Fun with a Co-worker Ch. 01 by CasinoRoyale430,CasinoRoyale430


I write primarily for myself. If you like it great, if its not your cup of tea, my sincerest apologies and please look elsewhere. This is a shorter story but fun and sad in some spots. I like my drama and turmoil.

Non-Anonymous Comments with constructive criticism are extremely valued and will be responded too when I can. Obviously I have no formal training and want to get better with my story telling. If you area seasoned erotic writer and would like to champion a noob, drop me a message on how I can improve.

Lots of Love, Casino


In my mid 20s, I was charming, handsome and virile. I was 6′ 2″ and 180 lbs of lean muscle. My dark brown hair was cut asymmetrically with a hard part on one side and blended on the other. I was well tanned and a hard worker. I was able to get pretty much any woman that I pleased.

I started off by dating gorgeous, perfectly built women; blondes, brunettes, redheads. Most were nice, some boring, some full of themselves and some just plain crazy. Maybe it was me, but the common thread with all these women were the sex was boring as fuck. They figured since they were pretty they could just lay there, with their legs spread and take whatever was given. I tried romance, foreplay, role playing; anything to spice it up. None of them seemed that into any of it. They were happy with the boring sex, occasionally having an orgasm here or there. For me, it felt more like I was performing a bodily function. Like taking shits only pleasurable ones at that. I know I know, how dare I complain. But seriously, if screwing a gal has as much passion as going to the dentist what’s the point.

Then I had a chance encounter with a co-worker Stella. She was a lovely woman in her late 30s from the midwest, brown hair, big round eyes, olive skin and nice but plain features. She had a voluptuous body but was by no means heavy. She spent a few months at our facility and I had to work closely with her. I enjoyed her company and she made me laugh with her teasing jokes and funny ways. We grew to be very close friends.

Some co-workers and I would take her out to show her the town so she wouldn’t get lonely here by herself. She was no longer married as her husband had passed away a few years earlier but had two girls at home. She missed them terribly of course. They stayed with their grandparents when she had to travel for business.

One Friday she hopped into my cubicle and sat across from me. Her lovely full breasts jiggled as she sat. “Hi Max!” She said in a sing-song manner, “What are you up to tonight?”

“Was gonna head out to Petey’s with the gang.” I said and smiled, “Why don’t you join us?”

She wrinkled her cute little nose with a pout, “I don’t feel like Petey’s tonight.”

“Ok, what did you have in mind?”

“How about Delmonico’s?”

“I don’t know if the gang is up for an elegant dinner tonight.” I said doubtfully, “They probably want to blow off a little steam after the last couple weeks. Speaking of which, your presentation today was dynamite.”

She blushed a little at the compliment, “Thank you Max, how very sweet of you.” She paused and said quietly, “I was thinking just you and I could go. You’ve been so nice to me since I arrived. You really treated me like family. Dinner is my treat.”

“Just you and me?” I said, a little awkward with a puzzled look.

“Oh no,” she looked down disappointed, “It was just a thought. I wanted to have a nice dinner to repay you for your kindness.”

Realizing I hurt her, I quickly recovered, “I’d love to go to dinner with you Stella. I didn’t mean to upset you, I was just surprised by the invitation” I stood and bowed gently, “I would be honored.”

She smiled brightly and giggled at my old fashioned gesture, “Wonderful. Pick me up at 6:30.”

“Will do and there’s no way I’m letting you pay. You’ve got two little girls to think about” I said as she gently pecked me on both my cheeks and slowly walked out of my cube. I leaned back and followed her with my eyes as she walked down the aisle. She looked over her shoulder and caught me watching her. She wasn’t mad though. She just smiled and winked at me.

I had never really noticed before but she had a magnificent ass. It was full and round topped with a skinny waist. It jiggled and bounced gently as she walked. She had magnificent curves and her tight navy blue skirt clung to her accentuating everything. I don’t think I’d ever seen her in a skirt so tight.

‘Hmm,’ I thought to myself, ‘Interesting turn of events. Delmonico’s is my favorite. Did she know that?’ I shrugged my shoulders and said to myself in a low Voice, “I hope my gray flannel suit is in good shape.’


I went home after work and showered. I put on a crisp white french cuff shirt with my favorite cufflinks. I liked getting dressed up for dinner and realized that I missed it. I pulled on my gray suit and quickly buffed some lifegiving shine into my black wingtips.

I got into my car and drove to her residence hotel. I parked in a space close to the front door and went into the lobby. I called her from my cell phone.

“Hello Max,” she said. It was definitely Stella but she sounded different. “I’ll be down in a moment.”

I quickly checked the score of the baseball game to see who was winning. A few moments later, I noticed the music in the lobby had changed from the normal generic Muzak to a song I was familiar with. The song `The Sky is Broken’ by Moby definitely seemed out of place for the lobby. Maybe the guy behind the desk was bored to tears and needed to change things up. Who knows.

I heard the tone from the elevator and the door opened. I turned my gaze towards the elevator and promptly dropped my phone. ‘Thank God I bought the case protector.’ I quickly stooped over and grabbed my phone.

The vision of Stella was otherworldly. Her dark hair was curled playfully to her shoulders. She normally never wore makeup but what she put on tonight was just enough to draw you into her now lovely features. Her eyeshadow expertly applied making her eyes look smokey and daring. Her full lips were painted in a luscious glossy red. Her long sleeve black mini dress clung to her curves as if it were painted on. The plunging neckline showed off her ample enticing cleavage. It was the shortest dress I had ever seen her in, stopping mid thigh. She wasn’t wearing any stockings or panty hose showing off her gorgeous toned silky thighs, her legs ending in black patent leather heels. Her gorgeous body bounced and jiggled with every glorious step sending shockwaves through my core. She was walking to the beat of the song like a runway model on the catwalks in Milan. She was simply mesmerizing.

I managed to close my mouth as she approached, gently swaying her hips. I was truly shocked. She was amazing, her confident sexuality oozing from her.

She did a quick twirl, tucked her chin to her shoulder in a demure pose. Batting her eyelashes at me, “Do you like?” she whispered in a sultry tone.

Her voice broke me out of my trance. I blinked a couple of times, “Oh my Stella…” was all I could get out.

She came in close, put her hands on my hips and strained up to gently kiss me on the lips. It was brief but electric. I felt a familiar tingle in my loins but thankfully didn’t get a full-on erection.

“You look amazingly sexy,” was all I could muster. I finally regained composure, realizing I was talking to my equal at work. “I’m sorry, that was entirely inappropriate.’ I straightened myself. “Shall we,” I said, offering her my elbow.

She had a look of triumph on her face as she smiled devilishly. She bit her lower lip, took my elbow and gently leaned against my arm. We walked to the car making small talk like we hadn’t seen each other all day.

At the car, I opened the door for her and held her hand as she lowered herself to the seat. Jesus, looking down at her luscious chest from above was almost more than I could take. I could almost see under her skirt as it rode up. She caught me peeking again and simply smiled and winked. I didn’t think I would need to worry about the possibility of a raging erection having dinner with Stella. Wow was I wrong.

She thanked me and I gently secured her door, walked to the driver’s side, slid into my seat and started the car.

” I’m hungry,” she purred, leaning on the center console, brushing the back of her hand over my thigh.

“Me too.” I smiled, enjoying her gentle touch. “Delmonico’s is my favorite.”

She smiled slyly, “I know.”

This made me curious, but I let it go.

She plugged her phone into my car system and turned on the Back to Black album by Amy Winehouse. Again, another favorite and she skipped the first song like I always do. I know we talked about music a lot but I can’t remember mentioning that. I stole a quick glance and she just smiled staring out the window. After a 20 minute drive, mostly in sexually charged silence, we pulled up to Delmonico’s. One of the valets moved to the passenger side and opened the door for Stella. I saw his eyes grow wide as he helped her from the car. Another moved to the driver’s side and opened my door. I stepped out and tipped him as he got in to park the car. I tipped the other valet as well. He was in a slight daze but thanked me all the same.

Again, I offered Stella my arm. She took it and as we walked to the door, I whispered, “What have you done to the poor boy?”

She giggled, looking behind her and winking at the young man, “More than he bargained for.”

I opened the door and ushered her in. We walked up to the concierge. “Table for 2 under Stella.” She said sweetly but with confidence.

“Ah yes. Welcome to Delmonico’s. We have a cozy snug ready for you.” If you’re not familiar, a snug is a table for customers who would like some privacy while they dine. They are fitted with heavy velvet curtains and the server always asks permission before opening them. This one was unique in that it had a romantic curved bench rather than sitting across from each other.

‘Interesting choice of seating,’ I thought to myself as I helped her into the soft bench. She scooted towards the middle. Not knowing where to sit, I sat towards the end but not on the absolute end.

She frowned and pouted, “Max you’re so far away. Come sit next to me.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me close. Then leaning close she planted my hand on her bare thigh just below the hem of her short dress. I swear I could feel heat rolling from her nether region.

I inhaled sharply, a little color blushing my cheeks.

Stella looked me in the eyes and giggled, “You ok Max?” She kissed me gently on the cheek.

“Just fine Stella dear.” I managed. I have never been this out of sorts around a woman. She was driving me crazy with her teasing and flirtations.

Just then the server arrived. ” Hello, my name is Jonathan. I’ll be assisting you this evening. Can I start you off with a drink while you scan the menu?”

“I’ll have a Hendrix Martini, up, dry with 2 olives, please.” Stella said with cool confidence.

“That sounds delicious,” I said with some color returning to my face, “I’ll have the same.”

With that Jonathan handed us our menus and disappeared. I reluctantly had to remove my hand to take it. “What sounds good to you Stella?”

“Mmmmm,” she purred, running her little pink tongue over the underside of her top lip. “I’m in the mood for protein. The bacon wrapped filet sounds delightful.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Stella was a gal after my own heart.

When our drinks arrived, I raised my glasses to propose a toast, “Here’s to a lovely evening with a truly lovely lady.”

We clinked glasses and took a sip. “We’ll see how ladylike she ends up.” She gave me an evil grin.

Before I could respond, Jonathan returned, “Are you ready to order?”

“Jonathan my dear,” she began, “we’re going to have the same thing. We’ll each have a bacon wrapped fillet, the roasted potatoes and and pan seared asparagus”

“How would you like the steaks prepared Miss?” Oh, Jonathan was good.

“Medium rare please. Also Jonathan, would you please pull the curtains.” He obliged and we went back to sipping our Martinis.

I admired her confidence. It was rare and sexy and she knew it. I loved that she ordered for me. The reversal was very sexy.

She leaned over, stroked my thigh and kissed me deeply on the lips. I was surprised but didn’t pull away. “Thank you for always treating me with kindness and respect.”

I was dazed again. ‘Damn, how did she do that?’ I thought to myself and then said, “That’s quite a thank you.”

She grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest. “Feel my heartbeat,” she panted a little, “That’s what the thank you does to me.”

Then there was a tug at the snug curtain but he didn’t open it. Dutiful Jonathan checking in on us. ” May I freshen your drinks?”

“Yes, dear boy. We’ll have another round.”

“Very well.” And with that he was gone.

She moved in close, running both of her hands through my hair. She kissed me again deeply and pulled me towards her cleavage. I gently kissed the soft warm flesh of her breasts moving back and forth between them. I moved a hand to her inner thigh and could feel her thrusting her crotch towards my hand. I teased my hand up her thigh until I reached my goal. ‘Jesus, she wasn’t wearing any panties. Not even a thong or g-string.’ I ran my fingers around the outside of her lips and then right up the middle between her lips. She was dripping wet already.

She moaned as softly as possible. When there was another tug at the snug. Our drinks had arrived. We straightened up and finished our first drinks. “Yes.” She said as calmly as possible.

“Your drinks miss,”

“Oh yes of course.”

He opened the snug, put the fresh drinks down and retrieved the empty glasses. “Your dinner will be up shortly.”

“Thank you Jonathan. You can leave the curtains open for now.”

He looked relieved, as if he knew what we were doing in here.

When no one was looking. She stole another kiss and squeezed my raging hard on through my pants.

Another quick inhale and I leaned in to kiss her on the neck. “You are a naughty girl.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She purred.

We sipped our drinks looking intently at one another.

The food arrived and we fed each other from our plates. This kind of thing normally feels cheesy but with Stella it was a nourishing passion that I’ve never felt. Maybe it’s because I’ve never had children or been with someone who inspired that kind of action. Whatever it was. It was intoxicating.

As we finished our meal, gently touching and teasing each other, she asked, “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“I don’t usually have coffee this late in the evening.” I said and then continued, “It tends to keep me awake all night.”

She giggled and bit her lip again. Then raising an eyebrow she mused, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

As if on queue, there was another tug on the snug. “May I get you anything else.”

“Yes Jonathan. Please bring two double espressos.”

He raised an eyebrow, “As you wish.” He closed the snug curtains as if sensing something.

I looked at her with a grin and shook my head.

“What?” she said with a pout and mock demure, “You don’t want to stay up all night with me?”

I leaned in again and gently traced circles over the exposed flesh of her breasts. I leaned in for another deep kiss and then released. “I can’t think of one single thing I’d rather do than spend the night with you.”

And yet another tug at the snug, “Your espressos miss.”

“Thank you Jonathan.”

“Would you like me to bring the bill?” he added.

“We’ll enjoy our coffee first then we’ll take the bill.” She smiled at him as he pulled the snug curtains shut.

She slid up next to me quickly, gave me another long sensuous kiss. She quickly broke the kiss, “I can’t wait any longer.” She pushed me gently to the bench and started to undo my belt.

I grabbed her hands realizing what she was about to do. “Not here.” I whispered with concern.

She had a wild look in her eyes, “Oh yes. Right here.” Continuing to undo my belt. She pulled my boxer briefs down, freeing my cock from its prison. Her jaw dropped. She mouthed the words, “Wow… You have a nice cock.” As she ran her tongue up and down its length.

I’m by no means huge. I’m average length but I’ve been told that I’ve got a nice girth.

She wrapped her lips around the head of my dick and slowly built a wonderful rhythm bobbing her head up and down. She pulled off my dick still stroking it. With a hungry look, she hisses “I want you to cum in my mouth. Don’t worry baby I won’t let you make a mess of your beautiful suit.” And with that she went back to work. She took me faster and deeper. It has been a while since I’d been with a woman and I couldn’t hold on.

Then it hit; the familiar tingle, “I’m gonna cum.” I whispered raggedly, sperm gushing from the head of my cock. I gasped and tilted my head back in a silent scream.

She swallowed it all and sucked what was left from my cock. She slid her mouth from my cock. A little semen slipped from the corner of her mouth. She pushed it back to her lips and licked it off. “See baby,” she purred, “I told you I wouldn’t let you make a mess.” She gulped her espresso with a quick swallow.”

I put my used member away, zipped my pants and re-fastened my belt. I followed suit and swigged down the small cup of coffee.

Stella fixed her lipstick and pulled back the curtains. Jonathan approached from across the room, “Can we have the bill dear?”

“Of course.” He stepped away and quickly returned with the bill. I pulled out my wallet and paid cash. I left a 40% tip for Jonathan. While we no doubt pushed the envelope for what he normally dealt with. He was a consummate professional dealing with the uncomfortable situation.

“What are you doing,” she pouted, “This was supposed to be my treat.”

“I told you earlier today,” I reached for her hand and kissed it gently, “There was no way I’d let you pay tonight.”

With a gleam in her eyes, she grinned fiendishly, “Oh baby. You’re going to pay plenty at my place.” Giving me a playful squeeze on the rear.


I tried not to drive like a maniac but Stella made that difficult. She had slipped out of her heels, put one foot up on the dash spreading her legs wide giving me a glorious view of her nether region. She had a neatly trimmed triangle of bush that stopped just before her pussy lips that were cleanly shaved. She was playing with her pussy with one hand while the other was occupied rubbing my cock through my pants. “Drive faster baby I need you sssoooo bad.”

I was so aroused. The smell of her sex permeated the entire car driving me wild. I never understood men who were turned off by the scent of a woman’s arousal. Didn’t they understand what that scent meant? That scent says take me, fuck me, I want to suck your cock, I want you to suck my clit and make me cum. I don’t want a woman’s pussy that smells like a fucking pina colada. I want a woman. And holy shit, Stella was that woman. With all the gorgeous women I’ve dated in the past, none of them were as exciting or desirable as Stella. Sure they might’ve been prettier but they were boring as fuck compared to this lusty sexual being next to me. She was so desirable I wasn’t sure if she was even human. She might’ve been an angel sent from Heaven for all I knew.

I was pretty sure the pre-cum seeping from the tip of my cock had soaked through my underwear and probably through my suit pants. I knew I’d have to have it dry cleaned but I didn’t care. I was really glad for the leather interior of the car. I was pretty sure her pussy juices were all over my passenger seat. I just looked at the vision of pure sex next to me and said, “Hold on baby.” I slammed my foot down hard on the accelerator and the car jumped to life.

She just giggled at me as she thrust her hips pushing her pussy into her hand adding to her excitement.

We got to her hotel, got out of the car and she took my hand. We practically ran through the lobby to the elevator. She pressed the button for the 12th floor and she leaned against the wall looking hungry again.

I knelt in front of her, lifted her skirt and began licking all around her pussy. Stella moaned with delight. Then I quickly moved in and sucked her swollen clit into my mouth.

“Shit,” she gasped, her hand falling to the back of my head pulling me deeper into her crotch. I sucked it harder and slid 2 fingers into her love canal.

As I was rhythmically sucking and finger fucking her, she started to quake. “Oh Jesus Max! You’re gonna make me cum!” Then with a quick thrust of her hips she came and her pussy gushed down the front of my mouth and all over my arm. ‘Gonna have to get this suit to the dry cleaners for sure now.’ I thought to myself, her orgasm ripping through her body. She was shaking as she started to fall to the floor of the elevator. I caught her and took her into my arms.

“Jesus Max,” she exhaled in a low smoky voice. “What did you do to me baby?” she panted trying but failing to stand. “You’re gonna have to carry me honey.”

I picked her up deftly and just then the elevator tone went off and the robot voice said “12th Floor.”

The door opened and there was an elderly couple waiting for the elevator. They looked at the two of us with some alarm.

I smiled the best I could, explaining, “She twisted her ankle on the curb and I decided it was easier to carry her.”

Stella tried to stifle a giggle, “Isn’t he sweet,” she managed, “My hero.”

We got off the elevator and they got on. Turning around to meet their gaze, I said, “Have a nice night.”

The older man just smiled with an arched brow shaking his head. His wife just snickered and said, “I bet you two will.” With that the elevator door closed.

Stella and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I almost dropped her but steadied my grip. “Which way Love?”

“Room 1230.” she hugged into me. Looking somewhat somber.

I was a little worried she thought this was a mistake.

“Stella sweetheart, are you ok.” I looked down at her and now she was gently weeping. ‘Oh shit! What have I done?’ I was cursing myself thinking, ‘Great! Nice going asshole, now you’ve lost a close friend too.’

She didn’t reply. She just gripped me tighter.

I hurried to her room. I was overcome with a feeling of absolute dread. She handed me the keycard. I unlocked the door and carried her into her room.

I nestled her into the sofa. I didn’t want to put her on the bed. Even though we’d done quite a lot, it felt presumptuous. She hugged her legs to her chest, looking like she was in shock. I grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and knelt in front of her on the floor.

I wanted to apologize, not even sure what I should be apologizing for. Whatever it was I desperately wanted her to smile again and giggle and most of all feel safe.

Finally she met my gaze, “I’m sorry Stella if I was too forward in the elevator. I should’ve asked for your permission before…”

She held up a hand to stop me. The kindness returned to her eyes, “Sweet Max.” she started cupping my face with her hand, “If you try to apologize for giving me the hardest orgasm of my life, I will slap you across the face.” She leaned forward and kissed me gently, sweetly. The way soulmates kiss after being married for a thousand years, like to elderly couple from the elevator. It wasn’t full of lust, it was passionate and only meant for pure love.

“But the tears and sorrow. I was so worried I hurt you somehow.”

A single tear ran again down her cheek. “Max. The tears and sorrow are only for the life we could never have together.”

I was hurt and confused. “What are you talking about? Why couldn’t we have a life together?”

“Max. Tonight, I was planning on this being a little fling. You know. Blow off a little steam while away on business. Then return to normal maternal life, when I get home to the girls.”

“Oh. I was just a toy to play with, I get it.” I turned away from her. I was really wounded and didn’t want her to see. “I’ll see you on Monday Stella.” I moved towards the door.

“Max, wait, please.” She moved quickly and blocked my exit. Then she saw my face. The pain, the wounded animal’s instinct to flee from it. “Please stay. That came out really wrong.”

I wanted to hold onto the pain. I wanted her to feel it too. “Which part?” I asked cold and angry, “The ‘no future’ part or the ‘fling to blow off steam’ part. I should’ve gone out to Peaty’s. It would’ve been a lot less painful.”

I gently held her shoulders to move her out of the way but the words landed true and stung her. She held her ground and instead of moving she hugged me tight. “If you’re leaving, I’m coming with you until you understand.” she dug in her heels. She was serious.

With a sigh. I relented. I walked back to an overstuffed armchair and sat down. I crossed my legs and arms, closing my body off to her.

She walked slowly to me and knelt before me. She got me to uncross my legs and she laid her head in my lap. “When I arrived at your office. I had my guard up as usual, I wore simple plain clothes and no makeup. After my husband passed I didn’t want anyone to think that they could take his place. So, I went to great lengths to make myself professional but unapproachable. But you were so disarming and kind. You welcomed me in and made me one of the gang. With all the offices that I have to visit on a yearly basis this is the only one where I’ve felt at home. Like I’m with my family.” she paused, wiping a tear away, ” You’re the only one,” she said with emphasis, “that has made me feel like family.”

I softened at this remark. Moved my hand to the top of her head and stroked her hair. I said nothing. I wasn’t sure where this was going and I didn’t want to presume anything. My silence was my guard and my savior. I had already shared too much with my hurt and I wasn’t going to do that again. Most women say they wish men would share their feelings but that’s bullshit. They only want to know your feelings to confirm theirs. If you actually tell them how you really feel they will typically (not always) do one of three things. Tell you why you shouldn’t feel that way, tell you to suck it up and deal with it or use it later to punish you. I wasn’t going to fall into that trap.

After a moment she continued. “At first I thought you were just overt with your professional consideration for a new team member. Then you included me in everything. That very first Friday you invited me out to drinks with everyone. Later you took me around town to see the sights and help familiarize me with the area. You even invited me to your house for a bar-b-que with some co-workers but also your friends. You made me feel important and special but you weren’t being inappropriate. We grew to be great friends.” She sniffled. “Then I was attracted to you. Your boyish charm mixed with the beauty of a man of all men, as well as your politeness and chivalrous manner. I couldn’t resist you. Then the last week at Peaty’s when you walked me to my car. You held the door and touched the small of my back. It was electric. I knew I had to have you but who was I kidding. I saw the beautiful girls at your party. The way they swooned for you. I knew I was out of my league.”

She looked into my eyes searching. I held firm with a blank stare, but managed the words softly, “Please continue.”

She put her head back on my lap and continued her confession, “So this week I started wearing some tighter, more revealing clothing. Then I noticed that you noticed. The final confirmation was when you watched me walk away from your cube and I turned and winked. Before seeing that, I had intended for the dinner to simply be a thank you. But when you watched me walk away, that had given me the confidence to,” she sighed, “attempt to seduce you. I called Delmonico’s and reserved a snug instead of a standard table.”

She wept quietly. I slowly stroked her hair and lowered my lips and kissed the top of her head.

She looked up at me, her eyes wet with tears, “Then in the restaurant when you responded to my advances. I was giddy with excitement.” she sniffled again, “You responded not only physically but emotionally. After the elevator when you held me in your arms after the unimaginable orgasm, I no longer felt like I just wanted a roll in the hay. I wanted you. I wanted all of you. Then the realization brought me crashing to earth. I don’t live here. I’m leaving for home in 2 weeks.’

I lifted her and sat her on my lap holding her tight as she sobbed.

“I’ve never wanted a man as badly as I want you right now and forever but it doesn’t seem possible. Plus who am I kidding, you don’t want a middle-aged woman. You’re in your 20s and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”

With that, I put my fingers to her lips to quiet her. I kissed her long and deeply. “I’ve been with other women. Beautiful women. Yes, a couple of them were at the party who I managed to stay friends with. But none of them were as fun, exciting, daring or sexy as you. I dropped my phone for a reason. You Stella are a knock-out.”

“Please Max. You don’t have to say that. I know I’m not nearly as…”

I put my fingers to her lips again, silencing her protests. “I don’t play games and I never lie. I’ve never felt this much desire for a woman in all my life. If what I feel is true, I would move heaven and earth to be with you.”

“I can’t uproot the girls and I can’t ask you to leave your life here.”

“What life?” I said, searching her eyes, ” I’m a 28 year old bachelor with a string of empty relationships and nothing to show for it.”

“What are you saying?”

“What I’m saying is after 2 weeks lets reassess. If it feels right, then maybe I can look at putting in for a transfer to the home office.”

“But..” she looked at me dumbfounded. Trying to think of an argument but coming up blank.

“I know this. If we don’t see how things play out. If we don’t at least try, I will regret it for the rest of my life. You’ve shown me more excitement and fun than I’ve ever had with anyone else.”

“What about my girls?” she was thinking about it now. I could see a glimmer of hope behind the sadness. Also some disbelief.

“Well if things did work out it would be wrong to just immediately move in with you. It would be too much of a shock and the girls would more than likely resent both of us.”

She nodded.

“We could start off dating. I would get an apartment close to where you live. We’ll know more about how we feel about each other before you leave for home. I’m putting the cart before the horse here of course.”

“You’re serious. Aren’t you.” It was more of a statement than a question.

I looked into her eyes and my heart sank a little seeing a little fear and doubt. “Unless you don’t feel the same. I’ll understand if you want to end things as they are.”

She climbed off his lap and walked to the sliding glass door. She opened it and stepped onto the balcony.

I stood up and followed her. The evening air was chilly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her towards me. I gently kissed her neck and she moaned. “I’m sorry if I scared you. When I get excited about someone my brain and mouth move too fast. I’ll leave if you want me too. I’ll stay if you want me too. I just don’t want this to end before we even see how we feel. All I know is that I’m not a big fan of one night stands. Especially when I already feel a connection with you.”

She stared out at the night sky with a far away look. “Even though it would only be two week, I don’t know if I could take the rejection. If things don’t work out.”

“You’re right Stella. I can’t make you a guarantee. Like anything, there’s always a chance of failure. You’ve got more to risk than I do but I’ve got to tell you. If we don’t at least try, I will be crushed.”

“This is painful Max. I feel we’ve got a connection too but at this point in my life. With the girls and traveling for work. It would be too big of a gamble for me.”

“Even if there was a possibility for true love?” I whispered with real pain. I thought I would be sick.

She nodded and wept.

I kissed her gently on the neck. I had to leave before the tears came. “Goodbye Stella.” I turned and left.


Stella flung herself on the bed. “You fucking idiot! You ruin everything.” She let out a soul shattering cry. ‘Now I’ve lost my best friend too.’

She didn’t even bother getting ready for bed. She just cried herself to sleep.


I barely made it to the car before the tears came. ‘How could things go so wrong? She’s the first person who’s ever made me feel this way. And it’s over in one God forsaken night.’

I started my car, plugged in my phone and turned on “Disintegration” by the Cure. If that song doesn’t make you cry, You’re a soulless fuck void of emotion.”

I made my way home through the tears and rain. My fucking car smelled like her. My clothes smelled like her. ‘Well, I can’t burn my car but I can burn the clothes.’ I thought to myself.

When I got home, I didn’t burn the clothes. I threw them in a pile in the basement. I put on my robe and logged into my computer. I typed up a short email to HR. I explained that I had to take an emergency leave of absence for 2 weeks. I couldn’t stand the thought of being anywhere near Stella before she left. Not because I hated her. I think I loved her and it would just hurt too much.

I wept bitterly until I fell asleep.


Stella woke up the next morning, Showered and facetimed her girls. Cindy, her youngest, was still sleeping. Her oldest, Melissa, was a precocious 12 year old and very observant for her age. She could tell something was wrong.

“What’s wrong Mommy?” she said innocently, “you’ve been crying.”

She decided to be honest. Melissa had the biggest bullshit detector ever. “I met a really nice man and it didn’t work out.”

“Did he hurt you Mommy?” Melissa was also very protective.

“No honey. Mommy was the one who hurt him.” She said remorsefully, almost crying.

“Then why are you so sad? He must’ve been bad if you hurt him.”

“He’s a good man honey. I just don’t think it would work out.”

Melissa frowned, “Did you like him Mommy?”

“Yes dear very much.”

“Then why are you on facetime with me? You should be with him.”

“What are you talking about Melissa?

“Nobody has made you happy since Daddy went to heaven. You always say you should be around people that make you happy.” she said very matter of fact. “That’s why you’re always around me and Cindy and Gram and Popa. Family makes you happy.”

Stella looked at Melissa on her tiny phone screen. “Family makes you happy… Family…” she whispered.

“Mommy you’re acting weird. Anyway, Cindy and I are gonna go shopping with Gram. I’ve got to go get Cindy up so we can go. Love you Mommy.”

“I love you too Melissa, give hugs and kisses to Cindy, Gram and Popa for me.”

“I will. Bye bye.” and the screen went black.

‘Family makes you happy.’ Melissa must have the soul of an old philosopher. She had been overthinking everything. ‘The worst thing that could happen is that she finds out she’s not in love with Max or that he’s not in love with her. That’s the only risk.’ Her heart would hurt but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

She’d only been there once before for the party but she remembered where he lived. Hopefully he would forgive her foolishness at least to try things out for the next 2 weeks. If he wouldn’t see reason, maybe he would feel lust and fuck her hard and angry. She wore a white spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of light blue yoga pants. She decided to forgo a bra and wore only the tiniest black g-string that barely covered her pussy lips. She tossed on some sandals and ran out to her car.

‘I have to convince him. I have to. If I hadn’t been so stupid last night, he’d still be in bed with me.’ She thought to herself as she started her car and pulled out of the parking lot.


I woke up and pulled on my robe. I used the bathroom, noted my bloodshot eyes and made my way to the kitchen to start a brew up a pot of stove top espresso. I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t want to eat. The thought of food made me think about Stella and I wanted to start crying again. The espresso made me think of her too but I needed the caffeine. I figured I would beat myself down with yard work. It was an easy distraction and exhausting if I did enough of it.

The pot of espresso finished boiling, I turned off the burner and grabbed a small cup and saucer. I figured I would enjoy it on the patio with the cool morning air. Then there was a knock on my front door. I wasn’t expecting anyone and it was too early for the door to door Latter Day Saints rascals. So, I have to admit that curiosity won out.

I went to the door and opened it. There she was. “Stella?!” I said, sounding a little more shocked that I should’ve, “What are you doing here?” She was wearing a tiny, microfiber white tank top that revealed everything. She clearly wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were visible beneath the thin material. Her light blue yoga pants hugged her curves beautifully. All the emotions from last night came rushing, flooding my mind and I felt everything like a fresh wound. Love, lust, longing, hurt, rage, bitterness. There was a reason I never tell women how I feel. The reason was standing in front of me.

She looked down, a bit of worry and hurt on her face, “Can I come in?” she asked in little more than a whisper.

Without a word. I walked away from the door leaving it open. I grabbed a second cup and saucer, the pot of fresh brewed espresso and moved to the patio door. “Join me for some coffee.” I said with cool detachment. I wasn’t going to betray my emotions to her again but I wasn’t going to be a rude host.

She looked at me, worry coloring her face.

I tried some dark humorous levity and rolled my eyes, “Come on Stella, if I were going to murder you I would’ve done it last night.”

“Oh Max. That’s not what I’m worried about.”

I gestured to the patio door, “Then come sit, have some coffee.”

She shut the front door, slid out of her sandals, followed me to the patio and took the seat cross from me.

“What can I do for you this morning Miss Stella?” I took the cool business approach. I could not risk the hurt I felt the night before. I poured each of us a cup of espresso.

“Max,” she started, her mind searching for the words, “Last night I made a big mistake.”

“I know, I know. You shouldn’t have gotten involved with a co-worked. I get it. It was my mistake too and I won’t let anyone at the office know. I’m not into ruining anyone’s reputation.”

“While I appreciate that. Being with you is not what I regret.” She paused and looked at me imploringly.

After last night, I wasn’t going to budge. I wasn’t going to give in. I gave in last night and it was blinding bitter pain. I sat there blank expression; mute.

“The mistake I made was letting you leave.”

My rage built quickly, “Letting me leave? Or not asking me to stay?

“Not asking you to stay.” she corrected herself. Tears welled up in her eyes.

I was deeply moved, I wanted to bring her to me to hold her. Brush the tears from her eyes and kiss her. Then the pain came back like an alarm and I held firm and cold. “Ok. So why are you here? The way things were left last night. I didn’t think I would hear from you again.”

“You didn’t think you’d hear from me again?” She questioned, “I’m here for 2 more weeks.”

‘Shit!’ I thought to myself. ‘Now I have to tell her about my leave of absence.’ With a sigh I said, “I’m taking a 2 week leave of absence.”

“Two weeks leave,” she said with concern rolling over her face, “Why? Are you sick?”

“Sort of.” I said quickly, sipping the rich dark bitter liquid. “Besides, that way we don’t have to run into each other and make things… Uncomfortable.”

“You’re taking the leave because of me?” she said with desperation, “Please, please don’t do that.”

“Why, you said it was too big a gamble. Seeing you everyday for the next 2 weeks, putting on a fake friendly smile, trying not to take you in my arms to convince you that it would be worth the gamble.” I shook my head bitterly knowing I had lost again. I had given away too much of my soul. My heart was ripping away again, “It would be too hard for me Stella.”

“I was wrong…” she started before I held up a hand.

“Please Stella. I have to ask you to leave.” I stood up and started for the patio door but I was stopped. Stella’s hand had quickly reached out and grabbed my robe.

“Please Max,” she stumbled with clear desperation in her eyes, “I know I hurt you. I know now that I made a huge mistake. Please, please hear me out.” she actually dropped to her knees and begged me.

I offered her my hand and helped her up from the patio. Her swaying breasts were absolutely mesmerizing. I could feel my resolve waning from her words and the raw sexuality oozing from her body. “Ok Miss Stella. I will listen.” I led her into the living room and we sat down on the couch.

” I want to try the 2 weeks and see where it goes.” she blurted out.

To state that I was confused was a little too simplistic, but I couldn’t think of a better word, “I’m really sorry Stella but after last night, why would I trust those words? How do I know that after next Tuesday or Wednesday it won’t be too big a gamble again.”

“I understand your reluctance. If I thought there was a chance of doing that again, I wouldn’t be here this morning.” she said very honestly. “I think I love you Max and I want a chance at that. I know you can’t guarantee that and I don’t expect one, but I want a chance at true love again.”

She looked at me again with her deep brown eyes and started to weep. “I’m so sorry Max. I should’ve made you stay with me. I should’ve loved you with my whole being. We should’ve woken up in each other’s arms this morning. Kissed and made love again and again.” She reached forward, grabbed my hands and kissed them gently, “Please give me another chance.”

I started to tear up and pulled her to me for a long tight embrace, “I think I love you too.” I whispered in her ear, “let’s see where we are after 2 weeks.”

She cupped my face with her hands, kissed both my eyes, my nose and then a long hard passionate kiss on the lips, “Thank you my darling Max. Thank you for understanding and forgiving me.” all pain and worry instantly left her.

“Now where should we start? Well we’ve only got 2 weeks so we better move quickly.” she pulled at the belt of my robe. It opened exposing my naked body beneath. She rolled the robe down off my shoulders. “Oh no,” she frowned with mock disappointment, “He doesn’t look very happy to see me, We’ll fix that.”

She quickly dropped down to the floor between my legs on all fours. She looked me dead in the eyes as she swirled her tongue around the head of my flacid dick. “I love to feel a cock grow big and hard in my mouth.” With that she slurped my member into her mouth. She sucked hard, massaging it with her tongue. My cock grew quickly in her mouth and was now throbbing with every slurp and suck. She was a vision of lust.

She withdrew my cock from her mouth and licked and suck my balls “Stand up and fuck my mouth Daddy.” She purred

I stood up obeying her command. She deftly pulled off her tank top with one quick motion, her tits bouncing and swaying with the quick movement. She put her arms behind her back as her glorious chest stood out proud and firm with a tiny bit of sag. They were a natural glory to behold. She opened wide waiting for me to thrust my cock deep inside her wet warm mouth.

I took my dick in my hand and teased her soft puffy lips with its head. I traced her lips painting them with my pre-cum. She licked her soaked lips with her tongue nudging my cock, moaning with anticipation.

“Put it in my mouth Daddy.” she hissed, “I want you to gag me with it. Show me how you treat naughty girls.”

I was shocked by the dirty talk but I would be lying if I didn’t say it turned me on. “I’ll show you,” I said with a low growl, “I’ll fuck the filth right out of you.” I slammed my cock deep in her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. I heard and felt her gag as it hit home. Then she surprised me even more by pressing into me. She pressed her face all the way down until she nestled her nose into my trimmed pubes.

Then she pulled back, gasping for air. A string of saliva and drool ran between my pulsing cock and her mouth. More ran down her mouth onto outhrust chest. “Punish me more Daddy. I can take it. Grab me by the hair and fuck my mouth. We had to be prim and proper at the restaurant, but I like it sloppy. Make me your sloppy cum slut.”

Jesus, I almost ejacualted from the filth spewing from her mouth. But, I did as I was told. I grabbed her hair and started fucking her mouth. In and out; hard thrusts; her eyes watering running her mascara down her cheeks. When I would pull out she would let more saliva run out of her mouth down her bare breast.

I squatted down, grabbed her luscious tits and pressed my cock between her warm, soft wet globes. I thrusted in and out of them. This whole experience was making me dizzy.

“OOOOHHHHH YYYEEESSSS DADDY! Fuck my pretty tittes.” She looked me in the eyes with burning lust.

I then moved back to her mouth fucking it like a madman. Her moaning and gagging were driving me harder and harder. I looked down at her and noticed that her yoga pants here soaked through at the crotch. I could make out the black triangle of her panties. OH my god, she was getting wet just from the face fucking. I couldn’t hold out any more. “Here it comes, Baby. Remember only good girls swallow after they get punished.” That was it, cum spurted from my head filling her mouth. She just kept sucking and sucking every last drop from my sensitive member. I slumped back on the couch in a heap.

She slithered up between my legs again. Ran her tongue up the length of my shaft then continued up my stomach and chest. Her tits slick with saliva sliding over my cock resting on my chest. Finally, she reached my lips and gave me a lavish kiss. “Did I do good, Daddy?” she purred as she nuzzled her face into my neck.

I reached down with one hand cupping a breast gently pinching the nipple. She squealed with delight. “Wow. Stella baby. That was incredible.” I ran my hand down her tummy and between her thighs. Moving to the wet spot between her legs.

“Oh Daddy. ” she said with a pout, “I made a mess in my pants.” She stood up with her ass facing me and pulled down her pants ever so slowly. She turned around showing off the tiniest black g-string I had ever seen. The smell of her gorgeous sex wafting to my nose.

She stuck out her hand towards mine, “Come on Daddy. You need to help clean your dirty little girl.” She said as she pulled me towards the bathroom. Her butt jiggled seductively with every stride.

I stopped her and said. “Come to the kitchen and sit up on one of the stools. Sit with your ass facing me and slide your pussy just off the edge. Let me clean you with my tongue first.”

“Ohhhhh Daddy. Now who’s naughtly.” she giggled and sat her sultry ass on the stool pulling her panties to the side exposing her asshole and full swollen pussy lips. She looked over her shoulder and begged. “Please Daddy. Clean your dirty girl’s naughty pussy.”

I slid out of my robe and slipped to the floor. I inhaled her musky scent. It made me dizzy with desire. I licked around the outside of her lips and kissed her gorgeous ass cheeks. Then without warning I plunged my tongue as far into her hot little cunt as I could. She was just as delicious as the first taste. I swirled my tongue inside her.

“Oh yes Daddy. Get in there. I need it deep.” she moaned and cooed, squirming on the stool.

I used my arm over the small of her back so I could pull myself deeper inside her. I gently pinched her clit between the thumb and middle finger with my opposite hand. My face was covered in her pussy juice. I pulled my tongue out of her pussy and swirled it around her exposed asshole.

She trembled her legs shaking, “Oh you’re so naughty. That feels incredible.”

I removed my arm from the small of her back and hooked two fingers into her pussy rubbing her G-spot. I kept pinching her clit and rolling it between my thumb and finger. She got so wet, I was in heaven.

She was shaking hard now moaning, “Oh Daddy… I… I’m gonna… EXPLODE! SWEET JESUS YES!” She was gushing down my arms. I moved my mouth beneath her to catch as much as I could. She covered my face and chest and it trickled down my entire body.

She was twitching when I stood up behind her. I grabbed her hips and slowly pushed my rock hard cock deep into her sopping wet twat.

She twisted at the waist and put her arm around my neck and pulled me close for a kiss. She was quivering and whimpering into my mouth. “Oh yes Daddy. Your cock was made for my filthy pussy. Fuck me and fill me with you seed.”

I started pumping into her fast now. I took one hand from her hips and cupped her large swaying breast, pinching her nipple gently. She was breathing hard and I could feel her cunt clench my cock with every thrust. I felt the cum boiling in my balls and her quick breaths told me she was close.


I quickly pressed the small of her back with one hand and reached forward pulling a fistful of hair back with the other. She quivered and shook as I kept fucking her. Her fluids gushing around my cock adding to the mess on the kitchen floor.

“Oh my God Stella…” I whispered in her ear as my cock started spewing jet after jet of my seed deep into her pussy. I wrapped both my arms around her and held her tightly as we panted out our collective orgasm. Sweat dripped down our bodies. I slowly gently pulled my spent cock from her pussy. A smattering of our fluids gushed out and hit the floor.

“WOW!” She said, looking at the Italian tile. “We really fucked up your kitchen. Take me to your bed Max. Let’s snuggle and talk.”

“Of course my dear.” I smiled, realizing what snuggling would lead to but I also wanted to know where her mind was. I scooped her into my arms with ease and carried her to my bed. No doubt leaving a trail of our collective fluids.

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