A First Taste by CurveWriter,CurveWriter

It was late when Jax returned home. The glow of his home’s lights, muted by curtains, created harsh shadows along the contours of his cheeks and nose like a mask, framing his tired eyes as he turned the door handle–not locked. Turning a corner, the reason for his lack of security was clarified; Angela, one of Jax’s oldest friends, was sprawled along the sofa.

Jax had known her since they were fifteen, they had gone to university together, and they had moved in together to cover the rent. Angela, who worked from home, would wait here every night for his return-sometimes she would remain awake, but on others, this would be Jax’s welcome.

Gently, he put a hand on her shoulder to wake her, and he wandered to the table, a still-gently steaming bowl of casserole placed there for him. As he dug into it, a distorted and animal-like moan signalled Angela’s slow rise.

“And good morning to you too,” Jax supplied, biting into a slightly uncooked shred of onion.

“Fuck off,” his bedraggled housemate chuckled, wiping a loose tendril of curly hair from her eyes.”Is it any good?”

“Yes, very.” The only reply Jax ever gave, but one that she would seemingly never accept.

“Maybe it could’ve used another stock cube,” she continued in a wilful ignorance of his comment.

“Soo, what’re we watching tonight?” Jax changed the subject as he finished the last few bites of sweet potato in the broth.

“That pottery show–wait, no, we saw the last episode yesterday.” Angela explained with a sigh, steepling her fingers.

“We did. I think there’s a new shark documentary on-”

“Right, I’ve been meaning to see that. Sounds good.” Angela finalised the conversation.

It was yet another of their rituals. Set the laptop on the coffee table, sit together and just hang while something slow and quiet murmured in the background. Their sofa was simple, and had sagged with time, but this actually made it more comfortable–if a little sticky in the heat. While Jax sat slouched, Angela would lie along the sofa with her legs pressed on top of his knees–often reading something on her phone and responding non-committally to his comments about whatever they were ‘watching’.

The weight of her legs would cause mild discomfort and slowly numb him, but he wouldn’t change anything. When she asked, he would say that he liked the closeness and he liked to hang out while she was at her most comfortable.

He could never tell her the real, main reasons he liked the arrangement.

In many ways, Angela was a beautiful woman. Merely glancing down revealed her long, luscious legs, faintly toned with muscle and smooth–her left leg contrasted and emboldened by a faint old scar from her knee midway to her hips, along deliciously thick thighs. Faint, gentle pressure on the side of his hips constantly reminded him of the presence of her ass, a perfect mix of strong glutes and thick jiggle; a constant test of his willpower not to stare at for every second he could.

It was fair to say that Jax had a Thing for the gorgeous Angela, but he was cautious–if he broke their friendship, then both of them might have trouble finding a roof over their heads.

“Nothing interesting?” Angela broke the silence, reminding Jax that he hadn’t made a comment on the show for- what, maybe ten minutes at this point?

“Uh- right, yes, nothing. And you?” Jax scrambled to recover a meaningless set of half-thoughts. He knew nothing about the documentary at this point, too fixated on the sights and sensations of Angela’s legs and ass.

“Nothing here,” Angela replied, seemingly understanding his frame of mind as she shifted her weight. “Do you mind if I ask you something?”

“Probably, but go ahead.” Jax grumbled jokingly, pulling himself out of his slouch to a better seating position.

“Have you ever had a girlfriend, Jax?”

His face betrayed that this wasn’t the question he’d expected.

“Uh, you know I have. You introduced me to Chloe, remember?” Way to put his foot in his mouth. His face immediately cringed. Dating Chloe was the rockiest his friendship with Angela had ever gotten.

“Right, I did do that,” Angela murmured, pondering. “Doesn’t count, though. You were only together for three weeks.”

“Two weeks, if we’re being generous,” he countered.

“Bitch didn’t deserve you that long,” she shifted her weight again, “you think you know someone…”

“I’m sorry for how I acted back then.” And he was. Yes, she had been manipulating him, but he’d allowed her to. She might’ve been the one who ‘felt threatened’ by Angela, but he had been the one to nearly sever their friendship over it.

“I’ve forgiven you like six times, Jax. If it makes you feel better, make that a seven.” Her exasperated tone and hand movements allowed him to change the subject without guilt.

“Why are you asking?”

“Just wondering. About stuff. And Things.” Her face moulded into one of contemplation, and… something else. Embarrassment, it seemed, to Jax’s eyes.

Slowly, she pulled herself up via the sofa’s armrest and tapped the space bar, cutting off the narrator mid-speech.

“Jax. I was thinking, how about-Okay, that is to say… Was I a threat?”

Time froze for a brief moment. What reply could he give? No would be a lie. Yes would be to say that he hadn’t been serious about Chloe, also a lie. ‘Maybe’ would be accurate, but not the right answer here. Too non-committal, and this seemed important to his best friend- the woman that he loved.

“Because, well, not to like, make you upset or anything, but I’ve been lying across your lap for nearly a month and I know I’ve excited you and like, I know that means nothing but…”

Oh god, she could feel that? He’d been so worried the first time his dick had been awoken by her during one of their evening watch sessions, but after she never commented he thought he was safe. But she had known what she’d done to him almost every evening-he felt like he’d violated her beauty and their friendship, she must think he’d used her as some sort of soft-core jerk-off material!

“Like, if we get each other hot, maybe, I guess, would it be cool if we sorta leaned into that instead of making things awkward with hiding things and-” Angela continued, unaware of the turmoil swirling in her friend’s mind.

She was going to kill him, Jax thought. This was the Chloe incident all over again, hell, it was worse than that. She was going to storm out of the house, and then they would both have to find somewhere to live- freelance artist and data entry officer didn’t pay out well enough for either of them to live alone. Jax might find himself on the streets, or worse, he’d have to move back in with his parents, and…

“Fuck it.” Angela’s declaration was strong enough to pull Jax out of his head for about a millisecond before Angela took gentle but firm hold of the man’s chest, nudged him around onto the arm of the sofa, and slapped her lips firmly into his. Completely surprised, Jax’s contributions were little more than a slight murmur and a messy lip-lock, but all conscious thought was completely silenced as his reptile brain compelled him to take full advantage of this unique and precious opportunity. The gloss on her lips- now also on his lips–tasted faintly of an artificial cherry flavour as his breathing sank into synchronicity with hers. It wasn’t a fast or dramatic kiss, but instead a slow but passionate thing, a decisive choice but without urgency.

When Angela finally pulls away, cheeks pink, her ocean-coloured eyes radiate with hunger.

“My room. Ten minutes.”

For a brief moment, Jax considers asking her to slow down–talk this out, make a plan. Again, a voice–a primal, simpler part of his brain–shuts him up. Why ruin this, when they both wanted it?

Jax wastes most of the ten minutes that he might have spent processing what just happened–this moment carved from his dreams–pacing instead. Should he have set a timer? That might have ruined this fragile mood. But would arriving late to this rendezvous be even worse? He decided to spend the few minutes he had left in the bathroom; washing his face, brushing his teeth- anything that might polish him into a better bedmate. Because that’s what was happening, wasn’t it? Part of him said that they were going too fast, that they were just letting anxiety and tiredness pilot them into a quick fuck that would be disastrous for them. Another part said that they’d been dating for years, if they were honest with themselves, and just refusing to apply any terms to their relationship. That this would be the ultimate proof of his unspoken love for her.

He would believe the latter, he decided. It was happening now, and he didn’t have a choice. Love her now, or lose her forever. With that understood, he swirled a hearty swig of mouthwash and, using the mechanical gait of false confidence, moved himself to Angela’s door.

Clearly he had taken a little too long, as the door was held slightly ajar by a heavy book. A strong sweet scent- if a little cloyingly artificial, radiated from within. He took the handle, turned it, and- after waiting for a second for any sort of retort- pushed the door aside.

Angela was gorgeous. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she was clothed in a thin and lacy nightgown that revealed the red straps of her favourite bra. The whole room was set out to draw his eyes to her, long lines of oil diffusers on her bedside tables–the source of the aroma–like landing lights. She moved her lips to speak, but thought better of it, and instead merely beckoned him. He was on her in a moment, looming over her for a brief second before placing hands on her shoulders and descending to his knees to place his first kiss of the night on her rounded jawline, eliciting a gleeful moan.

Smoothing over her arms, he took control of her hands and moved them to the hem of her nightie, allowing her to gain purchase and pull it over her head as he moved into the new space and planted another kiss on the exposed curve of her boob above her bra. As her freed hands found purchase on his shoulders, he fumbled briefly with the bra’s clasps–he unlocked it, and revealed her treasure; a fitting end for this long quest of theirs. Her breasts were the perfect size for his hands, with large rouge nipples slotting neatly between his middle and forefinger as he took hold of them and applied loving pressure. Angela’s hands had descended to his belly, pulling his face to hers and his crotch between her waiting legs–granting him a new, treasured sensation. As his awakened, thick cock told her his readiness, a gentle mist-like wetness seeped past his half-discarded trousers, her panties thin enough to show him her pussy’s anticipation. He thanked her with another kiss, enthusiastic and with what limited tongue he knew, allowing her to be absorbed by the moment–as he was when she first kissed him.

He doesn’t pull away, as much as tilt his head aside to break lip-lock and whisper to her ear.

“Ready, sexy?”

“For too long, you tease.” she breathes.

“No condoms, I’m gonna use tongue,” he had decided before he left the bathroom.

“I’m not gonna to force you to do that-” she tries, but,

“No condoms. I’m gonna use tongue. Yes or No?” He had already committed himself.

“… Yes please.”

Lowering himself again, he lines his nose to her knees and begins his run. Kissing and licking as he goes, his hands already on her panties and nudging them aside, adding a new and faintly sour scent to the already-saturated atmosphere. He arrived at his goal–thin, tulip-like, her pussy’s outer lips dominated her inner ones and created a prominent clitoral hood, the same perfect pale-rouge as her gorgeous nipples. Jax took a moment to gaze at this, his Angela’s most hidden beauty, before he began. Meeting the bottom of her left inner lip, he traced up and over her cherry before arching below, and finally sliding his tongue into her warmth–a curved A, a declaration of intent. Slightly metallic, like a fine spirit, he drank from her with ever-increasing vigour as he explored her slick walls. Every twitch and ridge a note in the song of her sex, she moaned the lyrics as she palmed her boobs, rolling her nipples, crying and moaning his name and declaring her love with her mouth and her body as slick became wet and wet became drenched, returning his efforts with juice along his lips and up to his nose as the rhythm grew faster and her pussy lips spasmed and he rolled his tongue attacking her clit for a final declaration and it was over as, with a final and indelible screaming moan, she squirted a cocktail of herself along Jax’s lips and cheeks. She rolled onto her back, shivering from aftershocks and breathing heavily, skin glowing, satisfied.

Jax slowly rocked himself onto his feet, knees stinging, and crawled into the bed with her. His dick, throbbing and gently slopping pre, slotted onto her belly as he curled with her. Feeling this, a few unintelligible noises growled from somewhere in her throat as she took hold of his chest, pulling herself into him.

“That was… insane. You could do that this whole time?”

“Looked it up,” Jax beamed, proud.

“No. Don’t believe it,” Angela declared with a kiss.

“I’ll show you my search history?”

“Now that’s a step,” she chuckled, “please do.”


“I need ideas for round two.”

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