Pandora's Box Ch. 03b by SexKettle,SexKettle

This story follows on from ‘Pandora’s Box: Chapter 3a’

An Awkward Chat

Dani groaned as the doorbell rang, rolling over in bed and rubbing her eyes. She had been half-awake for about ten minutes now, but the loud clang had now successful destroyed any chance to fall fully asleep again.

“Dani? You awake?” Jake’s muffled voice came through the en-suite door.

“Yeah,” Dani called back blearily, propping herself up on one elbow.

“Can you get that?”

“Who is it?”

“I dunno. Ava isn’t due with Lucas for another half an hour or so.”

“Ugh.” Dani forced herself out of bed. She was naked, and she pulled on some white designer joggers and a loose blue crop top before tottering out of Jake’s room, through the living room, and to the front door. The doorbell rang again as she grasped the handle, and Dani winced at the noise.

“Dani!” Five-year-old Lucas beamed widely as Dani opened the door, rushing through and hugging her around the waist.

“Hey handsome,” Dani smiled, tousling his blond hair as she returned the hug. “How’ve you been?”

“Look what I have!” Lucas held up a plastic dinosaur toy, grinning from ear-to-ear.

“Wow! What’s that one called?”

“It’s a Spinosaurus,” Lucas said proudly, turning it over in his hands.

With all her attention focused on the excitable boy, Dani was caught off-guard by the sound of someone clearing their throat in the doorway. She glanced up and was greeted by the sight of Ava, Lucas’ mom and Jake’s ex. His baby mama.

Ava had a round, pretty face and long, glossy raven black hair. Serious brown eyes pierced into Dani. She was dressed strikingly in black, knee-high boots, black skinny jeans, and a red crop top behind a leather jacket. Ava appeared in decent shape, yet Dani couldn’t help but focus on the tell-tale signs that she had previously been pregnant, evident on her exposed midriff: slightly loose skin surrounded a popped-out belly button, with faded stretch marks and scars wrapped around it. Dani was suddenly self-conscious of the obvious contrast with her smooth, perfectly pristine abs, her own skin tight and unblemished by the trials of pregnancy.

“Is Jake here?” Ava asked in a breathy voice, a hint of irritation clear behind the words.

“Uh, yeah, he’s… on the toilet.”

Lucas clearly thought this was the funniest thing ever and burst out laughing, and Dani stifled a grin at his reaction. But Ava didn’t look as amused.

“Right. So you’re Daniella?” Ava’s eyes flashed up and down Dani’s body, drinking in the appearance of Jake’s sexy, college-aged girlfriend.

“Yeah, that’s me.”

A brief silence followed as Dani and Ava looked at each other awkwardly, Lucas still giggling in the background.

“I… I like your outfit. Are you going somewhere?” Dani asked, attempting to break the ice.

“Out with some friends, yes.”

“Cool. I like your jacket. Where’s it from?”

“I can’t remember. I’ve had it a while.”

“Oh. Right.” Dani sucked air between her teeth. “Well, you can leave Lucas here with me. Jake won’t be long.”

“I’d rather see Jake first,” Ava replied bluntly.

“Oh. Okay.”

Another silence.

“I like your joggers,” Ava said suddenly.

“Oh, really?” Dani’s face lit up. “Thanks! They were super expensive.”

“I bet. Being a stripper at Pandora’s Box pays incredibly well, I hear.”

Dani felt like a bomb had gone off inside her, stunned apprehension gripping her insides and twisting them.

“Excuse me?”

“That’s what you do, isn’t it?” Ava’s hard, judgemental gaze bored into her.

“No. I’m a waitress,” Dani replied indignantly.

“Same thing,” Ava said, shrugging disinterestedly.

“It’s not,” Dani shot back, a spark of anger lighting inside her. “I don’t do that kind of thing.”

“Well, you hear all sorts about that place.”

“I am not a stripper!”

“Don’t take it personally. You’ve got the looks for it.” Ava shrugged. “Plus you’re clearly pretty free and easy about showing off your body.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, do you really think it’s appropriate to dress like that around a little boy?” She gestured at Dani’s half naked appearance with her exposed midriff, joggers riding low on her wide hips, and her plump breasts swelling the small crop top. Without a bra, Dani’s nipples poked clearly through the fabric.

But Dani was shocked. “I’ve just got out of bed! And you weren’t expected for another half an hour!”

“Plans change. I messaged Jake to let him know. If he hasn’t seen it, it’s not my fault.”

“Hey champ!” Jake’s voice boomed through the air, and Dani felt relief flood through her.

“Daddy!” Lucas shouted, running up to Jake and wrapping his arms around his hips. Jake made a growling noise and lifted the laughing boy into his arms, carrying him back towards the door.

“You’re getting real heavy you know!”

“Dani said you were doing a poo!” Lucas grinned.

“I said he was on the toilet!” Dani gasped as Jake started laughing.

“Not to interrupt,” Ava said icily, her voice slicing through the air. “But can I speak with you a moment?” Her question was levelled at Jake. And it wasn’t a question.

Jake’s smile faltered slightly, but he still had an easy-going expression on his face as he walked towards Ava, gesturing for them to talk in the hallway. But Ava shook her head and gestured at Dani.

“No. We’re staying here. She can go somewhere else.”

Dani scoffed indignantly. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”

“Dani’s right,” Jake said, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he defended his girlfriend. “Don’t do that Ava.”

Ava raised her eyebrows. “Seriously Jake?”

Lucas looked a little nervous, his eyes now darting between his parents, and Dani felt a pang of sympathy for the small boy. “It’s fine Jake,” she said, forcing a smile and resting her hand on his arm. “I’ll leave you to it.”

“No. Stay.” Jake replied firmly, his eyes still fixed on Ava.

“Jakey, it’s cool, I swear. I’ll just wait in the bedroom.”

Jake turned his head slightly towards Dani, one eye still on Ava, and huffed. “Alright, fine.”

Dani gave Jake’s arm a little squeeze before turning and pottering into the bedroom. A thin layer of agitation still coated her from Ava’s accusations, but she did her best to quash it as she seated herself on the edge of the bed. Dani picked up her phone and stared at it absent-mindedly. She had hoped to eavesdrop on Jake and Ava, but couldn’t hear anything even after getting up and putting her ear against the door.

Eventually, after a few minutes, Dani heard footsteps approaching. She jumped back and landed heavily on the bed as the door swung open and Lucas charged in, followed by Jake.

“Dani! Dani!” He jumped on the bed next to her, grinning widely. Dani still couldn’t get over how much the small boy looked like Jake.

“Look who’s all excited,” Dani beamed, giving him a friendly shake.

“Dani! We’re going to the waterpark!”

“Wow, that sounds amazing!”

“Are you coming?” Lucas stared at her with his big, blue eyes.

“I’m not sure I can, I haven’t got my swimsuit with me.”

“I have two pairs of trunks! You can borrow one!” Lucas insisted earnestly. “Not the seahorse ones though, those are mine.”

“That’s a sight I’d pay to see,” Jake chuckled from the door.

“How was Ava?” Dani asked, gesturing at the front door as Lucas started absent-mindedly playing with her hair.

“Oh, she’s fine. She’s just stressed about school stuff. Don’t take it personally.”

“Heh. She doesn’t seem to like me much.”

“She’s convinced you’re a stripper at Pandora’s Box. I don’t know where she got that idea from, because it definitely wasn’t me. And, for some reason, nothing I say can convince her otherwise. But that makes you a bad influence, as far as she’s concerned.”

“A bad influence? On Lucas?”

“Both of us, I think,” Jake said, laughing lightly.

“What’s a stripper?” Lucas asked innocently, still tracing Dani’s thick, messy curls through his fingers.

“Lucas, where’s your dinosaur?” Dani asked quickly, hoping to distract the young boy from his questioning.

Lucas shrugged. “I dunno. On the sofa probably. What’s a stripper?”

Dani looked to Jake for help, who was watching them with wry amusement. “Ask your mother. She brought it up, she can tell you.”

“Fine,” Lucas huffed, sliding off the bed to retrieve his toy. Jake took his spot, seating himself beside Dani and combing his fingers through her chestnut tresses.

“What are your plans for today?” he asked softly. “You’re more than welcome to come to the waterpark with us. We can swing by yours and grab your swimsuit.”

“I’d love to,” Dani replied. It was a great day for it — the sun shined brightly outside, illuminating the closed curtains and bathing the bedroom in faded light. “I made plans with Martine though. She’ll go ape if I back out.”

“Ah that’s right,” Jake smirked, “it’s your big girl’s shopping spree, isn’t it?”

“Yep. Highly sacred. No waterpark is more important than that.”

As if on cue, Dani’s phone started to buzz on the nightstand.

“That’ll be her.”

Dani made to stand, but Jake was closer to the phone, and he reached over and passed it to her. Flashing a smile of appreciation, Dani hit the answer button as Lucas tottered back into the room with his plastic dinosaur.

“Morning slut! I’m outside, so get that fat booty of yours out here!” Martine’s excited voice rang out across the room, and Dani flinched at both how loud it was and the realisation that her phone was on speaker.

“Booty!” Lucas grinned, starting to laugh as Jake looked absolutely horrified.

“Damn it!” Dani yelped, mashing her phone screen with her thumb to turn off speaker. She glanced apologetically at Jake, mouthing ‘sorry’ to him as she stood and left the room. Lucas was still giggling madly on the floor, his face alight with mirth.

“Marti, you were on speaker!” Dani gasped, half mortified and half amused.

“Pfft. I’m sure Jake has said far worse to you in bed.”

“No, I mean his kid just heard you say that!”

“Ohhhh.” Dani could hear Martine physically cringe just by the tone of her voice. “Well, that’s not my fault. Shouldn’t leave your phone on speaker.”

“Ugh, Lucas’ mom is gonna freak if he remembers that.”

“I thought you were Lucas’ mom?” Martine quipped, the teasing tone evident in her voice.

“Hilarious,” Dani replied dryly. “Because I totally got pregnant when I was 15.”

“Look, we could discuss the semantics all day long, or you can move your fine butt out here and we can go shopping.”

“I still need to shower. I only woke up like ten minutes ago.”

“We’ll swing by our place then. You can freshen up, then we’ll get going. C’mon, I’m parked on double yellow lines. Move your ass.”

“Okay, I’m coming, I’m coming,” Dani said, rubbing her temple. “I’ll be right down.”

She hung up the phone, and pottered gingerly back into Jake’s room.

“Booty!” Lucas screamed literally the second she entered, laughing with glee.

“Sorry,” Dani winced apologetically at Jake, who was watching his son with his eyes curled upwards in amusement.

“It’s all good. At least he isn’t repeating… the other word.”

“What, ‘morning’?”

“Very funny.”

“Anyway, I’ve gotta go,” Dani said, gathering up her things. “Marti’s outside.”

“Oh.” The sound came from Lucas, who suddenly stopped bouncing and looked up at Dani with wide, sad eyes. “Are you leaving?”

“I’m sorry, Lukey,” Dani said, genuinely remorseful about disappointing the small boy. “I’ll see you very soon, I promise. On daddy’s birthday.”

Lucas nodded slowly, clearly not comforted by this. “But we’re going to the waterpark,” he explained, as if this single fact was an immutable law that would compel Dani to stay.

“I know, Lukey. You’ll have a great time with daddy.”

Lucas looked down at the floor, his arms folded and his bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

“I’ll see you on Saturday?” Dani asked, swinging her bag over her shoulder and stepping up to Jake.

“Of course,” he smiled, as they leaned in and shared a passionate kiss. Jake pressed his hand gently against the back of Dani’s neck, his fingers dancing lightly across her skin, and she exhaled as sparks tingled down her spine.

“EWWWW!” Lucas slammed his hands over his eyes and dived face down onto the bed, ensuring he couldn’t see the sordid display before him.

Both Jake and Dani chuckled as they drew apart, staring deeply at one another with wide and adoring eyes.

“Bye Lucas,” Dani smiled, bending down and giving the small boy a shake on the shoulder.

Lucas just whined wordlessly into the sheets, partly out of disgust for what he had just witnessed and partly still out of disappointment that Dani wasn’t accompanying him to the waterpark.

“Lucas, don’t be rude,” Jake said pointedly as Dani stood back up.

“It’s all good,” she smiled. “Have a good day, you two.”

Brand New Digs

“C’mon, let’s go!” Martine urged, as Dani opened the back door of the battered Toyota they shared and threw her stuff onto the seat.

“Chill, babe” Dani replied, swinging into the passenger seat and securing her seatbelt. “Nobody ever gets tickets down here anyway.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t wanna risk it,” Martine said, glancing in the mirror as she pulled away. “We don’t all have your bundles of cash to pay off tickets.”

“If you get one, I’ll pay it.”

“Now that’s what I expect,” Martine nodded, shooting Dani a cheeky grin. “On that note, have you heard anything from your boss?”

Dani shook her head as they turned onto the main road, and she leaned forward and flicked on the radio. “Still no vacancies, last I heard.”

“Damn it,” Martine sighed. “Surely Pandora’s Box has room for just one more waitress? Like a certain stunning blonde with a killer bod?”

“I really thought they’d be able to squeeze you in,” Dani said, a hint of remorse in her voice. “Olivia left so recently. That vacancy must have been snapped up instantly. Otherwise I never would have promised anything.”

Martine shrugged dismissively. “I appreciate you trying, babe. What happened to her, anyway?”

“Who? Olivia?”


Dani felt a hot flush run through her as she remembered Alma telling her why Olivia, a feisty redhead with cute dimples and a dazzling smile, had been let go from her waitress job at Pandora’s Box.

“She, uh… she got pregnant, actually.”

“Did she really?” Martine said, a knowing smile spreading across her face. “How interesting. Playing Pregnancy Craps, I bet?”

“Heh. How else?”

“Very interesting indeed,” Martine grinned, shooting Dani a sly look.

“Marti, I haven’t played Craps in months.”

“Yeah, because of Jake. Sometimes I wonder how big your belly would be right now if you two hadn’t hit it off.”

“No you don’t,” Dani replied, feeling her heartbeat quicken. She had wondered the same thing herself a couple of times. “Besides, I’m not playing again. I’ve decided. Even if something were to happen with Jake and me.”

“Smart decision,” Martine agreed, occasionally glancing at Dani but with her eyes otherwise fixed on the road. “I thought you enjoyed it though?”

“It’s… it is fun,” Dani admitted, blushing a little. “But it’s just way too risky. I shouldn’t have played it once, let alone twice. I got so lucky. I think Olivia only played three times. It can get you just like that.” She snapped her fingers to emphasise her point.

“Keep your freedom and your body, I think,” Martine nodded, before another cheeky grin materialised on her face. “You’ll have plenty of time to make some babies with Jake anyway.”

“He’s not interested,” Dani said simply, thinking back to their conversation the night before. “And neither am I. Not yet, anyway.”

“Come on, Dani,” Martine said, flashing Dani a knowing smirk. “I saw the way you were gazing wistfully at Ruby yesterday.”

“It’s not real,” Dani insisted, going slightly redder. “It’s just stupid biological urges or whatever. I don’t want a baby.”

Martine nodded in understanding, and for a few seconds there was silence. But then she turned and looked at Dani again.

“You wanna know what I think?”

“I feel like you’ll tell me anyway.”

Martine’s grin grew wider. “I don’t think you want a baby. At least, not just any old baby. But you definitely do want Jake’s baby.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Dani shot back, going crimson in the face as her stomach twisted lightly with butterflies.

“You do!” Martine gasped, before breaking into a cackle. “Oh my God, Dani! That’s so cute!”

“Shut up!” Dani stammered, wishing she wasn’t stuck in the car. “I don’t want to get pregnant, whether it’s Jake’s or not.”

“Liar,” Martine said, her face lit up with glee. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Jake’s a total catch. You’d have such an adorable little family.”

“Marti! Stop!” Dani gulped. An image of her and Jake with a trio of beautiful blond children flashed through her mind, and she desperately quashed it. “I told you, Jake isn’t interested either. He has Lucas already.”

“Bullshit!” Martine exclaimed, her eyes narrowing as she turned to look at Dani. “That boy needs to get his priorities in order. Babe, if I were a boy, I’d be trying to baby trap you ASAP.”

“Shut up Marti,” Dani gasped, unable to stop herself from laughing as Martine’s infectious grin got wider. “I don’t want to get knocked up!”

“I’m serious girl. I’d be trying to stuff a baby into you 24/7. Barefoot and pregnant, all that shit.”

“Stop!” Dani yelped, laughing harder. “Marti, that’s so fucking weird!”

“Got you in a good mood though, right?” Martine smirked. “Alright, fine, you can stay baby-less for now. But considering what we’re buying for you today, I don’t think Jakey boy will be able to resist the urge on Saturday.”

The drive didn’t take long and, a few minutes later, the two girls were back home. Dani unlocked the front door and the two girls stepped through into a student flat that had changed a lot over the past few months.

One of the walls in the main hallway had been knocked out, creating an open-plan layout for the entire apartment. Rather than entering into a long, dark hallway, any visitors to the flat now found themselves in a spacious and well-lit central living space with a similarly open-plan kitchen at the far end.

In addition to this, the flat had received a fresh coat of paint, and virtually all cracks, stains, damp patches and other blemishes had been fixed. The carpets and flooring had all been switched out for more luxurious and more expensive designs, and the bathroom had been improved with a window for natural light and a brand new sink, shower, and toilet.

Lastly, several of the windows in the living room were now replaced with a pair of wide glass doors that opened onto a small balcony, perfect for Martine and Dani to sunbathe on when the weather was good without having to leave the flat.

And all of it had been paid for by Dani.

She had kept the secret of her newfound wealth from Martine for several months after starting at Pandora’s Box. Even after coming clean the guilt had continued to gnaw away at her. As such, she had committed to nothing less than a complete renovation of the entire apartment to make amends, transforming it from dingy student digs into a modern, first-rate apartment. True, their landlord had jacked up the rent considerably in response. But Dani was easily able to foot the bill for this as well, and the two girls now possessed by far the fanciest housing of any in their social circle.

“Be quick,” Martine urged as the door closed behind them. “The mall will be heaving once everyone gets off work, so we gotta get there pronto.”

“I’ll be at least 45 minutes,” Dani admitted. “Go sunbathe on the balcony or something.”

“I still haven’t got used to you saying that,” Martine grinned, heading through to the living room. “And I’ll be thinking of you the entire time.”

Dani hopped into the bathroom and, despite Martine’s request to be quick, savoured her hot shower before padding through to her room and drying off. Although it was midday, she and Martine were still hitting the town, and this called for a bit of effort.

Dani donned her favourite lavender panties before sorting her hair, drying it and then carefully curling it to achieve the wavy look she adored so much. Her long brown locks tended to naturally flow this way, so no great deal of exertion was required. A light brush of makeup followed, with Dani applying black eyeliner and a hint of rosy, red lipstick. Finally she was fully dressed in her outfit for the day: a black, lace-up front, halter crop top; black denim booty shorts; and black ankle boots.

Dani wasn’t wearing a bra, as the halter top mostly negated the need for one, not to mention her fit looked much better without it. The enticing, round curves of her bulbous breasts were clearly visible, pressed together behind the garment’s laced, central-running seam. Her flat, tight abs flexed gently in the exposed gap between the hem of the top and the waistband of the shorts.

The shorts themselves were comfortable yet figure-hugging. Every inch of Dani’s perky, perfectly-shaped bubble butt was accentuated through the material, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination, and her toned, firm legs stretched for miles beneath.

As was tradition, Dani couldn’t help but snap a few mirror selfies, resolving to post the best ones on Instagram later. She knew she looked hot as hell, and she felt a small spark of excitement at the prospect of dazzling the shopping centre with Martine. Being an incorrigible cocktease for all the staff and customers was really half the fun.

Dani picked out the best selfie — the one that displayed her deep cleavage and plump ass the best — and sent it to Jake, along with a teasing little message:

Look what ur missing out on xxx

Slipping her phone into her bag, Dani strutted into the living room, where Martine was already stood up and ready.

“Damn, girl,” she grinned, her eyes wandering down Dani’s body, taking in her look. “Looking fine as hell. Almost as fine as me.”

Martine’s blonde tresses, just as long and luscious as Dani’s brunette curls, were styled in a beautiful prom ponytail, and she’d added a touch of black eyeliner and pink lipstick. Her own outfit was cute and simple: a yellow and white, checked, tie front crop top; matching high waisted skirt; and white, knee high boots. Her long, tanned legs extended beneath the short skirt, and her small but perky breasts jutted against the material of the top — Martine, too, had decided to go braless today.

“Come here, babe,” Martine said, pulling out her phone and holding it up in front of her face. “We’re too damn hot to not get this on camera.”

Dani giggled, swaggering forwards and leaning into her best friend while she snapped photo after photo, the two girls posing suggestively and teasingly.

“I hope some dirty old men see these,” Martine giggled as she posted them to her own Instagram. “Get ’em all worked up.”

“They’ll be plenty of them at the mall,” Dani smirked as the girls pranced towards the door, confidence and glamour radiating from them both.

“True enough,” Martine said, as she held the door open. “Let’s go blow some minds.”

Dani could only grin, especially as she looked down at her phone and read Jake’s reply:

Now I really wish you’d come to the waterpark xxx

Sexy Shopping Spree

The next few hours passed quickly for Dani and Martine. Once they arrived at the mall, there was no shortage of things for them to do. They browsed jewellery, makeup, and especially clothes, snapping up as many sales as they possibly could. Stares from men of all ages followed them lustfully wherever they went, and the two hot college girls revelled in the attention with barely-suppressed glee.

After a quick break to catch a bite at the food court and check out the arcade they eagerly resumed their hunt, bouncing from shop to shop. Martine had certainly done her research; she was like a tracker dog, leading them from one discount to the next in quick and rapid succession. By the early evening, both Dani and Martine were laden with half a dozen bags each. But there was still one final stop they had to make.

“Here we go,” Martine said cheerily, as they stopped outside a particularly risqué-looking retailer.

“You’re sure they’ll have what I’m looking for?” Dani asked, peering through the window.

“Absolutely,” Martine said, flashing a grin. “If it isn’t here, we won’t find it anywhere.”

The two girls entered and found themselves in a well-lit space garishly adorned with pink neon decorations. Sex toys and erotic lingerie lined the shelves, and a number of hourglass mannequins were set up to showcase some of the fancier sets. Dani allowed herself to smile, satisfied with what she could see. This was perfect.

“How about these?” Martine asked, immediately grabbing a lingerie set off its hanger and showing it to Dani. “Crotchless panties.”

“I don’t think so,” Dani answered. “Not really what I’m going for.”

“Babe, Jake’s gonna lose his mind if you come out wearing these.”

“I don’t wanna give anything away too early. It’s supposed to be slow and sexy. It defeats the point if he can see my punani straight away.”

“Do you two need any help?” One of the retail workers — an attractive girl with jet black hair and brown skin — had approached from behind, smiling helpfully. Her employee badge displayed her name clearly — Alanah.

“Just browsing, thank you,” Dani replied politely, returning the smile, but Martine dived in front of her.

“My bestie’s looking for some killer lingerie. She wants to surprise her boyfriend.”

“That’s sweet,” Alanah said, smiling at them both. “We get that quite a lot. Is it a big occasion?”

“Yeah, it’s his birthday,” Dani nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. She was a fairly outgoing girl, but something about this just felt too private to discuss with a stranger.

“Oh? A big one?”

“Not really. But it’s his first birthday while we’ve been together, so I’d like to make it… uh…” Dani trailed off, blushing a little. What did she want to make it? Sexy? Special?

“A night he won’t forget,” Martine finished, shooting Dani a wink.

“Right this way,” Alanah said, beckoning for the two girls to follow. “We have some real good stuff on the back row.”

She led them to a small space at the back of the shop, with a number of tantalising and colourful lingerie sets on display.

“So, is there anything in particular you’re looking for?”

“Um, I’m not sure… see I… I wanna perform a… a striptease for him.” Dani’s voice progressively quietened as she spoke, the last few words barely above a whisper.

But Alanah just nodded as if she’d heard it a million times before — which she probably had. “Most of these sets are pretty easy to remove, once you know how to. So it mostly comes down to personal preference. How do you feel about these?” She pulled a sheer bra and panties set off a hanger, holding it up clearly for Dani to see.

“A little too revealing,” Dani frowned, shaking her head. “I wanna keep the good bits hidden until everything’s off. Otherwise there’s no build-up.”

“We could always throw in some extra bits for coverage? Like nipple tassels?”

“I don’t think so,” Dani replied, shaking her head again. “I don’t want it to seem too silly. I want it to be sexy.”

“Not a problem.” Alanah placed the sheer set back on the hanger and, after a few moments of searching, she held up a purple corset. “How about this? Lots more coverage.”

Dani sucked air between her teeth. “I really like the colour. But I’d like to show a little more skin than that.”

Martine snickered from the side. “First one was too revealing. Second one isn’t revealing enough. Daniella Cruz, ladies and gentlemen.”

“Shush you,” Dani responded playfully, giving her friend a soft slap on the arm. Then, realising she may actually be annoying Alanah with her requests, she turned to her and sheepishly apologised.

“It’s all good,” Alanah replied. “It’s not something you wanna rush.”

“She just wants to make sure he can see her sexy abs from the get-go,” Martine interjected again.

“I said shush,” Dani shot back with a smirk.

“Fine, I’ll… oh hey, Dani, what about this one?” Martine grabbed a new set off the wall and held it up.

“Good choice!” Alanah said, turning to look at Dani. “Thoughts?”

Dani peered at the set and, after a few studious seconds, she allowed a small smile to creep across her face.

“That one’s good. Yeah… I like it! Does the bra come in a G-cup?”

“It certainly does. What are your measurements?”

“37 bust, 24 waist, 38 hips. 30G cup size.”

“Great,” Alanah replied, committing the figures to memory. “I’ll be right back.” She disappeared into the store room while Martine looked at Dani with a salacious smirk on her face.

“You’re gonna look so fucking fit in that. Jake’s head is gonna explode.”

It took only a few minutes for Alanah to return, holding Dani’s chosen set. “Try it on,” she said, passing it to Dani. “There’s a dressing room just through the back there.”

Dani took the set and slipped through into the changing room. Nearly ten minutes passed before she re-emerged, grinning widely from ear to ear.

“I love it! It’s literally perfect!”

“Great stuff!” Alanah nodded. “I’ll ring it up for you.” She took the lingerie from Dani and headed for the till. Dani made to follow until something else caught her attention out the corner of her eye. Her mind flashed back to the previous night with Jake, and a tiny, delighted smile lit up her face.

“What is it?” Martine asked curiously, following Dani’s gaze. When she saw what her best friend had focused on, her mouth dropped open.

“Dani! Are you looking at what I think you’re looking at?”

Still grinning, Dani stepped forward wordlessly and grasped a pair of pink, fluffy handcuffs. Exactly what Jake had wanted to try out.

Next to her, Martine literally squealed with mirth, covering her mouth with her hands. “Dani! Handcuffs?! You naughty, naughty girl!”

Her outburst prompted most of the store to look around, but Dani barely cared as she stared down at the cuffs, arousal pumping through her. They were perfect, the cherry on top. How could she not buy them?

Glancing at Martine with her wide grin, Dani turned and strutted to the front desk, placing the cuffs down in front of Alanah next to her lingerie set.

“I’ll get these as well, please.”

Cake and Lingerie

Dani fidgeted nervously on the curb as she waited for Jake to pick her up. Although she was excited to give him his birthday surprise, her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of it. What if he thought it was stupid? What if she made a fool of herself? She tapped her fingers against her thigh, her eyes darting up every time she heard a car engine. She had been thinking about this all day.

She had deliberately dressed in clothes she knew Jake liked: a pair of tight, navy blue dolphin shorts that hugged her ass, and a white tank crop top that clung to her round, full breasts. It wasn’t a particularly complex outfit, but it left plenty of skin on display and Dani knew it would get her boyfriend’s pulse racing.

Eventually, headlights flashed at the end of the road, and Jake pulled up in front of her. He flashed a grin at her through the window, and in an instant Dani’s anxieties dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

“Hey, troublemaker,” Jake said, getting out to help Dani with her bags. “Need a ride?”

“How could I say no?” Dani smiled back, and she threw her arms around him and stood on her tiptoes to give him a long, intense kiss. “Happy birthday, baby,” she whispered as she pulled back, raking her fingers through his blond hair.

“Thanks, babe,” Jake replied softly, his arms wrapped around Dani’s bare waist. He had noticed her shorts upon arrival, and had to resist the urge to move his hand down and grab a handful of her perfect butt.

“How was your day? Parents all good? Did Lucas behave himself?”

“Good, yes, and yes… mostly,” Jake chuckled. “I’ll tell you in the car. Here, let me give you a hand.” He reached out for the closest of Dani’s two bags, a large red case.

“Not that one!” Dani yelped, grabbing his arm. He turned to look at her, eyebrows raised, and she met his gaze, her large hazel eyes wide and earnest. “Not that one,” she repeated softly, stroking her fingers along his skin.

“Okay. Why?” There was a teasing undertone to Jake’s question.

Dani swallowed. The red case had all the important stuff in it. The cake she’d made him, the handcuffs, and the lingerie. He obviously wouldn’t know that just from carrying it two metres to the car. But she didn’t want to take the risk.

“It’s just… the other one is heavier. And you’re stronger than me. Just makes sense, you know?”

“I suppose it does,” Jake said, squinting at Dani with an amused smirk on his face. She gulped. He knew something was up. But he said no more about it and dutifully grabbed her main case, placing it carefully in the boot.

Within half an hour they were back at Jake’s place. He’d had a busy birthday so far — going out to celebrate with his buddies the night before had translated into a heavy hangover, which he had soldiered through to spend the day itself with his parents and Lucas. Now, however, he was ready to spend the rest of the evening with Dani. They had dinner plans for tomorrow, but tonight? Tonight they weren’t leaving the house.

“Happy birthday!” Dani grinned, presenting the cake she had made. She’d never been much of a chef, but had put in a lot of effort this once and it showed.

“Oh my God,” Jake chuckled, looking the cake over. “That thing’s huge. Where did you get it?”

“Who says I bought it?”

“You… made it?”

“Uh-huh! Do you like it?”

“Babe, I love it,” Jake smiled, fully aware of Dani’s adversity with cooking and feeling genuinely a little touched. “How long did it take you?”

“Uh, a little while. To be honest, that was actually my second attempt too. But it doesn’t matter.” Dani waved a hand dismissively across her face. She walked up to Jake and wrapped her arms around his broad back again, pulling herself towards him. This time, Jake allowed himself to plant his hands on her firm buttocks. Her soft tits pressed into his chest like pillows, her yawning chasm of cleavage opened up beneath him.

“I made it just for you, baby,” she smiled, tracing her fingers along his back. She could feel his taut muscles beneath his clothes. “And I filled it with all the good stuff. Cocoa. And butter. And cream.” Dani emphasised each word, her full lips working to release every sound as seductively as possible.

“I’m a lucky guy,” Jake whispered back, and they leaned in for another long, passionate snog. For a while the only sound was the gentle smacking of lips and the rustling of fabric as boyfriend and girlfriend petted and rubbed against each other. Jake squeezed Dani’s butt through her shorts, and she responded by leaning into him even more, squashing her boobs against his steel pecs.

“You try some,” Dani said softly, pulling back. “I’m gonna go freshen up. I won’t be long.”

“Make sure you’re not,” Jake grinned, giving Dani’s ass a soft smack as she sauntered towards the bedroom.

Dani locked the door behind her and, with her hands shaking a little, she reached into her red case. She wasn’t planning on doing her striptease just yet, but the breath caught in her throat nevertheless as she drew out the lingerie she had bought. A small smile spread appeared on her face as she looked it over again — it was perfect.

Flashing a nervous glance at the bedroom door, despite it being locked, Dani stepped into the en-suite and began to strip off her clothing. Once she was completely naked, she began to don her purchase. It took between five and ten minutes to ensure that everything was on correctly but, once the hard work was done, Dani looked up to check herself out in the mirror. Her stomach fluttered and a salacious grin spread across her face at what she saw.

Dani’s long, sun-kissed legs were enveloped in a pair of sheer lace stockings, her smooth calves and muscular thighs snug in their silky embrace. From there, suspenders connected the stockings to a dark purple lace garter belt that was secured comfortably around her tight, slim waist. Clinging beneath this to her wide hips, groin, and gloriously plump ass was a pair of matching panties, and completing the look was a matching lace bra.

Dani’s huge breasts strained against the bra, the soft and inviting tissue pushing the fabric out firmly while her extensive and ample cleavage dominated between the two cups. The garment was transparent for the most part, but clever patterning just about concealed her small, pink nipples from view. Dani did a small twirl to inspect the other side, marvelling at how her round bubble butt popped out from her lean, athletic frame, each perfect cheek barely contained behind the soft material.

Dani turned back to face the mirror properly, a charge shooting through her entire body as she fluffed up her flowing, burnished tresses and pulled a couple of sexy poses. She had already applied her makeup earlier, giving her dazzling, doe-like eyes a dark, sultry smoulder and her full, glossy lips a rouged glow. Dani pouted at herself in the mirror, fluttering her long, sweeping eyelashes — she looked incredible and she knew it. A burst of confidence fired through her, scattering the anxiety that had been lurking in the background previously.

Jake was going to love this.

Satisfied with her look, Dani left the en-suite and quickly pulled some clothes over the lingerie. The garter belt and stockings were much more than she was used to, and Dani felt a little stiff as she left the bedroom, hoping Jake wouldn’t notice anything funny.

“How’s the cake?” Dani asked casually, stepping back into the living room.

“I thought I’d wait for you,” Jake replied, gesturing to the two slices he had cut out for them. Dani held her breath as Jake suddenly regarded her with a look of suspicion, his eyes darting down her body. “What’s up, babe?”

“Wh-what do you mean?” Dani stammered, shifting uneasily under his gaze. “Everything’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“What’s with the top?”

“The… the top?”

“Yes. The top.” An amused smirk drifted lazily across Jake’s face, the same look he gave her whenever he knew she was trying to hide something or she was acting strange. “And the jeans. You’re wearing an awful lot of clothing compared to normal.”

Dani cursed under her breath. She had to wear a normal top to cover the garter belt that clung to her navel, and the jeans to hide the stockings. She had convinced herself that Jake wouldn’t notice. Despite the fact that she wore crop tops and showed off her legs virtually all the time.

“What’s up, Dani?” Jake repeated, his smirk growing wider. “Did you find a millimetre of fat on your tummy or something? Did one of your abs disappear?”

“Hilarious,” Dani said dryly, her heart beating faster in her chest. “I just felt like… I’m just a little chilly. It’s no big deal.”

“Right.” Jake was utterly unconvinced. It was such a small change, yet so out of the ordinary. Dani loved every part of her tight, gym-toned body and showed as much of it off as often as possible. It didn’t take a genius to realise something was up. “Come here.” He patted the empty seat next to him on the sofa.

Dani padded over and gingerly sat down. She could feel the suspenders squeezing her upper thighs, and she sat stiffly to stop the garter belt from digging into her ribs. Jake took her small hands in his own, engulfing them completely.

“You sure everything’s cool? You’re not going through some kind of body dysmorphia shit?” He gave her hands a soft squeeze.

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