The New Dress Code Ch. 02 by wooliee,wooliee

Four years down the line and she’s now sitting outside Anthony’s office, filing her nails, with nothing to do or look forward to. Wilsons was no longer the business she had once aspired to work for.

“Bing!” Her computer notified her of a new email.

She sighed as she sat up straight and rolled her chair forward into the desk.

“LET’S SPICE UP THE WORK ENVIRONMENT” the title read. It was sent by Dave, the local branch accountant. He was an intern turned head accountant after the previous head accountant’s untimely death. Dave was an absolute piece of work. Never serious, everything was a joke to him. And for some reason he always got too familiar which was borderline creepy. If it weren’t for his skills in mathematics, no one would give him a job.

Well let’s at least have a laugh Beth thought as she opened up the email.

“Guys check out this suggestion on how to improve the work morale. I think it’s especially useful because we’re a clothing company.” That was written by Dave, the rest was copied from an article or something.

“Are you bored at work? Finished all you work and just waiting to clock out?”

You have no idea Beth thought.

“Well doing nothing all day can negatively affect you brain, making you lazy and reduce productivity down the line.”

Huh I guess that makes sense, I have been feeling lazy lately.

“Here’s a way to keep the atmosphere at work more lively during down time: Dressing up.”


“That’s right! It is scientifically proven that work ethic improves with how confidently and purposely people in an office environment dress up.”

Yeah no shit, coming to work in pajamas isn’t going to inspire hard work.

“But you probably dress up for work already, so how does this help? Well, we’re here to tell you that keeping things interesting significantly improves general mood in the work environment and best of all, keeping it fresh means it doesn’t eventually lose effect.”

Ok I expected this to be something stupid, but I feel like I might just have learned something from Dave of all people.

“Click on the link below to vote on a new dress code.”

Lets check it out.

The link took Beth to an online form with a bunch of multiple choice questions. First was the men’s attire. Questions about what men in the office should wear. Most of the questions did have some naughty options, but it was mostly tame. Beth chose as many naughty options as she could for fun without it being weird. For the casual Friday question, she elected that men have to wear tight, form fitting shorts. She chuckled as she pressed submit on the men’s section. There is a guy from deliveries who seems pretty fit, wouldn’t mind seeing him in tight pants she thought

Next was the woman’s section. Ok my specialty thought Beth. What she saw made her laugh. OK, so this is where the stupid joke in Dave’s email was hidden.

There were 20 questions:

1. Should female employees adhere to a dress code?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Optional.

2. Should they wear skirts or pants?

A. Skirts.

B. Pants.

C. Optional

3. How long should the skirt/pants be?

A. Ankle length.

B. Below the Knee.

C. Above the Knee.

D. Mid Thigh.

E. Just below the crotch.

F. Inline with crotch.

G. Optional

4. Color:

A. White.

B. Black.

C. Company color.

D. Transparent/Translucent.

E. Optional

5. Should they wear pantyhose?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Optional.

6. Type:

A. Tights.

B. Stockings.

C. Fishnet.

D. Optional

7. What type of panties should they wear?

A. Boy shorts.

B. Lacy.

C. Thongs.

D. None.

E. Optional

8. Color:

A. White.

B. Black.

C. Company color.

D. Transparent/Translucent.

E. Optional

9. What types of footwear should they wear?

A. Boots.

B. Sandals.

C. Open Heels.

D. Optional

10. How high should the heels be?

A. Up to 3 inches.

B. At least 3 inches.

C. At least 5 inches.

D. Platform, at least 7 inches.

E. Optional

11. Color:

A. White.

B. Black.

C. Company color.

D. Clear.

E. Optional

12. What type of tops should they wear?

A. Shirt.

B. Tube top.

C. Optional.

13. How long should the top be?

A. Tucked in.

B. Waist length.

C. Above the belly.

D. Just below their breasts.

E. Inline with their breasts.

F. Just covering their nipples.

G. Optional

14. Color:

A. White.

B. Black.

C. Company color.

D. Transparent/Translucent.

E. Optional

15. What bra should they wear?

A. Full cup.

B. Half Cup.

C. Shelf.

D. Pasties.

E. None.

F. Optional

16. Color:

A. White.

B. Black.

C. Company color.

D. Transparent/Translucent.

E. Optional

17. Are jackets or other forms of outer wear allowed?

A. No.

B. Yes.

C. Optional

18. On Casual Fridays, what accessories should they wear to stir things up?

A. Earrings.

B. Tongue piercings.

C. Nipple piercings/clamps.

D. Clit piercings/clamps.

E. Plugs/Vibrators.

F. Temporary tattoos / body writing.

G. All of the above.

H. Optional.

19. To give further incentive to dress excitingly, how should we encourage them?

A. Men should pay for the outfits.

B. Hold a weekly competition for ‘Babe of the week’, with a prize.

C. Both.

20. In case of colder days, how may they keep warm.

A. They can ignore the dress code for warmth.

B. Installing heaters.

C. They shouldn’t keep warm. Hard nipples are exiting to see.

D. Using beverages/stimulants to keep warm.

E. Optional.

Well, might as well have some fun and pick out the raunchiest options. Beth filled out the form, briefly imagining what it would be like if she had to dress to work like this. I’d be getting a lot of free lunch probably. When she was done, she clicked submit. She couldn’t help but notice that the thought of being scantily clothed at work had made her slightly wet. Next there was one more section of ‘Dress code violation’.

These new improvements to the dress code will only help if they are followed. To make sure that they are followed, please vote on an adequate disciplinary action such that the dress code is followed.

A. Change into any clothes picked by your co-workers.

B. Spanking by all willing employees.

C. Make up for it by doing compulsory favors for your coworkers.

That last option made the whole thing a little less funny as Beth cringed at the though of giving her co-workers ‘favors’. So that’s the option she picked out of fun. Despite this, she could feel a warmth growing between her legs as she briefly entertained the idea.

Upon submission, she was immediately led to a page where the current votes were being shown. Two other people have filled the form so far. From the votes, it was obvious that these were male employees. Duh, there were only a handful of females in the entire building, and only one more on the management floor.

She went back to check her email, fully expecting head of HR, Mr. White, to be berating Dave again. The E-mail had a reply from Mr. White. She wished she had some popcorn for this.

“Dave, I must say that knowing your character I expected the worst. However, seeing as we are in the clothing industry, I think that this can be a very useful exercise. I encourage everyone to vote today. If anyone is uncomfortable with this, please do not fill the form and notify me directly. Otherwise, the new dress code will be implemented from Monday onwards.”

What the hell? Why did I fill that form? This must be some kind of joke. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a spam of replies from many employees agreeing with Mr. White. Some female employees replied too, agreeing! What shocked her was when Mr Hicks too replied agreeing. Her boss had always been very protective of her, almost like a father figure, since they first met at the school fair. He would never play such a joke with her would he? He hated Dave as well, so no way that those two are in on it together. Her heart was pounding with anxiety.

Beth got up and went to the toilet to freshen up. What the hell is going on right now? Am I dreaming? Just as she was about to push the women’s room open, Ms. Tate walked out, startling Beth. She was the only other female member on this floor, and one of the people who had replied to Mr. White’s email positively.

“Oh, hi Elizabeth. Did you see the email concerning the new dress code? I must agree with Mr. White, the atmosphere has been so glum recently, this should definitely cheer everyone up. You’d think that we in the fashion business, of all people would dress excitingly. Well, anyways I’m glad that we’re changing things now. Looking forwards to seeing who wins ‘Babe of the Week’.” Beth was just frozen as Ms. Tate walked away.

Beth spent the next 20 minutes just getting her head straight and calming herself.

She headed back out confident, realizing that she needs to be the one messing with others, not being messed with. She’s a fresh graduate for Pete’s sake, she should be the one with the messed up sense of humor. Just stop being nervous.

It was nearly the end of the day. As she approached her table, Mr. Hicks walked out of his office.

“Hi Mr. Hicks. I just saw that the dress code is being updated. Isn’t that exciting? You’ll be seeing a lot more of me, and I bet I’ll be seeing you more often.” Beth poked at Mr. Hicks.

“Oh Elizabeth, I don’t need a reason to see you more often. But I must say, getting to see more of you will certainly brighten my mood. Can’t wait to see you on Monday. I really hope this change is the turn of events we were looking for. Anyways, I have to leave early today, PTA for my son. Missus hates to go alone. You can leave early too if you want.”

That’s not how she expected the conversation to go. That wasn’t the tone she expected him to use. He had also used her full name. He only does that when he’s being serious. What the hell she thought.

Beth was staring at her computer screen, feeling nervous again, when she got interrupted by a e-mail notification. It was form Mr. White.

“Thank you everyone, for partaking in the new dress code vote. Here are the results:

The current dress code for men from Monday to Friday did not change, but Fridays require casual attire. Casual attire is open to choice but must look clean and well fitting.

The dress code for women has changed drastically. No outer wear such as jackets are allowed. Women are to wear transparent/translucent tube tops that are only 3 inches wide. No Bras. Transparent/Translucent skirts, which do not exceed their crotch. No panties. Fishnet stockings. Clear platform heels. On Fridays, you are required to wear all of the listed accessories, i.e. Earrings, Tongue piercings, Nipple piercings/clamps, Clit piercings/clamps, Plugs/Vibrators, and Temporary tattoos / body writing. Please keep a receipt of all your expenses as this will be re-imbursed by the company. A ‘Babe of the Week’ among our female staff will be announced every Friday afternoon, with a prize of $200.

Please take this new dress code seriously, as the violation disciplinary action will be a spanking by all willing employees. Happy shopping this weekend.”

Huh, they chose spanking over favors? maybe they didn’t want to push their luck. Wait what am I saying… That’s what shocked me?

Beth was considering going to Mr. White and asking him if this was a joke but just said fuck it, packed her stuff and left the office. It was surely a joke.

She tried not to think of it for the rest of the day. However, she couldn’t help but become aroused at the thought of being basically naked at work on Monday. She and the other female employees would just be sex objects for the men. Fuck, just get some sleep she thought, it’ll make sense tomorrow.

Beth woke up late the next morning, in a bad mood. She was too hot and bothered to sleep well. She grabbed some coffee and sat at kitchen counter. She opened her phone and saw an e-mail from Mr. White.

“Shops for the new dress code.”

Mr. White explained that many female employees had contacted him explaining that they were having trouble shopping for appropriate clothes. Everyone in the office wore clothes from Wilsons themselves, and nothing from this survey was even remotely available in the lineup. The e-mail had a short list of shops where you would be able to find appropriate clothes.

Beth was seriously confused now. Women from work were considering this and out trying to shop for clothes? OK, OK, calm down. What do we do? Beth noticed that one of the shops listed was a sex shop she drove by to get to work. Beth had always wanted to go there, just to check it out. No harm in just shopping for some sexy clothes right? She always wanted to for her boyfriend.

Wait, she could just ask him what to do?. No, that sounded like a terrible idea. But she didn’t have to tell him directly, she could just ask in hypotheticals right? She opened up her messenger and texted him.

She waited for him to get online. They didn’t live together because of work, but they communicated often so didn’t have to wait long for him to reply. She explained to him, lying, that the dress code at work is being changed to something silly to improve work morale and she didn’t know what to think of it. He just laughed. Beth got mad and asked him to take it seriously as it was being implemented on Monday. He got serious and told her it was probably just a prank since she’s the newbie.

Suddenly he stopped talking and his tone changed. He asked her to repeat if she said it was being implemented on Monday. It seemed that he had suddenly changed his mind, saying that it actually makes sense since she’s in the fashion industry. And so, over the next 10 minutes her boyfriend convinced her that its not a big deal to be wearing a silly costume to work, and it might be fun.

Beth put down the phone and thought about what he had said. He didn’t fully understand the situation because she’d lied to him, but some of the things he said made sense. She listed them mentally.

– I’m not alone, all the (female) staff will be dressed the same. That will take the embarrassment away.

– I am in the fashion industry and we have been lacking in fashion sense. Sexier clothes have been the future for most clothing brands for a while now. Although being basically naked is still a little stretch for office wear.

– I haven’t had the slightest hint that this is a prank other than it being absurd, so would the spankings be worth it if its real?

-I sit alone, behind a desk, and I barely see anyone the whole day, especially Monday. I don’t have to continue once I find out it’s a prank.

Fuck it, as she said earlier, no harm in buying them for now, she could make a decision later. She got ready for a shopping spree. If no-one, at least her boyfriend would appreciate it.

Over the next day and a half she had collected what she could only imagine was a bimbo’s dream wardrobe. The first thing she did was buy the clear platform heels. She was going to need to practice walking in them before Monday. She was used to wearing up to 5 inch high heels so the clear platform heels were not much harder to walk in. Just had to go slow and get used to it. She spent the rest of the day buying a bunch of translucent 3 inch tube tops, 5-6 inch micro skirts, and lots of thigh high fishnets. The skirts and tube tops turned out to basically be interchangeable if you wore the tube top as a low rise skirt, or folded the wider skirt to halve the length to less than three inches.

Beth spent the whole of Sunday shopping at sex shops gathering ‘accessories’ for Friday. She only had her ears pierced so she bought clamps for everything else. She grabbed a pack of temporary tattoos, which she later realized that she could have gotten at a kids store instead. It was too late now and she was stuck with suggestive tattoos that comprised of a few images of hearts, stars or lips, but mostly had a bunch of vulgar phrases such as ‘Cumdump’, ‘Daddy’s Property’, or ‘Anal Slut’. Speaking of anal, she had elected to go for a butt plug rather than a vibrator. Rather have something up my butt than something buzzing inside me all day. Either way that was for Friday, which was far away. It was late Sunday night now and she really needed some sleep.

The whole ordeal had made Beth really hot and bothered and she barely got any sleep that night causing her to sleep in late. Fuck! Have to get ready soon or I’ll be late. She had planned to get in early behind her desk so she wouldn’t have to walk past everybody. She got up and got ready, stopping before getting dressed. Am I really going to do this? What was the list of points I had made?

Whether it was the sleep deprivation, her horny state of mind, excessive coffee or adrenaline, she decided to just get dressed quickly and rather not have to walk past everyone practically naked. She quickly put on some makeup and did her hair. Next she pulled on a white tube top and micro skirt. She stood up to quickly look at herself in the mirror. The top and skirt had to be quite tight to stay in place without support which made them dig into her, showing off how incredibly soft her breasts and ass were, making sexy bumps of her flesh at the hems. The top side and underside of her boobs were hanging out proudly, as the tube top wanted desperately to slink over or under her large breasts. The cloth itself was basically transparent. She had picked out white as she thought black was trashier, but looking at it now, the white mesh definitely showed off more details underneath. A quick glance at the clock reminded her to hurry up. She grabbed some white fishnets and sat down to pull them on again. She stood up to get another quick look in the mirror. Her skirt had ridden all the way up her ass and was bunched up on her waist like a belt. She pulled it back down in place. The fishnets were quite a display on her soft legs. The strings dug into her thighs, making them create a puffy diamond pattern on her legs. Next she put on her platform heels, and took one last look in the mirror. Her skirt was bunched around her waist again. Her tube top had also bunched up around her nipples, and looked like a shoestring was tied around her chest, barely covering her nipples. Her small pink areolas were completely exposed. She fixed up her clothes again, noting that she basically couldn’t bend at all today without exposing herself. Any more than she already was that is. She stepped back away from the mirror, judging how transparent the clothes looked from a distance. It wasn’t too bad, the fabric only looked questionably transparent, but still only covered the bare minimum. Just had to make sure to keep my distance and stay behind my desk. Beth noticed her nipples were rock hard and poking at the mesh top. The mesh was a little rough and that only made her nipple harder as she moved. Gosh, she was starting to get really turned on right now.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, she left for her car. When she got there, she realized how wet she had become. Not wanting to leave spot on the skirt, she went to hike it up a little when she noticed that it had already climbed halfway up her ass. Mental note 2: I can’t walk either. She would have to keep tugging at her skirt every ten seconds if she did. Finally in her car, she left in a hurry, only to get stuck in traffic. There was no way she was getting to work before anyone else. Traffic was barely moving. She decided to relax and take some deep breaths to calm herself down.


She opened her eyes quickly to see what had happened. Someone from the opposite lane next to her had rear ended the guy in front. It wasn’t a high speed crash at all. That’s when she realized that the sun was in front of her and she was basically giving everyone in the opposite lane the best morning show, as the strong morning sunlight made her top basically transparent. Her skit had ridden all the way up to her belly at this point, and her tits kept popping out at every speed bump. Too overwhelmed to react at this point, she just focused on getting to work as soon as she could. She swore the security guard at the office parking saw everything as she drove in, but she didn’t car. She wasn’t sure whether not caring as much anymore was a good thing or not, whether she just wanted to get it done with or she enjoyed the feeling of being exposed.

Before getting out, she fixed her top and skirt. Her fishnets had ridden down a little too. Her soft malleable body was terrible at keeping her tight clothes in place. She was quite late, but perhaps this was a good thing. Everyone would be in their cubicles and out of sight.

“Liza!” Beth turned Left to see who it was, but remembered only one creep called her Liza instead of Beth like everyone else – Dave.

“I’m usually late, but this must be the first time for you.” Dave came up to her and leaned on the roof of her car. Beth was very nervous. He could only see her face because they were on opposite sides of her car.

“Don’t worry. They haven’t fired me yet, and you’re more valuable than me. Hey, so about that drink w-” Dave froze as he walked around her car to see her.

“Uhh… Oh yeah! I almost forgot about the new dress code!” Dave sputtered nervously as he struggled to take his eyes off her body.

“Well, it’s a good thing our code only changed for Fridays, haha..” His voice was only getting more shaky.

“Hey, uh, Nice chatting with you, but I’m late… and uhh… so are you…” Beth still hadn’t reacted to the fact that Dave had seen her half naked. Minutes ticked by. By the time she came out of shock he was gone. Fuck! He had seen her. She didn’t manage to go 10 seconds without someone seeing her, and it was Dave of all people.

She didn’t care at this point, she just wanted to get to her desk. She kept her head down, tugging at her skirt all the way there not caring or wanting to know how many people were noticing her. Her heart has thumping, and she was reminded with each step of the growing wetness between her legs. She peeked through the gaps in Mr. Hicks’s window to check and he was not in, probably a meeting. She settled down in her chair, remembering to hike up her skirt just a little so her wetness didn’t leave a spot.

Before she could think of anything, she was approached by Dave.

“Heyyy Liza. I, uh, was just in a meeting, and Tony asked me to come get you, he needs you to, uh, take some notes, yeah.” He couldn’t stop staring at her tits.

Beth was getting quite upset at this point. Why would Mr. Hicks send him to come get her?

“Dave I swear to God-” She was pissed.

“No, no, this isn’t a prank or any- Uhh, well… No, they just sent me because I came in late, I wasn’t part of the discussion.”

Beth stared Dave down. If looks could kill…

“I promise they asked for you. You can… uh… kick me in the balls if I’m lying.”

“I’d love that.” Beth shot up, and started walking down the hallway. Dave followed behind.

“Conference room?” Beth asked as she turned her neck around.

“Uh, yes.” Dave’s eyes shot up from staring at her ass. Beth had forgotten to pull her skirt back down. Noticing his gaze, she quickly pulled them back down, cursing under her breath.

She walked to the conference room door, took a moment, fixed her clothes and turned to look at Dave.

“Promise.” said Dave raising his pinky.

Beth turned her head back, took a deep breath, pushed the doors open and stepped in confidently.

Mr. White, Mr. Hicks and the other company managers were huddled together at one corner of the conference, facing the door, and now a half naked Beth. Everyone was frozen, no one said anything until Dave broke the silence walking out from behind her.

“See? I told you?” Dave looked at the older gentlemen as he presented Beth as proof.

There was another period of awkward silence until Mr. White spoke.

“Beth… do you know what day it is?”

It took a moment for Beth to react.

“Monday…?” she asked unsurely.

“Yes, but what date?”

“The first?” she guessed.

“Yes, the first of…?”

“The first of Apr-“

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