Under The Sea: Sex With a Sea Monster – Pt.1 by Blackdawn

Under The Sea: Sex With a Sea Monster – Pt.1 by Blackdawn

A young woman finds herself in over her head, literally, and being raped by an octopus/man monster with warped mermaids that eat her pussy. , Suck on this Ariel!

Under The Sea: Sex With a Sea Monster – Pt.1
By Blackdawn

Mora was sleeping soundly, she had been dreaming the same dream since she could remember, since she knew what dreams were. She was swimming in an ocean as far as the eye could see, but there wasn’t nothing around, nothing beyond, then suddenly a massive shadow appeared from below, it towered over her and she froze, there was something about this shadowy figure that yanked at the back of her brain, made her skin crawl and drove into her soul. The shadow moved forward, moved to encase itself around her that it always have done.

Since she turned 14, it had then always caused her orgasms. There were times she looked forward to this dream, when she looked forward to this aberration pleasing every part of her body until she exploded in ecstasy. Already aroused, yearning for it’s touch, she felt it touch her naked body and moaned of it in pleasure. A noise alerted her suddenly, a siren, and she jumped out her bed.

Sitting upright and still not completely coherent on what was going on, her entire room was filled with red light from the alarm system going off. That’s when it started to sink in that something aboard the cruise ship was wrong, but it couldn’t be, she was on spring break, this was just a vacation from college with some friends.

Jumping to her feet, she was shocked to find herself ankle deep in freezing water. There was no way this was possible, how could there be water already in the ship, before the alarms went off? Spinning her head to her right, she noticed Elizabeth and Angie weren’t in their beds, they must have gone up top while she was sleeping.

Still in her gown, the 20-year-old woman made a dash for the door opening it and was just about trampled by the crowd of people that were running for their life through the hallway screaming. A man stopped in front of her, it was one of the waiters from the onboard restaurants, his name was Oscar. The young man was still in his uniform, pale, scared out of his mind and soaked to the bone.

“Mora,” He began to instruct loudly and quickly, fear carried in his voice. “Put your life vest on, it’s under your bed.”

But Mora didn’t move, too shocked and scared by everything that was going on. She was still as a statue, her grip tightly fastened to the frame of the doorway.

“Mora, snap out of it. You have to get your life vest.” Placing both hands on her shoulders and vigorously started shaking her.

The whole ship tipped to the side suddenly and everyone went falling backwards, it was tilting to the left, so Mora ended falling onto the frame of the door. Watching helplessly has Oscar fell down the hall and into the water below.

“Oscar!” She screamed out, clasping onto the frame off the door while the remains of her lower half was now hanging and watched in horror as his flailing form disappeared beneath he massive crowd of people that fell on top of him. A woman had grabbed on to the door frame, but a hit from someone else made her lose her grip and she went falling, then someone grabbing her blonde hair caused her to fall forward into the flow of falling people and flip completely over but still managed to keep a hold on the door. A hefty man struggled as he groped her thin delicate body, screaming in pain when he drove his nails into her flesh and proceeded in climbing upwards, using her body as a ladder.

He reached her shoulders when a loud, pain-filled shrill escaped his lips, one that sent shivers down her spine, then felt him being pulled. He had been ripped out off her and pulled the strap of her gown tearing it clean down the center revealing most of her round, heart shaped ass and C sized breasts.

Feeling her grip slipping, and not knowing what else to do, she screamed for help, screamed at the top of her lungs. That’s when she began to notice the screams that were gradually leveling above her own, craning her neck around and looking down, she watched in horror as people began disappearing beneath the water, but they weren’t drowning, something was pulling them under. She could tell because of how their arms flung up and torsos were tossed around like rag dolls.

Seeing movement from the corner of her eye, she shifted her attention and noticed Oscar steadily climbing the wall below her feet, he was using the light fixtures.

“Oscar,” She called out again, now holding on by her fingertips. “I’m slipping!”

“Hold on Mora, I’m coming, just hold on!”

Something shot out of the water suddenly, it was long and thin, the tip of it curled then lunged at Oscar like a coiled snake. He couldn’t even put up a fight and was helplessly dragged under the water like everyone else, leaving only her.

“Oscar!” Mora shouted through hot tears.

That’s when it came up again and stretched for her. Gasping, she turned for the door and tried in pulling herself up but found she couldn’t do it. Feeling it latch onto her ankle, she screeched a piercing cry that echoed through the halls. The thing then gradually began slithering its way up, slowly wrapping itself around her leg then right up between her legs and wedging itself between her butt cheeks where it came across her back, around to her front and to her breasts. There it stopped but was still tugging on her.

Daring, she looked down and froze when seeing what looked like a black tentacle wrapped around her, it looked exactly like the tentacle of an octopus. Looking to her chest, her green eyes went wide when seeing the tip of the wet and smooth tentacle began playing with her nipple, it poked and caressed her nipple making it hard, then flexed and tightened around her breast that traveled all the way down to her ass. Wincing and actually blushing when feeling it rub gently against her clit.

“Mora.” A soothing voice whispered from thin air.

“Help!” She called out, called out to the voice.

“Have no fear Mora.” It cooed in reply.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she croaked through a tight throat. “Help me!”

“I will do just that.” It replied.

Then the tentacle gave a hard yank and she was ripped right off the frame. Losing her breath, her heart stopped beating as she saw her life flash before her eyes, right before she hit the cold water and everything turned into a murky blur.


Mora groaned when she started coming around, feeling wet and like she had been sleeping on something hard then opened her eyes to the deck the ship but didn’t know how she got there. Lying on her stomach, she slowly sat on her knees and gasped in shock with what she saw past the railing. It was the ocean, only that she was underneath it.

Looking up, quick to realize she was in some sort of small air pocket that was on top the deck of the ship, only there was no way this could happen, it was physically impossible. Newton’s Law didn’t allow such heresy, it would be possible for air pockets within the ship, parts that weren’t flooded, but all this should have been washed over by the ocean. That’s when she realized something else, despite being soaked, she wasn’t cold.


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