paused for a moment, trying to get her words right. “You know… we might need a little more room.”

“What, you don’t like our little love shack?” he teased.

“You know I love it, but… ummm… we’ll need more room when it’s not just you and me.”

Jake smiled but took a few moments before he spoke. “Honey, do you really, truly think that’s a good idea? I’m… not a spring chicken. Is it fair to the kid to have a parent so old?”

“It’s fair to the kid to have a good father, whatever his age, and you’re not that old.”

“I’ll be… 78 when he graduates high school, if I don’t die before then.”

“Oh, so it’s a he now, is it? And what if I want a little girl? What do you think about that?” she said playfully.

“Jaime, come on now. I’m being serious. I don’t want to short-change our kid just out of vanity or… selfishness.”

“Daddy,” Jaime said seriously., “I want to have your baby more than anything in the world. You would be the best father I can possibly imagine. It’s worth the risk to me. That being said, you owe me a minimum… and I mean a minimum… of 20 years. You have to promise me that. Right now.”

“Ummm,” he stammered.

“I mean it! Promise me right now.”

Jake put his hands up. “Okay, okay! I give up. I promise I won’t die for 20 years.”

Jaime stared hard at him. “Remember the Cowboy Code, a good cowboy keeps his promises.”

“I mean it! I won’t get killed or get sick for 20 years. But I can’t guarantee anything after that.”

“Perfect.” Jaime smiled. “I know deep-down you want a child, too.”

He grinned. “I would love to hear the pitter-patter of little feet running around here.”

“How about I stop taking the pill?”

“Yeah, I’m good with that. Is there anything we should do? I mean like a waiting period or something?”

“Hmmm, from what I’ve read, not really. But we should talk to an OB-GYN. Do they have those here in Montana?”

“Naw, women just have babies out in the barn.”

She gave him a sideways glance. “I’ll stop taking the pill as of now. You might just have to finish in my mouth for a couple of weeks.”

“Or in your ass,” he said with a sly smile. “After that I will get you pregnant. But I’m gonna want some of that milk when it comes in.”

“What? Seriously? Our baby has to share with you?” she said playfully.

They shared a hot romantic kiss. “Yeah, Jake Jr. will have to.”

“Or maybe Jill? I kinda like that name too if it’s a girl.”

“Jill… I love that name.” He thought for a moment. “Boy or girl, the baby is going to have to learn to share,” he said blithely.

She laughed. “Yes, the baby will.” She snuggled up on him, her fingers twirling his chest hairs.

They both basked in the afterglow for a few moments. “I… ummm… I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but when are you going to make an honest woman out of me?”

“Oh yeah, that.”

“Yeah, that.”

“Should we do it right away? Or maybe wait for spring?”

She gave him a radiant smile. “I think I can handle a spring wedding.”

“Spring it is, then. This is going to be an exciting year! We could possibly have a baby by this time next year.”

“I’m counting on it. Don’t go and get kicked by a horse, you gotta keep those family jewels safe for me.”

“Gee, thanks!”

There were a few moments of comfortable silence before Jake remembered something. “Oh, remember to keep Saturday morning open; we’ll go into Bozeman and do a little car shopping. Your old hooptie isn’t going to do very well once the snow starts falling.”

“Hooptie? How the hell do you know what a hooptie is, cowboy?”

“Hey, I’m hip to the lingo, I’m a down alley-cat.”

She laughed. “Please, don’t ever say ‘hip to the lingo’ again, okay?”

“Don’t all you young people still say down alley-cat?”

“I think they did back in the ’20s, the 1920s! I need to drag you into the twenty-first century too,” she teased.

He slid his thigh between her legs and she opened them for him. “You make this old man feel like he’s 18 again.”

They exchanged another hot little kiss. She pressed her breasts into his chest and took his hardening cock into her hand. “You’re not that old,” she whispered.

He rolled onto his back and Jamie gracefully slid on top of him. He took his erection in his hand at its base and guided it inside her with one long push. She let out a deep moan and placed her hands on his chest. No matter how many times he made love to her, his hunger for her could never be sated.

– – – – –

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Clint called out over the DJ’s public-address system. The small crowd of ranch employees stopped their murmuring and looked up from their dinners to focus on Clint.

“First I want to thank everyone for coming tonight. I know Saturday is usually your night off, but the next few weeks are gonna be pretty busy and… well… we’ve got to celebrate our big star, Jake McClintock! Come on up here, boy!” A hearty round of applause accompanied by lots of shouting followed his opening remarks while Jake left Jamie’s side at the dinner table and made his way to the little stage where the DJ booth sat.

“As you know, Jake is leaving us for a while to star in some movie or something, what’s it called again?”

Jake shook his head and leaned into the microphone. “It’s a Netflix series called Montana Skies Again.”

After some more shouts, Clint continued. “Yeah, that’s it. Was their marketing team asleep at the wheel or something? I mean that title ranks pretty low on the creative scale, you know what I’m saying?” The crowd chuckled at the lackluster title.

“I didn’t write it,” Jake explained. “I’ll just show up and… you know… say my lines and do my work.”

“Show up and do your work, just like you’ve been doing for us for over 20 years! You know, folks, olde Jake here, he saved this ranch single-handedly back in the ’90s. After the fire, we were pretty much circling the drain. But my boy swept in with some of that Hollywood money and saved our ass, and he… he kept this ranch going.” Clint looked at his friend, his eyes turning glassy, and gave him a big old bear hug.

Jamie looked on, touched by the depth of emotions shown by these two old friends, and Clint returned to the microphone. “Of course, he ended up sticking around here like a sick mule and we couldn’t ever get rid of him until now, right?” Jake threw his hands up in laughter along with everyone else.

“Naw, we will miss you, buddy. Anytime you wanna come back, the barn door is always open. ”Course, if you do come back you’ll have to start back at the bottom and work for Jimmy!”

“Yeah!” Jimmy shouted. “And you better make the coffee right!”

After the laughter died down, Clint resumed. “So Jake, I hear you have an announcement of some import?”

Jake leaned into the microphone again and took a deep breath to compose himself. “Ummm… Jamie and I will be gettin’ married in the spring.” After much hooting and hollering, Jake said, “And you’re all invited! We’re gettin’ hitched here at the ranch.”

“Alright, folks! Open bar until 9 o’clock!” Clint’s last announcement signaled the DJ to start playing music and everyone tried to congratulate Jake and Jamie at once.

Jake finally got to talk to Jamie after several minutes passed. “There you are!”

“Daddy!” she cried, and hugged him tightly.

“Daddy?” interrupted Darryl. “You know I’m better lookin’ than him, right?” He gave Jamie a big hug and then slapped Jake on the back.

“I don’t know about that!” Jamie laughed.

“Well, congratulations anyway. You got a sister?” Darryl asked. “Or is your mom single?”

“Sorry, my friend, it’s just me. But what about Nancy over there? She’s pretty cute.”

“The little Asian masseuse? She looks like a little firecracker, but she’s… you know… a little young for me,” he responded.

“You need to give it a shot with her, roll those bones and see what happens, pardner,” Jake said.

“Well… since Jamie seems to be kinda serious about this old cowboy standin’ in front of me,I guess I’ll see if that pretty little Asian girl likes to dance. See you two later.” Darryl gave Jake a slight wink that he hoped Jamie didn’t notice. Then, he walked over towards Nancy.

Jake put his arms around her again. “That’s a beautiful dress, love.”

“What? This old thing?” she teased. Jamie was wearing a short little black ruffled dress with the hem falling on her upper thighs. She’d paired the outfit with black cowboy boots, keeping with the western theme of the evening.

“You look beautiful tonight.” He paused for a moment. “I think Darryl was onto somethin’, dance with me, darlin’?”

“Of course.” They swayed onto the dance floor to an old slow cowboy song, Tumblin’ Tumbleweeds. “I’m glad you told me about you and Nancy, because she approached me a few days ago. She doesn’t like me much, it seems.”

“Nothin’ to worry about. I can’t and I won’t ever hide anything from you, my little love. For instance, I can’t hide my lust for you right now. How long do we have to stay? I want to roll in the hay with you.” He slipped his hand lower and firmly grabbed her taut ass.

“Well, I reckon we oughta stay a little while, don’t cha think?”

“Wait a minute,” Jake said, chuckling. “You ain’t been here long enough to start usin’ words like reckon!”

“I’m settling in.” She pressed her breasts against Jake’s chest as they slow-danced. “I’ll be a hick like you in no time, so you’d better get used to it, cowboy.”

His cock, already at about half-mast, began filling up completely. “Apparently, I will never get used to you doing that.”

The evening’s frivolities continued with more toasts, laughter, and dancing. Once Jake saw Clint and Marcy leave, however, he grabbed Jamie’s hand. “We gotta go now.”

Jamie protested mildly. “But I was supposed to dance with Darryl!”

“Some other time, I’ve got something I need to show you.” He whisked her away after some quick good-byes but he surprised her by heading towards the barn and not to his truck.

“Something… here in the barn?”

Jake just winked at her as he opened the man-door, not the big barn door. A couple of horses snorted at the noise in the dim light. Jake led her to another door that opened up into a large room filled with saddles, bridles, and all the necessary bits and pieces of leather and other gear required for a major horse-riding operation such as the Bar G. The strong scent of leather hit them both the moment he opened the door.

He entered the dark room first and turned on a small goose-neck lamp at the desk, then pointed the lamp down and towards the wall. The effect gave the utilitarian room an almost romantic feel.

“Okay, I have actually seen the tack room before, but usually with more light.” Jamie still didn’t know what she was supposed to see or what was going to happen.

Jake shut the door behind Jamie and led her to the center of the room, next to a table and a saddle stand. All of the saddles rested on racks mounted on the walls, but this particular stand stood on the floor and was topped with 10 horizontal slats arranged in a curve to match the underside of a saddle. It was used for repairing or cleaning the saddle; a person could easily reach all parts of it.

Jamie’s fingers gently glided over the smooth wood and she began to get the idea. “Is this rack what you wanted to show me? What happened to rolling in the hay?”

Jake just smiled and began stripping off his clothing. He began with his boots, of course. Then his shirt, and then the pants. Jamie hadn’t worn a bra or thong beneath her decidedly non-western little black dress, so she just hoisted the dress up to her midsection. As his cock made its dramatic appearance, large, erect, and somewhat intimidating, she lowered the straps on her dress to expose her chest.

He looked at her in the pale light, the shadows simultaneously hiding and accentuating her shapely body. “Come here,” he spoke hoarsely, and she closed the gap quickly and fell into his arms, her breasts mashing into his chest. “You’ve been teasing me all night with your girls.”

She wriggled her chest against him more. “I’ve been trying to get my nipples into your chest hair. You know that tickles them and drives me wild.”

They kissed passionately, hungry for each other. The last four weeks together had only increased their ardor for each other’s body. With both hands, he reached down below her bottom and hoisted her up. Jamie wrapped her legs around him, crossing her heels behind his back.

“Is this okay?” she asked, a trace of concern in her voice.

“Baby, I lift hay bales each and every day. With you wrapped around me like you are? It feels like not even half a bale. Now, hold on good for a second, I’ve got to… there we go… yesss.” Jake held his cock as she slid down it, her pussy wet and wide open for him. She groaned and arched her back as he lowered her further down, engulfing his cock completely.

There was one spot on the wall not covered by equipment or shelves or hooks, and it was right behind Jake. He turned and walked slowly towards the bare place. He pressed Jamie up against the wall, using it to take some of her weight off of him. He bent his knees slightly but Jamie stayed right where she was. Perfect, he mused. He thrust upward and was immediately rewarded with a satisfying grunt from Jamie. He slowly withdrew, and then fucked her hard again… and again… nearly slamming into her, keeping her pinned to the wall.

As he picked up speed he noticed that while Jamie kept her legs locked around him, her arms had gone nearly limp. He had seen her go into this state before. She’s overwhelmed, he thought. It was as if she surrendered herself to him and he could do whatever he pleased. He also knew that she was close to having a massive orgasm when she got this way. It might be a move, a touch, or a whispered word that would send her over the edge. He only had to think for a couple of seconds before genius struck him.

“I’m gonna put a baby in you,” he grunted in her ear and pinned her even harder against the wall.

“Yes! Daddy, fuck me! Ooooo, fuck me, fuck me!” She exploded on him, her pussy juices squirting out and soaking both of them before puddling on the floor. Her arms woke up and she clenched him hard, her nails digging into his back and shoulders. Jake grimaced and then cried out, but managed not to come; he had further plans for her.

They rested for several moments, their sweating bodies heaving as they panted from exertion. Jake tapped Jamie’s leg, and she gradually let her legs down to the floor and they disengaged. He reached up and grabbed his horse Sailor’s saddle blanket and placed it over that curved saddle stand a few feet away. Then he stepped back to retrieve Jamie, whose legs were a bit unsteady after her strong orgasm.

“What?” Her voice unsteady, she didn’t quite understand until she saw that Jake was still fully hard. “Oh… what’s this blanket made of?”

“Don’t worry, it’s soft Merino wool, and it’s completely clean. Now just lean over, that’s my girl.”

Jake admired her form as she draped herself over the saddle stand, her hands not quite reaching the floor. With her legs spread, her glistening pussy lips beckoned him with their promise of pleasure and relief. This young lady turns me on so much. She’s wiggling her ass for me, she just wants me to fuck her and fuck her again. Don’t worry, baby, I will. But first, I’m gonna test the waters a little.

Jake stepped up to his woman and pawed her plump right cheek.

“Yes, Daddy. I’ve missed you.”

Jake chuckled because it had only been about ten seconds since he last touched her. “Who’s my naughty girl?”

“Me!” she answered brightly.


Jamie yelped in surprise. Jake rubbed her cheek that he’d just smacked, feeling her warm flesh radiate.

“Who’s my wanton slut?”

“I am, Daddy.” Her voice low and sultry; it was a noticeable change from her response a moment ago.


“Nngahhhhh!” she moaned. She also spread her legs an inch wider as Jake cupped her slippery sex.

Although Jamie had given herself to him long before, it was never as apparent as it was at this moment. She would do anything I wanted, and I could do anything to her in this state. His cock strained as he stroked it with his left hand; it felt impossibly hard and he needed to come very soon.

“Who loves you more than anyone ever could?”

“Daddy, it’s you,” she whispered hoarsely. “Only you.” She wiggled her ass again, inviting his hand.


“Owwwwww, Daddy!” she whined.

Jake immediately stepped up to her and placed his cock at her dripping entrance, gripped her thighs, and shoved it in hard. Her fully-lubricated pussy accepted him easily as his thighs slapped against hers.

“Ohhhh, fuck, yes, Daddy, yes!”

As open and wet as Jamie was, she still felt tight to him. His hard fast strokes kicked his impending orgasm into high gear; he knew it wouldn’t be long now. He hoped she was close too, and he figured he would do something more if she didn’t come with him, but he wanted to try something else first. He paused for a few moments so he could slide his hand under her and collect some juices on his fingers. After resuming his fucking, he wiped his wet fingers on her asshole and then circled his thumb around it.

He pressed his thumb into her star, effectively double-penetrating her with his big digit. That earned some loud squeals from Jamie. But Jake turned those squeals into moans when he grunted, “Get ready, I’m gonna put a baby in you.”

“Yes,” she grunt-moaned with each firm stroke of his cock. “Put a baby inside me, Daddy, give it to me,” she groaned in pleasure.

“Here it comes!” Jake grunted as he unloaded his sperm deep inside her. “Auuuggghhhhhhhh! Yes! Get in there, boys, get her pregnant!”

Jamie’s body shook continuously as her orgasm overtook her. She let out a few incoherent yells and then went limp. Jake slowly pulled out of her, leaving her pussy gaping but slowly closing up. He stumbled around and sat on the cold concrete floor in front of Jamie, still draped over the saddle stand.

She lifted her head. “Aren’t you going to help me up?”

“Not yet. We gotta give my swimmers some time to do their work.”

Jamie hmphed, smiled, and relaxed again as her breathing slowly returned to normal. “That was… pretty amazing. But I thought we were going to roll in the hay.”

“Hay hurts. It’s not really soft and you get stuck with pokey parts. Plus there’s always bugs and sometimes rats. I thought this would be better.”

“It was great, honey. Honest. But I would like to get on my feet again. I’m starting to get a headache from this rack-thing.”

Jake gave a chuckle, then got himself up and helped her up. “Think we might’ve got a baby going?”

“Well, it’s a little early to tell,” she teased. But I don’t think I’ll be ovulating for another day or so. We’ll have to try again.”

“Oh, darn,” Jake said sarcastically. “You mean we get to do this again?”

She playfully punched his shoulder. “Yeah. And again… and again…”

Chapter 23

Jake’s alarm went off at 4:30 in the morning. “God, I’ll be glad when this is over,” moaned Jamie as she stretched. “Wait, we don’t have to be up this early, do we? It’s your first day on set!”

“Yeah, sorry, hon. It’s that new smart-phone you got me, I forgot how to turn off the alarm. But I’ll go ahead and get up, you stay here.” Jake threw back his covers and started to rise out of bed but Jamie blocked his efforts with a bear-hug.

“Can’t let you leave the house half-cocked on your first day at work.” Jamie moved down to take his cock into her mouth. She expertly took him down to the root, congratulating herself for not gagging even a little bit. She moved her jaw up and down a little; she found that it helped with the saliva production.

Jake’s cock was about three-quarters hard when he woke up but Jamie’s warm mouth took him to full hardness in just a few seconds. “Jesus, babe,” he said with a groan. Involuntarily, his hips moved up off the mattress and her giving him head changed to him gently fucking her mouth.

Jamie pulled off him for a moment. “Give it to me, Daddy, just like that,” she purred. “Use my mouth, be rough, I need it,” she said somewhat demandingly.

Her hot mouth engulfed him again just as his hands reached down to hold her head. He pushed into her until he was lodged deep in her throat with her lips touching his torso. She kept her head still as he roughly fucked her face until her eyes began watering. Jamie wasn’t exactly sure what these feelings were that came over her, but when Jake got a little rough, she felt very… submissive … and she found she really loved those feelings. She wondered if their extensive age difference was the genesis of those feelings, but only knew that she loved when he took a little control of her like this. No man had ever made her feel this way, and it only seemed to intensify everything she felt for him. Not having time to ponder these new thoughts as Jake continued to rut inside her mouth hard and fast, she placed her hands on his thighs in an attempt to steady herself. Her saliva was pouring out of her mouth, soaking his shaft and balls.

He was slamming into her mouth at a furious pace and he quickly felt his orgasm start to build. He pushed into her throat, held himself there, and erupted. The head of his cock was in her so deep she didn’t even taste the first spurt, which went directly into her stomach. She eased back a couple of inches and her mouth started filling with his semen.

She held it in her mouth for a few moments until he’d somewhat recovered and got control of his breathing. When their eyes met, she gave him a little smile and opened her mouth, showing him his load. Then she took a little breath and swallowed. “God, baby, you’re just so sexy.” She gave him a beautiful smile, then moved up his body, laying on him. He wrapped his strong arms around her and she rested her head on his muscled chest.

“I could stay like this forever, in your arms, Jake,” she whispered. This was her safe place, her happy place. He made her feel so protected, so loved. Jamie revealed in her overpowering feelings for Jake; he was perfect to her and she knew he always would be.

– – – – –

Jake found it strange that his agent hadn’t contacted him for several days, especially here on Day One of the new show. He dialed Myron’s number for what felt like the millionth time, but got no answer.

“I’ll just assume this email is still good,” he muttered as he drove down the road to the Bar G ranch. Over the last week semi-trucks began arriving carrying all the movie-making equipment needed to produce the show. Also arriving were many other trailers for the cast and crew to sleep in and some to be used as offices. The crew had set up in a paddock of sorts about a mile behind the lodge so as to reduce the impact on the workings of the ranch. Jake was here for a few meetings as the actual shooting would begin the next day.

He parked his truck in a cordoned-off area away from the hustle and bustle of the makeshift camp. Golf carts whizzed by while grips, carpenters, electricians, and twenty other people were walking this way and that, carrying lights and various other pieces of equipment.

Jake stopped a young guy with a clipboard in his hand. “Howdy, fella. Can you tell me where the Boardroom is? I’m s’posed to be in a meetin’ right about now.”

“Ummm,” the young man said. He looked down at his clipboard for a moment. “Ummm… Mr. McClintock, Sir, ummm.”

“Relax, kid. I ain’t that famous, okay? Call me Jake. What’s your name?”

“Ummm… uh,” he sputtered.

Jake looked around and saw a large trailer that looked like an office. “Is that it over there?” he asked while pointing to it.

“Ummm, yeah. But you see, ummm…” he seemed to be unable to form a sentence.

“It’s alright, son. I can take it from here. Just relax, though, okay?”

Jake chucked quietly as he dodged a golf cart. Must be someone’s nephew, he mused. Never seen anyone so nervous.

He was less than a hundred feet from the trailer when he stopped dead in his tracks. Walking up the steps to the trailer was none other than Sam Elliot, the famous cowboy actor… and Jake’s mind whirled. He ain’t supposed to be here! He wasn’t at any of the read-throughs! What the fuck? Something feels… off.

Along with Sam was Tom Petersson, one of the executive producers who Jake had many meetings and phone calls with. Both Sam and Tom saw Jake standing there in the middle of the commotion, staring at them with his mouth agape. Tom patted Sam on the back and said something to him, and he nodded and headed inside the trailer. Tom trotted back down the steps towards Jake.

“Well, hello there, cowboy!” Tom said, wearing a big Hollywood smile as he extended his hand for a shake. “Didn’t expect to see you here, but it’s awfully nice of you to drop by.”

Jake’s hand froze just an inch away from Tom’s. Nice of me to drop by? “You didn’t expect to see me? On the first day of rehearsals?” Jake leaned back a bit, his hands palms up and extended away from his body.

Tom’s smile vanished, as if something terrible became very clear to him. “Jake… haven’t you talked to Myron?”

Jake’s blood ran cold. No, he thought. This isn’t happening. “Actually… ummm… no. I haven’t talked to him in several days, which is kind of weird. Did I miss a memo or something? What in the hell is Sam doing here?”

“Ah, Christ, Jake,” he said, wincing. Then Tom did a perfect face-palm into his right hand. “This is why we have agents,” he muttered. “Okay, look. I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you’re out. You’re off the project. I don’t know why the fuck Myron didn’t tell you. We had a meeting last week. Sam was cast in your role.”

Another shiver went through Jake’s entire body. Off… the… project…

His hoarse voice cracked as he struggled to speak. “Tom… no…” Jake couldn’t think of anything else to say. The only real thought he had was running into the Boardroom and punching Sam in the nose so they couldn’t use him. But then he figured that wouldn’t help his case much and they could just write that into the script; old gramps got in a bar fight or something.

Tom put his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “You should have told us you were still using. We could have gotten you some help early on, you know, and kept you on the show. But as it is now, it’s… you know… too late.”

“Using?” Jake bellowed indignantly. “Who the fuck said I was using? I haven’t touched drugs in… 25 years! Run me a blood test right fucking now! I’m clean as a Goddamn whistle!”

Tom looked embarrassed as several people nearby stopped and looked at the two men. “Jake, it’s already done. I’m sorry. Let’s not make a scene, okay? I’m really sorry, but it’s out of my hands. I’ll see ya, buddy.” Tom patted his shoulder and hurried off.

Jake stood in the middle of the camp, staring straight ahead. All these people here, he thought. They’ve got somewhere to go, important things to do, a big project to produce. Everyone except me. I got nothin’. Absolutely nothin’. I got fuck-all.

Tears began to fill Jake’s eyes. No! he scolded himself. You are not going to cry here on set. He somehow made his way to his truck and sat in the cab. Surreal didn’t begin to describe his feelings. He looked out at the busy film camp, and he wasn’t a part of it. They were doing his show without him.

I’m breathing, he thought. And I’m sitting in my truck. The sun is hot, I smell diesel exhaust from the generators. This is real, this is happening. I’ve just lost everything. Jamie will… she will probably… leave me. Why wouldn’t she? I can barely support myself. I can’t believe this shit…

His rage built and he wanted to punch something or someone, but punching the dashboard of his truck wouldn’t do much. He gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white, but he inflicted no damage on the wheel. He leaned back in despair and hit his hat against the rear window.

“Fuck!” he shouted as the brim tilted forward and covered his eyes. He swung his hand in retaliation at the rear window. Without thinking, he used his left leg as leverage and fully extended his right arm in a fast and hard swing. Smacking the glass with the side of his fist, the window didn’t break. But it did pop out of its seal and flew into the metal bed of his truck where it shattered into a million broken pieces.

Just like my dreams. Fuck, my hand hurts.

Chapter 24

Jake sat in an easy chair in Clint’s living room, his old friend eyeballing him and trying to figure out what was wrong. Jake was looking nervously around at the pictures of old cowboys on the walls. His boss looked deep into his eyes. “So, you gonna tell me what this is all about? Why did you call to meet me at my own house when I’m supposed to be at the ranch?”

Jake leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands. He didn’t want to talk to Jamie yet. He didn’t know what to say to her. “They shit-canned me, I lost the part,” Jake whispered.

“What? What the hell happened?”

“My past caught up with me, I guess.” He paused for a moment in reflection. “Somehow word got around that I’m using drugs.”

Clint thought for a moment. “Well, that’s complete bullshit! Right?”

“Yes, I learned my lesson a long time ago, I don’t know where this came from.”

“That’s bullshit and I’ll call them and set them straight on that. You’re the best cowboy I have; this place would fall apart without you, Jake. I’ll tell them all that. Who do I talk to? Let’s go out to the paddock right fucking now–”

Jake sighed. “It’s too late for that; I’m done, my acting career is finished. I’m dead in that town now; no one will ever hire me after this.”

“Jake, I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.

Jake got up and paced the room for a few moments. “How the hell do I even begin to tell Jamie about this?”

Clint felt for his friend, the heartbreak in his voice evident. “You’ll get her through this, pardner.”

“I wanted that part so bad, Clint, but if I lose her too… I… I…” his voice trailed off and he looked down onto the floor.

“Jake, come back and sit down.” He did so and met Clint’s eyes. “In the 50 years that I’ve been married to Marcy I’ve learned that I don’t know shit about women.”

A little smile broke across Jake’s face. “Yeah, you and me both.”

“But you wanna know what I do know?”


“That young girl’s eyes light up when you come into the room. She’s told Marcy many times that she’s never been so happy. That girl is in love with you, pardner. I have no idea how you conned such a fetching young woman to fall in love with you, but you did. Forget the acting role, and fuck Hollywood. You’ve got a place here and so does she. Go home to that girl and explain things to her. My bet, she’s not going anywhere.”

Jake took a deep breath. “I sure hope you’re right.”

“I know I’m right. And why the fuck is your hand purple?”

“You need a new rear window on my truck. I’ll pay for it.”

Clint waved him off. “You best go talk to Jamie.”

Jake sighed. “I think Sailor’n me are gonna go for a long ride. I’ll tell her tonight.”

Clint cocked his head. “Don’t do anything stupid out there.” Jake just stared out the window. “Hey! I mean it! Don’t go punching any trees or falling down a canyon.”

“We’ll see.”

– – – – –

Jake drove slowly home, the first time he hadn’t been excited about seeing Jamie. The loss of the job seemed to weigh heavier on him as the day wore on. His mind whirled with the same thoughts over and over. This was everything. I’m nothing now. I have nothing to offer Jamie. Maybe she could get her job back at the jewelry store and forget about me. She would be better off without me.

Before he knew it, he was home. He launched into it immediately; he figured it was better to rip the band-aid off than to beat around the bush.

Tears were welling up in Jamie’s eyes as he explained the talk with the producer. When he finished, she ran to him and held him as she wept into his chest. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” she whispered. His arms naturally encircled her, but he felt weak and defeated. “Jake, hold me like you mean it, okay?”

“I’ve… I’ve never wanted anything as bad as I wanted that part,” he said as he ran his fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her, but he knew he wasn’t doing a good job of it.

“I wanted it so bad for you, I know how excited you were about this role.”

“It was the role of a lifetime, a way for me to be relevant in the business again, but now it’s gone. It was like… my last shot at redemption, ya know? But it’s not just that, it’s what it meant for us.”

“You can explain it to them… Clint can explain it to them… you hardly ever drink, you don’t use anymore, they need to know that… they need to understand that,” she sobbed.

“They recast the role already. That asshole Sam Elliot got my part.”

She giggled through the tears. “I’ve actually read that he’s a nice guy.”

Even though Jamie couldn’t see it, Jake grinned. “Yeah, he probably is.” There were a few moments of silence as he let her process everything he’d told her. “I know this is a lot to take in but… ummm… I mean… your old boss would take you back, right?”

She wiped the tears from her eyes. “What? What do you mean?”

“I’m an old broke cowboy, not a rich Hollywood actor. I’ve got nothin’, and I know Clint ain’t paying you anywhere near what you were gettin’ down in Newport.” He paused for a moment. “You need someone who has a future, someone with prospects… so you can have the life you want. I’ve got nothing going for me.”

In an instant, there was a fire in her eyes that he’d never seen. “Do you think I’m with you because of the acting job and the money?” she asked incredulously.

“Well… no… but I, ya know… this changes every–”

“You better listen to me, Jacob McClintock, and you better fucking listen good. I don’t give a single solitary shit about Hollywood and I don’t care about the money. Furthermore, this changes nothing, absolutely nothing, between us.” She witnessed the stunned look on his face.

“Jamie, listen. Be reasonable. This won’t–”

She shoved him, hard, causing him to take a step back. “No, you listen. I don’t care if we’re in some mansion in Beverly Hills or right here in your shitty little shack. We’re together, I love you, and what happened today changes nothing between us. I’m with you… I’m yours… and you’d better get your mind right about that.”

Tears filled his eyes and he pulled her tight against his body. They kissed with a passion that neither of them had ever experienced. The world seemed to drift away, leaving just the two of them… connected on a higher level, their very spirits joined in harmony and love.

Thunder from a late-afternoon storm broke their joint reverie. Their kiss lessened and they slowly separated their lips. “That was a helluva kiss! Wasn’t it?” Jamie asked with a small laugh.

Jake sniffed. “You felt it too? That was crazy.” As they wiped the tears out of each other’s eyes he kept one arm wrapped solidly around her. “I thought you liked my cabin,” he gently teased.

“In my book, bucolic means shitty,” she teased back.

“You are… so special to me. I love you so much.” Jake’s eyes filled with tears again. “I’m sorry I doubted you. It’s just that my ex-wives left as soon as the money ran out, and every woman since then has tried to make me into some… some other version of me that wasn’t me, and–”

“Shhhh, Daddy. I got you, okay? I’m me, I’m not them, I love you for who you are. It’s you and me, mister. Well, you and me and this bucolic paradise.”

“Speaking of bucolic, I told Clint about the movie shit this afternoon. He offered to kick them out of the ranch but I told him not to, we need the money. So he said you and I should stay in a guest room until he and Marcy go to Arizona, then we should move into their quarters until spring.”

“And you said?”

“I told him that as much as you really love this love shack, you could probably be persuaded to leave it for a room with a shower, and heat, and electricity.”

She giggled. “Good boy. That would have been something to fight about.”

– – – – –

The next day, Jake’s phone rang. He sighed when the name came up on the screen. “Hey, asshole.”

“Jake, I’m sorry I couldn’t call before now, they wouldn’t let me.”

Jake didn’t recognize the gravelly, scratchy voice, it certainly didn’t sound like the guy whose name was his display. “Where’s Myron, who is this?”

“It’s me, Jake, your agent, Myron. I’ve been in a coma. I woke up yesterday but they wouldn’t let me call you or anybody, not even a text.”

“A coma?” Jake expressed his shock.

“I don’t remember it, but apparently I got in a car wreck right after the meeting with Warner Brothers where I… where they told me that you were being let go. I’m sorry, my friend.”

“I’m… I’m sorry about what happened to you. You gonna be okay? You sound terrible.”

“I’ve been better, no doubt, but they say I will be up and around in a couple of days. I’ve been intubated for about six days and it fucks up your throat. The nurse is already telling me I’ve talked too long on the phone. But Jake, someone planted a rumor that you are using again. I don’t know who it was but I will try to find out. What did you do yesterday?”

“Well, I hadn’t heard from you so I just went ahead with my last instructions to meet them yesterday morning at the corral. It was pretty fuckin’ embarrassin’, humiliatin’. But it makes sense now, hearing this.”

“I’m so sorry, Jake, truly I am, for all of it. I was so angry that day I guess I missed a red light. But I can get back on your case and we can get something else going–”

“Myron, stop. It’s okay, I don’t think I’m cut out for the Hollywood kind of life anymore. I’m just goin’ to keep livin’ more simply with my woman up here. I… don’t want you to look for any more roles for me, okay? I’m good.”

Myron didn’t say anything for quite a while. “That girl of yours, she seemed real special.”

“She is. We’re gonna get married in the spring; why don’t you come up?”

“Not sure I’d make a good cowboy,” Myron joked. “Can you actually see me in a plaid shirt?”

“Yes I can, and a big black hat!” They both laughed, then promised to stay in touch before disconnecting the call.

– – – – –

Three days later, Jake went into the office to ask Jamie about the fall inoculation schedule but found her crying at her desk instead.

“It’s my fault,” she blubbered, her makeup running down her blotchy face.

“Honey, it’s all right,” Jake soothed. “What’s your fault?”

But she couldn’t answer him, she just handed him her phone. He saw that she had her messages open and it said “Chad” at the top. He read the message out loud.

“Hello bitch. I just read on that Jake lost that leading role to Sam Elliot. Remember when you dumped me and I said I would get you back? Here you go! Enjoy!”

Jake put the phone down. “I don’t understand. How would he have anything to do with Montana Skies Again?”

Jamie sighed and composed herself. “We were here, on that first trail ride, when he recognized you. He was blathering on about having a best friend in the business and this guy would tell Chad how hard the industry was and some other shit.”

“Okay… and?”

“I didn’t remember until just now,” she continued. “He said his friend worked at Warner Brothers. Chad heard you telling us that back then you drank and used drugs and were philandering with lots of women. I don’t know how the hell he knows we are together now, but he does. And he got you fired. Because of me. Because of me!” Jamie dropped her head and began crying again.

“Shhh!” Jake got down on his knee to hug her in her chair. “Hey, now, it’s not your fault! I don’t even care about the fuckin’ series anymore. It’s a horseshit industry anyway.”

Jamie lifted her head, her eyes wild. “I’m… I’m gonna go down there and… and… and I’m gonna kill him!”

“Well, yeah, we could do that.” Jake said quietly. “Or… maybe… we just live our lives without him. He’s a piece of shit and he always will be. He will never know happiness like you and me. So maybe we don’t throw our lives away over a squishy turd of a human.”

Jamie sighed deeply. “You’re right, of course. But if we invited him up here he would be a lot easier to kill,” she joked.

“Honey, I appreciate your devotion, but I think you’ve been watching too much TV. That idiot gave me a gift, you. And he put us to a very hard test that we passed with flyin’ colors. You and me? We’ve got smooth sailing from here on out. Fuck that guy and let him wallow in his own shit down in LA. Tell you what.” Jake rose up and pulled her with him. “Clean up those tears and fix your eyes a bit, thenI will send him a selfie of us looking as happy as can be. That will really fuck with him.”

They took that closeup selfie a few minutes later. Then, late the next day, they grabbed ahold of Jimmy to take a few more pictures. One of them had the setting sun hitting their faces, their eyes blazing with true love and devotion. Next, they mounted their horses and turned towards the sun with Jimmy behind them. It was another perfect shot. And while it wasn’t much of a punch compared to what Chad had done, each of them hoped it would be a small measure of payback to the jack-wagon who’d tried to ruin them.

“Okay, you guys,” Jimmy instructed, “now hold hands.” He snapped several shots. “Okay, come and take a look.”

“Holy hell,” Jake exclaimed after looking at the ten shots.

“Jimmy, you’re amazing,” gushed Jamie. “You can sort of tell it’s us, but it’s nearly a silhouette, too. And the colors of the sunset, you got them perfectly.”

“It’s just the right amount of cheesy,” Jimmy explained. “Two people in true love, holding hands, riding off into the sunset together. It’s cheesy, but it’s real, knowwhatimean?” Jimmy sniffed a little. “It’s the best picture I’ve ever taken!”

Jake texted three pics to Chad along with a short message: If you hadn’t been such an asshole, we would have never found so much happiness. Thanks for being you!

Epilogue: Spring

The bright sunlight shone on the happy couple standing on the manicured lawn in front of the Bar G Lodge. The pastor announced, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss!”

Jake, resplendent in his best western-style tuxedo, picked up the very lovely Jamie in her elegant, lacey white dress and kissed her amid loud whoops and hollers and applause from their friends. Champagne and beer materialized, and the reception began at once.

Jamie, having proven her worth in such a short time last summer and fall, had become everyone’s favorite. Jake managed to get her for the first dance, but her dance card seemed full after that as all the cowboys eagerly lined up for their turns. The ones not dancing seemed hell-bent on getting Jake drunk with shots of moonshine from Darryl’s still. He stayed upright, if a bit wobbly.

The happy couple did dance a few more times before it began to get dark, and then Clint and Marcy waved them over to their table.

“You two seem to be having a hell of a time!” Clint roared as the couples exchanged hugs.

“Oh!” cried Marcy. “We just love you both so much and are so happy for you both!” She and Jamie hugged for an extra-long time, both of them in tears.

Clint pulled out a chair for Jamie. “Well, now, why don’t the both of you sit down for a moment. Marcy and I have a little wedding present for the both of you. You know… me and Marcy have always thought the world of you, Jake. And now you’ve brought us this wonderful gal, Jamie. We could never have kids, and now, well, it’s like you are our kids. Of course, I always wanted a son that was younger than I was.”

“I am younger’n you, you old fart!” Jake retorted, laughing. “But thanks, Dad. You know I love you both.”

“You two,” Jamie began, “have shown me so much kindness and love…” Her voice cracked and she struggled to continue. “You’re kind of like my mom and dad now.”

“Aww, sweetheart, we’re just so glad you and Jake found each other.” Clint reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a thick envelope. “We got something for you both. It ain’t money, but it might be better than that.”

Jake and Jamie looked at each other, then opened the envelope to find a multi-paged legal document.

“Basically,” Clint began, “it says you get 25% of the ranch today. Then–”

“Holy shit!” gasped Jake.

“Quit interrupting, son! You’ll get another 25% at the end of this year, assuming certain financial goals are met that I’m sure you will hit. Then, after me and Marcy die, you’ll get the other half.”

“I… don’t know what to say,” blubbered Jamie.

“Thanks, Clint, from the bottom of my heart.” Jake’s eyes were glassy with emotion.

“You two will come live in the big house, of course. Now, you won’t get a giant salary, but nearly all your expenses are paid for by the ranch, so you’ll make out pretty well. Me and Marcy got a small spread in Payson, Arizona. We’re retiring there, but I’ll still come up now and then to check in on you. Now…” Clint looked around and caught the eye of one of the servers. “Let’s get some champagne over here!” he called, and one of the servers immediately appeared, quickly filling four glasses.

Clint raised his glass. “A toast to our new children, may your lives be filled with happiness and joy, and may you both lean on each other in hard times so you can come out the other side stronger people. We love you and… best of luck!”

Jake drank half of his champagne, as did Marcy and Clint. But he noticed Jamie didn’t drink any. “Hon, it’s bad luck not to drink after a toast.”

“Well!” she said, her eyes shining brightly. “It’s even badder luck to drink while one is, shall we say, with child!”

Jake stammered, “We’re…you’re… I mean really? A baby?”

Jamie nodded, her eyes full of tears. Jake leaned over in his chair to hold her and they cried happy tears together.

“Is it, is it a boy or a girl?” he finally asked.

“It’s too early to tell,” she said, wiping her eyes. “But if it’s a boy, I was thinking we might call him Clint. And if it’s a girl–”

Marcy interrupted, “Well, you ain’t calling her Marcy! That’s one of those dying names, you know?”

Jake looked into his wife’s eyes. “Marcy would be just fine. Our little girl will be so pretty she will reverse that trend.”

“I hope it’s a boy,” Jamie whispered.

Jake leaned his forehead against hers. “Doesn’t matter to me. We will raise him or her right here on this ranch, together, you and me, no matter what.”

“Remember, you promised me twenty years, cowboy.” Jamie looked deep into Jake’s eyes.

Jake pulled her from her chair over onto his lap, where he held her tightly. “Hell with that, Babygirl. I’ll give you twenty-five”

“Damn right you will, Daddy!”

– – – – –

Written by:



Edited by:

Pat Harvey

Written on:

Google Docs


Yeah, right

Promotional Director:

Same as the Caterer

Post-Credits Scene

The cold wind blew down Sixth Street as the night grew darker. As cities go for homeless folks, Los Angeles, with its temperate climate, certainly wasn’t the worst. Still, the nights got pretty damn cold if one was unprepared. Homeless people were tolerated on the outskirts of downtown L.A., where one could basically build a plywood shack right on the sidewalk and the cops wouldn’t bat an eye.

Chad grew anxious as the line for the Midnight Mission Homeless Shelter moved slowly forward. He’d never gotten to the line this late at night and feared they might fill up. Sure enough, just as he’d rounded San Pedro street and gotten out of the wind the sign for the mission went dark, which indicated that they were full. A collective groan rose from the crowd as they slowly dispersed, trying to figure out where to spend the night.

Chad thought of calling his mom, but she had made it very clear she never wanted to see him again after she found he had taken all the money from her secret stash in her house, over $3,500.

I could have been a little wiser with that money, he admitted to himself. Instead of finding some super-low-budget hotel, he set himself up fairly nicely at an Ayres Suites, only to be kicked out after less than a month when his cash ran out.

That’s okay, I just gotta find somewhere out of the wind. After an hour’s search, Chad found a nice little nook that he could scrunch up in. Some scrounged cardboard provided a little insulation from the cold concrete and might make the night tolerable. He jammed his hands into his cargo-pants pockets and his right hand found his phone where it always was. He took comfort in his smartphone. Sure, he often told himself, I’ve lost some things, but I still have my phone. And that makes me better than all these other homeless losers.

He checked to make sure he was alone, and then he pulled it out. Just for a few moments, he told himself, but he winced at the 4% battery indicator. Just a quick look, then. He opened up his photos and quickly scanned past the last few of Jamie and that fucking cowboy until he found the one he wanted: a photo of Jamie in her bathing suit from a day they’d spent near the Newport Beach pier last year.

Look at those tits! I used to suck on those big jugs, and fuck them sometimes, too. And I can just see a bit of camel-toe…

But Chad had forgotten one of the cardinal rules of being homeless, and that was to never ever let it be known that you have something valuable. The glow from his phone proved to be very attractive to a few guys across the street. Chad fought really hard, but in the end he lost his phone, his cardboard, and his two front teeth to the miscreants.

“You fuckers!” he yelled after them, spitting out blood. But he took off running when they turned around and headed back towards him.

Fuck! he whined. Why can’t I ever catch a break?

– – – The End – – –

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